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Horrific crime.

This is one of those cases that highlights the number of very violent and often unreported (in the Thailand English language newspapers at least). and frequent grisly and barbaric Thai on Thai murders that occur almost daily here.

Just worth remembering that this is a dangerous place to live and expats should look out for one another.

I don't need any expats looking out for me, and I won't be looking out for any other either. Both these stories are about Thai couples, so not sure why expats need to look out for each other.


I have a standing rule when getting acquainted with a Thai woman in a romantic way: If she jokes about killing me (finger dragged across the throat, ha ha), or cutting off my willie - I let it go the initial time with a stern warning that it's no joke. If she jokes about it a second time, I show her the door and she's out of my life.

Sounds like you hang out with very low-class women. But each to his own.


RIP to the victims!

I never understand, why a life her is worth so little!

For the same reason that it's worth so little in other countries, including USA.


Horrific crime.

This is one of those cases that highlights the number of very violent and often unreported (in the Thailand English language newspapers at least). and frequent grisly and barbaric Thai on Thai murders that occur almost daily here.

Just worth remembering that this is a dangerous place to live and expats should look out for one another.

I don't need any expats looking out for me, and I won't be looking out for any other either. Both these stories are about Thai couples, so not sure why expats need to look out for each other.

Wheres Tonto?
  • Like 1

Was watching a stupid tv show about celebs last night, and the female presenter as a joke, put her hand across her throat to the fellow presenter and said "Dai nair", in some kind of playful jokey way.

This threat of killing people, is given out all over the place in the media and jokes among kids here, but it is odd that it is such a common occurence. Even the All Blacks took flack for changing their haka. Making light of such issues as killing someone is a very strange trait here.



As for the second couple, do they have marriage guidance in Thailand, something like 'Relate' maybe? It's got to be easier.

I haven't heard about marriage guidance here (bah.gif ) but Thai culture frowns upon unwed couples living together. So they get married and it's like testing how deep is the pond with both feet.

You sounds so old-fashioned. In case you haven't noticed, times have changed and plenty of Thai couples live together these days. In any case, it's possible to get to know someone very well without living with them. Plenty of ways to test a pond depth without jumping in with both feet.

it reflects on how removed Thai Buddhism is from its roots.

Indeed, the chopper has the option of a little merit-making and all will be well. She may have even gained face somehow. ermm.gif

The entire society needs to learn how to disagree without becoming homicidal

Similar to my thoughts. I think a big part of the problem is soap operas and videos. Look at the choices in video shops an movie theaters. over half in v.shops and about 90% in theatres are violence based. TV Soap operas are non-stop females screaming and flipping out over the stupidest things. In Thailand, little kids watch that poop from when they pop out of the womb (and hear it while in the womb). Thais are immersed in and assaulted by a steady stream of immature, quick-to-anger, loud and vengeful influences all their waking hours. Garbage in, garbage out.

The pretense of religion occupies about a cummulative 5 minutes/week for the average Thai. About the same as the average American. going to church or (for Thais) bowing to a Buddha statue. Incidentally, the Buddha never meditated or prostrated facing a statue, but that's a different story, though it reflects on how removed Thai Buddhism is from its roots.

Naw, it's Lego's.


  • Like 1

Was watching a stupid tv show about celebs last night, and the female presenter as a joke, put her hand across her throat to the fellow presenter and said "Dai nair", in some kind of playful jokey way.

This threat of killing people, is given out all over the place in the media and jokes among kids here, but it is odd that it is such a common occurence. Even the All Blacks took flack for changing their haka. Making light of such issues as killing someone is a very strange trait here.

In the UK lots of people joke about killing people. e.g "I could have killed him for doing that". But no intention whatsoever of actually killing. Chill and stop taking things so seriously.


Was watching a stupid tv show about celebs last night, and the female presenter as a joke, put her hand across her throat to the fellow presenter and said "Dai nair", in some kind of playful jokey way.

This threat of killing people, is given out all over the place in the media and jokes among kids here, but it is odd that it is such a common occurence. Even the All Blacks took flack for changing their haka. Making light of such issues as killing someone is a very strange trait here.

In the UK lots of people joke about killing people. e.g "I could have killed him for doing that". But no intention whatsoever of actually killing. Chill and stop taking things so seriously.

