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60 Day Tourist Visa Apply In Kl

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This year I was living in Thailand nearly 9 months using the triple entry tourist visa that I applied for in Brisbane.

Im now in KL and wanted to know if I go and apply for a singe entry 60 day tourist visa, will they look through my passport, see the old triple entry and then tell me that I need to show a ticket out of thailand?

I've heard that the embassy in KL is not that friendly (compared to Brisbane for example!). Has anyone done this recently?

many thanks

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I have never used KL but recently obtained a single entry tourist visa in Vientiane Laos without any problem,and I had 6 previous tourist visas in my current passport all obtained from Hull UK,some single and some double entry,I see no reason why you should be denied,they tend to look for back to back visas from the same consulate or embassy obtained within the local vicinity,that's usually when the problems arise.

They shouldn't need proof of onward travel,the only time I've encountered that problem is when trying to enter Thailand on a 30 day visa exemption,by which the airline and not immigration have required proof of onward travel within the 30 days.

Edited by stoneyboy
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I visited KL embassy today and there was no issue at all getting the single entry visa. They did not ask for evidence of an outward bound ticket.

I asked about the possibilities of obtaining a double entry visa and they said that its no problem as long as I give evidence of 2 airline tickets entering thailand.

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  • 4 months later...

I just had a nice-and-easy (single) TR experience in KL.

Just handed in the form, photo, passport, copy datapage and money. At this point, they didn't even look inside my passport.

No sponsor in Malaysia or Thailand.

110 MYR, collect next day.

Nice and easy.

- - - -

UK passport.
Previous: TRs from London (triple), Vientiane, KL (18 months ago), KB, Singapore; 3 Extensions and 1 exemption in the last 3 years.
None of them back-to back.

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