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Yingluck Sets Goal Of High-Income Nation: Thailand


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Triple per capita income in as little as 5 years? She must be pretty cynical about the mental capacity of the average voter.

The promises (lies) will get more outrageous. Every one adds to the confidence that the people will believe anything. Look at some of the tyrant leaders - Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mugabe, Gadaafi etc. As they get away with more and more, they start to believe their own rhetoric and become self-delusional. Enough lies and you loose the ability to recognise the truth.

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what a bunch of slackers. Three pages of BS, attacks on the PM, and hardly a word on the actual plan or the goal.

Sounds like a lot of pissed off retirees wanting to take cheap shots at Yingluck because she has an idea that makes sense for Thailand. In case you haven't read news outside this li'l yellow bubble, there is a race to the top happening in ASEAN.

This plan probably means that you retired Falang will have to find a new, cheap place to live when Thailand becomes a richer country in 15 years. Wait, whta am I thinking - retirees, 15 years? Never mind, you guys just stay put. It'll be OK.

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The Cabinet appointed PM's Office Minister Varathep Rattana-korn to spearhead this initiative


Who better to run a get-rich scheme than a convicted lottery scammer and a convicted electoral fraudster...

Well done... biggrin.pnglaugh.png


Is the forum going to be reminded of the past actions of all 111 members of TRT every time they come into the public eye? Perhaps you see something menacing in the handing down of a 5 year ban from politics by a constitutional court with your emotional tag

"convicted electoral fraudster".

I'm not quite sure of your agenda yet but it appears that you post nothing but negativity on this board. I'm glad I haven't been exposed to the majority of your 12000 odd posts worth though - that would depress me.

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what a bunch of slackers. Three pages of BS, attacks on the PM, and hardly a word on the actual plan or the goal.

Sounds like a lot of pissed off retirees wanting to take cheap shots at Yingluck because she has an idea that makes sense for Thailand. In case you haven't read news outside this li'l yellow bubble, there is a race to the top happening in ASEAN.

This plan probably means that you retired Falang will have to find a new, cheap place to live when Thailand becomes a richer country in 15 years. Wait, whta am I thinking - retirees, 15 years? Never mind, you guys just stay put. It'll be OK.

E, well sorry to disappoint, but I am not a retiree and I have certainly read about ASEAN, have also seen the incompetence of the current PM as well.

Have a nice day

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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's administration has set an ambitious goal of developing Thailand into a high-income country in five to 10 years

A sizable readjustment of the time frame her brother promised earlier..... ermm.gif

Thaksin told his supporters, “We must give the Pheu Thai Party a land slide victory in the next election so I can return to Thailand to solve the economic problems. I promise that I will make all Thai people rich within six months.”


.......and I thought that he was ambitious - I mean, as long as 6 months, what's taking him so long as he is controlling matters!!!

If all of the people aren't rich soon they will start to think that he was telling them porkies!!

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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's administration has set an ambitious goal of developing Thailand into a high-income country in five to 10 years

A sizable readjustment of the time frame her brother promised earlier..... ermm.gif

Thaksin told his supporters, “We must give the Pheu Thai Party a land slide victory in the next election so I can return to Thailand to solve the economic problems. I promise that I will make all Thai people rich within six months.”


.......and I thought that he was ambitious - I mean, as long as 6 months, what's taking him so long as he is controlling matters!!!

If all of the people aren't rich soon they will start to think that he was telling them porkies!!

Chalerm would have done it in 90 days if he was on the case.

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Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's administration has set an ambitious goal of developing Thailand into a high-income country in five to 10 years

A sizable readjustment of the time frame her brother promised earlier..... ermm.gif

Thaksin told his supporters, “We must give the Pheu Thai Party a land slide victory in the next election so I can return to Thailand to solve the economic problems. I promise that I will make all Thai people rich within six months.”


.......and I thought that he was ambitious - I mean, as long as 6 months, what's taking him so long as he is controlling matters!!!

If all of the people aren't rich soon they will start to think that he was telling them porkies!!

Chalerm would have done it in 90 days if he was on the case.

Maybe, but he is superman don't forget!!!!

