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Donald Trump To Give $5M To Charity If Obama Releases Records


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Donald Trump to give $5m to charity if Obama releases records < br />

2012-10-25 18:50:50 GMT+7 (ICT)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- Real estate mogul and television personality Donald Trump on Wednesday offered to give $5 million to charity if President Barack Obama releases his college and passport records by the end of this month. Obama laughed off the offer during an interview later in the day.

Trump, who is the CEO of The Trump Organization which owns Miss Universe and similar franchises, has been one of the most outspoken supporters of the so-called birther movement that claims Obama was born in Kenya and is therefore ineligible to be president of the United States. Obama later released his long form birth certificate which shows he was born in Hawaii.

"President Obama is the least transparent president in the history of this country. There's never been anything like it. We know very little about our president," Trump said in a video posted on his YouTube page. "I am very honored to have gotten him to release his long form birth certificate, or whatever it may be. Now, many, many people have questions, and very serious questions."

Trump did not say in the video what he hopes Obama's college and passports records might reveal, but a transcript released by his office included remarks which were apparently cut out from the final version of the video. In the remarks, Trump said he had been contacted by "millions of people" who sought his help to settle the "extremely important issue" of knowing more about the president's life.

"I have a deal for the president. A deal that I don't believe he can refuse, and I hope he doesn't," Trump continued in his video. "If Barack Obama opens up and gives his college records and applications and if he gives his passport applications and records, I will give to a charity of his choice, Inner City Children in Chicago, American Cancer Society, AIDS research -- anything he wants -- a check, immediately, for five million dollars."

Trump said he would write the check within one hour of the release, but said it needs to take place by October 31 at 5 p.m. "If he releases these records it will end the question, and indeed the anger, of many Americans," he said. "They'll know something about their president. Their president will become transparent like other presidents."

Several hours later, during an appearance on NBC's The Tonight Show, Obama laughed off the offer when asked about it by television host Jay Leno. "This all dates back to when we were growing up together in Kenya," he joked. "We had constant run-ins on the soccer field. He wasn't very good and resented it. When we finally moved to America I thought it would be over."

Trump made headlines last year when he said he was considering to run for president himself, but he later decided not to do so amid polls in which a majority indicated they would not vote for him. It followed similar statements in 1988 and 1999 when he also said he would consider to run for the White House, but in both cases he declined to do so at the last moment.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-10-25

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For me I reckon that if you are going to apply for the job as the worlds most powerful man you have to expect your private life and past to be totally open to scrutiny. Why would anyone spend millions of dollars like Obama has keeping his birth certificate hidden and then when he does release it most say it is a phoney if he has nothing to hide ? The same goes for his school records and passport application records. Surely the American people have a right to see these things if any concern is voiced over them ?

How can anyone turn down 5 million Dollars to a charity of their choice for showing these records ? The person that tries to hide such innocuous documents to me has something big to hide.

I also as a Brit don't understand how you can have around ten people running for the presidency yet you only ever see or hear from the two ?

&lt;deleted&gt;'s that all about ?

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Using charity as part of some silly political game of mud slinging is pretty sad. If Trump wants to donate five million, he should go ahead and donate it, don't donate it on the proviso of certain people doing certain things.

He doesn't want to donate. He wants to trash Obama some more. Obviously super rich guys like Trump stand to benefit big time by Romney's pro rich policies. The guy is a birther and Romney has actually associated with him as if he is to be taken seriously (shame on Romney). The birther movement has a strong element of racism in it. Sleazy stunts like this won't win any new votes for Romney.


2. The ‘birther’ issue is coded racism

Then there is the ‘birther’ issue. I regard this as coded racism, frankly. I don’t think there’s any other word for it.

