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Poll: Obama Leading Romney 49% To 46% Ahead Of Second Debate


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A look at the man who may yet be a heartbeat away from being president and commander in Chief:

(would you trust this man to oversee your family's budget, let alone the largest budget in the world?)

excerpt below:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(vice presidential candidate) Ryan, through the course of his career, supported measures that have significantly added to the deficit. In 2001 and 2003, Ryan voted for the Bush tax cuts, tax cuts that did "lasting harm to the deficit."

In 2003, Ryan also voted for Medicare Part D, a program that Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman said created a $9.4 trillion hole in the federal government's books.

Ryan has also repeatedly pushed to partially privatize Social Security, a plan that reportedly "would require $2.4 trillion in additional costs over the first 10 years."


Note: the last time the US had a Republican president, it was actually the vice president who was running affairs from the White House.

Edited by maidu
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Former candidate McCain was born in Panama. Right wingers didn't flip out over that.

Being born to two American citizens on a US Naval base, on territory under US control (Panama Canal Zone), son and grandson to four-star Admirals in the US Navy doesn't ruffle the feathers of Americans, especially right wingers. If only all our presidents could have such a distinguished pedigree.

Yeah, he also got into the Naval Academy by virtue of his father and grandfather, graduated in the lowest 5% of his class, was sent to flight school above more qualified junior officers, got himself shot down, surrendered, wrote and signed a confession condemning the US and if you didn't notice didn't have but one of his former POWs stand up for him in the election. That's because he got special treatment, was an asshol_e and was very much disliked by his fellow prisoners.

To his credit though he was the only important Republican to outwardly denounce the despicable "Swift Boat" character assassination of John Kerry in the 2000 election. For those who don't remember wealthy Bush supporters dug up former LT. Kerry's old boat mates who had fallen on hard times and bribed them with millions of dollars to publicly denounce him even though Kerry was awarded a Silver Star for bravery in action. The dirtiest trick ever played in politics. Even McCain couldn't stomach that loathsome antic. Worse, something tells me the Teatards have something really slimey to use against Obama that they will pull out of their bag-of-dirty-tricks to shock the public in the next 2 weeks.

Edited by Scott
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Thanks for mentioning the 'Swift Boat' smear campaign. I also thought, and still think, it was ugly politics at its worst. Kerry was shot down politically by a mean-spririted smear campaign, plain and simple. As for a 'surprise', it wouldn't surprise me one iota - if the Republican smear machine has a rotten tomato to throw at Obama in the final 2 days.

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Here's how Obama supporters are expressing their displeasure at their candidates slip in the polls.

Obama Supporters Continue Threats To Riot, Assassinate Romney



Oh, you people crack me up.

The Western Center for Journalism -- what a fine source that is!

Joseph Farah...need I say more?

As for Twittergate -- well, I've already pointed out how idiotic that is and why.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Bill Clinton continues to knock himself out for Obama and I'm scratching my head why? I realize that if Obama wins, he will owe Bill and Hilary big time, but what would he actually be able to deliver to the Clintons for Hilary's campaign that they don't already have? And, Hilary just took a bullet for him also on Bengazhi, so what's the deal?

The joint rallies underscore Clinton's role as perhaps Obama's most important surrogate in the tightly contested White House race with Republican Mitt Romney. In campaign events, television advertisements and a well-regarded speech at the Democratic convention, the former president has been a chief defender of Obama's economic record, winning praise for sometimes explaining that record better than Obama himself.


Too bad Romney can't have Bush Jr. do the same. tongue.png

My opinion about Bubba is he is trying to buy four years for Hillary. If Obama is reelected he can only serve four more years. Biden isn't a player as the next President.

If Romney is elected he can, if reelected, serve eight years. If Romney is defeated he will likely no longer seek the office.

She can run in four years against Romney but will be facing an incumbent. That would be her only shot as she will have a terrible time running in eight years against a much younger opponent.


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Anyway, I remain very confident of Obama's victory.

At this point, the race is set and it is set electorally for an Obama victory.

There is no Romney momentum and there never was. That's a fantasy.

He got a good bump from debate one and now the sides are set.

Electorally Romney is in deep trouble and he knows it. He has no way to win Ohio. So now his game is to ACT like he is confident of winning when he is anything but. With that gambit, he gets the type of low information voter that likes to cast her vote with the winner, no matter what, so they get a warm feeling after the election, like sports. So such people who believe the Romney PR might fall for that.

Obama on the other hand is playing a very clever strategy of reminding base democrats about Florida 2000. This will encourage more turnout, easily canceling out Romney's phony optimism play.

Electorally, all Obama has to do is keep things as they are now and he wins.

Yes stuff can happen between now and election day, but voters expect dirt at this point and it will be discounted.

