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14 Year-Old Boy Kills His Mother In Bangkok; Mum Wouldn't Let Him Play Computer Games


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One life has already been destroyed and the Thai "justice" system is going to totally destroy another one. The braindead Thai media will blame games (which had nothing at all to do with this) while hundreds of thousands of people with mental issues in Thailand will still be laughed at and ignored instead of helped.

Exactly, look at how often people with downs syndrome or other mental ailments play the part of buffoons in TV shows. Thai parents also normally turn a blind eye to mental instability or autism. Lacking support for his sickness, the parents probably found it easier to park him in front of a computer to get hi out of their hair.

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One life has already been destroyed and the Thai "justice" system is going to totally destroy another one. The braindead Thai media will blame games (which had nothing at all to do with this) while hundreds of thousands of people with mental issues in Thailand will still be laughed at and ignored instead of helped.

Exactly, look at how often people with downs syndrome or other mental ailments play the part of buffoons in TV shows. Thai parents also normally turn a blind eye to mental instability or autism. Lacking support for his sickness, the parents probably found it easier to park him in front of a computer to get hi out of their hair.

Most lkely so they can go chase that all mighty Baht....

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shed loads of bullshit by shady "studies" that were done by either religious nuts or political shills,

google "mice on mars are remote controlling my brain" and you'll get just as much *cough* "evidence as there is for that.

dopamine is released by EVERY pleasurable activity,in fact its released when you're in pain too,

jesus christ when will people stop blaming EVERY little thing in their environment instead of realising that children ARE NOT "SELF RAISING"

you can't just abandon your kids in front of a TV or Xbox and go off on your merry way and work and party til they're 6 foot tall and full of resentment and anger(or mentally ill as in this case) then act surprised when they snap,after spending their whole life without guidance,THEN blame games,tv,drugs,gm food,movies,music, the list is fuc_king endless of the incidentals that spineless people have tried to blame for their own shortcomings.

People make me sick,

I'm not going to apologise for getting heated about it either,all of this drivel is just bullshit shovelled by people without the moral courage to admit they fuc_ked up and take responsibility for their actions,

you need a license for a gun,a license for a car,and a license for your god dam_n tv set,but ANY pair of morons with a working set of genitals are allowed to have kids.

Edit-possibly a little harsh,as no one can really account for true mental illness,but I maintain that people DO need to stand up and take responsibilty for their actions AND their children,blaming games or ANY extraneous environmental force is like a toddler blaming his "invisible friend" for wrecking the house.

Well said and simply put.clap2.gif Funny you mention licenses for consumer goods, but there not being a requirement yet to get a license to create the consumers to begin with.

...but ANY pair of morons with a working set of genitals are allowed to have kids.

As far as I know, there is no law against the by-product (called life in the human form) after copulation, even when the case is rape, whereby the male involved is accused of the action against the woman and yet nothing is brought against him regarding the by-product. The consequence of the child existing is seen only as a liability and not as a by-product of a crime.

It is my view that bringing life into this world, or the act that causes life to come into this world, is an issue that has been ignored too long, and / or hindered by religious taboo and idealism. It should not be a right for anyone, but rather a privilage for those who demonstrate they are capable of being diligently responsible towards the long-term results.

I get the impression that there are a lot of people on this planet who are simply unclassified as being intentioned for being here, and they seem to get that feeling too. It creates this effect we read about daily.

Guns, cars and even god dam_n TV's get better care than the by-product from two people, who are not forced to have any responsibility whatsoever for the results or consequences of their sexual encounters.That needs to be changed.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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Possibly, the poor woman has tried to impose 'boundaries' just a bit too late in this boys life.

Kids need to know limits right from the start, and most parents just don't do that in this country.

Did you actually read the content of this article? cheesy.gif
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One life has already been destroyed and the Thai "justice" system is going to totally destroy another one. The braindead Thai media will blame games (which had nothing at all to do with this) while hundreds of thousands of people with mental issues in Thailand will still be laughed at and ignored instead of helped.