Not really, in the case about the man in Saraburi, the wife had motioned to him in exactly the manner I had mentioned, inside the court room. And if my kids joke about saying something like that, I tell them not to even say it. It isn't something that should be thrown about among kids as a common everyday statement. "Dai nair" is a phrase that is bandied about jokingly in Thailand very very often.

If someone motioned that to me in Thailand, in even a remotely serious manner, I would take it deadly seriously.


I too took a large chang bottle to the head once after just talking to a thai girl--her "BF" ran up and went crazy--before i knew it..boom..bottle smashed on my head--of course he got away with it as i have gotten in fights before and not stupid enough to take on every thai standing there watching...

Maybe it the smile society..have to keep cool..smile..jai yen yen..greng jai..all pent up emothions as u do not show anger or talk about problems--just a ton of ticking time bombs walking around ready to explode on a hair trigger-people need express emotions or it seems this is the result-im guessing

But yes after 3 years here the violence and thefts seem to have greatly increased--bad economy??

Economy has gone up every year for the past three years in Thailand. Look somewhere else.smile.png


Awaiting the arrival of the RIP-brigade, or is that reserved for "whites only"?

Knee-jerk, herd-minded decency compels me to pause in my daily routine and "do the right thing". And then the ugly truths (as another poster on another thread put it) kick-in instead. Your implication upset me, because I get the sense that you believe I should fulfill some role of preconceived decency that gains your approval. By not replying, I fall in line of your accusing finger. And so...:

I have the view that developed minds are not shocked when they read of events that they would otherwise expect to come from the behaviors and actions of those whom they already have a prior opinion of, and whom the more developed consider in all likelihood to be less developed than they, the more developed are. I could be wrong, but I think not.

Whether being continually subjected to their behavior in traffic, interpersonal communications, business dealings, issues that require trust, honesty, commitment, conflict / resolution, responsibility, rationality, logic and so on; ...what makes you feel compelled to imply that foreigners of more developed mindsets and upbringing (who live here and have been subject to this continual onslaught of lunacy) should RIP the ones responsible for this sort of behavior? Is it merely for the saying of it? Will it serve any purpose beyond the utterance or to remind us more developed people that we are "still human" and have enough in our larder of charity to dole out an insincere RIP or implied sympathetic gesture for the mere sake of doing so?

Implying that "they" should know better, and tricking my mind into believing it odd or grisly that they would resort to this sub-bestial behavior creates an absurd irony. It makes the opinion ironic when I step back and view the heavy handed posts (myself included) against their seemingly stupid, corrupt and idiotic behavior against themselves and other humans when it comes to issues of obeying laws merely for the principle that those laws are there for their protection and edification; of which they continuously demonstrate they do not have the ability to perform in the same degree or proportion to more developed minds.

It is emphatically unquestionable that Thais have, by now, been illuminated with enough foreign opportunities to utilize valuable, life-changing information in science, technology, hygiene, all manners of health and so on. I point out as a reminder that there really are no more excuses to justify what we foreigners consider undeveloped and uncouth behavior at all levels of their society. They have the information at their fingertips to learn great things, to be self-willed, industrious, practical, creative, imaginative, forthright, intelligent, and basically every good thing that actualized the better part of human nature; but all to no avail. They contently refuse change and use the things we gladly provide to self-serve and corrode their lives. The world is ready to help and with intentions of good-will introduce into their culture the assistance necessary to make their "quality of life" better and more edifying. Instead they remain as developed as they were 2556 years ago; the only differences being material things like soap, iPads, Rolex's, and Isuzu's.

In short, I do not RIP because I truly do expect this sort of thing from them. I establish this view based on years of seeing and reading of behaviors that defy the imagination of someone more educated and raised with a sense of fair play and integrity, among other characteristics of a developed mind. Regrettably, my expectations of the behavior amongst these native peoples never falls short; whereas my expectations of foreigners from developed nations (hence minds) are higher, and hence the shock factor greater when foreigners behave in the same manner which I am certain their culture and society did not condone.

If you cannot see the difference and liken yourself at their level, then I guess then it is acceptable to RIP away blindly and with no justification of sincerity or reason.


Was watching a stupid tv show about celebs last night, and the female presenter as a joke, put her hand across her throat to the fellow presenter and said "Dai nair", in some kind of playful jokey way.

This threat of killing people, is given out all over the place in the media and jokes among kids here, but it is odd that it is such a common occurence. Even the All Blacks took flack for changing their haka. Making light of such issues as killing someone is a very strange trait here.

