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Thai Muslims Protest At Danish Embassy

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I have this feeling that many muslims here foster the same hostilities, but knowing that they are a minority here decided to do their battles in stealth via the internet - fostering confusion and unrest.

what do you think?

am I possibly paranoid? maybe.. but then, I think it is a possibility that everyone should consider.

nuff said.

I don't bloody believe it!

Can someone please stop this man making a complete arse out of himself. Please!

well colpyat

after following this thread, the one that is in the minority is you, if you cannot possibly see what is going on world wide then maybe you should remove the rosy glasses.

i would like to list recent events but if you read through this thread, enough have been mentioned, and the islamists even attack islamists and now try to disrupt the economies of islam countries, and you seem to think it is nothing to get concerened about, i'm sure if enough people took your attitude it would not be long before these idiots gained a bigger foothold than they already have.

they now have a new strategy that will be devastating worldwide, they are targetting soft targets, the oil supplies, and do you think that will not effect much. it has the potential to cause poverty and mayhem to most countries on a large scale.

Reality - the way things really are:

"Lions of Islam

the picture say's it all

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they now have a new strategy that will be devastating worldwide, they are targetting soft targets, the oil supplies, and do you think that will not effect much. it has the potential to cause poverty and mayhem to most countries on a large scale.

Reality - the way things really are:

I have difficulties believing what i read here.

This discussion becomes more than slightly surreal!

Are you all completely out of your mind?!


they now have a new strategy that will be devastating worldwide, they are targetting soft targets, the oil supplies, and do you think that will not effect much. it has the potential to cause poverty and mayhem to most countries on a large scale.

Reality - the way things really are:

I have difficulties believing what i read here.

This discussion becomes more than slightly surreal!

Are you all completely out of your mind?!


it must be my news sources and the television news lying again, spreading vicious rumours about terror attacks, beheadings etc,etc that are not really happening. :D


can you send me some of your rosy type glasses kind sir :D



It is, indeed, an odd day, that we see argument by some who would kill and spray hatful vitriol at another over his cartoon and self-ordained right of free speech. Yet who sit abated at the same time seeking no laments of equal outrage at their fellow bred killing thousands of their own and blowing up one and many of their most sacramental and meaningful centuries old symbols that is at the core of all they belief in.

It seems, in my humble opine, the Ying and the Yang of some Muslim’s visions of reality and what is important is out of cantor when they react in deadly consequence, one way, to an outsider, who would commit a minor mistaken disrespect made in an outside free democratically exampled right of free speech most foreign to most Muslims. Then, nearly at the same moment in time, act in some manner of apathetic and benign concern as some of their owns deadly deeds of occurrences and intent.

Deeds and easily discernable intentions that are far more disrespectful, demeaning and defiling of the very being and the core of Islam, by killing multitudes of Muslims and intentionally defiling holy sites of all manor. Is this not but an example of a cultural imbalance, divined in either hypocrisy and or some lack of centered being, as to who and what they are really all about.

In that, they, in mass, would see a outsider’s minor culture derived free speech mistake as more extreme and offensive than these daily offensive and deadly acts where we see Muslim defiling the very tenants of Islam, murdering hordes of their fellow Muslims and defiling their own acclaimed holly sites?



I have come to the conclusion that Islam is going through it's own dark ages. The Christian dark ages spanned the crusades, the Spanish inquisition, the flagellants travelling from town to town whipping themselves and finally the bloody internicine conflicts between catholics and protestants that ravaged europe.

Fast forward to today and the stict application of Sharia law where a woman who has been raped could face stoning to death for adultery. :D and you have a dogma the inquisition would have been proud of. As for the crusades the fanatics call for Islamic hegenomy of the world is a good parallel. As for the flagellants, look at certain Shia religious rituals and finally for the bloody internicine conflicts look at the Sunni versus Shia violence in Iraq and Pakistan (Cue a rendition of 'I've got you babe' from that similarly violent and disfunctional duo Sonny and Cher :o )

Of course appologists and liberals might dismiss this entire thread as Muslim bashing, but it is the void of consensus leadership coming from the Muslim world and the (at best) mealy mouthed criticism of terrorism carried out by terrorists in its name which have resulted in the situation we have now.

