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Futsal World Cup: Fifa Drops Bombshell On Bangkok Arena


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Not in vain, they can use this to their advantage, and im sure some have . How to do build a bit better and wiser . How to keep deadlines. What Happened?, maybe our caste hierarchy has too many Chiefs on the Site. PS. How many is a Hoard?

To learn from a mistake you first have to acknowledge that a mistake was made, and that is not the Thai way.

Yeah, too true. Been with wifey for nearly 10 years and same same.smile.png
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I'm sure Dato Worawi will be fighting this injustice - with his record at getting reversals of decisions, I'd start buying tickets now.

Unless he didn't give the venture his support and is not financially involved, then they might be screwed

Sent from Android please allow errors in type or judgment.

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<deleted> are some of you rambling about FIFA being corrupt?

As much as that maybe true in general...what has that to do with this case?

IF bribes were involved, it was at naming Thailand host of this Futsal World Cup.

Bribes in a case of the last 10 days???

Yeah right!

Some here looking to blame FIFA instead of BMA?

Welcome to LaLa- Land!

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This should help with Thailand's application to host a F1 race in the near future. Not

This affair is very small beer, Wait until they build an atomic reactor. If they go ahead with that, Swampy will need a few extra runways to cope with the rush to flee.

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I think this could be a valuable, albeit expensive lesson, if people and organizations in Thailand would choose to use it as such. The lesson is this:

In the real world, not every mistake or failure to perform can be taken care of with a cute smile, a deep wai or a token transfer to an inactive post. The real world is a demanding and very competitive place where bad performance and bad behaviour have actual cosequences that can't be swept under the rug.

I suspect however that those responsible in this case will expend all their energy to justify their failure and delegate blame to everyone but themselves, as the early reactions from the BMA suggest. They may only find out in 2015 what a harsh place the real world really is, when they have to start measuring up to the often much higher standards of the whole ASEAN region.

It isn't even going to figure in the news for a week. It will be the issue that no one talks about, with the blame lying with the fussy farangs who didn't get enough VIP rooms.

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" Although significant progrees had been made, including the installation of a pitch, FIFA was not satisfied " -- handy that, having a pitch so they got this one right but.....

" We did everything that FIFA requested, EXCEPT some small issues " means that you didn't do everything FIFA requested. When will Thai's learn that to complete a job they need to 100% of it, not 75% as per normal ?

They failed " to be number one " on this issue.....

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I think this could be a valuable, albeit expensive lesson, if people and organizations in Thailand would choose to use it as such. The lesson is this:

In the real world, not every mistake or failure to perform can be taken care of with a cute smile, a deep wai or a token transfer to an inactive post. The real world is a demanding and very competitive place where bad performance and bad behaviour have actual cosequences that can't be swept under the rug.

I suspect however that those responsible in this case will expend all their energy to justify their failure and delegate blame to everyone but themselves, as the early reactions from the BMA suggest. They may only find out in 2015 what a harsh place the real world really is, when they have to start measuring up to the often much higher standards of the whole ASEAN region.

The sad part of it all is the very thing that the Thais are so fiercely proud of - the fact they've never been conquered or invaded. This is the kingpin of their rampant nationalism and it's their proud and defiant boast that they continue to resist the 'corrupting' effect of foreign influences on their culture.

Unfortunately one or two Thai folks are beginning to become aware of the flaw in this attitude - that the more Thailand shoves it head in the sand like an ostrich, the quicker the world outside moves on.

One the one hand it's reasonable for Thailand to look around its little corner of the world and feel superior to its neighbours. But then the Thais stagger in shock when they are forced into contact with unpleasant farang concepts such as accountability, reliability, responsibility, integrity and honesty.

Every day in their schools the children have to chant a creed about what a wonderful country Thailand is - the best in the world. But it's now gone past the point where having lots of fish and rice has a great deal of meaning.

We, the Thai people, are the greatest in the world also.

In our water, there are abundancy of fish and in our field, there are golden rice paddies.

There is no other country on this earth that can compare with our beloved Thailand.


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I think this could be a valuable, albeit expensive lesson, if people and organizations in Thailand would choose to use it as such. The lesson is this:

In the real world, not every mistake or failure to perform can be taken care of with a cute smile, a deep wai or a token transfer to an inactive post. The real world is a demanding and very competitive place where bad performance and bad behaviour have actual cosequences that can't be swept under the rug.

I suspect however that those responsible in this case will expend all their energy to justify their failure and delegate blame to everyone but themselves, as the early reactions from the BMA suggest. They may only find out in 2015 what a harsh place the real world really is, when they have to start measuring up to the often much higher standards of the whole ASEAN region.

The sad part of it all is the very thing that the Thais are so fiercely proud of - the fact they've never been conquered or invaded. This is the kingpin of their rampant nationalism and it's their proud and defiant boast that they continue to resist the 'corrupting' effect of foreign influences on their culture.

Unfortunately one or two Thai folks are beginning to become aware of the flaw in this attitude - that the more Thailand shoves it head in the sand like an ostrich, the quicker the world outside moves on.

One the one hand it's reasonable for Thailand to look around its little corner of the world and feel superior to its neighbours. But then the Thais stagger in shock when they are forced into contact with unpleasant farang concepts such as accountability, reliability, responsibility, integrity and honesty.

Every day in their schools the children have to chant a creed about what a wonderful country Thailand is - the best in the world. But it's now gone past the point where having lots of fish and rice has a great deal of meaning.

We, the Thai people, are the greatest in the world also.

In our water, there are abundancy of fish and in our field, there are golden rice paddies.

There is no other country on this earth that can compare with our beloved Thailand.


There is nothing wrong with national anthems and being proud of your country. It is the ability for self criticism and accountability that is a most vital issue that normally goes missing here. There are many countries in the world that are nationalistic to one degree or another, but when something goes wrong or needs to be changed, people don't wait to be told what to do, they club together and get on with it.

On the very simplest level, Thailand can't even have a reasoned debate about who runs the country without resorting to street protests, arson, shootings and army intervention. On the surface, Thai's are told they are one all together, but in reality, this society is so class, origin, and position divided, that inevitably something is going to have to give one day if situations such as this topic are ever going to change.

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Extremely Good! God has answered! That money should have been spent on those poor ladies who sell their bodies to keep their brothers in school. What portion of the 25b USD earned from foreigners were spent on poverty alleviation last year? I think Thailand has the most corrupt government officials in the world. Just like all the other elected heads of states (other than that of Iran) your's is also a thundering liar.

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so if this Bangkok Arena gets disqualified for not meeting safety, security, and fundamental measures as quoted;

"Its Committee explained that the safety of spectators, teams and all other visitors to the stadium were of paramount importance to Fifa, and that such a fundamental issue,"

How is the Planning for the upcoming F1 racing proposal going to turn out with the F1 committee?

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