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Condom Broke

steve o

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hello guys

ok this is my problem i whent short time with a girl from super baby but she was veray dry and the the condom broke in the last 5 mins it tore at the side at the top. ok so now i am shiting it because of hiv the girl told me not to worry because all the girls have a test once a month at super baby and super girl can any one confirm this ?. i whent to the docs and he said come back in 3 months for an test because thats how long it takes to show up in your blood is this true ?. does any one now how bad hiv aids in pattaya is i have a wife back in england and the last thing i whant to do is give it to her. i am asking you guys because you seem to know the score in thailand

thanks steve o. :o

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hello guys

ok this is my problem i whent short time with a girl from super baby but she was veray dry and the the condom broke in the last 5 mins it tore at the side at the top. ok so now i am shiting it because of hiv the girl told me not to worry because all the girls have a test once a month at super baby and super girl can any one confirm this ?. i whent to the docs and he said come back in 3 months for an test because thats how long it takes to show up in your blood is this true ?. does any one now how bad hiv aids in pattaya is i have a wife back in england and the last thing i whant to do is give it to her. i am asking you guys because you seem to know the score in thailand

thanks steve o. :D

It is true that many places do carry out tests from my understanding from friends who "own" establishments :o However if a girl tests positive then she just moves on to another beer bar / gog go bar. then moves again and again. There seems to be no stigma attached to girls with STDs or HIV. THEY OFTEN KNOW WHO IS HIV POSITIVE BUT THEY ARE AFRAID OF THE CONSEQUENCES OF "SAYING ANYTHING" or telling farangs.

On the positive side do a search on google and statistically HIV in Thailand and Phillipines is not the highest in the world. Also in Thailand the highest percentage of HIV in prostitutes is in the ones who "service" poorer Thais, truckers, Army conscripts etc.

It takes 12 weeks incubation for want of another word before you can carry out accurate tests although again searches on medical sites will tell you infection can show up in as little as 6 to 7 weeks.

All UK hospitals have confidential almost anonymous STD clinics so there is no need to go to your GP on your return but just book tests direct with the clnics in the hospitals.

Maybe come clean with the wife or find an excuse to use condoms on your return to UK until you get the all clear

Not much help i am afraid but lol :D

Edited by maprao
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It is a fact that it can take up to 3 months to show up in a test, I once attened a seminar that explained it in detail and it was facinating.

The best thing to do, if you can, is to be honest with your wife, just in case. On the plus side, HIV/AIDS is not as rampant in Thailand as many other places.

Best of luck.

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Got a choice - tell wife or not shag her for a few months. Also just because someone is tested on a regular basis doesnt mean shi*te. Say the lady in question had a hiv test and was negative. Slept with few lads w/HIV w/out condom - window is 2-3months, then slept with you. She's clean, but two months later shows up positive.

Hope for the best and goodluck! :o

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I am not encouraging bare backs, but in this case, the chance of getting HIV is nearly 0. First of all, she needs to have HIV for you to have HIV.

The HIV rate in working girls in Thailand vary from reports by different organizations, but overall unbiased experts predict about 5% but these include all the Thai brothels, so I would think Super baby and the agogos have much lower rate, because almost all of them use protection.

Then HIV transmission in one single contact. The transmission rate also very very low. This is proven fact. Although there is no absolute data, but many organizations believe its less than 0.3 %.

Then you only have a brief contact, and her vagina was very try, that even reduces the rate if assume she is HIV positive.

So I would not worry for this kind of mishap. In reality the chance of getting HIV is just too slim next to zero in your case. Next time should use some KY.

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i'd be more worried about why her vagina was very very dry

Actually, vaginal dryness happens for many women near their period.

I wouldn't be too worried if I were you. If a woman has HIV and a man has sex with her once, his chance of contracting it is about 1 in the order of 1000. The woman can only give it to the man through an open sore or something like that. If the condom broke during intercourse, the your penis probably wasn't even abrasive against her vagina.

From her point of view though, she can get HIV from your semen. And you might have knocked her up.

And let's not forget that Gogo dancers are likely the cleanest of the women in Pattaya. They are younger, less experienced, and they do get that monthly test.

All things considered, I'd put your chances of having acquired HIV from that session at about one in ten million.