I have come to the conclusion that Islam is going through it's own dark ages. The Christian dark ages spanned the crusades, the Spanish inquisition, the flagellants travelling from town to town whipping themselves and finally the bloody internicine conflicts between catholics and protestants that ravaged europe.

I think you are correct in that that there are interesting similarities bewteen the Christian "dark ages" and the current unrest in Islam. In a sense, Islam is the ultimate theological expression of Millennialism. But instead of focusing on self-absorbed acts to hasten the promised return of Jesus or some Messiah, it is focused on the universal imposition of Sharia law by men of this earth and the elimination of the "Dar el Harb," the non-Islamic world, that heralds the promised uptopian age.

Perhaps it is time for me to reread that classic historical book on the Midddle Ages, Norman Cohn's The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages. Perhaps a Jewish historian writing about Christian Europe could shed some light on current Islamic issues.


I have come to the conclusion that Islam is going through it's own dark ages. The Christian dark ages spanned the crusades, the Spanish inquisition, the flagellants travelling from town to town whipping themselves and finally the bloody internicine conflicts between catholics and protestants that ravaged europe.

I think you are correct in that that there are interesting similarities bewteen the Christian "dark ages" and the current unrest in Islam. In a sense, Islam is the ultimate theological expression of Millennialism. But instead of focusing on self-absorbed acts to hasten the promised return of Jesus or some Messiah, it is focused on the universal imposition of Sharia law by men of this earth and the elimination of the "Dar el Harb," the non-Islamic world, that heralds the promised uptopian age.

Perhaps it is time for me to reread that classic historical book on the Midddle Ages, Norman Cohn's The Pursuit of the Millennium: Revolutionary Millenarians and Mystical Anarchists of the Middle Ages. Perhaps a Jewish historian writing about Christian Europe could shed some light on current Islamic issues.

Perhaps you should look further back than the Middle Ages to find something as primitive, how about having a look at the Stone Age. :o

ps iwas trying to think of major countries without muslim fundamentalists in action, apart from china , korea,and japan i'm finding it hard going :o

China has a substantial Muslim minority, and they do engage in acts of 'terrorism' (however that is to be defined). It is simply that the Chinese authorities give no quarter in suppressing and punishing such acts, and then censor all reporting, so the news rarely finds its way into the Western or international media. The Province of Xingjian, which is larger than many countries, has a sizeable non-Han, Turkic population (called Uighers), who are all Muslims. The Uighers regard their Han Chinese overlords as invaders, conquerors and interlopers, despite the province having been part of the Celestial Empire for about 1500 years, give or take brief periods of patchy independence or warlordism. Whilst the sporadic bombings, riots, and attacks on government buildings and personnel are undoubtedly politically, rather than religiously, motivated, Islam is considered to be a unifying force amongst large sections of the Uigher population, if for no other reason than it excludes the Han. Some Western journalists and the very occasional Western politician, have accused the Chinese government of using international concerns about the rise in Islamic fundamentalism as an excuse to imprison, execute and generally harass the Uigher population in a bid to stamp out the separatist movement.

The much smaller province of Qinghai is also predominantly Muslim, though populated by the much less volatile and more compliant Hui people. Both groups have migrated to all parts of the country for economic reasons, and there are pockets of them, sometimes sizeable communities, scattered throughout most of the major cities. Xi'an for example (where the terracotta warriors are located), has a large Muslim quarter. Though any terrorist acts have so far been confined to Xingjian province, it is perfectly feasible that there could be willing jihadists in most parts of China. I am sure however, that they are generally dissuaded by the certain knowledge that retribution would be swift and merciless. The Chinese Communist Party leadership makes Taksin look like a rank amateur in comparison.


. I am sure however, that they are generally dissuaded by the certain knowledge that retribution would be swift and merciless. The Chinese Communist Party leadership makes Taksin look like a rank amateur in comparison.

rumpole thx for the insight

without publicity the terrorist ceases to be as powerful, i think.

and i can well believe china will have zero tolerance, and they can afford to fight fire with fire,

however in the west our hands are tied so the terrorist has litle to be afraid of,


Though any terrorist acts have so far been confined to Xingjian province, it is perfectly feasible that there could be willing jihadists in most parts of China. I am sure however, that they are generally dissuaded by the certain knowledge that retribution would be swift and merciless. The Chinese Communist Party leadership makes Taksin look like a rank amateur in comparison.

