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Education Visa Renewal

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I have a management trainee here at the resort. He holds a 1 yr ED visa which he obtained from Vientienne. After 3 months he has to extend his visa at immigration. He went today and was refused an extension even though he took the same documents he took to Vientienne to obtain his ED visa.

Does anyone know what documents he actually needs to please these immigration people. They said he needs a letter from his embassy and and and...

He took the following to Vientienne and also today-to Krabi immigration

* letter from company to state his management trainee status

* company registration documents

* shareholder list

* company financial statement from the past 3 yrs

* Map and photo of the resort

So what are we missing ? I cannot believe he needs a letter from his embassy bla bla bla...

Any help wil be appreciated as it is costing 500 bht a day overstay until he produces what they say.

Cheers and Beers


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Call the government information line at 1111 and ask there, they will connect you to someone within immigration that can answer all your questions.

The ED-visa extension is normally for students enrolled in a Thai educational facility, which he is not.. Also I believe his internship must be reported to some govenment agency.

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He needs a formal letter from his school / university stating that he is studying there.

Thai language schools can issue such a letter if you enroll for 200 hours or more of classes per year.

He need to ask for the letter every 3 months, and go with it to the immigration.

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He needs a completely different visa. As a management trainee he is working, and not going to school. That is why his extention was refused, and there is no overstay on the visa. Overstay=expired.

Get him the correct visa, and work permit (even if he is working for no money, or volunteering he needs a work permt) if he is working for you, and not an ED visa. Your company needs to meet all the government requirements for him to even work for you, and get the correct visa, and work permit. He can not legally work on an ED visa, and a management trainee is working. You can not get around what is legal by thinking he is in school working for you as a management trainee. Are you a registered school?

Edited by koolbreez
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An intern is not necesrally working. In case of an internship as part of a study/course at a Thai educational institution it is seen as part of the training and no work permit is required as one is studying. But it needs to be reported to the government (immigration, ministry of education or labour department, can't remember which one).

In this case there is no Thai educational facility, so different rules (might) apply.

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