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Street Smart Thais And Their Sneaky Scams


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That hose in the Toilet.....leave it on when you walk out, that way they have to clean up the excess water, AND the toilet gets cleaned during the process.

Know someone who loves doing this to dirty toilets....GOOD scam

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Ha, worst / dopiest / irritating scam was from an English bloke telling me he had no money cos his wallet was stolen and he just needed enough for a bed for the night...then ... lo and behold... he was so stupid he tried to hit me again a few days later. Needless to say he got an earful.....

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Ha, worst / dopiest / irritating scam was from an English bloke telling me he had no money cos his wallet was stolen and he just needed enough for a bed for the night...then ... lo and behold... he was so stupid he tried to hit me again a few days later. Needless to say he got an earful.....

U pay for a cheaper hotel second time around?

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Gem scams, sick buffalo,thats it really-keep ure wits about u and if it dont feel rite dont do it-i luv these people& trust them with my life so dont dwell on that-honesty rules the day x

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Is Thailand any different to each and every country in the entire world ?

Visitors to Antartica probably get hit-on to buy an expensive lady drink at some local igloo within minutes of stepping off the ice-breaker..

This would definitely be a scam I'd say as Eskimos and their igloos are to be found in the arctic region and not the antarctic

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None of them are sneaky. The scams are mostly all awful. It's amazing the stuff a polite well dressed Asian guy can pull off, seems to disarm the defenses of a lot of people that would be suspicious of a similar random stranger approaching them back home.

"polite well dressed Asian guy"

You're talking about lady boys?

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Let me see, there's that restaurant on Sukhumvit where the actual price of the food is 7% higher than advertised, that certainly must be a scam

Could that ' 7% ' be the government's VAT?

Unlike western nations, they don't advertise it in the asking price.

Just supposing ...

Do you really need [/ironie] tags?

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That Rolex for a 1000 baht ain't real!

What? youve gotta be joking! course theyre real. Rolex have always had reputable licensed dealers in markets throughout Thailand.

Because it is Thailand you save average 15,000$ a watch thats all.

Genuine Thai Rolex, made in China!

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I'm so glad your thread title didn't paint all Thai's with broad sweeping negative generalizations...oh wait...

That new painted thai guy or whatever he is called should be along soon.

Why would I tell you this for free? Buy my next book, “How Thai people rip off dumber than dirt Farangs.”

Based on experience.

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The sneakiest scams I've read of are the ATM scam and the customs scam. The ATM one is where the person behind you in the queue rushes after you saying that you left a 1000 baht note and then 'helps' you and skims your card while clocking your PIN as your re-enter it to check your balance. Works best on drunkards, obviously. The customs one is where the scammer befriends the victim on a dating site, offers to post something and then sends a fake customs invoice for 'processing fees'. When you think about it, both rely on greed; the victim is conned by someone appearing to offer them something for nothing.

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cool.png After reading about being shortchanged at the market, It made me think about an incident I had years ago. I used to go to the 7-11 and buy something with a 1000 Baht Bill because they usually were able to make change. One time the girl behind the counter handed my change. Instead of just putting it in my pocket ,(because it is rude to count your chnge in front of the clerk in Asia) I counted it and noticed it was 100 Baht short. I pointed it out to her and very emotionless and quickly she picked up a 100 Baht and handed it to me. Not from the register but was stashed on the side. Had I just put the change in my pocket she would have made a quick 100. This was not in some faraway province but right in Hua HIn where almost half the customers were Farangs. I'm sure she made a pretty good haul.


In Asia, it might be rude.

In Thailand, where the clerk usually needs a calculator, to add 2x 20 and 2x10 baht, and to find out, that the change for the 100 Baht bill is 40, given in 2x 20 baht bills, that he/she has to count two or three times:

It is necessary!

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If you can't score at home you better realise that landing here did not transform you into the greatest guy in the world. Lies are being told to get to your money.


Edit. If you can't score at home, avoid Thailand and work on your appearance, personality & confidence.

To expensive, at home! cheesy.gif

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That Rolex for a 1000 baht ain't real!

What? youve gotta be joking! course theyre real. Rolex have always had reputable licensed dealers in markets throughout Thailand.

Because it is Thailand you save average 15,000$ a watch thats all.

Genuine Thai Rolex, made in China!

China - the land of original fakes. :rolleyes:

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I got caught out by the 'guard', at a complex, telling me there was a craft fair and it was really interesting and he knew a 'friendly' tuk-tuk driver who could take me.

I know, you know, but the craft fair was a gem factory and he got paid for every ejit he put through the door.

However, I got my own back, I made him take me all the way back to my hotel in rush hour, he was getting really irritated and kept telling me to take a moto-taxi, I almost died of the exhaust fumes, but I did get my own back didn't I?

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Once on Mae Ram Pheung Beach, I was waiting for my taxi and I was approached by an Aussie on a moped, wife on the back holding a baby.

He requested some money for one night in a hotel, as his money hadn't 'come through'!!, he had rang his ex-wife who was sending him some emergency cash and he would pay me back the next day.

I weighed up the veracity of his nonsensical scam and thought, 200b for what might possibly be true and looked at the baby and lent!! him 200b.

So if you are a tattooed Aussie, on a black moped, peddling your wares in Rayong, you have made all Australians out to be dirty scamming Huns.

( Irony smily )

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A lot of scams going on wealthy Thai males, [but they know the game, mostly]. I personally know a least 5 Soap Operas, TV celebrates, fakes good girls, who gone away with a least 5 million baht, they are so clever, so you need a PhD in mind reading. An Oscar for them…have been in touch with them for several years, they wrote Thai, reply in English….more …more, cheap Thai Wine time…Bye bye

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Watching the old, blind karaoke singer walking along the beach with his wife rattling a tin cup stepping over mooring ropes for the longtail boats always brought a wry smile to my face. whistling.gif


Didn't one of those "blind" singers get busted for not being blind? I think he was earning 100k+ baht per month in tips. laugh.png

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I used to have a mate who used to frequent Pattaya and loved getting smart arse BG's and paying them for short time with 250-350ish bahts worth of 5-10 baht coins and got away with it every time.

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I used to have a mate who used to frequent Pattaya and loved getting smart arse BG's and paying them for short time with 250-350ish bahts worth of 5-10 baht coins and got away with it every time.

The above post makes no sense at all.smile.png Price is wrong, motivation is silly, got away with what as opposed to what? And he was your mate?

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Timeshare scratch cards ...

Everyones a winner and it only takes an hour of your time to visit your free holiday resort!

8 hours later and 500,000 baht lighter the shark will leave you more drained than a Pattaya hooker.cheesy.gif

How drained does a Pattaya hooker leave you?

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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I'm sorry but I do find this very amusing. To me a scam is where you are taken for a lump of money. Here we have a thread where people have been SCAMMED for 11 baht, 35 baht, 50 baht etc.

Real big time scammers we have in the Land of Scams then cheesy.gif

Sorry but come on now ?sorry.gif

its not the amount of money, its the point. fastest way to make a million is take a dollar of a million people.
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