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Worse, something tells me the Teatards have something really slimey to use against Obama that they will pull out of their bag-of-dirty-tricks to shock the public in the next 2 weeks.

I think Katy Perry falls into that category.


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Anyway, I remain very confident of Obama's victory.

At this point, the race is set and it is set electorally for an Obama victory.


More hyperbole. the electoral map is shrinking for Obama while expanding for Romney.

The Obama campaign has given up on North Carolina, while vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan recently campaigned in Pennsylvania, a state once thought to be totally out of reach. According to RealClearPolitics.com's electoral map, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are now toss-up states and North Carolina is leaning Romney.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Anyway, I remain very confident of Obama's victory.

At this point, the race is set and it is set electorally for an Obama victory.


More hyperbole. the electoral map is shrinking for Obama while expanding for Romney.

The Obama campaign has given up on North Carolina, while vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan recently campaigned in Pennsylvania, a state once thought to be totally out of reach. According to RealClearPolitics.com's electoral map, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are now toss-up states and North Carolina is leaning Romney.

Ryan was in Pennsylvania in an Ohio media market (border area)! Romney can't win Ohio and he knows it.
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Thanks for mentioning the 'Swift Boat' smear campaign. I also thought, and still think, it was ugly politics at its worst. Kerry was shot down politically by a mean-spririted smear campaign, plain and simple. As for a 'surprise', it wouldn't surprise me one iota - if the Republican smear machine has a rotten tomato to throw at Obama in the final 2 days.

It was horrible for Kerry because it was true. What was it...1 month, 3 Purple Hearts, 0 scars?

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I gues that Candy Crowley doesn't see it either or she recognizes that it was not referring to the attack in Benghazi.

It wasn't? How do you figure?

Because she SAID so after the debate.

She SAID so so that means it is so? Keep in mind you say "She recognizes that it was not...", so that means it's fact. According to whom? You and Candy? (I'd be interested in seeing what she said -- can you show me?)


It's rather odd that in the middle of a speech prompted by and specifically about the attack in Benghazi, Obama made a statement about acts of terror that somehow you and Candy (allegedly) can discern as being not related to that act of terror (even though, as far as I know, the President wasn't heard to say, "but I don't mean the attack in Benghazi -- now let me continue the rest of my speech that is entriely about that attack except for that one sentence">)

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By the way, Ulysses -- Never did see where Candy said that the word terror in the speech(es) wasn't referring to the attack in Benghazi.

Just sayin...

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Edited by SteeleJoe
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Thanks for mentioning the 'Swift Boat' smear campaign. I also thought, and still think, it was ugly politics at its worst. Kerry was shot down politically by a mean-spririted smear campaign, plain and simple. As for a 'surprise', it wouldn't surprise me one iota - if the Republican smear machine has a rotten tomato to throw at Obama in the final 2 days.

It was horrible for Kerry because it was true...

Oh, wow. That speaks volumes.

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Anyway, I remain very confident of Obama's victory.

At this point, the race is set and it is set electorally for an Obama victory.


More hyperbole. the electoral map is shrinking for Obama while expanding for Romney.

The Obama campaign has given up on North Carolina, while vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan recently campaigned in Pennsylvania, a state once thought to be totally out of reach. According to RealClearPolitics.com's electoral map, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are now toss-up states and North Carolina is leaning Romney.

Too bad all the posters on this thread can't get together at one place to watch as the results come in. Would be fun. Just leave your weapons at the door with the valet, thanks.

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Anyway, I remain very confident of Obama's victory.

At this point, the race is set and it is set electorally for an Obama victory.


More hyperbole. the electoral map is shrinking for Obama while expanding for Romney.

The Obama campaign has given up on North Carolina, while vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan recently campaigned in Pennsylvania, a state once thought to be totally out of reach. According to RealClearPolitics.com's electoral map, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are now toss-up states and North Carolina is leaning Romney.

Too bad all the posters on this thread can't get together at one place to watch as the results come in. Would be fun. Just leave your weapons at the door with the valet, thanks.

Oh man, I would LOVE to watch that -- regardless of who won.


On second thought, I don't think I could stomach the reaction of the winners -- regardless of who won.

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Edited by SteeleJoe
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A look at the man who may yet be a heartbeat away from being president and commander in Chief:

(would you trust this man to oversee your family's budget, let alone the largest budget in the world?)

excerpt below:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(vice presidential candidate) Ryan, through the course of his career, supported measures that have significantly added to the deficit. In 2001 and 2003, Ryan voted for the Bush tax cuts, tax cuts that did "lasting harm to the deficit."

In 2003, Ryan also voted for Medicare Part D, a program that Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman said created a $9.4 trillion hole in the federal government's books.

Ryan has also repeatedly pushed to partially privatize Social Security, a plan that reportedly "would require $2.4 trillion in additional costs over the first 10 years."


