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Disrespect By Farang Of Thai People

Dr Robert

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In a candid moment with some Thai friends, where I asked their opinions of farang attitudes, I was somewhat taken aback by their responses;

This is a brief summary of some of their ideas on the topic.

1. Farangs dress badly

2. Worse, many of them (especially men, but sometimes women) appear not to wash, are overweight, balding, crass and ugly

3. Farangs disrespect Thai culture with their boorish, superior attitudes

4. Why do farangs drink so much alcohol? They always seem to be drunk

5. Thai women are used and abused in the sex industry, much to their shame

They were also grateful for the income and job creation which came from tourism and farang spending.

The people who braved the above responses ( reluctantly in most cases) are smart professionals and high achievers.

I am interested to know what you Thaivisa readers and contributors think on the topic and the summary of these responses and if it might be time to reconsider our attitudes.

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umm...your brave friends candid , yet 'reluctant' responses? wink.png ...very candid indeed. laugh.png

Some answers for your smart and high achieving professional friends

1. Dress Thongs should be mandatory wear in the evenings

2. It's the cream of the farang crop in Thailand indeed!: Imagine how horrified your Thai friends would be over in farangland. I can imaghine also that your Thai friends dont know many farang? perhaps only yourself? But they are spot on.

3. What do the Thais know anyway

4. Farangs like to party and have fun, hence they drink more alcohol

5. Yes, farangs feel much ashamed about this abuse.


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What makes your friends such experts on farang-behaviour?? Two trips to Hua Hin yearly, staying in a rented house with 15-20 friends over the weekend, while eating their 35 baht noodlesoup with their still 36 months to pay bigface car parked, so no one misses it! blink.png If this came from someone interacting with farangs on a daily basis, I would listen to it, but it is just as stereotype as many farangs view on Thais.

Dirty foreigners?? Ever been to a 7-eleven on a rainy day?sick.gif

Next time you have a "candid moment" with your friends, ask them, what they think would happen if the money from the barindustry stopped flowing to Isaan? Maybe, instead of being embarressed over the lack of farang "class', they should start a little closer to home, with a society where it is not uncommon to pimp out your daughters. Compared to that I find it a little easier to accept the odd exentric farang w00t.gif

Hmmmm, but Thais expect better from a farang. So do l. Sorry. sad.png
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To me this sounds like a Farang view of what a Thai view would be.

It's not. Believe me. DO NOT take a Thai smile as OK if you are dressed like a slob. Just politeness, but the town will hear about their actual feelings for sure. thumbsup.gif
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These sound like stereotypes to get a giggle out of. Think of negative typing of Polish, Irish, American, Japanese - you name your ethnicity - mostly in jest. My experience is that Thais are generally fair and respond to how you are rather than preconceived notions. E.g., minorities in some countries (say black and Hispanics in the US) have a far harder time dealing with stereotypes than we do here.

It's true though that Thais like their guests to be well-dressed, washed, sober and respectful of Thai culture. Like most of the rest of the world. Not an unfair expectation and not hard to satisfy.

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Two sides to the pancake.

  1. Smelly unshaven Farang on BTS with bike and backpack. Many times accompanied by female with breasts and belly bouncing with the rhythm of the rails.
  2. Inebriated Euro tramp on BTS with his loose Euro panties on display.
  3. Two Farangs deep kissing and fondling each other on BTS platform.
  4. Euro scum with jellied hair and obscene tattoos (male and female).
  5. Western European yelling and berating a Thai service lady because she doesn't understand his garbled native tongue.

The list is long....

Edited by metisdead
: Bold font removed, again.
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In a candid moment with some Thai friends, where I asked their opinions of farang attitudes, I was somewhat taken aback by their responses;

This is a brief summary of some of their ideas on the topic.

1. Farangs dress badly

2. Worse, many of them (especially men, but sometimes women) appear not to wash, are overweight, balding, crass and ugly

3. Farangs disrespect Thai culture with their boorish, superior attitudes

4. Why do farangs drink so much alcohol? They always seem to be drunk

5. Thai women are used and abused in the sex industry, much to their shame

They were also grateful for the income and job creation which came from tourism and farang spending.

The people who braved the above responses ( reluctantly in most cases) are smart professionals and high achievers.

