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Driving Up And Over Doi Suthep


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Want to drive my small SUV 4x4 and have coffee at the place just over the top and was wondering if anybody knows how's good the road is if I continue down that side. I've ridden my mt bike there but usually also going onto single track but I come out at places with roads. Not interested in tourist Hill tribe village over there. Looking to show guests some of the beauty here but they probably wouldn't enjoy a roll over as much as me (pending my insurance will cover it).

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" Not interested in tourist Hill tribe village over there"

To each their own but I found it interesting. Maybe your guests would and then you could continue on to the natural beauties the country has to offer.

It is always kind of demoralizing to hear people talk about Thailand as though all it had was Natural beuities which it does in plenty and major metropolises of over 50,000 people. Some how if people never see any thing else they get a lopsided view of Thailand. Yes some of the villages sell trinkets to tourists but it does not detract from the homes they live in and in many cases to terrain they have built there homes into.

Edited by hellodolly
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only been as far as the village down past the top of Doi Pui, Ban Khun Chang Khian recently. Nice to stop for coffee as you enter the village. This is past the turnoff that continues down to HTT. That road is supposed to be ok, but have not driven it for about 10 years. Please report back after you've driven it.

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thanks for the replies. ME i'll post w/the results if I survive the journey. hellodooly I do agree there is much to do and see here besides only nature and we will be taking in some temples, such as Wat Suthep on the way up and other cultural and many everyday Thai experiences but I find these made for tourist attractions having nothing to offer us. Easy enough to see some real Hill Tribe Villages, which we'll do by mt. biking out by front gate and 15 min. into the hills. Will also delve into the everyday Thai life like going to the Warorto market and just wander around the old city and take in all the little nook and crannies and see what we find, my favorite kind of sightseeing.

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Avoid weekends & holidays if you can. Gets busy up there on the narrow road over Doi Pui as far as the coffee shop attached to the ornamental gardens. Carry on past that coffee shop to the village of Ban Khun Chang Khian. A few coffee shacks there & the village has a more authentic atmosphere than the shopping plaza that Ban Doi Pui has become.

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The road is now paved down from the forestry checkpoint at the end of the road up Suthep to the CMU "coffee cabins," maybe even beyond by now-- I haven't ridden it for almost a year. After coffee, there are a few important forks in the road. One path leads to Huay Tung Tao and is manageable on four wheels; the other out to Pong Yaeng and the botanic garden in Mae Rim, and that path if memory serves narrows for bikes only (and is much longer). GPS or a good map will help. There's a good set of GPS tracks logged by the CM Hiking Group which you can google for. It's clear which are walking paths, mountain bike trails, and roads suitable for 4 wheels. Beautiful road and this is the best time of year to enjoy it, before the traffic and the haze. Have fun!

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