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European Union Awarded Nobel Peace Prize


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EU awarded Nobel peace prize

OSLO: -- Norway’s Nobel committee has awarded the 2012 Nobel peace prize to the European Union.

The candidate shortlist featured 231 names, including 43 public and international organizations.

The prize was first awarded in 1901 and is considered to be the most prestigious mark of honour granted for social, political and humanitarian activism.

This year’s $1.2 million worth prize will be presented in Oslo on the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death on December 10.

Voice of Russia, RIA

Source: http://english.ruvr.ru/2012_10_12/European-Union-wins-Nobel-Peace-Prize/

-- VOICE OF RUSSIA 2012-10-12


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It was a play-off between the EU and that Gangnam Style guy, I guess. sad.png

You might be joking but that guy has done more to promote fun and harmony ( around the world not just EU )than the bunch of t***ts at the EU could ever do.

"You only have to open your eyes to see the increasing violence and division within the EU which is caused by the Euro project" he said.

"Spain is on the verge of a bail-out, with senior military figures warning that the Army may have to intervene in Catalonia. In Greece people are starving and abandoning their children through desperate poverty and never a week goes by that we don't see riots and protests in capital cities against the troika and the economic prison they have imposed.

"The next stage is to abandon the Nation state: the awarding of this prize to the EU brings it into disrepute."

Mr Farage added, "The last attempt in Europe to impose a new flag, currency and nationality on separate states was called Yugoslavia. The EU is repeating the same tragic mistake."

"Rather than bring peace and harmony, the EU will cause insurgency and violence.

Edited by Asiantravel
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It was a play-off between the EU and that Gangnam Style guy, I guess. sad.png

You might be joking but that guy has done more to promote fun and harmony ( around the world not just EU )than the bunch of t***ts at the EU could ever do.

"You only have to open your eyes to see the increasing violence and division within the EU which is caused by the Euro project" he said.

"Spain is on the verge of a bail-out, with senior military figures warning that the Army may have to intervene in Catalonia. In Greece people are starving and abandoning their children through desperate poverty and never a week goes by that we don't see riots and protests in capital cities against the troika and the economic prison they have imposed.

"The next stage is to abandon the Nation state: the awarding of this prize to the EU brings it into disrepute."

Mr Farage added, "The last attempt in Europe to impose a new flag, currency and nationality on separate states was called Yugoslavia. The EU is repeating the same tragic mistake."

"Rather than bring peace and harmony, the EU will cause insurgency and violence.

Nigel Farage, the man who never lets the chance for self-promotion and preening pass him by, gets his history wrong again...

Far from it that imposing a "new flag, currency and nationality on separate states called Yugoslavia" and that this ended in disaster. It was actually the breakup of this handy piece of Balkan " tidying up" that caused the war to break out and while Slovenia escaped the grief, a bloodbath descended on Bosnia, Croatia etc

While the EU has a multitude of failings one thing has been an obvious success, namely that the idea of a war between member states has become beyond unthinkable. Thus a worthy winner of any peace award.


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You might be joking but that guy has done more to promote fun and harmony ( around the world not just EU )than the bunch of t***ts at the EU could ever do.

"You only have to open your eyes to see the increasing violence and division within the EU which is caused by the Euro project" he said.

"Spain is on the verge of a bail-out, with senior military figures warning that the Army may have to intervene in Catalonia. In Greece people are starving and abandoning their children through desperate poverty and never a week goes by that we don't see riots and protests in capital cities against the troika and the economic prison they have imposed.

"The next stage is to abandon the Nation state: the awarding of this prize to the EU brings it into disrepute."

Mr Farage added, "The last attempt in Europe to impose a new flag, currency and nationality on separate states was called Yugoslavia. The EU is repeating the same tragic mistake."

"Rather than bring peace and harmony, the EU will cause insurgency and violence.

Nigel Farage, the man who never lets the chance for self-promotion and preening pass him by, gets his history wrong again...

Far from it that imposing a "new flag, currency and nationality on separate states called Yugoslavia" and that this ended in disaster. It was actually the breakup of this handy piece of Balkan " tidying up" that caused the war to break out and while Slovenia escaped the grief, a bloodbath descended on Bosnia, Croatia etc

While the EU has a multitude of failings one thing has been an obvious success, namely that the idea of a war between member states has become beyond unthinkable. Thus a worthy winner of any peace award.