The world be much more benign place if the western world would treat Islamists the same way.



I'm not sure of the source of their anger, religious or political, anyway, they claim for no judgment and no critics, at the same time they want to deny our right to free-speech, who are these people who lead such anti human actions?

I have to agree with the Australians, if they don't respect our laws, send them back to where they belong ...

an american once sayd send them back to the sand pit where they come from ...



I'm not sure of the source of their anger, religious or political, anyway, they claim for no judgment and no critics, at the same time they want to deny our right to free-speech, who are these people who lead such anti human actions?

I have to agree with the Australians, if they don't respect our laws, send them back to where they belong ...

an american once sayd send them back to the sand pit where they come from ...


If those Americans would vacate that sandpit, more than a bit of their anger would dissolve. :o



I'm not sure of the source of their anger, religious or political, anyway, they claim for no judgment and no critics, at the same time they want to deny our right to free-speech, who are these people who lead such anti human actions?

I have to agree with the Australians, if they don't respect our laws, send them back to where they belong ...

an american once sayd send them back to the sand pit where they come from ...


If those Americans would vacate that sandpit, more than a bit of their anger would dissolve. :o

Incorrect and naive thinking on your part. Anti-west sentiment was there before and would be there after. Appeasement only worsens the problems and this has been proven over and over through out history.

Incorrect and naive thinking on your part. Anti-west sentiment was there before and would be there after. Appeasement only worsens the problems and this has been proven over and over through out history.

With the appeasement remark i do hope you don't mean Chamberlain as this would open another huge can of worms, which carries rather uncomfortable similarities to todays situation... IBM, Ford, Standard Oil, etc... :o

Anyhow, roots of todays Islamic terrorism lie in the US, Saudi and Paksithani built up of those jihadis. Justification of those terrorists in the Islamic world lies largely in the US presence on their holy soil, and that presence came long before 9/11.

The sandpit was occupied by the US due to the lust for cheap oil, collaborating with the most corrupt royal house of Saud, which had in turn to appease their own Wahabit mullahs by supporting their radical causes in the whole islamic world.

If you guys would stop salivating over your racist and war-mongering posts, and instead take the time to read books about the subject, maybe even travel to the affected areas, then you might find out that all these people on both sides get killed because of the megalomaniac policies of a few. The few that have always profited from the sacrifice of the stupid and gullible, and still are profiting.


My opined two Bhat. Hey!

I saw no expressions of peaceful dedication as principled within the Quoran nor outrage on Muslim streets on 9/11/2001, when 3,000 people from 80 countries where butchered in the name of extreme Islam in New York. I saw mostly only rejoicing and jubilance for the most part.

Fully agree with your list and intention. The best I have read recently on all this cheese condemning you can find here:


Read it, it is really good. a small quote from it:


Let us take stock of the moral intuitions now on display in the House of Islam: On Aug. 17, 2005, an Iraqi insurgent helped collect the injured survivors of a car bombing, rushed them to a hospital and then detonated his own bomb, murdering those who were already mortally wounded as well as the doctors and nurses struggling to save their lives. Where were the cries of outrage from the Muslim world? Religious sociopaths kill innocents by the hundreds in the capitols of Europe, blow up the offices of the U.N. and the Red Cross, purposefully annihilate crowds of children gathered to collect candy from U.S. soldiers on the streets of Baghdad, kidnap journalists, behead them, and the videos of their butchery become the most popular form of pornography in the Muslim world, and no one utters a word of protest because these atrocities have been perpetrated “in defense of Islam.” But draw a picture of the Prophet, and pious mobs convulse with pious rage. One could hardly ask for a better example of religious dogmatism and its pseudo-morality eclipsing basic, human goodness.

It is time we recognized—and obliged the Muslim world to recognize—that “Muslim extremism” is not extreme among Muslims. Mainstream Islam itself represents an extremist rejection of intellectual honesty, gender equality, secular politics and genuine pluralism. The truth about Islam is as politically incorrect as it is terrifying: Islam is all fringe and no center. In Islam, we confront a civilization with an arrested history. It is as though a portal in time has opened, and the Christians of the 14th century are pouring into our world.


bye guys


I'm not sure of the source of their anger, religious or political, anyway, they claim for no judgment and no critics, at the same time they want to deny our right to free-speech, who are these people who lead such anti human actions?