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Check this site for risk% www.usnews.com/usnews/health/briefs/hiv_aids/hb050120d.htm

Also you should go to one of the better hospitals Bangkok Pattaya e.g.

and get PEP ( Post exposure Prophylaxis ) treatment. :o

Some PEP examples would be :-

Which antiretrovirals are used for HIV PEP?

For occupational exposure.

A healthcare worker will usually receive a combination of AZT (retrovir) 200mg eight- hourly or 300mg 12-hourly and 3TC (lamivudine) 100mg 12-hourly for 28 days after an HIV exposure. In some circumstances, a third drug such as indinavir is added to this treatment.

For HIV exposure through rape.

A person who has been raped should receive a minimum of AZT (retrovir) 200mg eight- hourly or 300mg 12-hourly for 28 days as HIV PEP. At some centres, additional drugs such as 3TC (lamivudine) may be used.


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It is a fact that it can take up to 3 months to show up in a test, I once attened a seminar that explained it in detail and it was facinating.

The best thing to do, if you can, is to be honest with your wife, just in case. On the plus side, HIV/AIDS is not as rampant in Thailand as many other places.

thats complete nonsense in my humble opinion !!! there was a survey in Bangkok just weeks ago and after that it was stated that there is an estimated 30% (THIRTY !!!) of the "men having casual sex with men" (this means, NOT commercial sexworkers, as those usually are better informed about the topic and protect themselves much more) are HIV+ .

and i dont think this will be too different with the heterosexual thing, as many of the Thai men feel insulted when they are asked by women to use a condom.... and dont forget, more than 90% of the "sex-for-money" business is a domestic thing, not FARANG....

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You could have lots of stuff in addition to HIV. Hepatitis, chlamydia, herpes, gonorrhea, VD and I could go on.

If you love your wife or at least respect her you should not have unprotected sex for at least three months. This leaves the choice of telling her the truth or making up some outrageous story about why you can’t have sex for three months.

You could try taking large doses of vitamin B and having your urine change color and then act real excited about that and go to a doctor and make up some crazy tropical disease diagnoses. There is also some pill made from carrots that turns your urine red if you like the color red better.

Or you could try the erectile dysfunction gamut and start treatment for that.

You may want to plead temporary insanity or try the I got drugged approach. The drugged thing has possibilities. Lets say they were going to steal your organs and gave you a injection and you are afraid of a dirty needle.

Or you could tell her you got drunk one night and thought you would try heroin and are afraid you got a dirty needle.

Or maybe you got kidnapped and the only way out was to have sex with your kidnappers.

Or you got raped by a gang of lady boys. Or drugged and raped by a gang of lady boys.

Or if you could figure out some reason for getting an injection (like the flu) and after the injection the Thai doctor rushed in and said the needle had been used twice and recommended you have an HIV test after three months just to be safe.

I am sure there a bunch more but since I don’t know your spouse I can’t say what she would believe. I had one wife if I had told her I had sex with a prostitute and the condom broke she would have shot me. I had another one who would just have cut Mr. Happy off. So who can say which is the correct course of action.

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hello guys

thanks for kind replys to my post i was just looking for some informed answers from guys who know thailand. maybe i am over thinking it but with all the bad press about rampant hiv aids in thailand i dont know what to think. i know some pepole who live here and they say they dont see it but most bar girls they talk to know some one with it. also can any one tell me of a good doctor to go to for a test and meds because the one i whent to was not good he did not seem to know any thing. and i dont see what time i posted as inportant i am not a troll or what ever just veray worred over mistake that could cost me a lot.

thanks steve o.

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i dont see what time i posted as inportant i am not a troll or what ever just veray worred over mistake that could cost me a lot.

Fair enough............just seems a strange thing to do at 2am, i know if i was really worried i would of joined and posted during the day...........its as though it wasnt the most pressing concern of the day.

Not much you can do about your little accident now though...............may i suggest you keep it in your pants for the remainder of your stay in Pattaya and maybe consider a holiday with the missus in Skeggie next year. :o

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hello guys

also can any one tell me of a good doctor to go to for a test and meds because the one i whent to was not good he did not seem to know any thing. and i dont see what time i posted as inportant i am not a troll or what ever just veray worred over mistake that could cost me a lot.

thanks steve o.

Hi Steve O.