But it is not only Nigel Farage who is critical of these warmongers


Europe is not a person. It has not during the past year — which is the requirement — or even during the past several decades done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations. Ask Libya. Ask Syria. Check with Afghanistan. See what Iraq thinks. Far from doing the best work to abolish or reduce standing armies, Europe has joined with the United States in developing an armed global force aggressively imposing its will on the world.

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Just to clear some common misunderstandings.

Although the committee is in Norway, the decision has really nothing to do with Norway as a state.

I believe Nobel awarded it to Norway, but it is a panel of 5 people that decides what or who is awarded the prize.

Most often than not, the Norwegians are against who gets the prize.

I agree with the members saying it is past its selling date.

However, the regular "mocking birds" of TV, and the UK press (which always mocks in order to sell) should read once more why they decided to give it to EU.

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Just to clear some common misunderstandings.

Although the committee is in Norway, the decision has really nothing to do with Norway as a state.

I believe Nobel awarded it to Norway, but it is a panel of 5 people that decides what or who is awarded the prize.

Most often than not, the Norwegians are against who gets the prize.

I agree with the members saying it is past its selling date.

However, the regular "mocking birds" of TV, and the UK press (which always mocks in order to sell) should read once more why they decided to give it to EU.

You're saying it's not a bunch of salmon fishermen huddled over an oil lamp? :rolleyes:

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Just to clear some common misunderstandings.

Although the committee is in Norway, the decision has really nothing to do with Norway as a state.

I believe Nobel awarded it to Norway, but it is a panel of 5 people that decides what or who is awarded the prize.

Most often than not, the Norwegians are against who gets the prize.

I agree with the members saying it is past its selling date.

However, the regular "mocking birds" of TV, and the UK press (which always mocks in order to sell) should read once more why they decided to give it to EU.

The Nobel Peace Prize became past it's sell by date when it was awarded to Henry Kissinger for his architecture of 'bombing Cambodia back to the stone age'. Which was also the day when satire became redundant!
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Just to clear some common misunderstandings.

Although the committee is in Norway, the decision has really nothing to do with Norway as a state.

I believe Nobel awarded it to Norway, but it is a panel of 5 people that decides what or who is awarded the prize.

Most often than not, the Norwegians are against who gets the prize.

I agree with the members saying it is past its selling date.

However, the regular "mocking birds" of TV, and the UK press (which always mocks in order to sell) should read once more why they decided to give it to EU.

You're saying it's not a bunch of salmon fishermen huddled over an oil lamp? rolleyes.gif

No I did not say that, nor did I deny it.


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Just to clear some common misunderstandings.

Although the committee is in Norway, the decision has really nothing to do with Norway as a state.

I believe Nobel awarded it to Norway, but it is a panel of 5 people that decides what or who is awarded the prize.

Most often than not, the Norwegians are against who gets the prize.

I agree with the members saying it is past its selling date.

However, the regular "mocking birds" of TV, and the UK press (which always mocks in order to sell) should read once more why they decided to give it to EU.

The Nobel Peace Prize became past it's sell by date when it was awarded to Henry Kissinger for his architecture of 'bombing Cambodia back to the stone age'. Which was also the day when satire became redundant!

What put me off was when I think it was Yasser Arafat whom got the award together with his Israeli counterpart.

Arafat got the award for stopping all the killings!

The same time, one of his very own soldiers was arrested in Norway, and the year after flown to Germany to stand trial after a plane high jacking.

That was it for me.

I never understood the importance of it anyhow.

5 people sit somewhere and decide to give some money and a diploma to a person/organization.

How come this is even news worthy.

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EU’s winning the Nobel Peace Prize widely seen as a tasteless joke

That Barroso should accept this award on behalf of this corrupt organisation, he being an essentially unelected undemocratically appointed President , says it all. He who was once the champion of Maoism, an ideology that killed millions.

The People of the UK demand an IN OUT referendum as proof we still reside in a democracy.

To date Cameron has only insulted the electorate with attempts at micromanaging the issue with PR and false rhetoric.

