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Do You Get Nervous When Travelling Outside Tourist Areas?


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Going back to thailand in 12 days. Cant wait!!

Will be going back to visits the wife family in a village in kaemphang Phet.

I have been before and was a little nervous with all the attention i was drawing to myself being the only farang in the village. With 50 minutes to the nearest police station and same for hostpital.

I was just wondering does anyone, when visiting outside the tourist areas, get nervous or feel threatened. I know this post will lead to thailand not being as dangerous as blah blah or thailand is the same as blah blah, but do you ever feel that, when visiting these poor areas, some thais could see you as the rich farang and take advantage ie muggings ect.

Do you feel you have to watch your back more than normal or are there things one should look out for? How do you feel when travelling out into the sticks?

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I'll give you my opinion from my experience . . . never a problem. Keep yer wits about you, though, but that's no different than being at home.

Edit: Have a nice stay! And I'll second Brit's observation that once out in the stixs you'll receive much more attention in a flattering way. Return the respect, keep your ego on the ground and you'll really be in for a delightful experience.

Edited by Tippaporn
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I felt ok and flattered, and being round the wifes family big family about 12 of them wasnt too bad, just thought that i was on show as the man with the money and wondered if maybe some thais looked at me the same when i was out, the thais that are into drugs and muggings, not being negative towards thais as i love em too bits real friendly and that, just talking about the bad eggs!

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Out in the villages every door, window, gate and fench are tightly secured after dark and few Thais dare to be outside alone after dark... This is because they are afraid of ghosts/spirits.... Consequently, even after dark it is quite safe to be alone outdoors - not even drunk mugs to be met.

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Going back to thailand in 12 days. Cant wait!!

Will be going back to visits the wife family in a village in kaemphang Phet.

I have been before and was a little nervous with all the attention i was drawing to myself being the only farang in the village. With 50 minutes to the nearest police station and same for hostpital.

I was just wondering does anyone, when visiting outside the tourist areas, get nervous or feel threatened.

Au contraire, I have always felt comfortable in the more isolated rural communities although I am aware that hospital care will be delayed in the event of a medical emergency. And yes, there is little police presence unless a serious crime has been committed. The crime that does exists tends to be domestic violence and theft. But there is, alas, little privacy so it is hard to get away without being caught and the village headman and subdistrict heads (kamnaan) are able to take care of local matters and will call in the police or other district officials when necesssary.

When I married I had built a house in my wife's native village and the wedding took place in that village. At the time the village was quite isolated and the road was a bit of a challenge. Not only were my Farang friends a bit intimidated by entering into a more isolated area, but so too, perhaps even more so, were my Thai friends from the city. But at least two of my Farang friends braved the journey, one of whom wrote about the wedding, with pics, in the long defunct Bangkok World newspaper. Only a very few of my Thai friends made it. Most of my Thai friends from the city actually turned around half way becuase they began to feel uncomfortable driving up an unimproved road where there was only forest. The abscences were little noticed as several hundred others came by to see the first Thai-Farang marriage in the sub-district (tambon). The point is that even many city Thais are uncomfortable visiting the more isolated areas: they always seem to speed up in their cars when they pass through the villages not wanting to be reminded of their past.

I think once you get over the initial misgivings you will quickly learn that rural Thailand and its inhabitants are friendly and quite delightfully quirky. Yes, you will attract some attention in the beginning, but that too will pass.

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If you didn't want them to see you as "rich farang", then don't act like one

Don't go for a drink with a group of thai guys, if you're not prepared to pay for their drinks too

Be prepare for the out-house style bathroom - bring toilet paper...unless you don't mind a bowl there

Expect to eat alots - with no farang food!

Be prepare to be the "KING" for a day - everybody want to see you, talk to you and touch you

Most of all...don't worry too much. Relax and be yourself. Don't pretend to be someone you're not

The poor thais are very friendly folks....the rich thais that's worry me!

OH...make sure try their famous "Kaemphang Phet's egg custard"..yummy! - The best in Thailand

Go and have fun :o


Edited by BKK90210
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I haven´t been to touristic areas for 3 years now, well except of BKK.But even there I only socialised with other farangs at the embassy.


My next holiday in LOS will definitly be in a touristic area with a pool,airconditioning, a variety of international food and some entertainment :D

It was nice in the sticks but hasn´t to do anything with my definition of a holiday.I lived as equal as the Thai´s in my wifes village and I enjoyed the simple life.But after the holiday I always needed some holiday because I felt even more tired and couldn´t relax there much

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I still consider myself new to Thailand. In April, it will be 2 years here for me. I visited Bangkok for 2 weeks when I first got here then went by myself to live in a small village. It was a bit strange at first but after a while, I slowly got use to it.

