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14 Year-Old Boy Kills His Mother In Bangkok; Mum Wouldn't Let Him Play Computer Games


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14 year-old youth kills mother; mum wouldn't let him play computer games

By Digital Media


BANGKOK, Oct 31 - A fourteen-year-old youth killed his mother in the Thai capital last night, as she had not allowed him to play computer games.

The teenaged boy stabbed his mother to death while she slept in her bedroom, and seriously injured his sister who attempted to stop his crime.

Areeya Ketdi, 45, was stabbed four times by her son on Tuesday night with an about one-foot long knife.

According to the initial investigation, the youth was unhappy that his mother had not allowed him to play computer games and scolded him for not helping with household chores.

Authorities took the suspect to the Central Juvenile and Family Court before sending him to another juvenile observation and protection unit.

The boy's father and his cousins told police that he had had autistic syndrome and been cured. However, he had a suppressed personality and was always scolded by his mother. He allegedly used to say he would want to kill his mother.

Public Health Ministry deputy permanent-secretary Dr Apichai Mongkol said the body releases dopamine hormones when a person is addicted to games, in a similar fashion to being addicted to drugs.

Children at this age still lack emotional control, Dr Apichai said. When denied what they are addicted to, they may lose control and hurt others.

Dr Amornwich Nakornthap, an academic advisor to the Quality Learning Foundation, said the suspect's background must be examined. Four initial considered motivations for the crime are attention deficit disorder (ADD), drug addiction, psychological disorders, and family maltreatment. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-10-31

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Very tragic. I would be very surprised if the necessary mental health support mechanisms are in place to support youth with these types of problems. Those with mental health problems are often shunned by society and the system. The negative stigma of such illnesses is still very much apparent in even developed countries.

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Public Health Ministry deputy permanent-secretary Dr Apichai Mongkol said the body releases dopamine hormones when a person is addicted to games, in a similar fashion to being addicted to drugs.

There is absolutely no reliable evidence for this. I can't believe public health officials get away with espousing this sort of politically-motivated hokum.

There isn't?

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Public Health Ministry deputy permanent-secretary Dr Apichai Mongkol said the body releases dopamine hormones when a person is addicted to games, in a similar fashion to being addicted to drugs.

There is absolutely no reliable evidence for this. I can't believe public health officials get away with espousing this sort of politically-motivated hokum.

There isn't?

You're aware of a high-quality study that provides evidence for the claim "the body releases dopamine hormones when a person is addicted to games, in a similar fashion to being addicted to drugs"?

Which drugs?

How does one define the term 'addicted to games'?

What's the difference between the body releasing dopamine (if this indeed is what happens) in response to undertaking an activity that one enjoys and releasing dopamine in response to addiction? Where is the line drawn?

What was the size of the study?

How did they construct a control group?

How was blinding achieved?

It's pseudoscience, and particularly cack-handed at that.

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Public Health Ministry deputy permanent-secretary Dr Apichai Mongkol said the body releases dopamine hormones when a person is addicted to games, in a similar fashion to being addicted to drugs.

Where the hell did this come from?

Yes in Thai if someone is " autistic syndrome " they are still lauged at in most places. As we use to call " Down's syndrome" infected people Mongols (Mongoloid ) in England many years ago, some people still do.

There must have been signs that all was not well, as they say " He allegedly used to say he would want to kill his mother" I think this might have been a big sign that all was not well in his mind.

Poor mother being killed by your son must be unexplainble pain to end your life with.

Sorry for all involved.

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"The boy's father and his cousins told police that he had had autistic syndrome and been cured. However, he had a suppressed personality"

Based on what? There is no cure for autism, although with effective treatment and training many can function well and live in the community responsibly. There is no such diagnosis as "suppressed personality". Most likely, considering the boys age, he might have been diagnosed with a conduct disorder.

"Public Health Ministry deputy permanent-secretary Dr Apichai Mongkol said the body releases dopamine hormones when a person is addicted to games, in a similar fashion to being addicted to drugs.

Children at this age still lack emotional control, Dr Apichai said. When denied what they are addicted to, they may lose control and hurt others."

This statement is pure rubbish, made by someone who appears to have no knowledge of mental health, psychology, or psychiatry. However, in Thailand, all one needs is a title and he is considered an expert.

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For kids with autism, the computer is a way to have a network of friends who do not judge you. You just have fun and I don't think the mother understood that she was taking his whole world away from him when she took away the computer. He needs medication and understanding. Autism has been tragically misunderstood in this boys case and I feel really bad for him and his family.

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"The boy's father and his cousins told police that he had had autistic syndrome and been cured. However, he had a suppressed personality"

Based on what? There is no cure for autism, although with effective treatment and training many can function well and live in the community responsibly. There is no such diagnosis as "suppressed personality". Most likely, considering the boys age, he might have been diagnosed with a conduct disorder.

"Public Health Ministry deputy permanent-secretary Dr Apichai Mongkol said the body releases dopamine hormones when a person is addicted to games, in a similar fashion to being addicted to drugs.

Children at this age still lack emotional control, Dr Apichai said. When denied what they are addicted to, they may lose control and hurt others."

This statement is pure rubbish, made by someone who appears to have no knowledge of mental health, psychology, or psychiatry. However, in Thailand, all one needs is a title and he is considered an expert.

Indeed, this article is so filled with complete and utter pseudo science it is really startling.

Cured of autism? Where does this guy get his info from.

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Very often the mother scolded him. Maybe it should read, very often the mother abused him and finally he cracked after years of abuse. Everything in the article and the "analysis" of the teen's mental state point to him being mentally ill or the sole culprit. What if the Thai system failed this boy, allowed the mother to beat or do worse things to him? Everything gets silenced, and he is blamed in the end. It's a possible scenario.

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Very sad - statements like this make you wonder...

"he had had autistic syndrome and been cured."

This is clearly a mental health issue - not just with the boy but as it affects the whole family.

There is no cure for autism.....only treatment.

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Evidently, the boy wasn't cured and the doctor(s) convinced the mother they performed a miracle. I suppose the mother let her guard down. The mother's death is tragic, but what's even more tragic is the doctors errant prognosis which may have led to her death.

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