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Rehab/jail - Us Man Gets Thai Girl Addicted To Yaba


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Ok, I have a mutual friend through my girlfriend that has been dating an American guy just out of contracting work in Afghanistan. He is a real asshol_e. I had the pleasure of meeting the guy 2x, he was stupid drunk and both times arguing about the bill at the bars. Got caught cheating on my friend, this piece of work bought 2 diamond rings for 2 different girls and got caught.

Long story short he starts dating my friend, he convinces this girl to try Yaba and ice. Flash forward a few months and now it seems she is out of her mind and probably addicted to ice/yaba. My gf just got a message from him today asking to come help because she is hallucinating bad threatening to kill someone and hearing voices that aren't there. My gf and another friend want to help, but as 2 girls, they do not want to go alone. She asked for me and another big expat to go with her, but there's no way I am getting involved or around those drugs here in Thailand. My suggestion is to find a cop to go with her or some other big Thai man that can deal with this situation.

What is your suggestions on places to get help (like a drug rehab program) ? ?

How do we convince her to go?

The addicts brother is a police officer, should we inform him or threaten to if she doesn't go voluntarily or inform her family?

What would you do to the piece of work expat that got this girl addicted? (I already have a copy of his passport that I requested months ago from the girl)

Suggestions, I am up for anything.

Edit 1# - Mods feel free to move to appropriate topic or forum.

Edited by MikeThaison
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All I would do would be get her into rehab somehow, providing she wants to go....one asumes she is an adult so she has made her choices as regards doing drugs, I would suggest her brother the cop as should be able to help her in this regard.

Also you are up for anything, but say "but there's no way I am getting involved or around those drugs here in Thailand"

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What would you do to the piece of work expat that got this girl addicted?

Nothing. A certain percentage of women have always been in love with bottom feeder type guys. This goes on all over the world.

Unless he held a gun to her head or a knife to her throat, she has no one to blame for becoming a yabba head but herself. Sounds harsh, but that is how it is.

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Dont go anywhere near any place there is yaba/ice or any other narcotic unless you think its worth life imprisonment or the death sentence. I dont think you want to convince the cops "its not mine, i just came here to help a friend."

as much as you want to help, always remember "no good deed goes unpunished"

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Why do you feel the need to have a couple of big guys to help out?

Who is the threat here?

Apparently the guy is pretty abusive with the thai girlfriend. Physical and verbal, so my gf wants to go with someone that can help balance the situation.

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Dont go anywhere near any place there is yaba/ice or any other narcotic unless you think its worth life imprisonment or the death sentence. I dont think you want to convince the cops "its not mine, i just came here to help a friend."

as much as you want to help, always remember "no good deed goes unpunished"

I am not going anywhere near their apartment. I am willing and up for anything that I can help participate in from a distance. If I knew a good location for rehab or if had a number for a crisis intervention center, I would be willing to help in that regard and even foot the bill.

Everyone said this guy was bad news from the get-go. My attitude is she is an adult and got herself into the situation she needs to figure it out, but when abuse and drugs get involved that can be difficult and she is a good friend of my gf. I know if I got myself in over my head, I would appreciate anyone the reached out a helping hand. My gf is busy running her mutliple shops around the city and dealing with employee issues, so has very little free time and I hate to see her occupied with this bs.

Anyways, I knew this forum isn't going to be the best place for advice. TV has long gone to the waste side with ignorant selfish bitter comments, but hoping the few good souls left here have some good advice

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Tell them to go to that rehab up in Issan where they have to barf up everyday, run by Monks. Forget the name, but it's real, it has a Thai name. After that, don't get involved is my view.

Yea I vaguely remember a rehab place like this, but am at a loss for where its located and what its called.

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What would you do to the piece of work expat that got this girl addicted?

Nothing. A certain percentage of women have always been in love with bottom feeder type guys. This goes on all over the world.

Unless he held a gun to her head or a knife to her throat, she has no one to blame for becoming a yabba head but herself. Sounds harsh, but that is how it is.

I understand women go for bottom feeders, but to say that drug addiction is an addicts fault is an EXTREMELY IGNORANT comment. Addiction is a disease, nobody goes into it thinking I am going to be a junkie. If you feel like that, don't comment next time you add NO VALUE to the thread

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Give her some benzo's and plenty of fluid.

She's probably dehydrated and without sleep for some time and that's when meth gets nasty.

Try to get rid of the shadow people while you're at it.

They're everywhere.

Edited by meom
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You need to give her plenty of Valium and put her to sleep for a while. If you want to get her of meth and yaba, the best way is to buy her some Iboga/Ibogaine online and monitor her for a couple of days. Make sure she adheres to the dietary requirements.

As for the guy, women like badboys. Ironically, weaning her off him may be the hardest challenge.

Edited by Nick in Thailand
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I know this will sound negative, and I'm sorry.... one thing really jangles here. You won't go near the friend, but you seem willing to let your gf go. Surely that isn't wise. Don't let her go, ...both stay away and get people in there who know what they are doing, so they can really help ypour friend.

Hope all goes well for you all.

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I understand women go for bottom feeders, but to say that drug addiction is an addicts fault is an EXTREMELY IGNORANT comment. Addiction is a disease, nobody goes into it thinking I am going to be a junkie. If you feel like that, don't comment next time you add NO VALUE to the thread.

been in rehabs a couple of times and was addicted as well. (no cotton candy wasnt it).

however. no one sets out to be a junkie. still you are always responsible for the choices you make. and to say its not my fault because its a desease??????? thats ignorant. she took it and before that she knew the risks. so she have to pull her head out of the sand (or wherever it flies) and make up the mistakes she made. of course is it good if she can get guidence with this.

as for you, imo it would be the best to enlighten her police brother.. he can probebly do the most in this case

sorry, quote buttons not work on my phone

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Firstly, I would like to ask the OP, does the said girl work in the adults entertainment industry? Such as a bar or massage establishment? Otherwise what is her occupation?

