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Bush Support Slumps

the gentleman

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I suspect you will go hide in your cave like Bin Laden.

As far as my friend Adjan JB and I are concerned, we will go hide in the cellar. You are dealing with self respecting Frenchmen: it would never come to our minds to store wine in a cave.

May I join you ?

I've got a cork-screw.

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As my friend, just remarked, "When people start getting all macho on the internet I usually suspect they are Gay". :o  :D  :D  :D

the gentleman Posted on Wed 2004-02-04, 04:37:01

I am a professional when it comes to "altercations", I served in countries where there was no war -none that you heard of anyway. Our Unit used to teach warfare to your US elite - If you want a go at the big prize, that is up to you.

I am not a Gentleman as such, in those terms - I was given that name in Africa, for what, is my business. I might be older now, but still only 36 and love combat in any form, business and toe to toe - I am not a fat bar bloke!

Am I a guy behind a PC, spouting off, or am I the real deal - you figure it out!

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I am a professional when it comes to "altercations", I served in countries where there was no war -none that you heard of anyway. Our Unit used to teach warfare to your US elite - If you want a go at the big prize, that is up to you.


Now, now Gentlemen. You wouldn't condone violence as a way to settle disputes now would you?

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any form, business and toe to toe - I am not a fat bar bloke!

Methinks the lady (man in this case)? protests too much...

You sure couldn't convince anyone around here that you're a "Gentleman".

Maybe you should change your name to "The Real Deal! Ha! :o

Boon Mee

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I am a professional when it comes to "altercations", I served in countries where there was no war -none that you heard of anyway. Our Unit used to teach warfare to your US elite - If you want a go at the big prize, that is up to you.


Now, now Gentlemen. You wouldn't condone violence as a way to settle disputes now would you?

Someone needs to get through to "the gentleman" that we fight with our brains on here. He is continually threatening people with violence and trying to impress them with his knowledge of fisticuffs, all to no avail.

This is the Internet dummy. You don't know where I am, and I don't know where you are, and if you are silly enough to come looking for me, just remember that great scene in an Indiana Jones movie, where the great martial artist starts whipping two swords at one time around doing, all kinds of fancy tricks trying to impress and scare Indiana Jones. Indiana quickly pulls out a pistol and shoots the moron right between the eyes.

That's exactly what they taught me in my Marine Corps, so F___ off, quit threatening people, and go get yourself an education you ignorant goon!. :o

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Wait 'till they roll out Bin Laden around election time... :o

Boon Mee

That would be something. It really would be something! :D

But why would that be somthing? What did he do?

They have the man behind September 11 already.

Check out this CNN report

Here's the interesting bit from it:

"We know he was a dangerous man in a dangerous part of the world," Bush said. "We know that he defied the United Nations year after year after year. And given the offense of September 11, we know we could not trust the good intentions of Saddam Hussein because he didn't have any."

So doesn't that mean that Bush thinks that Saddam Hussein did it? Or is he just trying to confuse the shit out of people who don't really know the difference between Iraq and Afghanistan in the hope that they will forget about Bin Laden.

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No, it means that after September 11, we were through letting dangerous madmen threaten our country. Because every intelligence service in the world thought that Hussein possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction, a belief that he fostered himself while officially denying it, we decided to go in and remove him as a threat, which we did. Saddam, R.I.P., you piece of garbage!

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No, it means that after September 11, we were through letting dangerous madmen threaten our country. Because every intelligence service in the world thought that Hussein possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction, a belief that he fostered himself while officially denying it, we decided to go in and remove him as a threat, which we did. Saddam, R.I.P., you piece of garbage!

Sorry .... how do you make that out? The UN weapons inspectors didn't find any. The CIA said that the case for WMD in Iraq was weak. Fun reading on the subject

And I'm talking prior to the war. The US went on the basis of intelligence from the UK which was a load of shit anyway.

Every intelligence service my ass. Hussein was asked to hand over the WMD or face war. He didn't have any so the war started as planned! Blair did enough to make the war seem legal.