Things that happened to me: I did get a lot of attention, eat a lot of unusual food, drink a lot of rice whiskey, get taken to every party in the village, and met a lot of nice people.

When I meet the Thai locals, I hear their name, which is a word I never heard before in my life, and 5 min later.....I forget the name.

There are bad people everywhere. More in the tourist places (IMHO).

When I first got here, I lived in east Thailand near Cambodia. Now I live in north Thailand near Laos.

Often I go for rides alone on my motorcycle. Often I am very far from any other farangs and find that the people in the little villages are a lot nicer than the people in the tourist places.

I think thats why I prefer to live in a small village.

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The only thing that ever got me on regular visits to the farm in Buriram was how quickly my cigarettes disappeared.

Don't leave anything on a table that you don't want to share with others - or give up the cancer sticks.

Generousity from the family was always first class. Free place to stay, free food and whenever they could, three bottles of Chang would appear for me.

Have fun.

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Well I live out in the sticks, so it would be a bit difficult if I felt "a bit nervous or threatened"

Don't leave anything on a table that you don't want to share with others
Actually this is true, usually when drinking together, anything left on the table is usually for all to share. Dont worry have a few drinks , buy some beer or whiskey.....it's cheap enough and your on holiday.

To be 50 min from the nearest police, or hospital you would have to be extremly remote (unless your walking :o ), there are small police boxes, and local medical centers most places you probably just have'nt seen them. All in all there is far less crime and you should be a lot safer out in the sticks.


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When I first visited our village the only experience most of the residents had of a Farang was one that lived there a few years previously (he had built a house). I am told there was a lot of domestic violence involving him with police involved, etc. Many of them expected problems with me and criticised my wife for bringing me there. The atmosphere was not too good.

However, over the years things have gone quite well and I appear to be accepted. Last week it was suggested that I would become the next village head when I move there permanently in two years -my wife's elderly uncle currently holds the position and discusses with my wife village issues as a matter of course. I am still the only farang in the village, or nearby AFIK.

There is still a bit of anti-farang feeling in the village, not least because two girls died in the village last year after returning from Pattaya with Aids.

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I feel way more comfortable anywhere upcountry than I would on Sukhumvit, Samui, Pattaya, etc, and so should you.

> There's always one who has to show how native he's become.

There's always one who has to show how much of a ... he can remain.

Enjoy the quiz night & Guinness yesterday did you? :o



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The further I get from Farangs the better, I duck when I see one heading my way.

I'm with you GH Whenever in country, I stay away from farangs. There are a few exceptions but they are scattered about the country.

As far as being alone in a foriegn country, it bothers me not. When younger I lived in a cheap hotel in the southern part of Bogota. Not exactly a Conde Nast destination, but close to the capital building, it suited my purposes for several months. I'd wander the area all hours, and somehow remained alive, and problem free.

Moved next to the German Embassy in a good residential neighborhood and immeadiately had my tuxedo stolen from my car , while running in my house to grab a wedding gift, I'd left behind.

But throughout my travels, I've found the majority of fellow foriegners are good people, but there is a sizable number that'll bring your troubles you really don't need.

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Don't be surprised if your GF asks you to give money to her family members. I thought it was cute at first when it happened to me, but eventually I began to feel like an ATM machine. TGs have an endless supply of excuses for giving money. Don't fall into the trap, and at the same time don't become a cynic either!

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Going back to thailand in 12 days. Cant wait!!

Will be going back to visits the wife family in a village in kaemphang Phet.

I have been before and was a little nervous with all the attention i was drawing to myself being the only farang in the village. With 50 minutes to the nearest police station and same for hostpital.

I was just wondering does anyone, when visiting outside the tourist areas, get nervous or feel threatened. I know this post will lead to thailand not being as dangerous as blah blah or thailand is the same as blah blah, but do you ever feel that, when visiting these poor areas, some thais could see you as the rich farang and take advantage ie muggings ect.

Do you feel you have to watch your back more than normal or are there things one should look out for? How do you feel when travelling out into the sticks?

Don't worry, they'll either drug you and rob you or pretend to be your friend or girlfriend and slowly drain you of your money that way.

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Going back to thailand in 12 days. Cant wait!!

Will be going back to visits the wife family in a village in kaemphang Phet.