In the UK lots of people joke about killing people. e.g "I could have killed him for doing that". But no intention whatsoever of actually killing. Chill and stop taking things so seriously.

I think you need to re-read the barrage of posts you just made and take some of your own sound advice. thumbsup.gif


Awaiting the arrival of the RIP-brigade, or is that reserved for "whites only"?

Knee-jerk, herd-minded decency compels me to pause in my daily routine and "do the right thing". And then the ugly truths (as another poster on another thread put it) kick-in instead. Your implication upset me, because I get the sense that you believe I should fulfill some role of preconceived decency that gains your approval. By not replying, I fall in line of your accusing finger. And so...:

I have the view that developed minds are not shocked when they read of events that they would otherwise expect to come from the behaviors and actions of those whom they already have a prior opinion of, and whom the more developed consider in all likelihood to be less developed than they, the more developed are. I could be wrong, but I think not.

Whether being continually subjected to their behavior in traffic, interpersonal communications, business dealings, issues that require trust, honesty, commitment, conflict / resolution, responsibility, rationality, logic and so on; ...what makes you feel compelled to imply that foreigners of more developed mindsets and upbringing (who live here and have been subject to this continual onslaught of lunacy) should RIP the ones responsible for this sort of behavior? Is it merely for the saying of it? Will it serve any purpose beyond the utterance or to remind us more developed people that we are "still human" and have enough in our larder of charity to dole out an insincere RIP or implied sympathetic gesture for the mere sake of doing so?

Implying that "they" should know better, and tricking my mind into believing it odd or grisly that they would resort to this sub-bestial behavior creates an absurd irony. It makes the opinion ironic when I step back and view the heavy handed posts (myself included) against their seemingly stupid, corrupt and idiotic behavior against themselves and other humans when it comes to issues of obeying laws merely for the principle that those laws are there for their protection and edification; of which they continuously demonstrate they do not have the ability to perform in the same degree or proportion to more developed minds.

It is emphatically unquestionable that Thais have, by now, been illuminated with enough foreign opportunities to utilize valuable, life-changing information in science, technology, hygiene, all manners of health and so on. I point out as a reminder that there really are no more excuses to justify what we foreigners consider undeveloped and uncouth behavior at all levels of their society. They have the information at their fingertips to learn great things, to be self-willed, industrious, practical, creative, imaginative, forthright, intelligent, and basically every good thing that actualized the better part of human nature; but all to no avail. They contently refuse change and use the things we gladly provide to self-serve and corrode their lives. The world is ready to help and with intentions of good-will introduce into their culture the assistance necessary to make their "quality of life" better and more edifying. Instead they remain as developed as they were 2556 years ago; the only differences being material things like soap, iPads, Rolex's, and Isuzu's.

In short, I do not RIP because I truly do expect this sort of thing from them. I establish this view based on years of seeing and reading of behaviors that defy the imagination of someone more educated and raised with a sense of fair play and integrity, among other characteristics of a developed mind. Regrettably, my expectations of the behavior amongst these native peoples never falls short; whereas my expectations of foreigners from developed nations (hence minds) are higher, and hence the shock factor greater when foreigners behave in the same manner which I am certain their culture and society did not condone.

If you cannot see the difference and liken yourself at their level, then I guess then it is acceptable to RIP away blindly and with no justification of sincerity or reason.

Speaking of strange things, why do you only post in Thai crime threads?


Sou41 and chiangmaikelly (you again???)...I honestly appologize for being the one that broke your inner peace by ...ahm...feeling and showing empathy with two dead people, who - I have to admit it- I personally didn#t even met once in my life!

If it makes you feel better: from now on, I will just be a sarcastic b@stard, contributing nothing but empty mind- bubbles to every discussion...following your excellent example!

On the other hand...no, I won't!


Awaiting the arrival of the RIP-brigade, or is that reserved for "whites only"?

Agreed... Its strange, isnt it? When a death is reported on TV most of the thread consists of random ex-pats, who have never know the victim or anyone associated with them, saying 'R.I.P you poor soul, you are at peace now'.

I mean, who on earth are they talking to? Who is going to READ there message of condolance? Not the dead person. He is unable to read an ex-pat forum. Not because he cant read English and not because he would have no inclination to read a ferang life in Thailand forum. Its because he is dead and according to the basic o-level i have in biology, that means he probably wont read ever again.