I have to agree with the Australians, if they don't respect our laws, send them back to where they belong ...

an american once sayd send them back to the sand pit where they come from ...


That's right, Islam is the most intolerant religion, especially of other religions yet at the same time DEMANDS the utmost tolerance for itself. Even the head of the notoriously daft commission for racily equality head in UK this week said, if muslims want to live under sharia law they should go and live elsewhere. There is no way muslims want to integrate into any host society because the koran forbids it.

Islam is a bigger danger to the west than communism was, been saying so for years, but I see less people bleating 'racist' these days.


The sandpit was occupied by the US due to the lust for cheap oil, collaborating with the most corrupt royal house of Saud, which had in turn to appease their own Wahabit mullahs by supporting their radical causes in the whole islamic world..

Never seen any proof that it was 'all about oil' certainly not in the price of it since invasion. If that is the depth of USA policy where was the oil in Afghanistan, Angola, Grenada, vietnam, korea, Europe and all the other places the USA has stood and fought for freedom, while the rest pissed themselves or stuck their heads in the sand?

Fully agree with your list and intention. The best I have read recently on all this cheese condemning you can find here:


Jeez, I finally find a published writer, this Sam Harris, who reflects my own thoughths that I posted much earlier in this thread. Admittedly Harris espresses these views in a far more erudite fashion than I. Thanks for the link.


Incorrect and naive thinking on your part. Anti-west sentiment was there before and would be there after. Appeasement only worsens the problems and this has been proven over and over through out history.

With the appeasement remark i do hope you don't mean Chamberlain as this would open another huge can of worms, which carries rather uncomfortable similarities to todays situation... IBM, Ford, Standard Oil, etc... :o

Anyhow, roots of todays Islamic terrorism lie in the US, Saudi and Paksithani built up of those jihadis. Justification of those terrorists in the Islamic world lies largely in the US presence on their holy soil, and that presence came long before 9/11.

The sandpit was occupied by the US due to the lust for cheap oil, collaborating with the most corrupt royal house of Saud, which had in turn to appease their own Wahabit mullahs by supporting their radical causes in the whole islamic world.

If you guys would stop salivating over your racist and war-mongering posts, and instead take the time to read books about the subject, maybe even travel to the affected areas, then you might find out that all these people on both sides get killed because of the megalomaniac policies of a few. The few that have always profited from the sacrifice of the stupid and gullible, and still are profiting.

Perhaps before using your favorite word,"racist" you should look up its meaning as your usage is tiring and incorrect. The use of the word racist is meant only to promote sympathy for your remarks. that it doesn't deserve. Actually your bias does a diservice to many of your fellow Islamists, those of eastern euro descent as well as Indonesians, subsaharans, the vast majority of those of the Islamic faith, by not including them within the scope of Islam, you show your own bigotry toward your own religion. So please look up racist, before you use it.

As for traveling to Islamic countries, been there, done that and just have no desire to return to any of them.

Theres always been trouble in Islamic countries, that why instead of nations made up of laws binding people together, you have systems of warlords vying for power within geographic boundaries. Hatred among Muslims, hatred of infidels, it doesn't matter, hatred is a driving force of Islam. Power gained by force is always the norm, its a tribalist society. Rule by warlords.

Counties that have progressed economically no longer have tribalist societies, but have banded together for a common goal regardless of what immigration has taken place into them. Islamic countries where the populace are mostly muslim tend to be back water cesspools unless they have oil money, and then that doesn't always trickle back into their population ie Iran, Iraq

Nothing keeps Muslims from suceeding in this world more than their religion and its "ideals"

Never seen any proof that it was 'all about oil' certainly not in the price of it since invasion. If that is the depth of USA policy where was the oil in Afghanistan, Angola, Grenada, vietnam, korea, Europe and all the other places the USA has stood and fought for freedom, while the rest pissed themselves or stuck their heads in the sand?

Well, then you should start reading books about the conflicts you mentioned.

In Afganisthan a lot has to do with access to the Central Asian gas fields and the pipeline through Afghanisthan. Europe would most like not have needed the Americans fighting "for freedom" if American companies in the first place would not have financed and supported the nazis. Even until 1944 Standard Oil supplied nazi Germany with oil through Spain, IBM was instrumental in supplying the technology that enabled the holocaust, etc...