Note: the last time the US had a Republican president, it was actually the vice president who was running affairs from the White House.

Your source is no better than Twitter. It is Media matters, a George Soros enterprise.

So, you're dissing the messenger? If you have stats which refute the data in the excerpt, please share 'em with us. Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for mentioning the 'Swift Boat' smear campaign. I also thought, and still think, it was ugly politics at its worst. Kerry was shot down politically by a mean-spririted smear campaign, plain and simple. As for a 'surprise', it wouldn't surprise me one iota - if the Republican smear machine has a rotten tomato to throw at Obama in the final 2 days.

It was horrible for Kerry because it was true. What was it...1 month, 3 Purple Hearts, 0 scars?

An interesting coincidence that this gem followed an exchange about Sen. McCain. Perhaps you also wish to denigrate his character?

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Thanks for mentioning the 'Swift Boat' smear campaign. I also thought, and still think, it was ugly politics at its worst. Kerry was shot down politically by a mean-spririted smear campaign, plain and simple. As for a 'surprise', it wouldn't surprise me one iota - if the Republican smear machine has a rotten tomato to throw at Obama in the final 2 days.

It was horrible for Kerry because it was true. What was it...1 month, 3 Purple Hearts, 0 scars?

An interesting coincidence that this gem followed an exchange about Sen. McCain. Perhaps you also wish to denigrate his character?

Comparing McCain to Kerry? LOL

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Thanks for mentioning the 'Swift Boat' smear campaign. I also thought, and still think, it was ugly politics at its worst. Kerry was shot down politically by a mean-spririted smear campaign, plain and simple. As for a 'surprise', it wouldn't surprise me one iota - if the Republican smear machine has a rotten tomato to throw at Obama in the final 2 days.

It was horrible for Kerry because it was true. What was it...1 month, 3 Purple Hearts, 0 scars?

An interesting coincidence that this gem followed an exchange about Sen. McCain. Perhaps you also wish to denigrate his character?

Comparing McCain to Kerry? LOL

LOL, indeed. That looks a bit foolish of you...

No, I am not and have no reason to do so. (If you'd like to know, not that it's relevant, I suppose I have more respect for Sen. McCain and always had). I just wonder if you have any regard for the man. Do you think he is a man of integrity? Do you respect his opinion? (You probably can work out where this is heading...)

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Edited by SteeleJoe
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Anyway, I remain very confident of Obama's victory.

At this point, the race is set and it is set electorally for an Obama victory.


More hyperbole. the electoral map is shrinking for Obama while expanding for Romney.

The Obama campaign has given up on North Carolina, while vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan recently campaigned in Pennsylvania, a state once thought to be totally out of reach. According to RealClearPolitics.com's electoral map, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are now toss-up states and North Carolina is leaning Romney.

Too bad all the posters on this thread can't get together at one place to watch as the results come in. Would be fun. Just leave your weapons at the door with the valet, thanks.

What is sad to see/read is how entrenched positions are on both sides of the debate.

Once the results are announced in a few weeks time there will be some seriously unhappy people who will probably find it hard to accept the results. At least TV will be a little less clogged up with debate between people unwilling/unable to accept an alternative point of view.

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Anyway, I remain very confident of Obama's victory.

At this point, the race is set and it is set electorally for an Obama victory.


More hyperbole. the electoral map is shrinking for Obama while expanding for Romney.

The Obama campaign has given up on North Carolina, while vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan recently campaigned in Pennsylvania, a state once thought to be totally out of reach. According to RealClearPolitics.com's electoral map, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are now toss-up states and North Carolina is leaning Romney.

Too bad all the posters on this thread can't get together at one place to watch as the results come in. Would be fun. Just leave your weapons at the door with the valet, thanks.

What is sad to see/read is how entrenched positions are on both sides of the debate.

Once the results are announced in a few weeks time there will be some seriously unhappy people who will probably find it hard to accept the results. At least TV will be a little less clogged up with debate between people unwilling/unable to accept an alternative point of view.


Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Anyway, I remain very confident of Obama's victory.

At this point, the race is set and it is set electorally for an Obama victory.


More hyperbole. the electoral map is shrinking for Obama while expanding for Romney.

The Obama campaign has given up on North Carolina, while vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan recently campaigned in Pennsylvania, a state once thought to be totally out of reach. According to RealClearPolitics.com's electoral map, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are now toss-up states and North Carolina is leaning Romney.

Too bad all the posters on this thread can't get together at one place to watch as the results come in. Would be fun. Just leave your weapons at the door with the valet, thanks.

What is sad to see/read is how entrenched positions are on both sides of the debate.

Once the results are announced in a few weeks time there will be some seriously unhappy people who will probably find it hard to accept the results. At least TV will be a little less clogged up with debate between people unwilling/unable to accept an alternative point of view.


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