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Aussies What About A Newspaper For Tourists And Denizens

Semaphore Pete

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Hi I am getting the Buzz on a hobby horse of mine.

No unnecessary chatter. No haters.


I am Peter, a worker out west of Bangkok; more accurately, Central West Thailand.

I have a small printing suite with a few options. If I get support for an Aussie newspaper for Thailand, I will purchase more; and ask for articles.

Asking for a quick survey, Aussies staying/ passing through Thailand. DO you have interest in buying, contributing to, reading stories written for Aussies both living here and touring?

The basis for the idea is the many newsletters, circulars, and (poorly written?) nationally based expatriate communiques. Fairly gaudy, often very effective. [iN CASE THIS DESCRIPTION SEEMS OBSCURE, READ OBSERVER PUBLISHED IN HUA HIN. IMPRESSIVE]

Denizens of every culture, Aussie battlers have eschewed a paper with an Australian focus. Too used to Melbourne and Sydney multicultures, we seem satisfied to read everything or revert to our latest "Device"!

But I see an opening for most Australians, lump together with Kiwis for this adventure (only), to write for and read a Post and I mean Hard Copy, that includes hints about living here, juicy Guides, warnings and funny narratives. Finding a central, southern-focussed social watering-hole. No more, no connection, no touting, no supernetworking Applications. And not just about southern hemisphere stuff, commentaries, very cosmopolitan. I think that we have something to say, to Asia, to ourselves, we're creative.

I know personalities wh do have reach and something to say, I met a lady who works with Her Majesty(or in the entourage), and you can go to a pub or sports event and regulars turn up. Very diffuse, though.

What about an Aussie paper! Is there a cultural cringe?

Let me know here, I can put out contact numbers and media when you fellers respond.

I have lived in 4 countries, and here since 12 years ago. I'm not patriotic, but you can find out that and more when you answer.

Best, Peter

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Feedback? No - access English language media - online and print for local and international news. Exactly what do Australians have to say to Asia that is original and constructive?

Personally, I must admit not that interested to socialise & met and talk with other Australians in Thailand, in most cases they retain the same attitudes, interests & opinions as when living in Australia so why bother? Sorry...

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I am moving back to Thailand to get away from bloody Aussies. Infact I would say most expats move anywhere to get away from fellow countrymen. The occasional Aussie is ok in small doses, but a paper filled with their jokes, opinions and advice.....please no....anything but that.

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I think you might have more luck with a blog, one that allows comments and lively debate. It will be cheaper to setup, if you get enough traffic you can get ads to cover costs, no sending papers around the country. Like any blog though if it is boring it won't hold an audience, you may need to expand readership beyond just the bronzed men women rightfully lust after to other nationalities.

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The idea may have worked 20 years ago but now its just too old hat. To be honest even if someone handed me a paper for free dealing with Aussies in Thailand and their experiences I would throw it away. The thought of reading Bruce and Shirl from Townsvilles thoughts on eating friend insects for the first time sounds a little depressing to be honest. There are so many other ways to find such info these days.

As has been suggested before, blog is a much better idea.

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Sorry Pete - seems you might be about 3 decades too late. Interweb and all that.

If the inner bogan in me needs a dash of Australiana, I can pick up a re-printed version of the Herald Sun or Tele along any tourist strip. The inner latte sipper in me already subscribes to Crikey and I have 'The Age' app on my Ipad.

If I need a whinge about the locals, why my BG has gone bezerk on me, or why my thongs, shorts and no shirt dress isn't going down well with the locals, I have TV.

But in spite of all that, if you still think there is a market, I wish you all the best. But one hint. Please don't put your hand up for the editors job.

Edited by samran
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For a 3rd time, I try to make a comment, the site keeps reverting.

True, the haters don't desrve a voice. Call me wrong, but face your loss of community. Without messing with anyone, some people have a liver-cleansing challenge and probably need a Community.

Community, Voice. Authentic community - I am reminded of the Lone Hero syndrome in movies. You know, a dozen movies in the same month with the Loner hero who gets the job done and kills a bad guy, but doesn't represent anyone on the planet. No one wd like him in real life. The thing that matters is what values have the community got? And the real values, that are not beating bad guy number 17.

News is info. from a far place or inaccessible, that you want to hear. btw, the same voices keep nagging me on this Post. Interesting.

Many expat groups work together to maintain Community, I see them often. They get pleasure from seeing something they participate in together. I am hardly starry-eyed about buddying with Aussies, but a News Story is part of the prophylaxis against the deteriorating sense of Community.

And we don't get much community, here. And the news is little enough from Downunder. Did those commentators really think that they are posting some new information? News is not i just wiped my nose, the Swans won, they built a railway in Thailand . . .

I have no intention of putting out something like what i see. And blogs with avatar-ridden I-can-comment-on-everything persons don't have anything but a Cyberspace. Enjoy it, I won't visit it much. The sea and the sky are big enough for me.

I will keep on the lookout for a way to foster this. You never know, I might change things for the better. A hopeful thought.

That in itself makes a new string; Aussies (and any of our mates) can offer a lot.


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If I want news from OZ I'll look at in on the internet.

As for community if I wanted that I would have stayed there, last i looked though most communities are very fractured and community spirit is practically zero anyways.

So please, sell me on the idea of this printed piece as so far you have not done so.

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True, the haters don't desrve a voice. Call me wrong, but face your loss of community. <snip>

I don't see much "hate" here, just people I perceive as more experienced and business-savvy than you letting you know that your idea may inspire you but isn't likely to be economically viable.

And IMO Putting out any kind of mass media doesn't come close to touching true community; to me, that requires by definition in-person contact and shared experiences over a long period of time, and these days with relatively "developed" people no matter your geographical location you will have to intentionally build those kind of connections yourself one day at a time and it's going to be a Sisyphean task. Even in Australia, most sense of real community's disappeared except among the long-term stable poor communities, mostly in the countryside.

You can find a reasonable facsimile among the Thais here if you really work at it for a long time, but just like the reasonable facsimile of love most of us find here, never among the fellow foreigners.

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