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Any Need For Rabies Shot?


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This xmas I will be again visiting Udon,coming over from Australia.

I just went to see my Dr over here in Australia who I told that I was looking forward to my trip ,after he heard thishe demanded I get a Rabies shot ,

Now I have been to Thailand ,and Udon every year for the past few years and didnt bother with them.

The Doctor here starts telling me that Rabies is rampant in North East Thailand and I SHOULD get Rabies shots from him.

I wondered how he knew that rabies was rampant as he had a Indian background,anyway he wanted to send me off to his specialist friend another Doctor who specialises apparently in these shots.

I was qouted $650 and I need 3 apparently.

Now im worried ,but my question ,do you notice animals in Udon with rabies?

Now i mostly plan to go into Udon Thani,Sakon nakon etc.

Do you think it will be cheaper to get the rabies vaccine in ThAILAND?

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Good question. The series of rabies shots is expensive everywhere, but I have no clue about Thailand. Thing is, it's multiple shots over the course of about a month. In the US where health care is considered expensive, they run about $US600 per shot x 3. That's the doctor's visits, tests and all.

$US1800 for the series.

Now someone please tell me why the rabies vaccine costs just $10 for a dog and it's just one shot?

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I was bitten just a few days ago while separating two dogs both of which had been vaccinated against Rabies, however I decided to get myself vaccinated to be on the safe side. The first injection cost B.590, yesterday I had my second injection which also cost B.590 my third injection is due next week and assume it will cost the same. The full course is five injections although I'm told that many people only have three.

I also had a Tetanus jab which the doctor recommended.

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Several months ago I got a dog bite near my home in Sa Kaeo. just to be safe I went and got the 3 shots and a tetnus shot at the hospital here. I paid about 200 or 300 each . It was so little I don't even remember.

Same for me, I was bitten a few months back, and just to be on the safe side went for the shots. Worked out to be 200 something for each one at the local government hospital.

What is worth remembering is, to my understanding, even if you have the rabies shots, you still need to go for more if bitten.

Personally, I wouldn't bother getting them in Oz, especially at the prices quoted. If you really are worried, get them here at a fraction of the price.

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The normal procedure is to get your treatment against rbbies once you have been bitten by a dog. if its your dog, and you know he has a vaild and good history of vaccination than there is no need. if its the dog from your neighbours, or a dog you dont know, get the treatment. but get the treatment after not before the incident.

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Mate, if you are gonna be hanging out with a pack of dogs I recommend you get your distemper shot as well.

he also needs the mandatory shots to prevent contracting the Red Buffalo Plague which is rampant in northern Thailand.

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