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Music And Lyrics


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I'm starting to plan lessons for next semester, we follow a book ( Access 3/Upstream 4) for the content but are allowed some license.

The Thai English teacher uses this book 3 times per week so most items are covered.

Last semester I discovered that it was more productive to introduce an element of fun and surprise to keep the students happy and interested.

I'm going to dedicate at least 2 or 3 weeks to using songs and English lyrics as a medium for learning.

I play the guitar and sing pretty well ( been in bands for over 25 years ) so I will use these skills to hopefully assist my teaching.

I have chosen 4 recent Western pop songs that the students know and like : -

1. Price Tag - Jessi J.

2. Baby - Justin Bieber.

3. What makes you beautiful - One direction.

4. Call me maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen.

I'm thinking of asking the kids to form a band and choose one of these songs - study the words and perform the songs together - with or without my help.

Each class has at least 4 or 5 guitarists and I'm guessing most of them can sing these songs.

The group could be as large as 8 or 9 kids with dancers singers and a director etc

Does anyone have experience of such an exercise, and do you have any useful comments/tips I could possibly utilise?

I realise it will be lots of work ( I have 14 x 60 M3 kids and 4 x 60 M4's ) but hopefully will be worthwhile.

I need to think of a prize for the winning group and maybe even have a playoff between the classes to get an overall champion.

The chosen songs are not my own taste but I can't visualise them singing a Zeppelin or Hendrix classic laugh.gif

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I agree Scott - I was hoping to involve the lesser musical students as part of each group's entourage - producers/designers or just roadies lol.

Each class has a number of ladyboys whom I'm guessing will be happy to do the choreography/dancing.

I'm going to ask the Head of Department to perhaps come up with a decent prize for the overall winner - maybe they can even let the best groups perform at the morning flag ceremony.

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I think it's a great idea. My experience is that kids all over the world like to sing even if they can't carry a tune. It's fun for them. I think it will help to hold their attention.

Isn't that how we all learned the English alphabet?

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