I am interested to know what you Thaivisa readers and contributors think on the topic and the summary of these responses and if it might be time to reconsider our attitudes.

with friends like them who needs enemy's ( maybe they were talking about you )
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4. Why do farangs drink so much alcohol? They always seem to be drunk

Remember being surprised my first time to Thailand at what a heavy drinking culture it was. Granted folks aren't walking around in a blackout, but social drinking is a cornerstone of the culture (and I certainly partake on occasion). My first email to friends I told them they put the Irish to shame. ;)

My response to your high class pals would be that there is good/bad (depending on your perspective) everywhere, followed up with the comment I typically reserve for Thai bashers - clean up your own backyard before you go knocking on your neighbor's door. Not that there isn't elements of truth in the observations, mind you.

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Yes there are plenty of farangs like that. You will usually find them in bars in the usual places or at Khao San Road if this is the only experience they have of farangs it suggests where they work.

If they were high achievers they would most likely encountered a much different kind of farang at work , abroad, studying or in their social life.

In that case this is either a troll fail or it tells us what your idea of high achievers are.

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So your Thai friends seem to find something obnoxious about being fat and bald.

Aren't all monks bald? Why is that?

They must be absolutely horrified at so many of the Buddha images. (Yes, I know that the majority of Buddha statues are not fat)

I live away from the tourist areas and the majority of Farangs that i see are much better dressed than the locals. Do your friends expect us to wear suits all the time?

Maybe the Farangs that your friends see that always appear drunk are on holiday? I have never seen a drunk farang in Khon Kaen, seen plenty of drunken Thais though.

From what I see, Thai women are used and abused by Thai men much more than they are by Farangs, in or out of the sex industry.

If a women offers her body for sale, is the client using and abusing her? Utter crap!

If somebody is selling any sort of service, be it cleaning or whatever, how can the customer be accused of using and abusing them by using their services and paying for it?

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Flame removed.

I can see this thread is going to need a reminder of the forum rules so let me remind you now so that when you do get a warning you have no cause to complain


These seem to be the most relevant so far.

3) Not to post in a manner that is vulgar, obscene or profane.

4) Not to flame fellow members.Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

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I agree with those suspicious of this being a troll topic, but find it interesting enough to respond to.

> 1. Farangs dress badly

> 2. Worse, many of them (especially men, but sometimes women) appear not to wash, are overweight, balding, crass and ugly

It is true that Thais are much more sensitive to body odor than those from most other countries, and this is one area where I do try to live up to their expectations.

There are so many fat and balding guys here because Thailand makes its beautiful young girls so easily and cheaply available to us - the equivalent quality squiff back home in my case would cost over USD $1,000 per hour and even at that rate would be very hard to find.

Judgement as to "crass" is certainly not just specific to national culture but socio-economic context, and to me implies class snobbishness on the part of the person making such judgement. IOW Thais are much snobbier than many other cultures, I find nearly as much as in the UK.

IMO Thais value superficial appearance far too highly, act as if that indicates the value of the person. Not only for people, also in doing business, firms spending lot so of money on fancy-looking offices beautiful receptionist but not investing anything on delivering the quality in the goods and services, to the point of fraud.

Of course none of these flaws are limited to Thailand, just pointing them out as the root cause of the above "observations".

3. Farangs disrespect Thai culture with their boorish, superior attitudes

There are very many aspects of Thai culture that are not worthy of respect. It is true that we often speak judgmentally without considering the feelings of others, but then IMO Thais are much too sensitive about criticism, even when it's given in a constructive and sensitive manner.

4. Why do farangs drink so much alcohol? They always seem to be drunk

An over-generalization but IMO very true, not just with those farang here in Thailand but very often just as true back home. But not useful or appropriate to criticize openly as the substance abuser will simply get defensive.

5. Thai women are used and abused in the sex industry, much to their shame

This is a criticism of Thailand more than the small subset of customers which are foreigners. Perhaps they mean they are ashamed that their local pimping industry allows its activities to be so visible to the outside world.

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I would imagine they are basing their experiences on the foreigners they have seen while on their weekend jaunts to the seaside.

NO-these are indeed beliefs widely held by most mid-class Thai (from high-class it will be even much worse). But they are-like most Thai ''beliefs'' NOT from own experience-but from a common held and exchanged among themselvesset of standard Thai general beliefs-as they also have about any possible other class of people etc. Thai do not think for themselves-they parrot. Or simply rehearse what they have been told in school. There are not that many Thai who can afford ''weekly haunts to the sea''. The original list of OP could easily be extended with another 50 or so similar beliefs

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