Anyway the threat at the moment is fear. 300 million scared shitless people who will let their government do whatever the ###### it likes.

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The good ole Yankees - you abuse me, I abuse you back, you offer to fly to my destination to sought me out, I say ok and then I am the violent one - then you quote Indiana Jones :o:D:D

It probably hurts your masculinity when someone is prepared to take you guys up on YOUR offers - your piss weak and you are the bullys - it starts from your president and follows to down to the followers.

That is what is lacking in you guys - spines. Throw the bombs, literally or literary, when someone counter attacks they are called terrorists or goons or lady men or whatever crap blurts out at the time.

Georgie - your an idiot! Clock in and pay your rent.

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You are by no means a gentleman.

All you do is viciously attack people, and name call. Are you the big bully in the sand box in Phuket?

If you would like, I can come see you in HKT in May. Send me your details.


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I do believe this thread is going to be pulled/aborted soon as the level of rhetoric seems to be ratcheting up all the time so here goes:

Q: Hear the one about the queer Aussie?

A: He's the one who would rather be home w/the missus than out w/ the lads.

To be called piss-weak etc. tears it Mr. Gentleman. My schedule won't permit me to join you in Phuket at present but I should be in Singapore in about three weeks.

Have a nice day & don't forget to take your blood-pressure meds. :o

Boon Mee

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Boon Me,

I think I'm going away for a while. BS has gotten tiring, and I don't need people calling me: a product of incest, a stupid moron, and weasel faced(?), when I have not disrespected them as such.

Fact is that this gentleman as he calls himself would never say these things to my face.

For his reference, I am 32, 6'3" 285lbs. While I am a professional, I used to hang with 81 Dagos, and/still the Mexican brownshirts.

Is this some kind of threat, no way. I am just telling you that I understand respect, I show it to others, and expect it in return.

If you want to disrespect me, then do it to my face.

Gentleman, if you don't understand where I am comming from, and still want to see me, email me and I will oblige: [email protected]


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A lot of muscles flexing here.

As far as I am concerned I am small and I am only 60 kilos.

I am also a coward, a weasel and a cheese-eating surrender monkey. I am so easily scared that even reading your posts leaves me shaking.


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A lot of muscles flexing here.

As far as I am concerned I am small and I am only 60 kilos.

I am also a coward, a weasel and a cheese-eating surrender monkey. I am so easily scared that even reading your posts leaves me shaking.


adjan jb, that was a most excellent post, however, for those that don't know already, could you also admit that you are French? It helps readers understand why we stereo-type you guys this way. Do you think that you could get pepe' le' pew to whine and beg a little, as well? :o

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Boon Me,

I think I'm going away for a while. BS has gotten tiring, and I don't need people calling me: a product of incest, a stupid moron, and weasel faced(?), when I have not disrespected them as such.

Fact is that this gentleman as he calls himself would never say these things to my face.

For his reference, I am 32, 6'3" 285lbs. While I am a professional, I used to hang with 81 Dagos, and/still the Mexican brownshirts.

Is this some kind of threat, no way. I am just telling you that I understand respect, I show it to others, and expect it in return.

If you want to disrespect me, then do it to my face.

Gentleman, if you don't understand where I am comming from, and still want to see me, email me and I will oblige: [email protected]


QUOTE (plachon @ Thu 2004-01-29, 02:36:40)

How come you sold out on trying to save the world?

SoCal's reply:

"Jaded I guess. Seems like such a daunting task. I've been to places that make Thailand look like a first world country.

34 now, and VP of an international company. Want to retire in 8 years. Retirement doesn't mean not working to me, but freedom to do the things you want. Maybe then I'll put my cape back on, and try to save the world."

Suffering from a touch of amnesia SoCal about your age, or is it that you're starting to believe the girls' "You handsome young man come with me for short time, no?" LOL. :o:D Looks like you really need that holiday, when you can't even remember your vital stats. :D

Looks like there's more than Georgie - Porkie telling little pies these days.

