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How Did You Meet Your Wife / Girlfriend

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As a matter of interest and with any marriage that can go either way, is the answer not to put the Condo/House in both names.I will gamble on 50% rather loosing 100%


As a matter of interest and with any marriage that can go either way, is the answer not to put the Condo/House in both names.I will gamble on 50% rather loosing 100%

Not divorced yet I take it.smile.png


As a matter of interest and with any marriage that can go either way, is the answer not to put the Condo/House in both names.I will gamble on 50% rather loosing 100%

Do you give a lot of money to sick horses' charities?


I don't understand why some guys buy property in their wife's name. Doesn't make sense anywhere because if you have a problem in your marriage your ass is screwed. But I guess some guys have money to lose. Glad it's not mine.


I don't understand why some guys buy property in their wife's name. Doesn't make sense anywhere because if you have a problem in your marriage your ass is screwed. But I guess some guys have money to lose. Glad it's not mine.

I think the point was if you are married in the West it does not make any difference. In Thailand you can't put land in your name. So....


I don't understand why some guys buy property in their wife's name. Doesn't make sense anywhere because if you have a problem in your marriage your ass is screwed. But I guess some guys have money to lose. Glad it's not mine.

Perhaps you should read more here about ''your'' rights. If you want to be totally safe in a Condo not knowing who will live the other side of your adjoining wall at any time, well, thats your decision.

I dont have a lot of money.Whats the point?

Betting on how much you could get back after a divorce would be a safe bet, just like the gee gees. With the courts' general leanings towards the "hard done-by female" I wouldn't bet on 50%..... nor do I bet on the nags either.


Honest, non-judgmental answer.

yep.. honesty is not something you'll encounter much on this forum when asking such a question.

I think you need to ask yourself a very simple question:

If you were married to a woman in your home country, would you put the house you lived in together solely in her name?

If the answer is yes, then by all means proceed.

It does not so much matter whether your wife is Thai, English, etc. More of a question of "What type of person is she"?

If you met her in a bar in Pattaya or the relationship has predominantly centered around money then I would advise against it.

I will still never understand the need for western men to buy a house in this country. Why invest your hard earned cash in a place that does not recognize your right to ownership?

If you already own a house in your home country, then rent it out and use those funds to pay the rent on a house over here. You achieve the same end, but without all the worries of losing your investment.

Owning a house is redundant if you don't actually own it.

What difference does it make in your home country who owns the house when you get a divorce?

I don't know how things work in every Western country. Even within the US each state is slightly different. My state is called a "community property" state which means that automatically a wife and I would own everything jointly. That would be the house, cars, retirement accounts, banks accounts, household furnishings - everything. A pre-nuptial agreement can even protect against that if one has a lot more wealth than the other.

Upon divorce we would need to split everything 50/50. That might mean selling the house to split it. If there were minor children I would have to pay child support, but that would vary with our relative incomes. If she was a doctor and I was a day laboror, I might pay nothing.

The sole exception might be the house, but most people have a mortgage. If so and she was awarded the house, she would have to make the payments thereafter. She would do that from her own salary perhaps aided by my child support payments. My child support payments dictated by law would end when the kids turned 18. If I thereafter decided to help them with college that would be my choice. No parent is required to help a child with college. Some can't.

Many men feel ripped off because they are poor due to making child support payments. Fortunately, mine were well grown and I didn't pay that, but I would not have felt ripped off taking care of my own kids.

Getting divorced here is NOTHING like Thailand where the house(s) are in the name of the wife and the relatives. Yes, here you have to split your assets and live on one income and maybe pay child support which makes you feel and be poorer, but the same thing happens to the wife. She has to use your support payments to pay for the house and raise the kids.

It is for a fact different and I will never put a house or anything else solely in the name of a Thai woman or any other woman in any country.


You have two issues here and interestingly, although at first read seem to be related are in fact not related at all. One issue is about leaving your house to your wife and the other where you met your wife. I would answer it this way..suppose you were both born and bred in UK, Oz, USA, etc., etc. AND, the property laws were such that should the marriage fail, or the wife die, then everything goes to the wife's estate. Then the question becomes one of would you do that? I wouldn't . Got nothing to do with where you met but everything to do with property laws of the land.


It seems to me that there's a lot of double standards here. In the West, in case of a divorce, the wife get's 50%. So assuming the house is Gbp 200,000, the wife gets Gbp 100,000. Fair, right?

Here in Thailand, a house will ONLY cost you what, Gbp 30,000? And some of you guys, want all the advantages and conveniences of having a wife and yet not willing to let her have this miserly Gbp 30,000 in case you get divorced? Seems very unfair on the Thai lady, if you ask me.

