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Thai Govt Prepares For Possible Obama Visit


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It's too bad mostif the posters here weren't in the US armed services when the previous US President and his administration invaded Iraq based on lies and saber rattling, Also destroyed the housing market, damaged the economy not only in USA, but allowed the crooked bankers on WallStreet to get away with crippling the real estate market, and afterward rewarding them with bailouts. Yes the Obama administration isn't perfect, but they kept the USA from total financial ruin, where as the Bush administration couldn't leave the burning house fast enough.

Partially true of the Republicans and their one sided agenda, but the Democrats opened the welfare and illegal alien tickets that have devastated the middle class family workers of USA, combined with the two party system of self-serving and doing nothing for the future of our kids.! We have to be politically right and not enforce our immigration laws, especially if they are the future votes and major reproducers of voters!
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It's too bad mostif the posters here weren't in the US armed services when the previous US President and his administration invaded Iraq based on lies and saber rattling, Also destroyed the housing market, damaged the economy not only in USA, but allowed the crooked bankers on WallStreet to get away with crippling the real estate market, and afterward rewarding them with bailouts. Yes the Obama administration isn't perfect, but they kept the USA from total financial ruin, where as the Bush administration couldn't leave the burning house fast enough.

While I do not agree with the invasion of Iraq, the previous administration did not single handedly destry the housing market. That was done entirely by the liberal left if you had done your homework, you would have known that was done entirely by Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd.

The odummy administration has done more to destroy U.S. standing and credibility in the world than the last 7 Presidents combined.

I believe it started with the Clinton admin, as he wanted everyone to be able to buy a house even if they could not afford it...

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Once again, the keyboard warriors here on TV don't disappoint..... While you're sitting in your dimly lit crummy hole you call

an apartment calling him a communist and such, he's out there making a difference. It's easy to criticize isn't it.

Step away from the computer, put the beer down and go for a walk....

P.S. it's President Obama you ^&^*$**^((!

Just as the keyboard warriors seem to think the PM of Thailand should be given no respect in spite of being the duly elected PM of a country of 60 million people they also want to bash the duly elected president of the USA for traveling around the world to encourage biz and shore up relations with valuable allies such as Thailand. Of course if Yingluck never left her office they would whine that she was doing nothing...just as many in America wouldn't give President Obama any credit if he brought peace to the world and found the cure for cancer.

As one famous politiican once said: " Nattering Nabobs of Negativity."


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Obama is coming here because the Thais are deluted into thinking he's great. In the US his popularity is dropping like a rock! He is coming to be around friendlies. Too bad the Thais can't vote for him. He's SUNK!

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I have been reading the postings on Thai Visa Forum for several months now and it really is dissapointing when I read comments from those that appear to have a distored view of so many stories that are posted. There always seems to be people that give the perception of negativity. I don't know why their minds seem so poluted. I also cannot understand why they have to respond to most every topic in a negative way. Is it because they are bored with their life? I know that there are many educated people here but unfortunetly they never learned about things such as attitude and behavior. I am trying to be respectful with my comments and hope to convey that I believe it is more of value to oneself to focus on self improvement of ones thoughts then to just continue to comment with a tone of ridicule to the topics.

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Once again, the keyboard warriors here on TV don't disappoint..... While you're sitting in your dimly lit crummy hole you call

an apartment calling him a communist and such, he's out there making a difference. It's easy to criticize isn't it.

Step away from the computer, put the beer down and go for a walk....

P.S. it's President Obama you ^&^*$**^((!

Just as the keyboard warriors seem to think the PM of Thailand should be given no respect in spite of being the duly elected PM of a country of 60 million people they also want to bash the duly elected president of the USA for traveling around the world to encourage biz and shore up relations with valuable allies such as Thailand. Of course if Yingluck never left her office they would whine that she was doing nothing...just as many in America wouldn't give President Obama any credit if he brought peace to the world and found the cure for cancer.

As one famous politiican once said: " Nattering Nabobs of Negativity."

Thailand is a valuable ally? In what way? Do valuable allies refuse facilities to set up a weather observation centre? Or a base to distribute US largesse following disasters?

I would see Myanmar as a valuable ally if that could be achieved. Not only does it have oil but would welcome profitable investment.

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Must be Oil near by.

It is a lot, southern and northern gulf...and to the east.

What you think why there are tensions with Cambodia. Why someone financially supports the islam fanatics in the south and why the USA want to study the "weather" just over these places.

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It's too bad mostif the posters here weren't in the US armed services when the previous US President and his administration invaded Iraq based on lies and saber rattling, Also destroyed the housing market, damaged the economy not only in USA, but allowed the crooked bankers on WallStreet to get away with crippling the real estate market, and afterward rewarding them with bailouts. Yes the Obama administration isn't perfect, but they kept the USA from total financial ruin, where as the Bush administration couldn't leave the burning house fast enough.

Three cheers !!!

Perhaps a few of the posters need to pick up a beer and a book....Hank Paulson's "On the Brink"


We were at a SERIOUS economic brink that I fully expected we would not be out of for at least 5-6 years, maybe more.

And we have NOT yet cleared up all those 'funny new instruments of trading',...deriviatives and credit default swaps...those inventions of the new-age traders and the hedge fund gurus

Edited by boatguy
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I expect this to be a really big event in Thailand. Most of the world recognizes Obama as not just another American president, but an ICONIC one. Also given his childhood connection to Indonesia, Obama enjoys a special personal bond with the Asean region. Yes he ate dog! Bow wow.

