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The Best Soy Milk – And The Price Of Fruit

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Howdy Folks.

Plain Ole Soy Milk

I'm trying to find soy milk, and that in itself is hardly a difficult task. Even 7/11 have lots of varieties in both cartons and bottles, but there lies the problem. Does any outlet anywhere sell just plain, untampered soy milk, or are the sweetened and flavoured varieties the only options? Please let me know if you know any different.

The cost of Fruit

Those little bags of fruit purchased from street vendors were 5 Baht a bag for donkey's years, then one year they went up by 100% to 10 Baht a bag. Well, it's happening again. 2 places these past few weeks are now selling fruit at 20 Baht a bag. One place on Suthep Rd, and the other on Canal Rd. There still seems to be plenty of 10 Baht place around at the moment, but it's my guess that they will all follow suit sooner rather than later.

I guess it's still value for money at 20 Baht a bag, but it's all the little price hikes that contribute to a much bigger food bill at the end of a shop.



There are boxes of unsweetened soy mik available, but not as easy to find as the sweetened ones.

Are you sure that the fruit is not a bigger size? I have seen the 20 baht size for years, but it is twice as big as the 10 baht ones. I would be very surprised if the price went up that much on local fruits.


There are boxes of unsweetened soy mik available, but not as easy to find as the sweetened ones.

Are you sure that the fruit is not a bigger size? I have seen the 20 baht size for years, but it is twice as big as the 10 baht ones. I would be very surprised if the price went up that much on local fruits.

Already up in Bangkok; CM likely to follow. Size begins as slightly larger and then fades back to what the 10 baht bag used to be.

Regarding soy milk, almost all of it seems to be sweetened with up to 8% sugar content. Hard to find that info on some boxes.


There are boxes of unsweetened soy mik available, but not as easy to find as the sweetened ones.

Are you sure that the fruit is not a bigger size? I have seen the 20 baht size for years, but it is twice as big as the 10 baht ones. I would be very surprised if the price went up that much on local fruits.

Can you tell me where you've seen them Ulysses G. I have been to the supermarkets but had no luck. Having said that, there are some multipack cartons on the shelves but i ahve no idea what's in them because the print is so small I'd not even make it out if it were in English. Perhaps I'd best look up the word 'unsweetened' in Thai before my next visit and see if one of the shelf stackers can make out what I'm after. As a few of you will know, some of the most simple requests can occasionally turn out into these huge ordeals involving lots of people LOL wink.png

Ref Fruit: The 5 Baht bags were pre 1997. I left the country at the end of that year, and when i came back some 5 years later they were 10 Baht. Apparently, they jumped from 5 straight to 10, just as the 10 Baht bags (in some locations), have now jumped to 20. There might be a bit more fruit in the newly priced bags, but I'd really need to compare a 10 and 20 Baht bag to know for sure, so nothing obvious.



I have not looked for a while, but 7/11 usually had one unsweetened type and a bunch of sweetened types in the unrefrigerated section (you have to buy something like 6 small cartons) and so did Rimping and Tops. The print is really small so you have to look closely, but it says something in English, because I could find them and I can't read Thai.

I think that you might have better luck asking for "no sugar", rather than "unsweetened".


I have not looked for a while, but 7/11 usually had one unsweetened type and a bunch of sweetened types in the unrefrigerated section (you have to buy something like 6 small cartons) and so did Rimping and Tops. The print is really small so you have to look closely, but it says something in English, because I could find them and I can't read Thai.

I think that you might have better luck asking for "no sugar", rather than "unsweetened".

Thanks buddy ;)


Never in my 12 years seen the 5 baht bags of fruit. Been paying 10, Still do but admit the amount of fruit is less and less

Try the markets and by a whole fruit. I assume you have a fruit knife at your home.


topps supermarket sell soy milk in large cartons , the one i tried was made by westsoy or somthing , it was unsweeted and orgqanic , the taste is a lot different, i think it's around 130 baht a carton.

check out the reduced section they sometimes have disfigured cartons and much cheaper.