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It seems to me that there's a lot of double standards here. In the West, in case of a divorce, the wife get's 50%. So assuming the house is Gbp 200,000, the wife gets Gbp 100,000. Fair, right?

Here in Thailand, a house will ONLY cost you what, Gbp 30,000? And some of you guys, want all the advantages and conveniences of having a wife and yet not willing to let her have this miserly Gbp 30,000 in case you get divorced? Seems very unfair on the Thai lady, if you ask me.

cheesy.gif , so 30,000 pounds is an ''only'' to you. cheesy.gif What a plumb.
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I donno why we're disscussing this topic over and over again ?! Search the old threads and you will find tens of threads disscussing the same thing !!


well i met my partner 8yrs ago in a sleezy bar in Chiang Mai.

Immediately saw that she was an angel fish in a turd bowl, so yanked her out of it pronto..

now we're happier than ever & everything is in her name.


Good luck for you and your wife, I hope you do not have big life insurance or your angel may turn to an angel of death just like another poor man that was shot a number of times not so long ago, set up by his wife and others,,,

It seems to me that there's a lot of double standards here. In the West, in case of a divorce, the wife get's 50%. So assuming the house is Gbp 200,000, the wife gets Gbp 100,000. Fair, right?

Here in Thailand, a house will ONLY cost you what, Gbp 30,000? And some of you guys, want all the advantages and conveniences of having a wife and yet not willing to let her have this miserly Gbp 30,000 in case you get divorced? Seems very unfair on the Thai lady, if you ask me.

cheesy.gif , so 30,000 pounds is an ''only'' to you. cheesy.gif What a plumb.

In the west my wife got 100% of the home ...... 400kUKP

If I'd had 50%, then I could afford to give my latest 30kUKP

But I didn't, so I can't.


many men here meet g/f /wife at bar, i really don't understand how you can call a prostitute your g/f / wife because she is up for sale to anybody who has money for pay short time,,, can any one tell the truth to your family that your new wife, g/f is a prostitute and i was customer number 4 that night?


many men here meet g/f /wife at bar, i really don't understand how you can call a prostitute your g/f / wife because she is up for sale to anybody who has money for pay short time,,, can any one tell the truth to your family that your new wife, g/f is a prostitute and i was customer number 4 that night?

So how many ladies have you had your way with for no payment ?

Did all these ladies you fooled with tell their future hubby and family what you//they got up too.?

Perhaps you think working girls have a previous employment tattoo on their butt. rolleyes.gif


many men here meet g/f /wife at bar, i really don't understand how you can call a prostitute your g/f / wife because she is up for sale to anybody who has money for pay short time,,, can any one tell the truth to your family that your new wife, g/f is a prostitute and i was customer number 4 that night?

I never thought about that. What made you think of that?

You must just be more sensitive and considerate than me; I try not to think about other people's wives and girlfriends, or their relationships.


many men here meet g/f /wife at bar, i really don't understand how you can call a prostitute your g/f / wife because she is up for sale to anybody who has money for pay short time,,, can any one tell the truth to your family that your new wife, g/f is a prostitute and i was customer number 4 that night?

Simple. They can pay for more then the short time. That's how you claim bragging rights. No money ? Tough, suck it up :P


It seems to me that there's a lot of double standards here. In the West, in case of a divorce, the wife get's 50%. So assuming the house is Gbp 200,000, the wife gets Gbp 100,000. Fair, right?

Here in Thailand, a house will ONLY cost you what, Gbp 30,000? And some of you guys, want all the advantages and conveniences of having a wife and yet not willing to let her have this miserly Gbp 30,000 in case you get divorced? Seems very unfair on the Thai lady, if you ask me.

cheesy.gif , so 30,000 pounds is an ''only'' to you. cheesy.gif What a plumb.

Fine, take one zero off if you like but that's not the issue. Very simply, houses in the west are much much more expensive than here. No matter how you look at it, you will get off much more lightly here than in the west so why would you deprive your "loved" one so?

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It seems to me that there's a lot of double standards here. In the West, in case of a divorce, the wife get's 50%. So assuming the house is Gbp 200,000, the wife gets Gbp 100,000. Fair, right?

Here in Thailand, a house will ONLY cost you what, Gbp 30,000? And some of you guys, want all the advantages and conveniences of having a wife and yet not willing to let her have this miserly Gbp 30,000 in case you get divorced? Seems very unfair on the Thai lady, if you ask me.

cheesy.gif , so 30,000 pounds is an ''only'' to you. cheesy.gif What a plumb.