Freedom and our civil rights are at stake, and the evidence that we are now no more than a vassal state being prepared for absorption into an undemocratic European Federal government is increasingly apparent.

I, for one, am not prepared to give up the liberties and laws that our ancestors, our forefathers and mothers, were prepared to die for.

We must protest peacefully making our voice and feelings clear at the election box.

We should all support Nigel Farage and UKIP in order to protect our right to be a self governing nation.

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While the EU has a multitude of failings one thing has been an obvious success, namely that the idea of a war between member states has become beyond unthinkable. Thus a worthy winner of any peace award.


No need for internal wars when you can get involved with regime change elsewhere such as in Libya and likely soon enough Syria too. Of course it was humanitarian considerations solely behind these interventions and nothing to do with being a vassal state for the Sunni oil cartel.

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EU’s winning the Nobel Peace Prize widely seen as a tasteless joke

That Barroso should accept this award on behalf of this corrupt organisation, he being an essentially unelected undemocratically appointed President , says it all. He who was once the champion of Maoism, an ideology that killed millions.

The People of the UK demand an IN OUT referendum as proof we still reside in a democracy.

To date Cameron has only insulted the electorate with attempts at micromanaging the issue with PR and false rhetoric.

Freedom and our civil rights are at stake, and the evidence that we are now no more than a vassal state being prepared for absorption into an undemocratic European Federal government is increasingly apparent.

I, for one, am not prepared to give up the liberties and laws that our ancestors, our forefathers and mothers, were prepared to die for.

We must protest peacefully making our voice and feelings clear at the election box.

We should all support Nigel Farage and UKIP in order to protect our right to be a self governing nation.

The European idea is bigger than one or another island in the Atlantic ocean.

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While the EU has a multitude of failings one thing has been an obvious success, namely that the idea of a war between member states has become beyond unthinkable. Thus a worthy winner of any peace award.


No need for internal wars when you can get involved with regime change elsewhere such as in Libya and likely soon enough Syria too. Of course it was humanitarian considerations solely behind these interventions and nothing to do with being a vassal state for the Sunni oil cartel.

Germany, for example, was against military invention in Libya.

The EU isn't the NATO.

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DominAsia, on 2012-10-14 14:21:54, said:

We should all support Nigel Farage and UKIP in order to protect our right to be a self governing nation.

Whilst I have some sympathy with anti EU opinion, I'm old enough to have voted in Wilson's referendum when we were told we were voting to join a common market which would have no effect on the UK's sovereignty, I would never vote UKIP.

Why? Have a look at their immigration policies. A UKIP government would mean a moratorium on immigration to the UK for at least 5 years; all categories including spouses and partners.

On the prize itself, as a EU national I eagerly await my share; which I calculate to be just under 1p!

Edited by 7by7
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So Euro's don't like Bush and his, uh, polocies, and magically Harold Pinter gets the Nobel for Lit., a lifelong US hater

The Obama gets the Nobel, cause, well I guess he is not Bush, and Euros like that. Yippee!!

Now as the EU teeters they get a Nobel for well at least not going ethnic cleansing crazy like those Balkan Euros did in the 90's - not that the EU did anything about it, mind you

I guess I was raised when the Nobel Prize stood for something more than just the latest expression of what euros' like or don't, or used as this year Nobel; an upscale ad campaign.

How low can they go? and will anyone care?

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Well at least they didn't get the prize for economics.

You´re probably right, but we´ve to wait until monday to be sure they have not been smoking something. Then the winner(s) will be made public.


Yesterday, Alvin E. Roth & Lloyd S. Shapley got this year Nobel prize of economics 2012.

Together they have lifted the problem of e.g. a Thai male who gathered enough courage to get his expensive Thai wife replaced by an other much more cheap and young specimen from Laos to an apparent higher spiritual level. The Thai male was responsible for shaping his own behaviour. Both Roth & Shapley are not experienced behavioural specialists a la Skinner and his contemporary followers but quite a different kind of breed who are called engineers. The ideas of these engineers in economics are also said to aid many others in quite different situations such as surgeons replacing disfunctional kidneys, schools selecting new students, employers and the unemployed, etc...

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