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I need the services of a good English speaking Divorce Lawyer- to prepare a Pre-nuptual agreement prior to marriage to a Thai National. Anyone got a good recommendation please?


You are getting married and you are already thinking of divorce. Cannot understand what is happening to this world. I wonder why people get married at all, is it to make lawyers richer?


######:- Yes, sorry :o -Thailand. Superlative expertise essential, Cost and geographic location less important. I am looking for a recommendation or two, rather than just the "name" of say, someones brother-in-law. Perfection rules:mediocrity sucks. (never more so than in LOS)!

Dove:- Thanks for the comment. You sound like a woman, as does your name. Are you a hopeless romantic, or does ONE of your feet actually touch the ground? Lawyers make money from idiots that dont find out how to extricate themselves from a situation cleanly BEFORE they get totally involved. I am NOT thinking of getting divorced. A divorce lawyer has more insight into pre-nuptual requirements, and what is enforceable, rather than a contract lawyer. Any fool can get married, even stupidly place assets in the name of their beloved. Too many guys get taken to the cleaners if the marriage goes pearshaped. I will not be one of them. I didnt get to where I am in my life by allowing other people, or worse, fate to take control. If you dont have the logic to comprehend what I'm about, then you are either a woman, or a guy with no assets, or a guy without the necessary quantity of blood in your body to supply both your brain and your dick simultaneously. :D

Capitalinvestment:- thanks for that.. wow now I know there is at least ONE other sensible bloke in LOS :D


Tri Law on Asoke did my pre-nup i think for about 10000 baht - it was an ok job and price good. Also attended with us at the 'government wedding' to make sure all went ok. send PM for phone number


Dove - as u bring up the nick-name relevance I suggest Ostrich or is it the Emu that puts its head in the sand?

Many couples have regretted not agreeing pre-nups and lawyers the world over have smiled and rubbed their hands when seeing the mess people get themselves in.

Get real.


10,000 baht is a very good price I did my pre-nup about 25000 :o

Dove, I think to have a pre nup is a reasonable thing to do , when you are in love parties want only fairness for each other, talking about the money while you 're loving each better than fighting over the money because then only thing that lead you is a nasty divorce.

10,000 baht is a very good price I did my pre-nup about 25000 :o

Dove, I think to have a pre nup is a reasonable thing to do , when you are in love parties want only fairness for each other, talking about the money while you 're loving each better than fighting over the money because then only thing that lead you is a nasty divorce.

what good would it do if she pushes you off the balcony of your condo or cuts off your todger while you are sleeping ?


what good would it do if she pushes you off the balcony of your condo or cuts off your todger while you are sleeping ?eric1000

If you have to worry about things like that why bother to marry her at the first place?

I am a woman :o I considering that to pushes him off the balcony would be very difficult to do, to cut a todger? well, I dont like blood.So I do rather stick with my plan A, feed him good food ,finest wine never force him to go to the gym, shut my mouth up when he smoke cigaret.That would do. LOL

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