In the west my wife got 100% of the home ...... 400kUKP

If I'd had 50%, then I could afford to give my latest 30kUKP

But I didn't, so I can't.

You must be a very terrible person and did very terrible things to lose 100%


At a Wedding party, somewhere on Sukhumvit road, soi 63????...35 years ago - ; mia noi business; for a least 20 years. TiT


met her when i was walking past the "star of light",she had just finished her job as a polisher and was on her way to meet her cousin who was undertaking a similar apprenticeship at the "kangaroo bar", a virgin i dont know, but she did a wonderful job on finishing the wall unit.


many men here meet g/f /wife at bar, i really don't understand how you can call a prostitute your g/f / wife because she is up for sale to anybody who has money for pay short time,,, can any one tell the truth to your family that your new wife, g/f is a prostitute and i was customer number 4 that night?

So how many ladies have you had your way with for no payment ?

Did all these ladies you fooled with tell their future hubby and family what you//they got up too.?

Perhaps you think working girls have a previous employment tattoo on their butt. rolleyes.gif

That you even need to ask such a ridiculous question speaks volumes about your character....

So then, how many ladies have you paid to have sex with? You are right that prostitutes dont have a previous employment tattoo on thier asses,though in your case it sounds like that could come in handy. There are many, many men in Thailand that dont have to pay for sex. Yes, thats right there are women out there, even in Thailand that like to have sex just becuase it feels good and they are actually attracted to the other person!!!!! Oh, you may need to go on a couple of dates and even buy them dinner THE SLUTS!!! ?Thats right, just like in America, England or even Germany a woman likes to be taken out and shown a good time...that may involve you footing the bill, and it may not. I have had to pay , had situations where its split 50/50 and been taken out and paid for by the woman...you see its not all black and white. Not all women are the same, not all women are out to take you for a ride ( well at least not in the way you are probably thinking)

Hey, dont get me wrong having the option to pay for sex when needed is a good one. Just dont get the normal process of meeting people of the opposite sex mixed up with what happens in a go go bar. A lot of men in Thailand lose perspective. And yes there are working girls in night clubs and other places to...infact you can meet them at Lotus. If you dont have a decent enough bullshit detector to spot a working girl then i pity you. Must mean you get the normal process of meeting women mixed up with the transaction required to buy a working girls time. Like the guys you see walking around Sukhumvit holding their short time girlfriends hand as if its....what? I have no freaking clue, but are they not aware of how ridiculous it looks?

Heres to all the blokes out there that have a good Thai woman in their lives. Dont let all the negative rants on this and other such forums get to you.


It seems to me that there's a lot of double standards here. In the West, in case of a divorce, the wife get's 50%. So assuming the house is Gbp 200,000, the wife gets Gbp 100,000. Fair, right?

Here in Thailand, a house will ONLY cost you what, Gbp 30,000? And some of you guys, want all the advantages and conveniences of having a wife and yet not willing to let her have this miserly Gbp 30,000 in case you get divorced? Seems very unfair on the Thai lady, if you ask me.

cheesy.gif , so 30,000 pounds is an ''only'' to you. cheesy.gif What a plumb.

In the west my wife got 100% of the home ...... 400kUKP

If I'd had 50%, then I could afford to give my latest 30kUKP

But I didn't, so I can't.

You must be a very terrible person and did very terrible things to lose 100%

In countries where women have the vote it is called. "No Fault" divorce or words close to that. It is not necessary to establish fault to get a divorce.ermm.gif


It seems to me that there's a lot of double standards here. In the West, in case of a divorce, the wife get's 50%. So assuming the house is Gbp 200,000, the wife gets Gbp 100,000. Fair, right?

Here in Thailand, a house will ONLY cost you what, Gbp 30,000? And some of you guys, want all the advantages and conveniences of having a wife and yet not willing to let her have this miserly Gbp 30,000 in case you get divorced? Seems very unfair on the Thai lady, if you ask me.

I take it you have never got a divorce in the West?

  • Like 1

It seems to me that there's a lot of double standards here. In the West, in case of a divorce, the wife get's 50%. So assuming the house is Gbp 200,000, the wife gets Gbp 100,000. Fair, right?

Here in Thailand, a house will ONLY cost you what, Gbp 30,000? And some of you guys, want all the advantages and conveniences of having a wife and yet not willing to let her have this miserly Gbp 30,000 in case you get divorced? Seems very unfair on the Thai lady, if you ask me.

I take it you have never got a divorce in the West?

Did, in the UK. (Ex) wife received 50% of assets

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