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Thailand Says Aims To Be Top Rice Exporter In 2013


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Thailand says aims to be top rice exporter in 2013

* Thailand says aims to export 8.5 mln tonnes in 2013

* Thai intervention scheme has pushed prices to uncompetitive levels

* Southeast Asian country at risk of losing position as No.1 exporter this year

BANGKOK, Nov 6 (Reuters) - Thailand aims to be the world's biggest rice exporter in 2013 by shipping 8.5 million tonnes, up from the 7.2-7.5 million tonnes expected to be shipped this year, a senior official at the Commerce Ministry said on Tuesday.

"That means we could retain our position as the world's number-one exporter because our competitors, such as India and Vietnam, are expected to export around 7-8 million tonnes next year," said Pranee Siriphand, director general of the Ministry of Commerce's Department of Foreign Trade. [read more...]

Full Story: http://www.reuters.c...E8M605S20121106

-- REUTERS 2012-11-06


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Well there's so much in storage it should be easy to meet that target. Have to sell it at a huge loss to what was paid for it mind but what's billions of bht in deficit so long as you're #1?

Agreed, we can't have the Govenment loosing face now, can we. Better loose billions of thb.


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Considering they intend to conitinue the rice scheme then the farmers will certainly produce enough rice for this to happen.

Pretty well everyone where I live have signed up for the scheme.

I could rant on about why the scheme can never work but that is another topic.

The problem is of course that the global price is well below the government price and likely to remain so.

So OK they may well be back to No1, but at a significant loss, paid for by?

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From the reuters article mentioned in the OP:

The policy pegged a common grade 5 percent white rice at $550-$560 per tonne, way above the same grades of rice in Vietnam and India, which were offered at $390-$455 per tonne.

Since begin of the year till now 5.07m ton exported. Somehow the MoC expects 7.2-7.5m ton over the total year. Must be a busy two months ahead of us.

With aiming at 8.5m ton next year, that's still a wee bit less than the 10.6m ton in 2011. Data on the export value to be able to make another comparison over the last years seems missing. The MoC is probably still writing the 'first year accomplishment' report on what his predecessor managed to do

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Said it before and will say it again, an arrogant race of people with the largest superiority complex in ASEAN

(Wikipedia - Superiority complex is a psychological defence mechanism in which a person's feelings of superiority counter or conceal his or her feelings of inferiority.)

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Said it before and will say it again, an arrogant race of people with the largest superiority complex in ASEAN

(Wikipedia - Superiority complex is a psychological defence mechanism in which a person's feelings of superiority counter or conceal his or her feelings of inferiority.)

Not sure what you base this on.

Having travelled over the last 20+ years throughout Asia for work the Thais are nowhere near the top when it comes to superioriy complexes.

Anyhow they just say they will be No1 rice exporter, they were before so why not again, hardly a superior stance.

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Further proof idiots in the Govt think the public believe their press reports. They are now not even a 'player' at any level because they hoarded at Thaksin's directive playing his stupid little game. And they just keep printing it so the spin doctors can keep bullshitting the public. To be number one again they would have to crash the rice market price structure. Do that and watch the ramifications from VN and India et al. The rod for the back gets heavier Yingluck, time to resign and blame not having control of your party and it's dealings as your excuse. At least you may save some face...

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Said it before and will say it again, an arrogant race of people with the largest superiority complex in ASEAN

(Wikipedia - Superiority complex is a psychological defence mechanism in which a person's feelings of superiority counter or conceal his or her feelings of inferiority.)

Not sure what you base this on.

Having travelled over the last 20+ years throughout Asia for work the Thais are nowhere near the top when it comes to superioriy complexes.

Anyhow they just say they will be No1 rice exporter, they were before so why not again, hardly a superior stance.

Seems you have not kept up what has been going on this last year, with the rice pledging scam. This coming year is going to be the same as the last.

Try and keep up.

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For today's entertainment, I am just going to make a coffee, sit back and wait for the posts to roll in.

It's now almost 4pm and I hope you enjoyed your coffee. The posts did indeed roll in all 20 of them.

My question to you is this:

Do you believe what the PTP government says when it comes to rice trading? Are these figures and statements by the Commerce Ministry credible, or is it just pulling numbers out of the air? Who is buying this overpriced rice? How many shiploads will be exported?

Anything a government says these days has to be taken with a large pich of (overpriced) salt.

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Said it before and will say it again, an arrogant race of people with the largest superiority complex in ASEAN

(Wikipedia - Superiority complex is a psychological defence mechanism in which a person's feelings of superiority counter or conceal his or her feelings of inferiority.)

Not sure what you base this on.

Having travelled over the last 20+ years throughout Asia for work the Thais are nowhere near the top when it comes to superioriy complexes.

Anyhow they just say they will be No1 rice exporter, they were before so why not again, hardly a superior stance.

Seems you have not kept up what has been going on this last year, with the rice pledging scam. This coming year is going to be the same as the last.

Try and keep up.

If you refer back to an earlier quote in this post regarding the rice pledging scheme you might notice I do keep up, where I live and what I do makes it of interest to me and my family.

I was merely retorting on the superiority point.

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Well, there are two possibilities:

1. There are major crop failures in India and/or Vietnam and/or China next year and the price of rice will go up enough for the Thais to sell this mountain of rice and NOT take a major loss.

2. The Thai government simply dumps the mountain on the market, the price plummets and Thailand becomes the world rice leader... while losing billions of baht.

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Well, there are two possibilities:

1. There are major crop failures in India and/or Vietnam and/or China next year and the price of rice will go up enough for the Thais to sell this mountain of rice and NOT take a major loss.

2. The Thai government simply dumps the mountain on the market, the price plummets and Thailand becomes the world rice leader... while losing billions of baht.

Or number 3.. They continue to subsidize the rice and NOT sell it (just like this year) while lying to all and sundry about government to government deals (which if this years were true would have placed them number 2 in the world behind India rather than 3 or 4th) and continue scurrying around the country looking for more airfield hangar etc to store it in.

If this carries on i wouldn't be surprised if Cambodia came up the export ladder (they do say a good proportion is sent here for the scheme laugh.png )

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