But i guess you guys here don't read books much.

Well, then you should start reading books about the conflicts you mentioned.

In Afganisthan a lot has to do with access to the Central Asian gas fields and the pipeline through Afghanisthan. Europe would most like not have needed the Americans fighting "for freedom" if American companies in the first place would not have financed and supported the nazis. Even until 1944 Standard Oil supplied nazi Germany with oil through Spain, IBM was instrumental in supplying the technology that enabled the holocaust, etc...

But i guess you guys here don't read books much.


Perhaps before using your favorite word,"racist" you should look up its meaning as your usage is tiring and incorrect. The use of the word racist is meant only to promote sympathy for your remarks. that it doesn't deserve. Actually your bias does a diservice to many of your fellow Islamists, those of eastern euro descent as well as Indonesians, subsaharans, the vast majority of those of the Islamic faith, by not including them within the scope of Islam, you show your own bigotry toward your own religion. So please look up racist, before you use it.

As for traveling to Islamic countries, been there, done that and just have no desire to return to any of them.

Theres always been trouble in Islamic countries, that why instead of nations made up of laws binding people together, you have systems of warlords vying for power within geographic boundaries. Hatred among Muslims, hatred of infidels, it doesn't matter, hatred is a driving force of Islam. Power gained by force is always the norm, its a tribalist society. Rule by warlords.

Counties that have progressed economically no longer have tribalist societies, but have banded together for a common goal regardless of what immigration has taken place into them. Islamic countries where the populace are mostly muslim tend to be back water cesspools unless they have oil money, and then that doesn't always trickle back into their population ie Iran, Iraq

Nothing keeps Muslims from suceeding in this world more than their religion and its "ideals"

Oh, my apologies for the incorrect term i used. Is calling you bigots more suitable?

And as to your speculation on my religion, i believe that i have to dissappoint you, i have been born a protestant, never was confirmed though as even at that age i did not trust any organised religion.

As to hate, start cleaning your own houses first. The posts here from you rednecks are some of the most hateful things i have come across, including the one that advocates to "wipe them all out", on a par with the "Islamic terrorists" you hate so much.

The rest of you pseudo anthropoligist babble does not even warrant any answer other than that you are in dire need of a few good books. Maybe start first with "Winnie the Poo" and work your way up.

And yes, i have been in many Islamic countries, some i liked less, some more, and of some i have very fond memories. Especially one where i would have died for lack of food and money would it not have been for the very gracious Islamic hospitality that i was given.

Oh, my apologies for the incorrect term i used. Is calling you bigots more suitable?

And as to your speculation on my religion, i believe that i have to dissappoint you, i have been born a protestant, never was confirmed though as even at that age i did not trust any organised religion.

As to hate, start cleaning your own houses first. The posts here from you rednecks are some of the most hateful things i have come across, including the one that advocates to "wipe them all out", on a par with the "Islamic terrorists" you hate so much.

The rest of you pseudo anthropoligist babble does not even warrant any answer other than that you are in dire need of a few good books. Maybe start first with "Winnie the Poo" and work your way up.

And yes, i have been in many Islamic countries, some i liked less, some more, and of some i have very fond memories. Especially one where i would have died for lack of food and money would it not have been for the very gracious Islamic hospitality that i was given.

it would be interesting to find out in what country you are residing in now to have such views,

as paradise is where we would all like to live, and as i see it the tolerant nations of this planet that will accomodate all and sundry all seem to have one common denominator, problems with the islamists.

even the islamists have problems with the islamists, so pray tell in this age of tollerance and respect for others, where exactly do the islamist followers fit.

please name one islamist state or non islamist state that has peace with islamists living there.

oh and by the by i am niether bigot or racist. just a realist that can see the inherant danger these people carry with them.



-One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

Funny enough that describes Islam to a T, cheers for the clarification. :o


-One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

Funny enough that describes Islam to a T, cheers for the clarification. :o

I definately agree there. It aptly describes Islamic fundamentalists.

And it perfectly describes you lot as well.



-One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

Funny enough that describes Islam to a T, cheers for the clarification. :D

I definately agree there. It aptly describes Islamic fundamentalists.

And it perfectly describes you lot as well.

Ironically you are included!!! :o

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