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Donald Trump To Give $5M To Charity If Obama Releases Records


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I think Romney should also show his tax returns. again if he has nothing to hide then it simply closes down the argument. The American people have a right to know just who they are making the worlds most powerful man. Nothing should be off limits.

The way i see it as a non American the people who really run the country have got it all sorted. They have fixed the election to a two party vote and you are all basically voting for either Coke or Pepsi.

Some voters prefer the taste of Pepsi some prefer Coke. both are marketed differently and have different labels on the bottles and cans but when it boils down to it they are both sweet tasting, dark soft drinks where there is very little actual difference between them.

Utterly brilliant really if you think about it. it doesn't really matter which one gets elected as very much of substance will change ! Brilliant !

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I have been asked to produce al of the above on numerous occasions and I am not running to be the president of the United States. Obama is. I also have to pay to get these records. You pay the fees and I will willingly post all of the above no problem and if someone wants to give a charity of my choice 5 MILLION Dollars I will even pay to get the documents to post immediately. Notice the difference between me and Obama and I am nobody ? But then I have nothing to hide !

if the people of America want to see these documents tell me why there is a problem. they all have to produce these documents as I have for various reasons.

Just another one dodging the question in hand.

You can't defend the indefensible.

As said I think that Romney should be made to show ALL his previous tax records not just the last few years and Obama needs to show his school records and passport application.

Oh and a non forged and photo shopped birth certificate wink.png

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He doesn't want to donate. He wants to trash Obama some more. Obviously super rich guys like Trump stand to benefit big time by Romney's pro rich policies. The guy is a birther and Romney has actually associated with him as if he is to be taken seriously (shame on Romney). The birther movement has a strong element of racism in it. Sleazy stunts like this won't win any new votes for Romney.


but doesn't Obama deserve to be thrashed JT? after all Obama virtually bankrupted the Greatest Nation on Earth™ wasting trillions by invading Afghanistan and Iraq and then causing the big global financial crisis in 2008.

in my opinion the honourable thing for Obama is handing over to Romney and going back to Texas. crazy.gif

Let's not forget that Obama funded those two wars by borrowing billions and billions from China after giving everyone a big tax cut and not even including that borrowing in his budget. He deserves to lose!

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It's pretty amazing that this obviously racist birther thing still has legs ... among some.

OK all this birther crap is crap and now according to you Racist why have 3 ex CIA agents not had the crap sued out of them by openly stating that the birth certificate was an outright forgery ? This in the land of litigation where you guys sue at the drop of a hat. Why did the guy spend MILLIONS of dollars keeping it secret ?

Nobody can give me a sensible answer to these questions or the American people who employ this guy. If they can't ask the question then the system is seriously F@#ked !

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What you seem to fail to grasp in all this is Trump isn't trying to be the most powerful man in the world. Obama is.

Didn't Trump campaign for the presidental job, but FAILED with distinction.

What you fail to grasp is that Trump is a loser, and obviously a bitter man.

Edited by jbrain
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He doesn't want to donate. He wants to trash Obama some more. Obviously super rich guys like Trump stand to benefit big time by Romney's pro rich policies. The guy is a birther and Romney has actually associated with him as if he is to be taken seriously (shame on Romney). The birther movement has a strong element of racism in it. Sleazy stunts like this won't win any new votes for Romney.


but doesn't Obama deserve to be thrashed JT? after all Obama virtually bankrupted the Greatest Nation on Earth™ wasting trillions by invading Afghanistan and Iraq and then causing the big global financial crisis in 2008.

in my opinion the honourable thing for Obama is handing over to Romney and going back to Texas. crazy.gif

Let's not forget that Obama funded those two wars by borrowing billions and billions from China after giving everyone a big tax cut and not even including that borrowing in his budget. He deserves to lose!

Let's not forget that you need a history lesson before you comment again.



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Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico, this was not an issue when he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1968.

John McCain was born in the (Panama) Canal Zone, this was not an issue when he ran president in 2008.

Mitt Romney was born in America and John McCain was born on an American military base which is considered to be American soil. Why would there be any "issues" about them running for president? rolleyes.gif

Ulysses G it say's Mitt Romney's father not Mitt Romney. You should carefully read the posts before responding.

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What you seem to fail to grasp in all this is Trump isn't trying to be the most powerful man in the world. Obama is.

Didn't Trump campaign for the presidental job, but FAILED with distinction.

What you fail to grasp is that Trump is a loser, and obviously a bitter man.

No half a brain I think you will find he toyed with the idea of running then when told he had to sell all his company options he decided to drop out. As for being a loser no doubt he could by you out with his pocket money. I wouldn't mind being as big a " loser " as him.

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I am not a fan of Trump, but I think this is great - mostly because of the silly demands by Obama's surrogates that Romney release more of his tax records than he is required to release legally.

What is interesting is how when Romney is pressured to produce his tax records Romney gets all the attention focused on him, whereas when Obama is pressured to release documents by Trump it is Trump who is the focus of attention more than Obama. Perhaps this double standard and the free pass Obama so often gets from scrutiny is the point Trump was trying to make.

It's not interesting at all. It's just Trump being the media whore he's always been.

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Every American To Be Microchipped In 2013 Per Obamacare

Wow, I knew there were some stoopid ignorant people but...

and here they talk about you ...

there many people in our nation who, when confronted with a truth that is outside the box of their socially engineered consciousness, go into cognitive dissonance. whistling.gif

Sorry, I got my microchip earlier this month when I returned to the U.S.

