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Big-Wigs Threaten Thai Park Rangers


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Big-wigs 'threaten park rangers'

The Nation


KAENG KRACHAN: -- Many government officials and influential figures go on illegal hunting trips to Kaeng Krachan National Park and threaten rangers trying to stop them, the park's chief warden said.

"So I have to accompany lower-ranking officials when I hear about such hunting trips," chief warden Chaiwat Limlikhit-aksorn said yesterday.

He said he wants to ease the pressure on his subordinates who sometimes faced transfer threats and even death threats.

"Some officials, when faced with such threats, dare not make arrests," he said after testifying to Pol Lt-Colonel Konlayut Wongpetch, an inspector at the Kaeng Krachan Police Station, over the recent arrest of nine illegal hunters inside the national park.

"We have proceeded in line with legal procedures and evidence," he said.

The nine suspects include Pol Lt-Colonel Thirayut Katemangmee, an inspector at the Pran Buri Police Station in Prachuap Khiri Khan.

Thirayut has denied any wrongdoing, saying he just went on a hike and came across the hunters.

Konlayut said the Forensic Science Office would check the guns seized from the suspect to determine whether Thirayut was engaged in hunting.

"The examination will take some time," he said.


-- The Nation 2012-11-15

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Why don't you just let it be!

Give the "elite card" to those hi-so- XXXXXXXX and let them do whatever they want!

Kill, steal...arai godai...they do it anyways!

Edited by metisdead
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I assume the magnificent 8 are sitting at the table--where's Pol Lt-Colonel Thirayut Katemangmee???

They look more like a bunch of low-level yaa baa dealers than "govt officials/influential figures"

Oh snap! I forgot there's no difference cheesy.gif

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Maybe they forgot to mention that Pol Lt-Colonel Thirayut Katemangmee had already made the arrests of the 8 offenders who he stumbled upon while out for a pleasant stroll in the woods, luckily he was well armed so that he could guide them back to the park headquarters in safety.

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I assume the magnificent 8 are sitting at the table--where's Pol Lt-Colonel Thirayut Katemangmee???

They look more like a bunch of low-level yaa baa dealers than "govt officials/influential figures"

Oh snap! I forgot there's no difference cheesy.gif

Not enough chairs - so one of them had to stand behind the others.

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Oh right well time for the Ranger boss to get transferred or retired like the guy who was investigating the national forestry commissions land theft by high ranking people who was 'moved' for doing his job too well and then the government has declined to name a replacement and ordered the investigation be 'put on hold' for which to read - abandoned. The grapevine says that Thaksin and his family have substantial assets in Phuket - I wonder if those assets overlap the ones that were being investigated.

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Those 8 hunters are so unlucky. Not only did they get busted by the rangers, but by a BIB colonel on a hike, and at the same time! What's the odds on that?

Yep - good job the Pol Col was out hiking and stumbled across this gang of villains. It's so lucky here. The police always seem to be on-hand when a crime is being committed. The AFP, Britsh police forces and USA law enforcement are just not so lucky.

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At least the Rangers are trying, and I imagine the threat to their well being is very real. Good on their boss for standing by them and accompanying them when they go out. With this sort of publicity, maybe, just maybe a difference will be made. If even one animal is saved, it's a giant step in the right direction.

They should let the rangers shoot the poaching bstards on site. That'd stir things up.

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At least the Rangers are trying, and I imagine the threat to their well being is very real. Good on their boss for standing by them and accompanying them when they go out. With this sort of publicity, maybe, just maybe a difference will be made. If even one animal is saved, it's a giant step in the right direction.

They should let the rangers shoot the poaching bstards on site. That'd stir things up.

Just claim the poachers shot first whistling.gif

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it's just too bad that even when you get people to try to do the right thing and enforce laws you have to get your boss to support your efforts. And with so much corruption involved at all levels and in every place you care to think of, even with the majority of the population behind you it would still be a massive undertaking to clean up this corruption. With out it it is impossible. It will be interesting to see how this case turns out or doesn't.

The boss seemed to assign himself to confront the "influentials" so maybe the tea money was not making its way to the top.