Exactly, look at how often people with downs syndrome or other mental ailments play the part of buffoons in TV shows. Thai parents also normally turn a blind eye to mental instability or autism. Lacking support for his sickness, the parents probably found it easier to park him in front of a computer to get hi out of their hair.

You have a very valid point about turning a blind eye but I don't believe it to the be the case in this situation if we are to believe the reports he became enraged because he couldn't play with the computer and mom's nagging about doing choirs.

As for using the mentally ill to play buffoons on TV, not sure I have witnessed such a thing here or back home but am sure it has happened but I can't recall an instance but can recall shows where folks with mental issues play folks with mental issues and sometimes it can involve comedy just as it does with other actors on the show.

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Public Health Ministry deputy permanent-secretary Dr Apichai Mongkol said the body releases dopamine hormones when a person is addicted to games, in a similar fashion to being addicted to drugs.

There is absolutely no reliable evidence for this. I can't believe public health officials get away with espousing this sort of politically-motivated hokum.

Here comes the TV sofa experts again. I am sure you are qualified to speak on this. There are a lot of studies done that support this. Playing video games releases dopamine in the brain. Doing drugs releases Dopamine in the brain. What is so hard to comprehend about this?

Yes anything pleasurable can release dopamine, so does going to the gym for some exercise. The debate is whether or not you can become addicted to this activity and to what degree. I would say I am addicted to exercising, in the sense that if I don't do it for any length of time I don't feel as energetic, alert, good etc etc, so I do want to do it. So the same would go for gaming for many people...they derive pleasure from doing it...the same could be said about sex.

However, there is a vast difference between that and addiction from drugs (as the OP originally compared) and this is where your facts are incorrect.

Pleasurable activities cause dopamine to be released. Drugs on the other hand, prevent the re-uptake of neurotransmitters, which allows the build up of dopamine, resulting in higher levels in the body and an excited feeling of well being. This is why you 'come down' off drugs, you don't 'come down' off playing games or exercising, because the levels are only what your body could normally allow to be produced, a NORMAL state of high so to speak.

There is a BIG difference between the two and you cannot compare them as the OP did.

(How do I know.?..not from Google, but from years of study in Biomedical Science and Biochemistry).

'tominbkk' said

"Exactly, look at how often people with downs syndrome or other mental ailments play the part of buffoons in TV shows. Thai parents also normally turn a blind eye to mental instability or autism. Lacking support for his sickness, the parents probably found it easier to park him in front of a computer to get hi out of their hair."

You have a very valid point about turning a blind eye but I don't believe it to the be the case in this situation if we are to believe the reports he became enraged because he couldn't play with the computer and mom's nagging about doing choirs.

As for using the mentally ill to play buffoons on TV, not sure I have witnessed such a thing here or back home but am sure it has happened but I can't recall an instance but can recall shows where folks with mental issues play folks with mental issues and sometimes it can involve comedy just as it does with other actors on the show.

This is true...but I don't think it's completely their fault. There's no education on mental illnesses here as there is now in the west. Think even 20-30 years ago and people were still affraid for the stigma associated with mental illness back home (west). Thailand still is in this period of lack of education and understanding (of the general population) on mental illness and there is the stigma attached with 'being crazy' which gets lumped together for those mentally ill.

No 'normal' child would kill because they aren't allowed to do something...regardless of how long it was denied.

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I'm just gob-smacked at the number of TV armchair doctors, pediatricians and neurologists that insist there is no cure for autism.

Just like there is no cure for cancer, aids, and a myriad of other "incurable' conditions which have in fact been cured completely if you'd care to do some research on it!

The world is flat and the sky is falling!

He said there is no cure for autism, , factually correct at the time of writing.

He did not say there would never be a cure.

If you know of a cure, look out,,,the world will be beating a path to your door.

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Public Health Ministry deputy permanent-secretary Dr Apichai Mongkol said the body releases dopamine hormones when a person is addicted to games, in a similar fashion to being addicted to drugs.

There is absolutely no reliable evidence for this. I can't believe public health officials get away with espousing this sort of politically-motivated hokum.

Actually perfectly true, as do all pleasurable activities, it's the link between sex heroin chocolate etc.

