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Pollution Control Dept To Propose Scheme To Fight Haze In Thailand's North


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Cause the smoke comes from outside of Thailand. Stopping all the burning in Thailand won't help.

I don't know how you came up with that conclusion/myth. I started and managed a pinned topic in the Chiang Mai forum regarding Smoke, Smog, Dust 2012 in February 2012. The 1st page shows the current fire map which is linked directly to the site and updated automatically. Here is a snapshot on Feb. 17, 2012 of a fire map where I added a border overlay. The density and wide spread of fires in Thailand is severe. Yes, there are border countries but even Burma doesn't have the same degree of burn as Thailand. Cambodia appears to be the 2nd worse.


//edit - the far South of Thailand is a different matter as the Indonesian burn offs effect it.

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Mmmmm Bt900 million to tell the public NOT to light any fires, seems to me to be another recipe for some serious pocket money ??

Why not try what the local government do in my home country.. DO NOT LIGHT ANY FIRES OR YOU WILL GO TO PRISON !!

That cost's nothing !!

Too easy, and no money to pass around that way.

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According to the plan, Bt20,000 will be granted to each village to examine their potential problems and formulate an anti-fire scheme. Villages that manage to prevent the incidence of outdoor fires will be awarded Bt100,000 each.

Yeah right! "Here is 20k I mean 10k have a look at what the problem is and have a few buckets of water in place 'just in case' and if you can (discreetly) dump your rubbish outside your village boundaries we will give you another 100k sorry I mean 50k"!!

According to friends who live in Chiang Dow there is supposed to be a weekly garbage/refuge collection, however this being Thailand not all the villages are serviced, even though every year funds are apparently made available.

These villages argue that the waste HAS to be burnt if not it would just be left where it is dumped! Try doing a run to Mai Sai during the 'burning months' a real eye opener!

The money might be better spent if it was used to purchase garbage trucks to remove the rubbish to an appropriate land fill? But that would mean work, a bit of forethought and a smaller skim!

Another load of hot (polluted) air!

Edited by lizardtongue
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Cause the smoke comes from outside of Thailand. Stopping all the burning in Thailand won't help.

I don't know how you came up with that conclusion/myth. I started and managed a pinned topic in the Chiang Mai forum regarding Smoke, Smog, Dust 2012 in February 2012. The 1st page shows the current fire map which is linked directly to the site and updated automatically. Here is a snapshot on Feb. 17, 2012 of a fire map where I added a border overlay. The density and wide spread of fires in Thailand is severe. Yes, there are border countries but even Burma doesn't have the same degree of burn as Thailand. Cambodia appears to be the 2nd worse.


//edit - the far South of Thailand is a different matter as the Indonesian burn offs effect it.

Sorry then. Map too small for me to read very well but I don't doubt your opinion. Do you think Thailand is the majority of the CM problem then?

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Cause the smoke comes from outside of Thailand. Stopping all the burning in Thailand won't help.

I don't know how you came up with that conclusion/myth. I started and managed a pinned topic in the Chiang Mai forum regarding Smoke, Smog, Dust 2012 in February 2012. The 1st page shows the current fire map which is linked directly to the site and updated automatically. Here is a snapshot on Feb. 17, 2012 of a fire map where I added a border overlay. The density and wide spread of fires in Thailand is severe. Yes, there are border countries but even Burma doesn't have the same degree of burn as Thailand. Cambodia appears to be the 2nd worse.


//edit - the far South of Thailand is a different matter as the Indonesian burn offs effect it.

Sorry then. Map too small for me to read very well but I don't doubt your opinion. Do you think Thailand is the majority of the CM problem then?

I think CM is the majority of the CM problem. The burning has already begun sad.png

Edited by MESmith
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Cause the smoke comes from outside of Thailand. Stopping all the burning in Thailand won't help.

I don't know how you came up with that conclusion/myth. I started and managed a pinned topic in the Chiang Mai forum regarding Smoke, Smog, Dust 2012 in February 2012. The 1st page shows the current fire map which is linked directly to the site and updated automatically. Here is a snapshot on Feb. 17, 2012 of a fire map where I added a border overlay. The density and wide spread of fires in Thailand is severe. Yes, there are border countries but even Burma doesn't have the same degree of burn as Thailand. Cambodia appears to be the 2nd worse.


//edit - the far South of Thailand is a different matter as the Indonesian burn offs effect it.

Sorry then. Map too small for me to read very well but I don't doubt your opinion. Do you think Thailand is the majority of the CM problem then?

The smoke starts around petchabun pitsanulok and gets progressively thicker. The hills last year were red with fire at night driving back from cnx to udon.

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Sorry then. Map too small for me to read very well but I don't doubt your opinion. Do you think Thailand is the majority of the CM problem then?

I won't expect you to read that topic as it has 58,000 views, 38 pages and 930 responses to it. smile.png But that 1st page was just the early beginning of the season for the North region and it got worse. Many boots on the ground reports from members from north of Chiang Rai to south of Chiang Mai of first hand seeing many small and large wide spread fires throughout the entire area. Chiang Mai is somewhat unique and the issue is compounded due to being in a valley and trapping the smoke and sometimes an inversion layer where visibility can be measured in meters rather then kms.

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Lalalalalalala---falling on deaf ears--thais do what they want--ie-helmets-driving-drinking-fires-etc---IMO they are very selfish ppl and and do ask they like as they know they will get away with it or a measly fine-slap on the wrist

Why not rally some farang volunteers and give them little visa bonus points when they report-find illegal burners?! I for sure could use a job and id love to be out there patrolling and catch those sneaky little bast*rds!

Cause the smoke comes from outside of Thailand. Stopping all the burning in Thailand won't help.

I live behind airport in hang dong and there is burning a plenty going on here and around mountain...
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