This is your life and your marriage. You should really think about preventative traetment. Get down to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, or even better, go to Bunrungrad hospital in Bangkok. It is one of the finest private hospitals in the world, but you won't go bangkrupt. They have call on the best HIV doctors in Thailand - and Thailand knows about AIDS/HIV. Take a bus to Ekkamai, and a Skytrain to Nana and walk down Soi Nana (3), Sukhumvit. It's about 200 meteres on the left. Or, if funds permit just get a cab staright there from Pattaya, about 1000 Baht or so. Please don't worry too much, I think the chances of you contarcting HIV are very small, but its better to be safe than sorry. Good luck.

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hello guys

also can any one tell me of a good doctor to go to for a test and meds because the one i whent to was not good he did not seem to know any thing. and i dont see what time i posted as inportant i am not a troll or what ever just veray worred over mistake that could cost me a lot.

thanks steve o.

Hi Steve O.

This is your life and your marriage. You should really think about preventative traetment. Get down to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, or even better, go to Bunrungrad hospital in Bangkok. It is one of the finest private hospitals in the world, but you won't go bangkrupt. They have call on the best HIV doctors in Thailand - and Thailand knows about AIDS/HIV. Take a bus to Ekkamai, and a Skytrain to Nana and walk down Soi Nana (3), Sukhumvit. It's about 200 meteres on the left. Or, if funds permit just get a cab staright there from Pattaya, about 1000 Baht or so. Please don't worry too much, I think the chances of you contarcting HIV are very small, but its better to be safe than sorry. Good luck.

And stay out of the s/t bars this time!

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So you know when it tore and didnt stop to replace it.....oh well....

My mate had a similar problem a few years ago with the girl who became his wife....he was a super careful guy too....got worried sick about it, he did.

He went to the Doc asked for an AIDS test and got told not to worry about it.


1. If he didnt have any sores or split skin on the penis then it would be highly unlikely a transmission had taken place.

2. The contact would have been minimal for transferrence

3. Because the virus is spread by bodily fluids and the male genitalia is mainly external...if there was no lesions or open sores on the penis then transmission would be through the urethal opening. This decreases the chances of transmission and with ejaculation and passing of urine, the urethal tube would be expected to be reasonably clean....My mate did take a snakes hiss after the act.

However as pointed out...there are other STD's that can transmit after a short contact...and the girl may not even know if she has acquired such a thing in the last few days...

A discreet visit to the local clinic for check could be in order...not for HIV but for other STD's.

How you deal with the missus is your own business...I would suggest that you tell her that you may have an non specific urethal infection caused by change of diet and excess alcohol consumption which increased the acidity of your urine and thereby caused a minor irritation in the urethal tube. That should buy you some time. :o:D

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hello guys

thanks for kind replys to my post i was just looking for some informed answers from guys who know thailand. maybe i am over thinking it but with all the bad press about rampant hiv aids in thailand i dont know what to think. i know some pepole who live here and they say they dont see it but most bar girls they talk to know some one with it. also can any one tell me of a good doctor to go to for a test and meds because the one i whent to was not good he did not seem to know any thing. and i dont see what time i posted as inportant i am not a troll or what ever just veray worred over mistake that could cost me a lot.

thanks steve o.

I already told you ... sheesh ... You're not paying attention again ! :o


Edited by naka
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I would recommend that you speak to Dr Philippe Seur (tel: 038 429 231; e-mail:

//edit email removed - he does not want spam - lopburi3//.

He is a French HIV specialist who practices on Soi 10.

If you have been infected then taking anti-retrovirals with 3 days gives you a 50% chance of removing all of the HIV from your body so you shoud seek urgent expert advice.

Standard HIV tests look for Anti-bodies not the virus itself. The time taken to produce anti-bodies ranges from 10 days to many months. If you are infected then there is a 50% chance you will test positive after 28 days and 95% after 90 days. There are other tests that can be carried out to assess to risk that you have HIV. For example, the white blood cell count, will increase almost immediately.

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Here's an excellent webpage: www.thebody.com - made by HIV positive doctors.

As to my knowledge there is nothing much to worry, as other posters have pointed out the risk for the man is significantly lower than the risk for the woman and Pattaya bar girls are much more aware of the risk than their colleagues in the Nakhorn Nowhere massage parlour.

Good luck, though!


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well, I was super paranoid about contracting things in thailand. So much that I pour listerine over everything including the condom, before I remove it in the shower. Had a scare a while back, but I found out guys can catch yeast infections from bed sheets.

Maybe one can use 2 condoms at once?

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