But meaningless from a practical POV implying that gaming is dangerous.

Few will deny it's addictive, but that's a different issue.

Mental illness is a completely separate issue.

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"Public Health Ministry deputy permanent-secretary Dr Apichai Mongkol said the body releases dopamine hormones when a person is addicted to games, in a similar fashion to being addicted to drugs."

Dr Mongkoi needs to go back to school. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, not a hormone. This is elementary biochemistry.

Neurotransmitters are created at and localized at nerve synapses.

Hormones are created by glands and are circulated via the bloodstream.

Though clearly video game playing can be oddly addicting. A few years ago two fellows from Shanghai were playing online together and a monster dropped an uber (elite) sword. The two agreed to use the elite ethereal (existing as electrons, not in reality) alternately. One day one of the fellows sold the sword for about US$1,000 equivalent, (ethereal items from games can be sold on Ebay sometimes for hundreds of dollars and sometimes over a thousand) and when the second one found out he killed the one who sold the sword.

To read the story search using: "Online gamer killed for selling virtual weapon"

the link if allowed:


Eric Nestler, at the University of Texas, has shown how addictions cause permanent changes in the brains of animals. A single dose of many addictive drugs will produce a protein called DeltaFosB that accumulates in the neurons. Each time the drug is used, more DeltaFosB accumulates, until it throws a genetic switch, affecting which genes are turned on or off. Flipping this switch causes changes that persist long after the drug is stopped, leading to irreversible damage to the brain's dopamine system and rendering the animal far more prone to addiction. Nondrug addictions, such as running and sucrose drinking, also lead to the accumulation of DeltaFosB and the same permanent changes in the dopamine system.

from The Brain That Changes Itself, by Norman Doidge, psychiatrist.

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  • 3 months later...

"Public Health Ministry deputy permanent-secretary Dr Apichai Mongkol said the body releases dopamine hormones when a person is addicted to games, in a similar fashion to being addicted to drugs."

Dr Mongkoi needs to go back to school. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, not a hormone. This is elementary biochemistry.

Neurotransmitters are created at and localized at nerve synapses.

Hormones are created by glands and are circulated via the bloodstream.

Though clearly video game playing can be oddly addicting. A few years ago two fellows from Shanghai were playing online together and a monster dropped an uber (elite) sword. The two agreed to use the elite ethereal (existing as electrons, not in reality) alternately. One day one of the fellows sold the sword for about US$1,000 equivalent, (ethereal items from games can be sold on Ebay sometimes for hundreds of dollars and sometimes over a thousand) and when the second one found out he killed the one who sold the sword.

To read the story search using: "Online gamer killed for selling virtual weapon"

the link if allowed:


>Eric Nestler, at the University of Texas, has shown how addictions cause permanent changes in the brains of animals. A single dose of many addictive drugs will produce a protein called DeltaFosB that accumulates in the neurons. Each time the drug is used, more DeltaFosB accumulates, until it throws a genetic switch, affecting which genes are turned on or off. Flipping this switch causes changes that persist long after the drug is stopped, leading to irreversible damage to the brain's dopamine system and rendering the animal far more prone to addiction. Nondrug addictions, such as running and sucrose drinking, also lead to the accumulation of DeltaFosB and the same permanent changes in the dopamine system.

from The Brain That Changes Itself, by Norman Doidge, psychiatrist.

Almost 30 years ago worked with a software designer who was addicted to exercise. He would run for 3+ hours every day. So much so, that his carbon monoxide levels were higher than those of a smoker.

He ran in a London suburb every evening and breathed in too many fumes so he changed his routine. Go home at 5pm, eat, go to bed. Get up at 1:30am and run 3-4 hours, then go back to bed.

It must also have been very boring because his "Lap" took approx half an hour and he did an average of 7 of these laps.

At one point he injured his foot and was devastated that his Dr said, no weight bearing exercise for 6 to 12 months.

He asked his Dr if swimming was OK and the Dr said a little would be fine.

The guy bought a season ticket at Barnet pool, was allowed to use the pool without supervision and went in a 5-6 am to do his 3-4 hours of laps.

He denied that he was addicted.