The reason I am asking is, what were the circumstances of how this girl actually met the American guy?

A lot depends on the character, class and status of the girl concerned. This is something you need to consider and the police will take into account, on what sort of company she keeps and who she associates with, either in her work or socially.

You have 4 options:

1. Advise the girl to report her predicament to the police and expose the activities of the American guy. Then it`s up to her and you stay out of it.

2. Ask your girlfriend to accompany the girl and make a report to the police.

3. Both you and your girlfriend accompany the girl and make a report to the police.

4. Your girlfriend and you ignore the situation and avoid both the American and the girl forthwith.

Going around and acting as muscle to sort this guy out is not an option and I wouldn`t even consider it. Anyway, the girl will probably tell you she still loves this creep.

It`s up to you to make an assessment of the situation and then decide at your own discretion as to what action to take, because you know this crowd, we don`t.

As for me, my philosophy as a stupid farang here in Thailand, is to always stay within the law, keep a low profile, keep my head down and never get involved. This is how I have managed to survive over 30 years here without incidents.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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It`s up to you to make an assessment of the situation and then decide at your own discretion as to what action to take, because you know this crowd, we don`t.

As for me, my philosophy as a stupid farang here in Thailand, is to always stay within the law, keep a low profile, keep my head down and never get involved. This is how I have managed to survive over 30 years here without incidents.

The girl has never worked in the entertainment industry, Pretty sure they met online, but not 100% sure. She had a respectable job pushing papers in the Navy, but left the job to be with this guy. She is 32 and never married, no kids, so I think part might have to be that she is forcing it trying to find that guy before her best years run out.

Again, this is NOT a close friend of mine, but is a close friend of my gf and so that is why it concerns me. My girlfriend already has enough on her hands with all her businesses and employees and the little time we have together, I don't need this bs getting in the way of our alone time. My gf supported me when I was starting a new business and trying to make a name for myself in Thailand and if she didn't stick by me those first couple years, I would never be where I am today. So anything that bothers her or she asks for help, I jump at the chance to do it.

I would never consider violence to handle a situation like this. I prefer that she gets the help she needs, he leaves the picture and both move on with their lives. Easier said than done. She sees comfort, security with money and who knows what else in this loser.

This all sprung up today/tonight so i will update what happens in the next few days, but THANK YOU for adding value to this thread, instead of trying to take a cheap shot.

Edited by MikeThaison
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I know this will sound negative, and I'm sorry.... one thing really jangles here. You won't go near the friend, but you seem willing to let your gf go. Surely that isn't wise. Don't let her go, ...both stay away and get people in there who know what they are doing, so they can really help ypour friend.

Hope all goes well for you all.

Your make a very good point. My gf is rational. She isn't going to go unless it is with the right people. (the girls family, police etc) She also is a better judge of the situation than me, since it is one of her closest friends. I am just reaching out to see if anyone had similar situation and how did they handle it.

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What would you do to the piece of work expat that got this girl addicted?

Nothing. A certain percentage of women have always been in love with bottom feeder type guys. This goes on all over the world.

Unless he held a gun to her head or a knife to her throat, she has no one to blame for becoming a yabba head but herself. Sounds harsh, but that is how it is.

I understand women go for bottom feeders, but to say that drug addiction is an addicts fault is an EXTREMELY IGNORANT comment. Addiction is a disease, nobody goes into it thinking I am going to be a junkie. If you feel like that, don't comment next time you add NO VALUE to the thread

Sorry pal, but in your own words, "Long story short he starts dating my friend, he convinces this girl to try Yaba and ice." She was dippy enough to let some Bozo convince her try Yabba AND Ice and then gets hooked. If I convinced you to do the same, would it be my fault if you could not put down that pipe?

Of course no one goes into it thinking that they will become a junkie. However, with all the junkies running around Thailand, the stories of yabba psychos committing murder and other violent crimes in the media... why would she bother to try it and why didn't she bolt when Bozo started pushing the drugs on her. It does sound harsh, but who can you point the finger at for her allowing herself to take that first hit. Blaming the guy is the easy way out and does nothing for accepting personal responsibility for one's own actions.

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Tell them to go to that rehab up in Issan where they have to barf up everyday, run by Monks. Forget the name, but it's real, it has a Thai name. After that, don't get involved is my view.

Yea I vaguely remember a rehab place like this, but am at a loss for where its located and what its called.

Please don't forget, Rehab isn't an easy solution. It takes a willingness to go through with it and if that isn't there, it won't work!

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Hopefully she's close with her brother, siblings usually are.

1. Have your girl mention to the friend that she should contact her brother directly. If she is not willing, tell her you will have to contact him, so she can prepare for it.

2. Have your girl ask the brother to keep things confidential so he does not say who reported the problem. He could get harsh punishment and you or your girlfriend don't want to worry about payback, esp if he was a soldier or likes to shoot people.

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The trouble with yabba , is you can have flash backs , there is always some residue in you. They get nasty and want to fight,. a lot think they can fly and jump out of windows, thats why they call it the crazy drug,

I've never heard of anyone getting flashbacks. Once you are off, you are okay, unless you've been a heavy user for a good number of years.

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