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United Nations Honours Yingluck


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No doubt this will add to the pain and somehow be denied...........

83 % of those polled want the PM to continue.



Q2: Political strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats between Puea Thai and the Democrats (จุดแข็ง (Strengths) จุดอ่อน (Weaknesses) โอกาส (Opportunities) ปัญหาอุปสรรค (Threats) ในทางการเมือง ระหว่างพรรรคเพื่อไทย และพรรคประชาธิปัตย์)

Microsoft Excel

BP: This isn’t good for the Democrats.

Q3: Should Yingluck be given the opportunity to continue to work (ควรให้โอกาสนายกรัฐมนตรียิ่งลักษณ์ ชินวัตรทำงานต่อไ)?

1. Yes, she should have the opportunity to continue to work (ควรให้โอกาสทำงานต่อไป), 83.6%

2. No, she should not have the opportunity (ไม่ควรให้โอกาส), 16.4%

Q4: What period of time would you support the current government under Yingluck to continue working (ช่วงเวลาที่สนับสนุนให้รัฐบาลชุดปัจจุบันภายใต้การนำของ นางสาวยิ่งลักษณ์ ชินวัตร ทำงานต่อไป)?

1. Less than 6 months, 14.7%

2. 6-12 months, 10%

3. 1-2 years, 20.1%

4. More than 2 years until the end of its term, 55.2%

It's good that people understand that a legal government should be able to see out it's term. Beats having riots and gun toting protesters in the streets trying to overthrow it.

What if the legally elected government does illegal things?

Remember that if you are elected it doesn't mean you can create your own laws and start treating the country as if it was yours.

I didn't say "legally elected government", I said "legal government".

Sent from my HTC phone.

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What if the legally elected government does illegal things?

Remember that if you are elected it doesn't mean you can create your own laws and start treating the country as if it was yours.

I didn't say "legally elected government", I said "legal government".

Sent from my HTC phone.


What if the legal government does illegal things?

Remember that if you are elected it doesn't mean you can create your own laws and start treating the country as if it was yours.

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But, without being too presumptuous, at least you've never had to exit a hotel in a foreign country and had your own citizens mock you and ridicule you as a liar in the streets while protesting your very presence in that foreign country.

(near the end of the video)


Yes being ridiculed and receiving protests from a bunch of old Thais who love their country sooo much that they decided to live in America. Must have worried her.

I don't know if you were aware of the video poster - obviously an angry man from Thailand (so he says), one named Ronayos.

To get some idea of his mindset he is very impressed with a conspiracy video about the events of 2001, entitled "Full The Painful Truth and lies behind 9/11 - A documentary you dont want to miss" with the enjoinder "Must Watch"

If you must watch the conspiracy video google the above. I'm not going to credit it with an easy link.

Edited by TheKrayTriplet
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But, without being too presumptuous, at least you've never had to exit a hotel in a foreign country and had your own citizens mock you and ridicule you as a liar in the streets while protesting your very presence in that foreign country.

(near the end of the video)

Yes being ridiculed and receiving protests from a bunch of old Thais who love their country sooo much that they decided to live in America. Must have worried her.

Once you become more familiar with Thailand, you might learn the difference between how a hi-so Thai woman perceives face being different than an anonymous internet male sitting in the UK.

Or you might not.

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What if the legal government does illegal things?

Remember that if you are elected it doesn't mean you can create your own laws and start treating the country as if it was yours.

Actually thats exactly what being elected means. Not that fevered nonsense of yours about "
treating the country as if it was yours
". No, the bit about making laws . Thats why parliamentarians are known as lawmakers, that's what they do. They discuss laws between the parties through three readings and if a majority vote for them and the King approves, they become law.

That was the way, until quite recently when the democrat party plus their yellow shirt supporters starting getting up themselves and encouraged the constitution court to get involved by invoking an unecessary Section 68 claim. Now it seems as if the constitution court make the laws.
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What if the legal government does illegal things?

Remember that if you are elected it doesn't mean you can create your own laws and start treating the country as if it was yours.

Actually thats exactly what being elected means. Not that fevered nonsense of yours about "
treating the country as if it was yours
". No, the bit about making laws . Thats why parliamentarians are known as lawmakers, that's what they do. They discuss laws between the parties through three readings and if a majority vote for them and the King approves, they become law.

That was the way, until quite recently when the democrat party plus their yellow shirt supporters starting getting up themselves and encouraged the constitution court to get involved by invoking an unecessary Section 68 claim. Now it seems as if the constitution court make the laws.

Who are you trying to convince? It is so obvious that the amendments PT is going for will only benefit a few.

I have been around long enough to understand how things work here. Your theory might work in the UK but not here.

There are enough cases of misuse of power and changing laws for personal benefits. Thailand is still a very corrupt country and politicians are not as innocent as you might want me to believe, to say the least.

Edited by Nickymaster
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No doubt this will add to the pain and somehow be denied...........

83 % of those polled want the PM to continue.



Q2: Political strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats between Puea Thai and the Democrats (จุดแข็ง (Strengths) จุดอ่อน (Weaknesses) โอกาส (Opportunities) ปัญหาอุปสรรค (Threats) ในทางการเมือง ระหว่างพรรรคเพื่อไทย และพรรคประชาธิปัตย์)

Microsoft Excel

BP: This isn’t good for the Democrats.

Q3: Should Yingluck be given the opportunity to continue to work (ควรให้โอกาสนายกรัฐมนตรียิ่งลักษณ์ ชินวัตรทำงานต่อไ)?

1. Yes, she should have the opportunity to continue to work (ควรให้โอกาสทำงานต่อไป), 83.6%

2. No, she should not have the opportunity (ไม่ควรให้โอกาส), 16.4%

Q4: What period of time would you support the current government under Yingluck to continue working (ช่วงเวลาที่สนับสนุนให้รัฐบาลชุดปัจจุบันภายใต้การนำของ นางสาวยิ่งลักษณ์ ชินวัตร ทำงานต่อไป)?

1. Less than 6 months, 14.7%

2. 6-12 months, 10%

3. 1-2 years, 20.1%

4. More than 2 years until the end of its term, 55.2%

It's good that people understand that a legal government should be able to see out it's term. Beats having riots and gun toting protesters in the streets trying to overthrow it.

Absolutely agree.

Please inform the military.


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OMG .... Thaksins little Sis' makes the promiss that there will be no water flood in 2012 ... and this qualifies her to get an official award for her work on disaster-reduction efforts in Asia .... ?!?

Jeeez, and then she even doesn't have time to get the award herself - so famous Plod must stand in for her. He is Science Minister and is also very qualified in disaster-reduction (Remember: "If you see the water coming, evacuate).

What a more than ridiculous elite we got in LOS ;-)

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