Another guy, 30+, was into Iron Man Contests, He would ride his cycle from Waterloo station to Docklands, like a madman. Go straight to our companies gym, do 100+ laps of the swimming pool. Lunchtime was spent jogging around Docklands followed by his mad bike ride to the station.

On the odd occasion he would crash into the back of a vehicle because he would lose concentration and not be fully aware that the vehicle was slowing down.

At his home station he also had a longish bike ride, then tea and then go for - yes, another long bike ride/jog.

When there were meetings in the conference room, he would gather as many chocolate biscuits as possible and scoff the lot - said he needed the calories and he would be really aggressive if anyone else took "HIS" biscuits.

I would not be at all surprised to see a young immature person becoming seriously violent if someone or something "got in the way of their particular addiction" or OCD or ADHD or what ever other it might be labelled.

​If one reads the "Spirit" of the OP, rather than worrying about the small errors like - dopamine is a hormone, it is clear that he is trying to warn about the addictive dangers and for that I believe that he should be taken seriously.

Parents should try to limit the amount of time spent on addictive behaviours - Good luck with that BTW - I see a 5 yr old Thai boy who refuses to eat until he has finished what ever game he is playing and God help you if you playfully distract him during a game, you will see instant violence and it worries me.

This is not a Thai only phenomenon, I've seen it in Spain and the UK as well. I suppose that the US, NZ and Australia are similar too.

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So much analysis of the causes but not much said about how to treat such behaviour. Clearly its not something which happens overnight. ADD and autism need ongoing treatment.

Seperate to this - the teen displayed teenage tensions going by reports; which my parents treated from the 'first-sign' of delinquency by bending me over and spanking my posterior till my buttocks sang out. Not sure if this qualifies as family maltreatment but it did fix the dopamine levels and all recreational deficits or disorders. This news is such a tragedy. I hope and pray this family finds peace.

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So much analysis of the causes but not much said about how to treat such behaviour. Clearly its not something which happens overnight. ADD and autism need ongoing treatment.

Seperate to this - the teen displayed teenage tensions going by reports; which my parents treated from the 'first-sign' of delinquency by bending me over and spanking my posterior till my buttocks sang out. Not sure if this qualifies as family maltreatment but it did fix the dopamine levels and all recreational deficits or disorders. This news is such a tragedy. I hope and pray this family finds peace.

I can relate to this. There was a peach tree in our back yard. By the time I was 14 it was dead due to mother breaking all the limbs off and using as a switch to whip my ass. Back then parents made children behave and there was not all this PC BS.

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So much analysis of the causes but not much said about how to treat such behaviour. Clearly its not something which happens overnight. ADD and autism need ongoing treatment.

Seperate to this - the teen displayed teenage tensions going by reports; which my parents treated from the 'first-sign' of delinquency by bending me over and spanking my posterior till my buttocks sang out. Not sure if this qualifies as family maltreatment but it did fix the dopamine levels and all recreational deficits or disorders. This news is such a tragedy. I hope and pray this family finds peace.

I agree with you in that it should be the parents job in the first place.

However, as Pimay said, the world seems to have been overtaken with PC.

As a nipper at school, one could " be made an example of" by a teacher and no one batted an eye lid. If you went home and were stupid enough to complain about your treatment at school, you'd get another belting "for letting your parents down".

Perhaps it was a tad OTT at times but at least you knew that there were boundaries and where they were.

I remember in 1955, 4 x 14 yr old boys had broken into the local market hall and stolen a few fags. Not only did they have to to court (they got probation) but they got a public caning in front of the whole school.

I think that we may be suffering from too much technology and advertising.

No child "Needs" the games consoles, mobile phones etc but peer pressure and too much cash allows the parents to abdicate their responsibilities by giving the kids this junk instead of spending time with them.

As kids, we would go for "Family Nature Walks", our Dad would point out lots on things of interest, insects, animals, plants, trees etc.

It's where we (my older sister, me and a younger brother) learned about gravity... You know because there was a water tower and a hundreds questions later - I knew about a lot of things.

