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Anti-Govt Group To Stage New Bangkok Rally Nov 24-25


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Now yes, we understand some here don't like Taksin, whether about the Reds closing the CM Gay Mardi Gras or over issues, regardless, I think you should all get out to the rally and show real support for a military coup as opposed to being arm chair critics. If you see that as an endorsement by me for Taks then you are wrong, I believe they are all as bad, just don't see the need to choose sides when both are abhorent. Kind of like the US election, do you prefer Wall St or Wall St, same winner, different puppets front running as they line their pockets whilst ranting about irrelevant differences to a brain dead electorate.

considering someone just got called to the cops for calling for a coup you might want to edit that.

Realistically what would another intervention solve anyway?

Well not easy to solve something in long terms, but in short terms we would just have a better, less corrupt government.

No you wouldn't. Thinking a little globally, at a time when the world economy is in a mess, you would put Thailand front and center for all the wrong reasons. Money would flood out of the stock market etc etc. Then they would probably brush off the last bunch they had, and Thailand would be at a complete legal and business standstill as far as the economic world is concerned. Then someone would realise they need to come up with a plan to move out of a "coup" situation because it isn't good for the country. In between, they buy themselves a couple of submarines, some new tanks that the country definitely doesn't need at all, give every one in the army a 10% pay rise. Then they will roll back the 300 baht scheme to keep their old school business buddies happy, the reds get pi****d and have a protest or two, but things stay calm. Meanwhile, the insurgents take advantage of the political vacuum and raise tensions. 50% of tourists will cancel their Xmas trips because there will be pictures of tanks and riots on the streets for a while all over CNN and the BBC.

Meanwhile, everyone from Ford, to Nissan, to the Chinese government with their trains, stands around and scratches their balls and says, so who the hell should we deal with? The 3g crap gets ripped up because it jeopardises national security, and handed to CP on a platter.

In the meantime, every governer in the country gets switched around, policies get turned on their head, and nothing that was planned moves provincially for a long time.

So, to calm everyone down again, then they announce elections in a year or so's time, put the courts to work to chase whoever they can find for corruption on the rice scheme, which is never going to catch anyone of any significance, and then we have an election.


PTP WINS AGAIN, or whatever re-incarnation they come up with. So the country wastes two years to go precisely NOWHERE.

Now that is the nice calm version. In the other version, the reds go absolutely ballistic and start attacking army bases in Isaan, which they came within a whisker of doing a few years ago, but was never reported. They just burnt down a pretty important picture at the front gate, which was also not reported, because someone very rightly realised that to report it, might have encouraged more to try to get even braver.

Well.... The Shins seem to be willing to take those risks.

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No you wouldn't. Thinking a little globally, at a time when the world economy is in a mess, you would put Thailand front and center for all the wrong reasons. Money would flood out of the stock market etc etc. Then they would probably brush off the last bunch they had, and Thailand would be at a complete legal and business standstill as far as the economic world is concerned. Then someone would realise they need to come up with a plan to move out of a "coup" situation because it isn't good for the country. In between, they buy themselves a couple of submarines, some new tanks that the country definitely doesn't need at all, give every one in the army a 10% pay rise. Then they will roll back the 300 baht scheme to keep their old school business buddies happy, the reds get pi****d and have a protest or two, but things stay calm. Meanwhile, the insurgents take advantage of the political vacuum and raise tensions. 50% of tourists will cancel their Xmas trips because there will be pictures of tanks and riots on the streets for a while all over CNN and the BBC.

Meanwhile, everyone from Ford, to Nissan, to the Chinese government with their trains, stands around and scratches their balls and says, so who the hell should we deal with? The 3g crap gets ripped up because it jeopardises national security, and handed to CP on a platter.

In the meantime, every governer in the country gets switched around, policies get turned on their head, and nothing that was planned moves provincially for a long time.

So, to calm everyone down again, then they announce elections in a year or so's time, put the courts to work to chase whoever they can find for corruption on the rice scheme, which is never going to catch anyone of any significance, and then we have an election.


PTP WINS AGAIN, or whatever re-incarnation they come up with. So the country wastes two years to go precisely NOWHERE.

Now that is the nice calm version. In the other version, the reds go absolutely ballistic and start attacking army bases in Isaan, which they came within a whisker of doing a few years ago, but was never reported. They just burnt down a pretty important picture at the front gate, which was also not reported, because someone very rightly realised that to report it, might have encouraged more to try to get even braver.