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She is incredibly stupid to even believe any of this crap.

Oh, Yingluck is many many things, but she is not stupid.

Can you support that statement with facts?

Presumably keeping her head down, doing as she's told and not actually doing anything meets your criteria

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The Cabinet appointed PM's Office Minister Varathep Rattana-korn to spearhead this initiative


Who better to run a get-rich scheme than a convicted lottery scammer and a convicted electoral fraudster...

Well done... biggrin.pnglaugh.png


Is the forum going to be reminded of the past actions of all 111 members of TRT every time they come into the public eye? Perhaps you see something menacing in the handing down of a 5 year ban from politics by a constitutional court with your emotional tag

"convicted electoral fraudster".

< off-topic, over-personal snipping clipped >

Odd that you would consider my post as voicing concern of Varathep as "menancing". It's more a case of being ridiculously funny given his history. The electoral fraud conviction is second fiddle to the conviction for lottery scammer (which I noticed you not-so-subtly avoided addressing).

If you consider those as good qualifications for someone to run a pie-in-the-sky get-rich scheme, that's up to you. I doubt most would agree.

Shame she couldn't find someone else in her illustrious cast for the job, but she has to work with what she's got.

Still, we'll have to wait and see if Varathep can withstand the Senate and Court investigations to even keep his job long enough to "spearhead" this scheme.


Edited by Buchholz
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The Cabinet appointed PM's Office Minister Varathep Rattana-korn to spearhead this initiative


Who better to run a get-rich scheme than a convicted lottery scammer and a convicted electoral fraudster...

Well done... biggrin.pnglaugh.png


Probably he was the one with the lesser convictions in the cabinet, choices aren't easy for this government you know.
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what a bunch of slackers. Three pages of BS, attacks on the PM, and hardly a word on the actual plan or the goal.

Sounds like a lot of pissed off retirees wanting to take cheap shots at Yingluck because she has an idea that makes sense for Thailand. In case you haven't read news outside this li'l yellow bubble, there is a race to the top happening in ASEAN.

This plan probably means that you retired Falang will have to find a new, cheap place to live when Thailand becomes a richer country in 15 years. Wait, whta am I thinking - retirees, 15 years? Never mind, you guys just stay put. It'll be OK.

Aim high i guess.

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That would be because there *is no plan* to comment on. And the goal, you'd have to be an imbecile to credit that.

There is a plan. Raise GDP, do some Robin Hooding, invest in R&D, and go green. How will they raise GDP? That's the first question on the list to ask Obama.

If all else fails they will call these guys...

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Gentlemen contributors all but one of you put a negative spin on this thread. What are your alternatives. You have nothing in your hands unless you can wipe all of the egg off of Khun Abhisit's face. .No one in his coalition, or even his ow Democrats wants the job just now.Yes I know that many of you are hoping that Khun Abhisit will defeat the government by the conclusion of the proceedings of the motion to censure.

Don't hold your breath. You preferred leader is wrong footed already. His goal in respect to acquiring another opportunity to lead the Thai Government is in 'Dire Straights'.

'Dire Straights' - is that off the coast of Zimbabwe?

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what a bunch of slackers. Three pages of BS, attacks on the PM, and hardly a word on the actual plan or the goal.

Sounds like a lot of pissed off retirees wanting to take cheap shots at Yingluck because she has an idea that makes sense for Thailand. In case you haven't read news outside this li'l yellow bubble, there is a race to the top happening in ASEAN.

This plan probably means that you retired Falang will have to find a new, cheap place to live when Thailand becomes a richer country in 15 years. Wait, whta am I thinking - retirees, 15 years? Never mind, you guys just stay put. It'll be OK.

I think you are probably right and of course articles like this (link below) are conveniently overlooked, probably because they represent the truth.

Thailand is moving forwards, better accept it, because it is for the better well being of the people.

Like it or not, Yingluck has generated far more international recognition and credibility than previous PM's and, apart from the playground criticisms on here, is doing a pretty good job.


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what a bunch of slackers. Three pages of BS, attacks on the PM, and hardly a word on the actual plan or the goal.