Its one of those things that I always find so strange about TV.

the most intelligent thing I've read on TV for quite some time

I have a standing rule when getting acquainted with a Thai woman in a romantic way: If she jokes about killing me (finger dragged across the throat, ha ha), or cutting off my willie - I let it go the initial time with a stern warning that it's no joke. If she jokes about it a second time, I show her the door and she's out of my life.

what if she says she wants to feed your unit to the ducks does that count?

Horrific crime.

This is one of those cases that highlights the number of very violent and often unreported (in the Thailand English language newspapers at least). and frequent grisly and barbaric Thai on Thai murders that occur almost daily here.

Just worth remembering that this is a dangerous place to live and expats should look out for one another.

A study made in 2012 by the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) showed

that Thailand had a homicide rate of 4.8 per 100,000 compared to 1.2 for UK, 0.3 for

Singapore & 0.2 for Hong Kong.

So all Brits are jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire when migrating to Thailand !

Those who are worried and are complaining should go back and live in UK or alternatively

go live in Hong Kong or Sillypore !!


I saw some tv news footage today of the cops having some Thai in standard t-shirt garb jump down into the drainage pipes and pull out a couple of large white plastic bags with Thai script on them.... Anyone know if that was the same story? I wouldn't call that "a pond".... but who knows?


Congratulations for being the exact member I knew would comment on it. How predictable.


Trust me gj, if you ever make a valid, important, significant or even potentially, useful post, I'll be the first to let you know.

In the meantime there's a thread entitled,

Family Of Slain South African Man Voice Concern Over Son, 3

I'm sure there must be a way on there for you to expound upon all things "democratic" (oh, the irony).

p.s definitions of both sarcasm and irony are available on the web, I suspect you'll need help. (in more ways than one)


Horrific crime.

This is one of those cases that highlights the number of very violent and often unreported (in the Thailand English language newspapers at least). and frequent grisly and barbaric Thai on Thai murders that occur almost daily here.

Just worth remembering that this is a dangerous place to live and expats should look out for one another.

Dangerous place? In 32 years here I've only seen two fights and as for expats looking out for each other, more expats are conned by expats than natives!!!

  • Like 1

Awaiting the arrival of the RIP-brigade, or is that reserved for "whites only"?

Knee-jerk, herd-minded decency compels me to pause in my daily routine and "do the right thing". And then the ugly truths (as another poster on another thread put it) kick-in instead. Your implication upset me, because I get the sense that you believe I should fulfill some role of preconceived decency that gains your approval. By not replying, I fall in line of your accusing finger. And so...:

I have the view that developed minds are not shocked when they read of events that they would otherwise expect to come from the behaviors and actions of those whom they already have a prior opinion of, and whom the more developed consider in all likelihood to be less developed than they, the more developed are. I could be wrong, but I think not.

Whether being continually subjected to their behavior in traffic, interpersonal communications, business dealings, issues that require trust, honesty, commitment, conflict / resolution, responsibility, rationality, logic and so on; ...what makes you feel compelled to imply that foreigners of more developed mindsets and upbringing (who live here and have been subject to this continual onslaught of lunacy) should RIP the ones responsible for this sort of behavior? Is it merely for the saying of it? Will it serve any purpose beyond the utterance or to remind us more developed people that we are "still human" and have enough in our larder of charity to dole out an insincere RIP or implied sympathetic gesture for the mere sake of doing so?

Implying that "they" should know better, and tricking my mind into believing it odd or grisly that they would resort to this sub-bestial behavior creates an absurd irony. It makes the opinion ironic when I step back and view the heavy handed posts (myself included) against their seemingly stupid, corrupt and idiotic behavior against themselves and other humans when it comes to issues of obeying laws merely for the principle that those laws are there for their protection and edification; of which they continuously demonstrate they do not have the ability to perform in the same degree or proportion to more developed minds.

It is emphatically unquestionable that Thais have, by now, been illuminated with enough foreign opportunities to utilize valuable, life-changing information in science, technology, hygiene, all manners of health and so on. I point out as a reminder that there really are no more excuses to justify what we foreigners consider undeveloped and uncouth behavior at all levels of their society. They have the information at their fingertips to learn great things, to be self-willed, industrious, practical, creative, imaginative, forthright, intelligent, and basically every good thing that actualized the better part of human nature; but all to no avail. They contently refuse change and use the things we gladly provide to self-serve and corrode their lives. The world is ready to help and with intentions of good-will introduce into their culture the assistance necessary to make their "quality of life" better and more edifying. Instead they remain as developed as they were 2556 years ago; the only differences being material things like soap, iPads, Rolex's, and Isuzu's.