Well.... The Shins seem to be willing to take those risks.

The issue is, once the army steps in, it can all go way beyond anything that the Shins would be able to control anyway. It could very very quickly spiral out of control.

The army is not some homogenous group that show absolute loyalty to each other. They could split in a moment.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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No you wouldn't. Thinking a little globally, at a time when the world economy is in a mess, you would put Thailand front and center for all the wrong reasons. Money would flood out of the stock market etc etc. Then they would probably brush off the last bunch they had, and Thailand would be at a complete legal and business standstill as far as the economic world is concerned. Then someone would realise they need to come up with a plan to move out of a "coup" situation because it isn't good for the country. In between, they buy themselves a couple of submarines, some new tanks that the country definitely doesn't need at all, give every one in the army a 10% pay rise. Then they will roll back the 300 baht scheme to keep their old school business buddies happy, the reds get pi****d and have a protest or two, but things stay calm. Meanwhile, the insurgents take advantage of the political vacuum and raise tensions. 50% of tourists will cancel their Xmas trips because there will be pictures of tanks and riots on the streets for a while all over CNN and the BBC.

Meanwhile, everyone from Ford, to Nissan, to the Chinese government with their trains, stands around and scratches their balls and says, so who the hell should we deal with? The 3g crap gets ripped up because it jeopardises national security, and handed to CP on a platter.

In the meantime, every governer in the country gets switched around, policies get turned on their head, and nothing that was planned moves provincially for a long time.

So, to calm everyone down again, then they announce elections in a year or so's time, put the courts to work to chase whoever they can find for corruption on the rice scheme, which is never going to catch anyone of any significance, and then we have an election.


PTP WINS AGAIN, or whatever re-incarnation they come up with. So the country wastes two years to go precisely NOWHERE.

Now that is the nice calm version. In the other version, the reds go absolutely ballistic and start attacking army bases in Isaan, which they came within a whisker of doing a few years ago, but was never reported. They just burnt down a pretty important picture at the front gate, which was also not reported, because someone very rightly realised that to report it, might have encouraged more to try to get even braver.

Well.... The Shins seem to be willing to take those risks.

The issue is, once the army steps in, it can all go way beyond anything that the Shins would be able to control anyway. It could very very quickly spiral out of control.

The army is not some homogenous group that show absolute loyalty to each other. They could split in a moment.

Whatever it is, things cannot continue like this. People in power do whatever they want. No law or court can stop them. And their voters agree with them because they are kept quiet through over the top populism and propaganda.

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They'll be lucky to muster a thousand supporters for this rally and he knows it. The yellow shirts are a spent force. The army has stopped making political statements, the government will run for a full term, Yinluck is in control and the people back her in the opinion polls.

The Thai economy is doing really well, the populace have that feel-good factor and GDP per head is increasing. Out in the real world things are looking up. The leaders of the two most important nations in the world are in town this month, coming to meet with the Prime Minister. It's a good time to be Thai, right now.

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The issue is, once the army steps in, it can all go way beyond anything that the Shins would be able to control anyway. It could very very quickly spiral out of control.

The army is not some homogenous group that show absolute loyalty to each other. They could split in a moment.

Whatever it is, things cannot continue like this. People in power do whatever they want. No law or court can stop them. And their voters agree with them because they are kept quiet through over the top populism and propaganda.

It isn't that horrendous yet. The rice thing will straighten itself out eventually, Thaksin hasn't found his way back yet, and probably won't for the foreseeable future, Chatuporn isn't in the cabinet yet, yes there is corruption, but when wasn't there? Just when the reds are being put to bed, you would end up breathing life back into them with a coup.

Over the top populism? Well that's all relative. Lots of countries run subsidy systems for things like rice, but it does look like a crappy way they have set it up. So you want a coup to save Thailand's rice market? Hardly something worthy I think. You want a coup over 300 baht being implemented? In the world of issues, this is piffling. To fight corruption, good god, there is barely a single person in either the parliament or the senate who would survive such a judgement of never being corrupt in their life. So you replace one bunch of corrupt largely with another. Brill.

I just don't see a coup as anything but putting Thailand way back beyond the attempted "re-boot" from the last coup.

"The rice thing will straighten itself out eventually" When? When Thaksin has collected his billions in kickbacks from the secret government to government deals? Next will be digging for oil with his eternal friend Hun Sen?

"Thaksin hasn't found his way back yet" PTs main goal (policy) is to bring him back and clear him from his crimes. They are spending most of their resources on it.