Sounds like a lot of pissed off retirees wanting to take cheap shots at Yingluck because she has an idea that makes sense for Thailand. In case you haven't read news outside this li'l yellow bubble, there is a race to the top happening in ASEAN.

This plan probably means that you retired Falang will have to find a new, cheap place to live when Thailand becomes a richer country in 15 years. Wait, whta am I thinking - retirees, 15 years? Never mind, you guys just stay put. It'll be OK.

Aim high i guess.

Of course we're taking cheap shots at the PM as she is a cheap target. You don't fire a 6 Mio $ missile at a 500 $ tank. You use a can opener and a fly swatter.

But let's see what other highflying "plans" this PM has been hatching so far:

Kitchen for the world - with overprized old rice and uncontrollable pesticide levels

Help solve the EU crisis - no need to comment on that - like "and world peace"

High speed train link - the lunch box issue has already personally been solved by her

And the masterpiece:

Ease the pissing contest in the South China Sea between a few grumpy old men by applying a "woman's touch".

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Those are great intentions, and I wish her good luck, however they forgot to do a little math before they announced the plan:

Current GDP/capita = US$ 4,420

Annual GDP growth = 5-6% (let's say 6%)

0.5% population growth per year -> Annual GDP growth per capita would be 5.5%

So, after 10 years, the GDP/capita would be ..... US$ 7,550

In order to achieve their target (GDP/capita = US$ 12,400), they would need 19.5 years at this growth rate.

And by the way, GDP/capita = US$ 12,400 is not considered high income country, all western countries have a GDP/capita of US$ 27,000 or more. And to achieve this level they would need 27 years at that growth rate.

Edited by soomak
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". . . an ambitious goal of developing Thailand into a high-income country in five to 10 years . . . the government planned to raise average annual growth in gross domestic product to 5-6 per cent from an estimated 4.2 per cent this year . . . The expansion in GDP would lift per capita income from US$4,420 to $12,400 a year in five to 10 years."

Admittedly I am not a government minister with a PhD in economics, but these numbers don't add up, unless wage increases far exceed GDP increases for the next ten years -- thus causing inflation, I think -- or the baht appreciates a lot against the USD.

Here is some simple arithmetic. Bending over backwards to be fair, I take the upper limit of the 5-6 per cent planned annual increase in GDP, and the upper limit of the 5-10 year time period.

An annual income today of USD 4,420, compounded by 6.0 per cent per year for 10 years, will then stand at USD 7,916. That's less than half-way to the figure of USD 12,400 given in the article.

Or, to look at it from another angle: to increase USD 4,420 to USD 12,400 in five years (the government's lower time limit) would necessitate annual wage increases of 23 per cent compounded, not 5-6 per cent.

Those are great intentions, and I wish her good luck, however they forgot to do a little math before they announced the plan:

Current GDP/capita = US$ 4,420

Annual GDP growth = 5-6% (let's say 6%)

0.5% population growth per year -> Annual GDP growth per capita would be 5.5%

So, after 10 years, the GDP/capita would be ..... US$ 7,550

In order to achieve their target (GDP/capita = US$ 12,400), they would need 19.5 years at this growth rate.

And by the way, GDP/capita = US$ 12,400 is not considered high income country, all western countries have a GDP/capita of US$ 27,000 or more. And to achieve this level they would need 27 years at that growth rate.

shhhh... you guys are using arithmetic.

That's not fair to use with the PM's farcical prestidigitator antics.


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"... expansion in GDP would lift per capita income from US$4,420 to $12,400 a year in five to 10 years."

Says it all. If she or her cabinet of loonies had access to the internet before they gave her the statement to quote, she would see how ridiculous a statement this is. Hey PM!!! - just so you know ...


Thailand currently rates #86 and at a tad of USD9,000. Who do we believe? rolleyes.gif

"GDP PPP per capita" means you take the "GDP per capita" in real dollars, and you adjust it to the price level in each country (supposedly to compare the standard of living).

The correct list is this:


But you are correct that her figures are wrong, as Thailand's GDP per capita is around US$ 5,000.

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