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A lot of muscles flexing here.

As far as I am concerned I am small and I am only 60 kilos.

I am also a coward, a weasel and a cheese-eating surrender monkey. I am so easily scared that even reading your posts leaves me shaking.


adjan jb, that was a most excellent post, however, for those that don't know already, could you also admit that you are French? It helps readers understand why we stereo-type you guys this way. Do you think that you could get pepe' le' pew to whine and beg a little, as well? :o

As a spiritual son of the great Charles de Gaule, Pepe never begs and whines. But he is ready to offer resistance till death. And dying with panache, his last words will be: "merde" or " <deleted>, it hurts"... or something similar, anyway some unforgettable words.

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I tried posting this a couple of days ago, but a worm virus got in the way. Since then, I notice the chivalrous exchange of views has turned somewhat acrimonious.

Bush will beat Kerry in November. By a landslide. Kerry is unelectable. He has nothing to show for 30 years in politics. Can you name even one achievement by the man. Has he done anything - even negative - which caught your attention. The Ketchup Kid will get torn apart by the Republican re-election machine, rather like Michael Dukakis. He won't be able to mount a vigorous defence, let alone counter attack because he's hopeless as a campaigner. At least Dean has some energy and anger. So far, he's relied on those nominating to to the hard work. That stops once it's one on one.

Kerry will probably win the Democratic nomination because he is the least worst choice. Screamin' Howard Dean is too much of a contemptuous, light weight liberal, Gen. Clark is too weird and out of touch, Liebermann is Jewish and, like it or not, that is enough to make him unlelectable as President of America. Edwards doesn't have enough policies beyond lawyer-related issues, nor enough contacts to win.

I have my own theory about the deficit, which you will never hear from a senior Republican. Cast your mind back to the days of Ronald Reagan. His administration ran up a huge deficit in pursuit of its goals. Reagan knew that one day a Democrat would be elected president, and this deficit would put huge restraints on his agenda and force him to act almost like a Republican is supposed to. Some would say that's how Clinton behaved once realities dawned on him.

The Bush administration is using the same tactics, probably with the same advisers in place. They know exactly what they are doing, and the effect on the state's finances. Underhand? Probably, but that's politics.

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I could PM him a copy of my Insults 101 Course, if he agrees to write for our side

I'd like a copy too. I could hurl a few at my colleagues at work (the disagreeable ones), and the rest - assuming there was no contest over the definition - at Lamphun.

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It is a pleasure finding someone here who can write.

You mean instead of calling the opposition "Leftist Sh1tstains on the Wrinkled Beadsheets of Humanity" they should be referred to as the "Screeching MoonBats of Idiotaria"?

Don't worry darlin' there's some good writers around here but as Georgie said, it's the Bear Pit and we tend to take off the gloves & English suffers. :o

Boon Mee

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SOCAL, the email has been sent - I love fat blokes, Ill meet you at the airport - at least this yankee has got some balls - dont worry Georgie I will send some photos to you re the outcome. Keep getting up early and clocking in.

Tell 'ya what Boys, why don't we meet this REMF in the Phillipines and afterwards go out and "bag" some LBFMs? It'll be another "Thrilla' in Manila" :o

Without a doubt this is some rather large - porcine individual who was probably a cook's helper in his army now living grandiose dreams pecking away on his computer. Ha! :D

Boon Mee

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SOCAL, the email has been sent - I love fat blokes, Ill meet you at the airport - at least this yankee has got some balls - dont worry Georgie I will send some photos to you re the outcome. Keep getting up early and clocking in.

Tell 'ya what Boys, why don't we meet this REMF in the Phillipines and afterwards go "bag" some LBFMs? It'll be another "Thrilla in Manila" :o

Without a doubt this is some rather large - porcine individual who was probably a cook's helper in his army now living grandiose dreams pecking away on his computer. Ha! :D

Boon Mee

I didnt know you knew Socal so well Boon Mee - It wont be a thrilla believe me :D

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