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Rehab/jail - Us Man Gets Thai Girl Addicted To Yaba


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What would you do to the piece of work expat that got this girl addicted?

Nothing. A certain percentage of women have always been in love with bottom feeder type guys. This goes on all over the world.

Unless he held a gun to her head or a knife to her throat, she has no one to blame for becoming a yabba head but herself. Sounds harsh, but that is how it is.

I understand women go for bottom feeders, but to say that drug addiction is an addicts fault is an EXTREMELY IGNORANT comment. Addiction is a disease, nobody goes into it thinking I am going to be a junkie. If you feel like that, don't comment next time you add NO VALUE to the thread

Sorry pal, but in your own words, "Long story short he starts dating my friend, he convinces this girl to try Yaba and ice." She was dippy enough to let some Bozo convince her try Yabba AND Ice and then gets hooked. If I convinced you to do the same, would it be my fault if you could not put down that pipe?

No worries, If you ever in your life find yourself in a spot where you need help and nobody gives it to you, maybe you can look back at the way you think now. Karma goes both ways. Eat your words.

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Stay out of it and tell your GF to do the same!!w00t.gif

All I would do would be get her into rehab somehow, providing she wants to go....one asumes she is an adult so she has made her choices as regards doing drugs, I would

Sounds like a cry for help... this situation is probably not as bad as it seems.

Firstly, I would like to ask the OP, does the said girl work in the adults entertainment industry? Such as a bar or massage establishment? Otherwise what is her occupation?

UPDATE - Today my gf spoke with the addict friend and she had claimed last night that she was being "held against her will" sometimes, the boyfriend would lock her in the room. This upset my gf of course. Today she talked with the girl again and it seemed that he was not around and the door was unlocked, but the girl was still unwilling to leave. My gf would have put her up in one of her properties and take care of her.

Then my gf spoke with one of her clients that she refers to as "the boss" every time his name comes up. I see how most people on TV try to spout their supposed connections so I won't even begin to try to justify it here. I know who the guy is and his position inside the government. Anyways, "the boss" said pretty much the same advice a lot of people on here. He said, "if it comes to drugs and there is a significant amount then the Police are going to go through the addict friend's phone and find conversations and calls with my gf." This would bring unwanted attention and scrutiny on my gf. So basically, he said drop the friendship and block her number from your phone.

My gf sent a message telling the girl she doesn't have time to deal with this bs (which she really doesn't, we're having Cambodian employee issues) so she blocked the number and we will have to let time tell what happens.

Thank you for the people that took the time to answer and ADD VALUE to the thread and for the rest of you bitter posters, I hope it is just your online persona. If not, I feel sorry for people that have the same attitude as you guys, life must be really hard for you.

If there is anymore updates, I will try to let you guys know.

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