Edited by Jingthing
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He doesn't want to donate. He wants to trash Obama some more. Obviously super rich guys like Trump stand to benefit big time by Romney's pro rich policies. The guy is a birther and Romney has actually associated with him as if he is to be taken seriously (shame on Romney). The birther movement has a strong element of racism in it. Sleazy stunts like this won't win any new votes for Romney.


but doesn't Obama deserve to be thrashed JT? after all Obama virtually bankrupted the Greatest Nation on Earth™ wasting trillions by invading Afghanistan and Iraq and then causing the big global financial crisis in 2008.

in my opinion the honourable thing for Obama is handing over to Romney and going back to Texas. crazy.gif

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Using charity as part of some silly political game of mud slinging is pretty sad. If Trump wants to donate five million, he should go ahead and donate it, don't donate it on the proviso of certain people doing certain things.

He doesn't want to donate. He wants to trash Obama some more. Obviously super rich guys like Trump stand to benefit big time by Romney's pro rich policies. The guy is a birther and Romney has actually associated with him as if he is to be taken seriously (shame on Romney). The birther movement has a strong element of racism in it. Sleazy stunts like this won't win any new votes for Romney.


2. The ‘birther’ issue is coded racism

Then there is the ‘birther’ issue. I regard this as coded racism, frankly. I don’t think there’s any other word for it.

It's quite ironical that you have this somewhat derogatory term ‘ birthers ‘.

Obama objects to showing his birth certificate to prove he qualifies for one most important jobs on the planet and yet at the same time he is intending to introduce compulsory micro-chipping for the rest of the humble citizens so they will lose their privacy permanently.

Every American To Be Microchipped In 2013 Per Obamacare

AOL and countless other mainstream news media outlets, this past week, that the Obama Health Care Bill will require all U.S. citizens and babies to receive a microchip or Medchip by March 23, 2013.

Subtitle C -II, Sec. 2521 The National Medical Device Registry

This states, " The Secretary ( Sebelius if Obama is re-elected ), shall establish a national medical device registry to facilitate analysis of post-market safety and medical data on each device that - ( A ) is or has been used in or on a patient; and (cool.png is a class III device or a class II device that is implanted "

The implications of this concerning our God given civil rights and freedoms is far too broad to imagine in it's potential abuses and control over our daily lives. This is " Brave New World ". This is Orwell, Rand, and Vonnegut combined. This is a conspiracy theory with a smoking gun subsection in a Bill passed and signed into law, and upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States.

Edited by Asiantravel
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He doesn't want to donate. He wants to trash Obama some more. Obviously super rich guys like Trump stand to benefit big time by Romney's pro rich policies. The guy is a birther and Romney has actually associated with him as if he is to be taken seriously (shame on Romney). The birther movement has a strong element of racism in it. Sleazy stunts like this won't win any new votes for Romney.


but doesn't Obama deserve to be thrashed JT? after all Obama virtually bankrupted the Greatest Nation on Earth™ wasting trillions by invading Afghanistan and Iraq and then causing the big global financial crisis in 2008.

in my opinion the honourable thing for Obama is handing over to Romney and going back to Texas. crazy.gif

You're talking about J.W. Obama , right?
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Perhaps Trump, with his ''connections'' knows more than you or I do. huh.png

Sorry, what are his "connections"? Most people think he has quite a few loose "connections", primarily a disconnect between what little brain he may possess, and his mouth.

According to a documentary I saw recently our first Republican President was a Vampire Hunter. &lt;deleted&gt;! Why hasn't "The Donald" raised this issue?

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How about a few rich Democrats out there have a whip round and match The Donald's offer, and donate $5 million to charity if Mitt Romney releases his last ten years tax returns? In full.

The typical leftist response. When your own history comes under question, attack your opponent. Sorry, doesn't hold water.

If Obama has nothing to hide, then why not release his college records? That is unless he was registered as a foreign exchange student to receive financial aide. Which means he either defrauded Columbia University as he was actually a US citizen or he is not a naturalized US citizen. I'm sure you know the implications of this little detail.

I voted for the guy 4 years ago as I drank the koolaid and believed the message. He has done nothing to secure my vote in the upcoming election. Primarily based on his record, but secondarily on the fact that his past is checkered with lies, alias, gaps in his history that he is not forthcoming to dispute.

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