BTW, contrary to the impression some might get by reading many of the posts here, he ain't chopped liver in the USA either. He enjoys a 51 percent job approval rating which is quite decent for any president, especially when comparing to the job approval for the U.S. congress -- 7 percent.

Edited by Jingthing
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I expect this to be a really big event in Thailand. Most of the world recognizes Obama as not just another American president, but an ICONIC one. Also given his childhood connection to Indonesia, Obama enjoys a special personal bond with the Asean region. Yes he ate dog! Bow wow.

BTW, contrary to the impression some might get by reading many of the posts here, he ain't chopped liver in the USA either. He enjoys a 51 percent job approval rating which is quite decent for any president, especially when comparing to the job approval for the U.S. congress -- 7 percent.

Big event for who???? Just compare attitude and world knowledge between the 2 leaders. Chalk and cheese comes to mind. To be honest being the Thai p.m. I would be shy to meet Obama, Her leadership is simply gain, for a few. His right or wrong, is seen to be fairly honest. sorry but my view.
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Once again, the keyboard warriors here on TV don't disappoint..... While you're sitting in your dimly lit crummy hole you call

an apartment calling him a communist and such, he's out there making a difference. It's easy to criticize isn't it.

Step away from the computer, put the beer down and go for a walk....

P.S. it's President Obama you ^&^*$**^((!

Just as the keyboard warriors seem to think the PM of Thailand should be given no respect in spite of being the duly elected PM of a country of 60 million people they also want to bash the duly elected president of the USA for traveling around the world to encourage biz and shore up relations with valuable allies such as Thailand. Of course if Yingluck never left her office they would whine that she was doing nothing...just as many in America wouldn't give President Obama any credit if he brought peace to the world and found the cure for cancer.

As one famous politiican once said: " Nattering Nabobs of Negativity."

That famous politician would have been our former beloved VP Spiro Agnew.

As for those posts about Oil and Cowboys, your mixing your politicians, that would have been our former beloved President George W. This President doesn't give a hoot about oil or cowboys, he's worried sick about some welfare momma with 11 kids with 11 different daddy's not getting her fair share of the welfare pie and 13 million illegal aliens not being paid minimum wage or getting free schooling and free medical. After all, the US is the home of the brave and the land of the FREE.

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President Obama can be assured of a very warm welcome from the American expat community here in Thailand!

I don't know what part of Thailand you live in but I can assure you that the majority of American expats that live in my town would not give him a warm welcome. I know quite a few Americans here and I only know of one who is an Obama supporter. His administration's borrowing and printing money certainly has not helped the value of our dollars against the Baht or any other currency.

He has sightly more pressing issues than the value of your expat dollars. Lest we forget, the value before in 1997 was 25. Only another few points to go, and maybe 100 usd per hour can compete with 100 usd per month.

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As seldom as I comment on this forum, I couldn't help myself on this topic. My first reaction is to hope like hell that obomber gets defeated in November, just to save Thailand the agony of having to host him. However, upon reading some of the postings, I realized that even Thailand is not free of socialist desires. Fortunately, I hope, most of those desires are held by non-voting expats.

I was particularly amused to read that obomber is "out there making a difference". Yes, yes he truly is. He's making a difference for the Afghanis, the Pakistanis, the Egyptians, the Libyans, the Yemenis, and the Syrians. Soon he'll be making a difference for the Iranians. And, let us not forget how he makes a difference for his fellow (?) Americans. Unemployment approaching 15% (if you read the honest numbers), inflation pushing 10% (if you read the honest numbers), at least half of all Americans receiving some form of public assistance, indefinite detention for any American that the government deems worthy of such (read that they don't like you), and murder for any Americans that obomber deems worthy (read that they really don't like you). A spate of "executive orders" designed to destroy every remaining freedom Americans have.

I had to laugh out loud hearing what a phenomenal saviour old man joe is. About the only thing he displayed is disrespect.

No, I'm not sitting in a dimly lit crummy hole, either. And, I never called him a communist. I called him a socialist. His mentors used the word communist.

Well said, nice post. But remember those things are not just about Obama, he's just the latest puppet. The agenda of the global power structure basically remains the same no matter who wins the election. I would say Romney is the lesser of evils but don't expect any basic underlying changes just because Obama loses the election. It's continuity of government and continuity of global corporate agenda and the mega rich global families that control them . Hard to go into details in a little written forum like this. Be sure to familiarize yourself in depth with something called "agenda 21" and not just the smiley-face version fed to the dumbed down general global public. Cheers.

Miami Bob is spot on! The USA has 2% of its population owning 29% of the countries wealth!!!!!!!!! This is down from 67% when the US was in her youth. Do you think the richest of the rich didn't profit handsomely by the global financial meltdown? And now is their buying sprees of land and resources in this bargain basement depression. The elite wealthy have more power and pull then you could imagine! I notice the rich Democrats are buying away too, did they have a warning to exit the the sinking market and wage on the lending madness to break us? Now with the liberal sharing of USA's funds to non citizens and other uneducated riff-raff that are spreading like cancer in America and sucking us dry, all the Middle class workers that are the core of any nation are suffering and still being manipulated by the smooth talkers in Washington.

There is a rumor that after WW2, the rich families from all the battling nations got together to form a keep rich strategy.The Mitsuis, Rockefeller s, Oppenheimer's, Rothschild, Kennedy's, the list goes on of the big money that put an idea to start electronics building in Japan, Standard Oil of New York,(SONY). Put in $ too,.

Greedy sombitches just want the most they can get at our cost!

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