If your interested in drinking Soy Milk for the health benefits you might want to do some research as I've been doing a lot of reading on the subject and it's all bad news! We make it at home and it's very easy (but I am not fooling myself into thinking that I'm not most probably using GMO beans). The price of packaged and whole fruit varies quite a bit around so some wise shopping can save a bit if your not just picking up a package for a on the spot snack (which is a luxury that I still appreciate, hard to find on the street corner on a snowy day in Boston this time of year!)


If your interested in drinking Soy Milk for the health benefits you might want to do some research as I've been doing a lot of reading on the subject and it's all bad news! We make it at home and it's very easy (but I am not fooling myself into thinking that I'm not most probably using GMO beans). The price of packaged and whole fruit varies quite a bit around so some wise shopping can save a bit if your not just picking up a package for a on the spot snack (which is a luxury that I still appreciate, hard to find on the street corner on a snowy day in Boston this time of year!)

No, it's not for health reasons junglechef, well not in a way you might think. Every day I enjoy freshly chopped mixed fruit, with a few almonds, and it goes down well with a good splash of ice cold milk.

Unfortunately, I'm a bit prone to acne outbreaks sometimes, and cow's milk is one of the triggers, so I'm just looking for an alternative to it, that's all, but I don't want all the sugars and flavorings that come with the soy milk products I've found thus far.

So I don't plan to drinks gallons of the stuff, just half a cup a day, that's all.

I'll have a closer look next time, based on some of the suggestions above.



Brown rice milk is not bad, but the only place I know that sells the inexpensive, unsweetened type is at the Vegetarian Council (kind of) near Airport Plaza, Rimping sells imported brown rice milk and almond milk, but it is too expensive for my needs.


Brown rice milk is not bad, but the only place I know that sells the inexpensive, unsweetened type is at the Vegetarian Council (kind of) near Airport Plaza, Rimping sells imported brown rice milk and almond milk, but it is too expensive for my needs.

There's some very interesting alternatives there Ulysses G. I think I need to open my eyes more because I've never seen any of the products you mention, and i have looked for almond milk before. Maybe it's worth looking a a shop like Yok too. Off the top of your head, do you have a rough idea of prices? Thanks.



I found a sugar-free soy milk at Rimping Mee Chok today. I'm assuming that it will be at the other branches as well. It's called V-Soy but that English name only appears on the Back. On the front it's วี-ซอย

On the front does say something in prominent English about being Calcium fortified.


Brown rice milk is not bad, but the only place I know that sells the inexpensive, unsweetened type is at the Vegetarian Council (kind of) near Airport Plaza, Rimping sells imported brown rice milk and almond milk, but it is too expensive for my needs.

There's some very interesting alternatives there Ulysses G. I think I need to open my eyes more because I've never seen any of the products you mention, and i have looked for almond milk before. Maybe it's worth looking a a shop like Yok too. Off the top of your head, do you have a rough idea of prices? Thanks.


No I don't. I haven't bought them recently and can't remember the prices, but the Vegetarian Council is very inexpensive for everything.

I did see imported soy milk in bigger size boxes at the Rimping near the Duke's on special today for 99 baht that is lightly sweetened with brown rice syrup instead of sugar. I am guessing that it is organic, but I did not think to check. It is in the back near the cereal section with other items on sale. I would go for the cheap local stuff personally, but organic is not important to me.


Since no one has mentioned yet,....... you can buy hot soy milk from a street cart and the put in frig, I think that is unsweetened though they may put sugar in when they bag it, but you can get it without.


Cheers everyone for taking the time to post here. I've certainly got choices now, in fact more than I ever though possible, so thanks once again ;)



yes the whole fruit is not only cheaper but better-cleaner fresher too.

if you go the little road near the american embassy into tala muang mai there is plenty for less.

the same goes for soy milk. buy it fresh from one of the many stands -i do it every nite-ask for may wan -unsweetened-,better cheaper ,less garbage.

bring a glass jar and refrigerate.my guess is that it is 50 % of the store price.

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