"Chatuporn isn't in the cabinet yet" Not yet. Nattawut Saikua is. After the former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives failed to improve the rubber situation he became the Deputy Minister of Commerce. He MUST be a genius.

"Just when the reds are being put to bed" To bed? Only thing I hear from their leaders is: Be ready!

"yes there is corruption, but when wasn't there?" Then it is ok..

"You want a coup over 300 baht being implemented" No ,not over 300 baht. Still, increasing the minimum wage in stages would have been better to say the least. Very dangerous what they are trying to do.

Just 1 example: Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung: First in line to defend Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra AND incharge of the Royal Thai Police. That says a lot already.

Edited by Nickymaster
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The issue is, once the army steps in, it can all go way beyond anything that the Shins would be able to control anyway. It could very very quickly spiral out of control.

The army is not some homogenous group that show absolute loyalty to each other. They could split in a moment.

Whatever it is, things cannot continue like this. People in power do whatever they want. No law or court can stop them. And their voters agree with them because they are kept quiet through over the top populism and propaganda.

It isn't that horrendous yet. The rice thing will straighten itself out eventually, Thaksin hasn't found his way back yet, and probably won't for the foreseeable future, Chatuporn isn't in the cabinet yet, yes there is corruption, but when wasn't there? Just when the reds are being put to bed, you would end up breathing life back into them with a coup.

Over the top populism? Well that's all relative. Lots of countries run subsidy systems for things like rice, but it does look like a crappy way they have set it up. So you want a coup to save Thailand's rice market? Hardly something worthy I think. You want a coup over 300 baht being implemented? In the world of issues, this is piffling. To fight corruption, good god, there is barely a single person in either the parliament or the senate who would survive such a judgement of never being corrupt in their life. So you replace one bunch of corrupt largely with another. Brill.

I just don't see a coup as anything but putting Thailand way back beyond the attempted "re-boot" from the last coup.

"The rice thing will straighten itself out eventually" When? When Thaksin has collected his billions in kickbacks from the secret government to government deals? Next will be digging for oil with his eternal friend Hun Sen?

"Thaksin hasn't found his way back yet" PTs main goal (policy) is to bring him back and clear him from his crimes. They are spending most of their resources on it.

"Chatuporn isn't in the cabinet yet" Not yet. Nattawut Saikua is. After the former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives failed to improve the rubber situation he became the Deputy Minister of Commerce. He MUST be a genius.

"Just when the reds are being put to bed" To bed? Only thing I hear from their leaders is: Be ready!

"yes there is corruption, but when wasn't there?" Then it is ok..

"You want a coup over 300 baht being implemented" No ,not over 300 baht. Still, increasing the minimum wage in stages would have been better to say the least. Very dangerous what they are trying to do.

Just 1 example: Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubamrung: First in line to defend Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra AND incharge of the Royal Thai Police. That says a lot already.


Thaksin won't get back, the rice will get sold at a loss, how much us an issue, nattawut is an idiot but so are plenty of them.

The only real way out is through elections, coups don't work, so better to stop hoping for one.

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Roll it on, we need a coup.

We need a coup... Do you realise how ridiculous that staement is. Not happening matey. Do you hear the Cin C of the army making pathetic political statements under this government because he never shut up under the Dems. I dont know how but hes been neutralised same as Gen Prem. As he cant speak they dust down an old general to lead a revolution, similar to the general dressed like a farmer Srimuang who has Thai peoples blood on his hands from 92. Sondhi got 23 years prison to face so hes keeping his pie hole shut (apart from some bit parts on ASTV). Brick by brick Thaksins boxing the system up and sending it to the dark ages.

According to some of the brass I associate with - it's all but on. As to it being a ridiculous statement, think about it. Votes won't get them out, Dems can't organise anything, the latest protests shows there may be a party with some goolies prepared to have a go and the only solution is military intervention and with an average of one coup every 2-3 years, it is a very sensible statement - unless you have only just arrived

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Roll it on, we need a coup.

We need a coup... Do you realise how ridiculous that staement is. Not happening matey. Do you hear the Cin C of the army making pathetic political statements under this government because he never shut up under the Dems. I dont know how but hes been neutralised same as Gen Prem. As he cant speak they dust down an old general to lead a revolution, similar to the general dressed like a farmer Srimuang who has Thai peoples blood on his hands from 92. Sondhi got 23 years prison to face so hes keeping his pie hole shut (apart from some bit parts on ASTV). Brick by brick Thaksins boxing the system up and sending it to the dark ages.