You know, those CPB "Goons" snuck it into me at Immigration.

Are you from the U.S.? Were you educated in the U.S.? I'd submit that you are displaying far more symptoms of "Cognitive Dissonance".

There, I didn't have to copy and paste it. Touche.

your questioning reminded me about this

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Ulysses G it say's Mitt Romney's father not Mitt Romney.

In that case, what he said is just plain incorrect. Questions were asked about George Romney's eligibility to hold the office of President due to his birth in Mexico. In fact, by February 1967. newspapers were questioning Romney's eligibility given his Mexican birth. In May 1967, the Democratic chair of the House Judiciary Committee, said he had "serious doubts" about whether Romney was eligible and another member of Congress made a case against Romney the following month. He departed the race before the matter could be resolved definitively.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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What you seem to fail to grasp in all this is Trump isn't trying to be the most powerful man in the world. Obama is.

Didn't Trump campaign for the presidental job, but FAILED with distinction.

What you fail to grasp is that Trump is a loser, and obviously a bitter man.

No half a brain I think you will find he toyed with the idea of running then when told he had to sell all his company options he decided to drop out. As for being a loser no doubt he could by you out with his pocket money. I wouldn't mind being as big a " loser " as him.

Lucky than that you have such a big brain, actually if it is so you should use it to pick up some info here and there.

Trump didn't have to sell his company options.The reason he quit the campaign, he even admitted that he was unofficially campaigning, was because he got a new contract for his media show and he couldn't take that on if he was running for president.

And I see that money is very important in your life, from this and previous posts of you.

So you consider that someone who inherited his fortune and made some more money from a few fraudulent bankruptcy's is a winner? laugh.pnglaugh.png

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Ulysses G it say's Mitt Romney's father not Mitt Romney.

In that case, what he said is just plain incorrect. Questions were asked about George Romney's eligibility to hold the office of President due to his birth in Mexico. In fact, by February 1967. newspapers were questioning Romney's eligibility given his Mexican birth. In May 1967, the Democratic chair of the House Judiciary Committee, said he had "serious doubts" about whether Romney was eligible and another member of Congress made a case against Romney the following month. He departed the race before the matter could be resolved definitively.

So where is the proof that the claim was incorrect.

Because someone runs like a coward to avoid the truth, doesn't make the statement incorrect.In fact, I don't know why but if someone runs i always get the feeling that he has to hide something. smile.png

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Yes, the character of Willard M. Romney should indeed be a big issue.

"He is the most intellectually dishonest human being in the history of politics."

- Barney Frank, Congressman, Massachusetts

Today on Real Time Frank doubled down on that quote and said he would now cut out the word: INTELLECTUALLY clap2.gif

Willard M. Romney is so radically and speedily flip floppy that I challenge anyone to come up with any politician that comes close in modern American political history. That is why I think there is a chance that even though Romney will lose on November 6, the term ROMNESIA may enter the American political lexicon permanently to describe that kind of political behavior for others in future.

I just watched Real Time. Barney Frank is an American hero!

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Ulysses G it say's Mitt Romney's father not Mitt Romney.

In that case, what he said is just plain incorrect. Questions were asked about George Romney's eligibility to hold the office of President due to his birth in Mexico. In fact, by February 1967. newspapers were questioning Romney's eligibility given his Mexican birth. In May 1967, the Democratic chair of the House Judiciary Committee, said he had "serious doubts" about whether Romney was eligible and another member of Congress made a case against Romney the following month. He departed the race before the matter could be resolved definitively.

So where is the proof that the claim was incorrect.

His statement was completely incorrect. George Romney's place of birth WAS an issue in the election.

Mitt Romney's father was born in Mexico, this was not an issue when he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1968.

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Frank is retiring from congress so this ain't about him. Willard M. Romney hopes to be president. I don't think there is any credible argument that can be made that Romney doesn't have a fantastically robust record of speedily changing positions. (Flip flopping.) Usually, CHARACTER is an important issue to American voters. I think it will be this time as well, and it will be a factor in sinking Romney.

Edited by Scott
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Off-topic, baiting post removed.

Continue attacking anybody and anything that YOU do not agree with and you will find yourself suspended until the election is over.

Stay on topic. If you have nothing to say, don't bother boring everyone witless.

One suspension given.

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What is it with Americans and their obsession with taking worthless scroungers like Trumps and Kardashians seriously?

I think that we have just lost control of our facilities and the lower the entertainment value the better. Lousy state of affairs.

It makes you wonder how many voters even understand the issues, and how many are going to vote on the basis of TV ads (either ones that have impressed them or ones that have got on their nerves!).

The TV companies must be rubbing their hands in glee at the amount of cash they are getting for this glorified game show.

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What is it with Americans and their obsession with taking worthless scroungers like Trumps and Kardashians seriously?

What is it with Americans and their obsession with taking worthless scroungers like Trumps and Kardashians seriously?

Strangely, I've wondered the same thing since our last Presidential election.

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What is it with Americans and their obsession with taking worthless scroungers like Trumps and Kardashians seriously?

What is it with Americans and their obsession with taking worthless scroungers like Trumps and Kardashians seriously?

Strangely, I've wondered the same thing since our last Presidential election.

Do we take them seriously? For reals? I kind of doubt that.
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who starts these threads? some TV person who thinks this is more important than a Republican candidate for the senate who thinks its"gods will" when a women is raped .And a VP candidate who agrees with him and Presidential candidate who believes something different every day.

Hard to defend the indefensible. I am sure they will misdirect and spin spin spin.

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