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Naot Sandals

tim armstrong

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You often see the knock-off Birkenstocks on sale along the tourist trail. Of course not nearly as good quality wrt longevity as the originals but very comfortable and can usually be talked down to under B300 the pair.

Even with many hours of hard use every day they last at least 6-8 months, and will usually survive at least one re-tread, but in fact I find it more economical to just buy a new pair when that time comes.

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Thanks Big J. Once you have worn NAOT sandals nothing else compares, even Birkenstocks. They are made in Israel still I think, but sold in many western countries. They're not cheap but they last for years and have a replaceable sole. Thanks again for the suggestion.

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definately israeli. definately good. theres a store near me, but not sure i would find your size or model; seems to be , like other things, that the models of things we have here arent the same as those for export...

try internet search for teva neot/kibbutz neot mordachi...



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Thanks Bina and others. I have done the search, and I know where I can get them in Oz, but I was just hopeful that they may have got this far. I will just have to wait for someone coming from East coast Oz to try and bring some.

But as Bina would know, they are different from just about anything else. Maybe a bit chunky, but the men's sandals could go anywhere. Wore the last pair most days for about 3 years

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yep. they are definately 'practical shoes' , chunky, very kibbutz. even in conferences and stuff, u can tell the women that have come from kibbutzim and moshavim (i.e.l the provincials :) )often with sturdy practical comfortable but well styled shoes. and not cheap by a long shot but last for ever, and yes, can change innersoles and stuff... funny, hadnt htought about overseas people wearing shoes from here. how ethnocentric of me...

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