According to some of the brass I associate with - it's all but on. As to it being a ridiculous statement, think about it. Votes won't get them out, Dems can't organise anything, the latest protests shows there may be a party with some goolies prepared to have a go and the only solution is military intervention and with an average of one coup every 2-3 years, it is a very sensible statement - unless you have only just arrived

that post is a joke right?

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Roll it on, we need a coup.

We need a coup... Do you realise how ridiculous that staement is. Not happening matey. Do you hear the Cin C of the army making pathetic political statements under this government because he never shut up under the Dems. I dont know how but hes been neutralised same as Gen Prem. As he cant speak they dust down an old general to lead a revolution, similar to the general dressed like a farmer Srimuang who has Thai peoples blood on his hands from 92. Sondhi got 23 years prison to face so hes keeping his pie hole shut (apart from some bit parts on ASTV). Brick by brick Thaksins boxing the system up and sending it to the dark ages.

According to some of the brass I associate with - it's all but on. As to it being a ridiculous statement, think about it. Votes won't get them out, Dems can't organise anything, the latest protests shows there may be a party with some goolies prepared to have a go and the only solution is military intervention and with an average of one coup every 2-3 years, it is a very sensible statement - unless you have only just arrived

Now that is quite a promise. If this has to get done every 2 or 3 years, the country goes absolutely NOWHERE for a very long time. I would really love to know which specific issue they are going to claim as the reason. Corruption would do, if they can put together some supposedly independent investigation, and actually catch someone important with their hand in the till, not buying a bit of land on a legal technicality. What we want this time is people to blow it wide open and show the money trail as best they can.

If the coup is going to happen, really catalogue and show the corruption, name names, and really achieve something.

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Just a brief question nurofiend and his or her followers and detractors.

How would you all deal with the assorted factions and their aims and ideals in the current situation ?


Edited by siampolee
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According to some of the brass I associate with - it's all but on. As to it being a ridiculous statement, think about it. Votes won't get them out, Dems can't organise anything, the latest protests shows there may be a party with some goolies prepared to have a go and the only solution is military intervention and with an average of one coup every 2-3 years, it is a very sensible statement - unless you have only just arrived

Very interesting.Do you mind me asking where exactly you associate with the brass who keep you up to date on their coup plans? On the face of it this is a rather odd scenario, namely that generals should share treasonable plans (which in certain circumstances could be accorded the death penalty) with an expatriate of obscure provenance.

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They'll be lucky to muster a thousand supporters for this rally and he knows it. The yellow shirts are a spent force. The army has stopped making political statements, the government will run for a full term, Yinluck is in control and the people back her in the opinion polls.

The Thai economy is doing really well, the populace have that feel-good factor and GDP per head is increasing. Out in the real world things are looking up. The leaders of the two most important nations in the world are in town this month, coming to meet with the Prime Minister. It's a good time to be Thai, right now.

Yingluck might be in control of her bodily functions... but not much else... and certainly not this government or this country.

The Thai economy is doing what it pretty much always does. Chug along at a similar pace to the economies around it. From when the Dems were in power to now that the PTP are, the economy has continued on exactly the same rather unspectacular path. Nothing wrong with that, except of course for the fact that the real leader of this government, not the puppet figurehead, sold himself when he was out of power as being a financial guru/genius, capable if only given the chance, of single-handedly turning the economy overnight into a boom in which every Thai would become rich in what was it?... six months?.. i think that is his usual time-scale put on delivering his miracles to the nation.

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According to some of the brass I associate with - it's all but on. As to it being a ridiculous statement, think about it. Votes won't get them out, Dems can't organise anything, the latest protests shows there may be a party with some goolies prepared to have a go and the only solution is military intervention and with an average of one coup every 2-3 years, it is a very sensible statement - unless you have only just arrived

Very interesting.Do you mind me asking where exactly you associate with the brass who keep you up to date on their coup plans? On the face of it this is a rather odd scenario, namely that generals should share treasonable plans (which in certain circumstances could be accorded the death penalty) with an expatriate of obscure provenance.

being realistic, does anyone in Thailand today not see that another coup would lead quickly to a situation like 2010 only worse?

Does either side (speaking about those with real influence/power, not wishful retired generals) want that in this situation where an elected government with a huge popular mandate which has not screwed up in some unforgivable way should be ousted by a coup?

Let's hope that those generals with real power understand reality.

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