In short, I do not RIP because I truly do expect this sort of thing from them. I establish this view based on years of seeing and reading of behaviors that defy the imagination of someone more educated and raised with a sense of fair play and integrity, among other characteristics of a developed mind. Regrettably, my expectations of the behavior amongst these native peoples never falls short; whereas my expectations of foreigners from developed nations (hence minds) are higher, and hence the shock factor greater when foreigners behave in the same manner which I am certain their culture and society did not condone.

If you cannot see the difference and liken yourself at their level, then I guess then it is acceptable to RIP away blindly and with no justification of sincerity or reason.

Speaking of strange things, why do you only post in Thai crime threads?

It's what pops up in my inbox. Do you have any recommendation for other threads, or is it acceptable to you that I conduct myself in this manner?wink.png


Awaiting the arrival of the RIP-brigade, or is that reserved for "whites only"?

Knee-jerk, herd-minded decency compels me to pause in my daily routine and "do the right thing". And then the ugly truths (as another poster on another thread put it) kick-in instead. Your implication upset me, because I get the sense that you believe I should fulfill some role of preconceived decency that gains your approval. By not replying, I fall in line of your accusing finger. And so...:

I have the view that developed minds are not shocked when they read of events that they would otherwise expect to come from the behaviors and actions of those whom they already have a prior opinion of, and whom the more developed consider in all likelihood to be less developed than they, the more developed are. I could be wrong, but I think not.

Whether being continually subjected to their behavior in traffic, interpersonal communications, business dealings, issues that require trust, honesty, commitment, conflict / resolution, responsibility, rationality, logic and so on; ...what makes you feel compelled to imply that foreigners of more developed mindsets and upbringing (who live here and have been subject to this continual onslaught of lunacy) should RIP the ones responsible for this sort of behavior? Is it merely for the saying of it? Will it serve any purpose beyond the utterance or to remind us more developed people that we are "still human" and have enough in our larder of charity to dole out an insincere RIP or implied sympathetic gesture for the mere sake of doing so?

Implying that "they" should know better, and tricking my mind into believing it odd or grisly that they would resort to this sub-bestial behavior creates an absurd irony. It makes the opinion ironic when I step back and view the heavy handed posts (myself included) against their seemingly stupid, corrupt and idiotic behavior against themselves and other humans when it comes to issues of obeying laws merely for the principle that those laws are there for their protection and edification; of which they continuously demonstrate they do not have the ability to perform in the same degree or proportion to more developed minds.

It is emphatically unquestionable that Thais have, by now, been illuminated with enough foreign opportunities to utilize valuable, life-changing information in science, technology, hygiene, all manners of health and so on. I point out as a reminder that there really are no more excuses to justify what we foreigners consider undeveloped and uncouth behavior at all levels of their society. They have the information at their fingertips to learn great things, to be self-willed, industrious, practical, creative, imaginative, forthright, intelligent, and basically every good thing that actualized the better part of human nature; but all to no avail. They contently refuse change and use the things we gladly provide to self-serve and corrode their lives. The world is ready to help and with intentions of good-will introduce into their culture the assistance necessary to make their "quality of life" better and more edifying. Instead they remain as developed as they were 2556 years ago; the only differences being material things like soap, iPads, Rolex's, and Isuzu's.

In short, I do not RIP because I truly do expect this sort of thing from them. I establish this view based on years of seeing and reading of behaviors that defy the imagination of someone more educated and raised with a sense of fair play and integrity, among other characteristics of a developed mind. Regrettably, my expectations of the behavior amongst these native peoples never falls short; whereas my expectations of foreigners from developed nations (hence minds) are higher, and hence the shock factor greater when foreigners behave in the same manner which I am certain their culture and society did not condone.

If you cannot see the difference and liken yourself at their level, then I guess then it is acceptable to RIP away blindly and with no justification of sincerity or reason.

Speaking of strange things, why do you only post in Thai crime threads?

It's what pops up in my inbox. Do you have any recommendation for other threads, or is it acceptable to you that I conduct myself in this manner?wink.png

I would suggest going to Thai Visa Brigades it is running in the General forum right now. You might find yourself there. Posting about nothing but crime in Thailand might give one a rather narrow attitude. Maybe if you joined one of the other brigades you might even start your own threads one day. smile.png

  • Like 1

Congratulations for being the exact member I knew would comment on it. How predictable.