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it's just too bad that even when you get people to try to do the right thing and enforce laws you have to get your boss to support your efforts. And with so much corruption involved at all levels and in every place you care to think of, even with the majority of the population behind you it would still be a massive undertaking to clean up this corruption. With out it it is impossible. It will be interesting to see how this case turns out or doesn't.

The boss seemed to assign himself to confront the "influentials" so maybe the tea money was not making its way to the top.

The unmentioned part is that the park officials aren't trying to enforce the rules, they are trying to get the hunters to pay them bribes to hunt. The park system has the most corrupt law enforcement entity in Thailand.

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If they were common villagers, they'd be arrested on the spot.

The rangers have been given a responsible job to do and should be able to conduct it without fear of such repercussion.

Once again, the elite few 'getting away with murder' simply because noone ever dares to even question them.

Times are changing. Common thais are waking up and finding their voice.

One can only hope.

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The unmentioned part is that the park officials aren't trying to enforce the rules, they are trying to get the hunters to pay them bribes to hunt. The park system has the most corrupt law enforcement entity in Thailand.

Please cite your evidence for this statement

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It's pretty simple really. When you catch the big wigs hunting illegally and they threaten to have you killed just shoot them right there and then! End of story!

Also, what is a guy, who's supposedly hiking, doing with a gun in a national park???

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The unmentioned part is that the park officials aren't trying to enforce the rules, they are trying to get the hunters to pay them bribes to hunt. The park system has the most corrupt law enforcement entity in Thailand.

Oh now come on. No way are they the most corrupt law enforcement entity in Thailand. Why, the Customs lads are FAR more corrupt. Then there's the border police and thier anti-logging check points and don't forget the Pattaya tourist police!

I'll admit they may be in the top 5 but, even leaving the entire cabinet (who, as ultimate law makers should be included in the list of entities) and the Supreme Court (same reasons), I think there's intense competition here for the post of "Most Corrupt".

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Corruption is politics. In Thailand it is more overt. But to all of you self righteous / nationalistic people who think that the UK, USA, Australian, European politicians are puritans, .... I say wake up. Corruption is on a far larger scale than in Thailand..... but quite translucent? Confronted by whom? Media. Who owns media?

Thailand's scams are nothing by comparison to our larger western economies. In fact, it is laughable - that you people even point fingers at such Thai corrupt simplicity.... when in our own countries - ... it is a million times worse.

Research ... and then wake up.

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"So I have to accompany lower-ranking officials when I hear about such hunting trips," chief warden Chaiwat Limlikhit-aksorn said yesterday.

He said he wants to ease the pressure on his subordinates who sometimes faced transfer threats and even death threats.

Glad to see that there is one who dares to raise his voice and step outside of the " Crapon, Crapon Crap " legion.Let's hope he can keep the his leg stretched and that he find some followers in other government departments.

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Corruption is politics. In Thailand it is more overt. But to all of you self righteous / nationalistic people who think that the UK, USA, Australian, European politicians are puritans, .... I say wake up. Corruption is on a far larger scale than in Thailand..... but quite translucent? Confronted by whom? Media. Who owns media?

Thailand's scams are nothing by comparison to our larger western economies. In fact, it is laughable - that you people even point fingers at such Thai corrupt simplicity.... when in our own countries - ... it is a million times worse.

Research ... and then wake up.


I remember the last time, a cop wanted to give me a speeding- ticket and I just paid him 10 Euro, he let me go!

Or when I was at some office and I didn't have enough copies of my passport, so I paid 20 Euro under the table, so they....

Good morning!!!

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If they were common villagers, they'd be arrested on the spot.

The rangers have been given a responsible job to do and should be able to conduct it without fear of such repercussion.

Once again, the elite few 'getting away with murder' simply because noone ever dares to even question them.

With all due respect, those apprehended are not elite. A police inspector is not in the "elite". The "elite" wouldn't bother hunting in a national park. They would probably fly off to Africa to kill endangered species or poach land, and timber from the national reserve.

The more important issue, is that if a senior police official was illegally hunting, what other illegal acts is he involved in? If the provincial and central governments were serious about stopping corruption, this man would be under a more thorough investigation.

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