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Children have to be taught their boundaries and limits
from an early age what they can do and what they can’t do, they also have to be
taught decent moral understanding about what is acceptable in proper polite society
and to distinguish what is right and what is wrong something that seems to be very
lacking in the modern Thai family life and society in general here in Thailand.

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Children have to be taught their boundaries and limits

from an early age what they can do and what they can’t do, they also have to be

taught decent moral understanding about what is acceptable in proper polite society

and to distinguish what is right and what is wrong something that seems to be very

lacking in the modern Thai family life and society in general here in Thailand.

It's not only here in Thailand my friend. I am appalled each time I go back to the US and see how disrespectful a lot not all, of the young kids are there. Now in the US if a parent whips a kid and they go to school and tell the teacher the parents get a visit from the child welfare dpt and sometimes the child is removed from the home. No abuse involved just common sense discipline. Now they are into "time out", you can't play your computer game for one hour, ect for the kids at home. Dr. Spock BS.

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Children have to be taught their boundaries and limits

from an early age what they can do and what they can’t do, they also have to be

taught decent moral understanding about what is acceptable in proper polite society

and to distinguish what is right and what is wrong something that seems to be very

lacking in the modern Thai family life and society in general here in Thailand.

I used to be full time in the UK, then Spain and now part time in Thailand.

In the UK kids are just given "stuff" and left to get on with it and it seems similar here.

However, in Spain they are still family orientated and even Dad's are seen to kiss their child.

Spanish kids attend fiesta's and are running around at 2am like gooduns.

The parents are seldom seen drunk, but rather more calm and happy.

However, kids are allowed to be kids. If they want a tantrum, they are allowed to rant and scream and get it out of their system. There is no repression or regrets.

UK kids are not allowed that freedom, they must behave like small adults.

I've seen a Thai Mum give a "Stare" to a four yr old boy. The stare was enough to reduce the boy to tears, his temperature rose like mad - he lost face......

Maybe the Spanish are right to allow kids to be kids and learn which boundaries are important?

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Children have to be taught their boundaries and limits

from an early age what they can do and what they can’t do, they also have to be

taught decent moral understanding about what is acceptable in proper polite society

and to distinguish what is right and what is wrong something that seems to be very

lacking in the modern Thai family life and society in general here in Thailand.

I used to be full time in the UK, then Spain and now part time in Thailand.

In the UK kids are just given "stuff" and left to get on with it and it seems similar here.

However, in Spain they are still family orientated and even Dad's are seen to kiss their child.

Spanish kids attend fiesta's and are running around at 2am like gooduns.

The parents are seldom seen drunk, but rather more calm and happy.

However, kids are allowed to be kids. If they want a tantrum, they are allowed to rant and scream and get it out of their system. There is no repression or regrets.

UK kids are not allowed that freedom, they must behave like small adults.

I've seen a Thai Mum give a "Stare" to a four yr old boy. The stare was enough to reduce the boy to tears, his temperature rose like mad - he lost face......

Maybe the Spanish are right to allow kids to be kids and learn which boundaries are important?

Nice post wai.gif

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Children have to be taught their boundaries and limits

from an early age what they can do and what they can’t do, they also have to be

taught decent moral understanding about what is acceptable in proper polite society

and to distinguish what is right and what is wrong something that seems to be very

lacking in the modern Thai family life and society in general here in Thailand.

It's not only here in Thailand my friend. I am appalled each time I go back to the US and see how disrespectful a lot not all, of the young kids are there. Now in the US if a parent whips a kid and they go to school and tell the teacher the parents get a visit from the child welfare dpt and sometimes the child is removed from the home. No abuse involved just common sense discipline. Now they are into "time out", you can't play your computer game for one hour, ect for the kids at home. Dr. Spock BS.

In the UK it's maybe not got quite that far - yet.

There are certainly "Child Lines" for them to phone and report abuse from a family member, neighbour or at school and it is followed up.

Except of course, for the appalling errors that social services make in not recognising children at real risk.

The news papers are full of reports about a 4 yr old (or so) being mistreated, ciggy burns, broken limbs, even killed and, probably because of these anomalies, the PC brigade push the pendulum too far for sense.

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