Do we also now have to avoid being the first one's to post so as not to incur your displeasure? perhaps if you got your carcass out of bed earlier you too could join the 'first post' club. It is a sad reflection that you would consider such an action something to be proud of, but I will remember to praise you regularly for the most minor of inputs if it will stroke your ego and make you feel so much better. It will cost me nothing and make you feel so much better. Thank you for your valid, important and significant contribution. I AM proud of you Triplet thumbsup.gif

Trust me gj, if you ever make a valid, important, significant or even potentially, useful post, I'll be the first to let you know.

In the meantime there's a thread entitled,

Family Of Slain South African Man Voice Concern Over Son, 3

I'm sure there must be a way on there for you to expound upon all things "democratic" (oh, the irony).

p.s definitions of both sarcasm and irony are available on the web, I suspect you'll need help. (in more ways than one)

Thanks for that really valid and interesting post, you display a remarkable standard that is a lesson to us all. I am proud to be able to read your posts Triplet. Keep up the truly great work, but stop being naughty and snipping other peoples posts, it's against rules, not that rules should apply to someone as magnificent as you.

  • Like 1

Awaiting the arrival of the RIP-brigade, or is that reserved for "whites only"?

Knee-jerk, herd-minded decency compels me to pause in my daily routine and "do the right thing". And then the ugly truths (as another poster on another thread put it) kick-in instead. Your implication upset me, because I get the sense that you believe I should fulfill some role of preconceived decency that gains your approval. By not replying, I fall in line of your accusing finger. And so...:

I have the view that developed minds are not shocked when they read of events that they would otherwise expect to come from the behaviors and actions of those whom they already have a prior opinion of, and whom the more developed consider in all likelihood to be less developed than they, the more developed are. I could be wrong, but I think not.

Whether being continually subjected to their behavior in traffic, interpersonal communications, business dealings, issues that require trust, honesty, commitment, conflict / resolution, responsibility, rationality, logic and so on; ...what makes you feel compelled to imply that foreigners of more developed mindsets and upbringing (who live here and have been subject to this continual onslaught of lunacy) should RIP the ones responsible for this sort of behavior? Is it merely for the saying of it? Will it serve any purpose beyond the utterance or to remind us more developed people that we are "still human" and have enough in our larder of charity to dole out an insincere RIP or implied sympathetic gesture for the mere sake of doing so?

Implying that "they" should know better, and tricking my mind into believing it odd or grisly that they would resort to this sub-bestial behavior creates an absurd irony. It makes the opinion ironic when I step back and view the heavy handed posts (myself included) against their seemingly stupid, corrupt and idiotic behavior against themselves and other humans when it comes to issues of obeying laws merely for the principle that those laws are there for their protection and edification; of which they continuously demonstrate they do not have the ability to perform in the same degree or proportion to more developed minds.

It is emphatically unquestionable that Thais have, by now, been illuminated with enough foreign opportunities to utilize valuable, life-changing information in science, technology, hygiene, all manners of health and so on. I point out as a reminder that there really are no more excuses to justify what we foreigners consider undeveloped and uncouth behavior at all levels of their society. They have the information at their fingertips to learn great things, to be self-willed, industrious, practical, creative, imaginative, forthright, intelligent, and basically every good thing that actualized the better part of human nature; but all to no avail. They contently refuse change and use the things we gladly provide to self-serve and corrode their lives. The world is ready to help and with intentions of good-will introduce into their culture the assistance necessary to make their "quality of life" better and more edifying. Instead they remain as developed as they were 2556 years ago; the only differences being material things like soap, iPads, Rolex's, and Isuzu's.

In short, I do not RIP because I truly do expect this sort of thing from them. I establish this view based on years of seeing and reading of behaviors that defy the imagination of someone more educated and raised with a sense of fair play and integrity, among other characteristics of a developed mind. Regrettably, my expectations of the behavior amongst these native peoples never falls short; whereas my expectations of foreigners from developed nations (hence minds) are higher, and hence the shock factor greater when foreigners behave in the same manner which I am certain their culture and society did not condone.

If you cannot see the difference and liken yourself at their level, then I guess then it is acceptable to RIP away blindly and with no justification of sincerity or reason.

A very good and insightfull post. And even if I don't agree with you on all points, I will leave it there, so we don't end up in a pissingcontest, all to common here. Thank you! wai.gif

(Darwinism in action??)

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