I have been before and was a little nervous with all the attention i was drawing to myself being the only farang in the village. With 50 minutes to the nearest police station and same for hostpital.

I was just wondering does anyone, when visiting outside the tourist areas, get nervous or feel threatened. I know this post will lead to thailand not being as dangerous as blah blah or thailand is the same as blah blah, but do you ever feel that, when visiting these poor areas, some thais could see you as the rich farang and take advantage ie muggings ect.

Do you feel you have to watch your back more than normal or are there things one should look out for? How do you feel when travelling out into the sticks?

Don't worry, they'll either drug you and rob you or pretend to be your friend or girlfriend and slowly drain you of your money that way.

Really enjoyed some of the comments, no need to be nervous, when going off the beaten track, just have fun and dont play the rich farang , drink copious amounts of Lao khao ,munch on bits of gai yang , smile lots!! and blend in, dont worry about getting mugged (not many scouses in isaan) had to slip that in!! cant go spoiling my reputation :o nignoy
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I get nervous and edgy whenever I need to spend time in 'tourist areas'.

Keep a close eye on my stuff, always ask "how much?" before ordering, etc...

The "bad eggs" gravitate towards tourist areas, the country folk are, generally speaking, honest and hospitable - but you'll need to speak some Thai to fully enjoy it. :o

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The further I get from Farangs the better, I duck when I see one heading my way.

There's always one who has to show how native he's become. Shouldn't be posting on this board mate.


Who, exactly, should be posting here, matey? Is it only for flag-wavers?

Please explain, mate.


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Going back to thailand in 12 days. Cant wait!!

Will be going back to visits the wife family in a village in kaemphang Phet.

I have been before and was a little nervous with all the attention i was drawing to myself being the only farang in the village. With 50 minutes to the nearest police station and same for hostpital.

I was just wondering does anyone, when visiting outside the tourist areas, get nervous or feel threatened. I know this post will lead to thailand not being as dangerous as blah blah or thailand is the same as blah blah, but do you ever feel that, when visiting these poor areas, some thais could see you as the rich farang and take advantage ie muggings ect.

Do you feel you have to watch your back more than normal or are there things one should look out for? How do you feel when travelling out into the sticks?

Don't worry, they'll either drug you and rob you or pretend to be your friend or girlfriend and slowly drain you of your money that way.


I feel safe upcountry at the long-haired bosses place and live slightly 'in the sticks' outside of Udon. Feel much safer in rural areas than tourist areas.

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Going back to thailand in 12 days. Cant wait!!

Will be going back to visits the wife family in a village in kaemphang Phet.

I have been before and was a little nervous with all the attention i was drawing to myself being the only farang in the village. With 50 minutes to the nearest police station and same for hostpital.

I was just wondering does anyone, when visiting outside the tourist areas, get nervous or feel threatened. I know this post will lead to thailand not being as dangerous as blah blah or thailand is the same as blah blah, but do you ever feel that, when visiting these poor areas, some thais could see you as the rich farang and take advantage ie muggings ect.

Do you feel you have to watch your back more than normal or are there things one should look out for? How do you feel when travelling out into the sticks?

- you won't have to watch your back - all your family, friends and neighbours will do that for you. You will be well looked after, IMHO.

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Safe, safe as houses. I live out in the sticks, and I have the NEVER NEVER felt worried. (well thats a lie, the only time I was scared was when I nearly trod on a massive snake lying on out patio) Out in the sticks is great, and you still can buy 3 large bottles of Chang for 100thb. The village where I live is at least 15=20 min to a hospital, and we have no police station near by. As for the MONEY statements here on this thread, I really think it's down to how good a GUARD DOG one married, I have never had any issues on this subject. In fact sometimes I feel embarrassed on how tight my GUARD DOG wife can be.


Edited by Cheeky Farang
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I was just wondering does anyone, when visiting outside the tourist areas, get nervous or feel threatened. I know this post will lead to thailand not being as dangerous as blah blah or thailand is the same as blah blah, but do you ever feel that, when visiting these poor areas, some thais could see you as the rich farang and take advantage ie muggings ect.

Do you feel you have to watch your back more than normal or are there things one should look out for? How do you feel when travelling out into the sticks?

When I stayed in my wife's village back in '89, I went for a fairly long walk that took me away from her village and past a few small pockets of dwellings. I felt great and enjoyed the walk and most of the people I ran across smiled at me--especially the little kids. When I got back, my wife read me the riot act and told me that I shouldn't be out there alone. I haven't done anything of the sort the last couple of trips--saved my long walks for the golf course!!

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