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Schedule For Obama's Visit To Thailand 18-19 November 2012


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Let loose of your Obama worship for an instant and I will respond. It has nothing to do with who the president is. It could be buggs bunny and my comment would not change.

What exactly is your problem with President Obama. Or is it simply that your choice lost. Please enlighten.

I'll answer that one.

Obama is a habitual liar. He has not accomplished anything but Obamacare which will sink the country. He is transforming the USA into a socialist economy where the a free market has put the USA as number 1 on the planet. He has done nothing for the unemployment because he wants people subsidized by the government so he can maintain their vote. Same as Yingluck by the way. But one correction, has accomplished being elected multiple times. That's just for starters at the moment.

OMG, the member above me is still whining about the election. Go back to your TV and watch Fox News, please. ;((

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Wanna see his digs?

Located on the ninth floor, the Rajadamri Suite is the Hotel's premier accommodation, eminently suitable for those requiring the highest degree of comfort and luxury.

Go ahead Obama haters, tell us how he should be staying at the IBIS economy hotel or better yet should have stayed home... tongue.png

Been their and it's not so bad whistling.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifw00t.gif

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Wanna see his digs?

Located on the ninth floor, the Rajadamri Suite is the Hotel's premier accommodation, eminently suitable for those requiring the highest degree of comfort and luxury.

Go ahead Obama haters, tell us how he should be staying at the IBIS economy hotel or better yet should have stayed home... tongue.png

I am not an Obama hater but I agree he should have stayed at home for all the good it will do America for him to meet with this clone PM and her inept, totally corrupt lap dogs.

Obama may be the big show, but the real work will be going on behind the scenes with his and the Dept. of State's staff and key Thai-government staff. That's the way it's usually done.
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Laughing at all these people commenting that have absolutely no concept of foreign relations.

Wahhh, he doesn't come to our country.

Wahh he's coming to our country.

Wahh he didn't stay long enough.

Waste of tax money?

He brought his own security.

How is reminding Americans that Thailand exists a bad thing?

How is showing Thais that American respects them a bad thing?

Can't believe some of you came all this way just to be the same ignorant trolls you were back home.

It seems that there is an entire "colony" of Thai Visa users whose very existence revolves around reading every story and trying their very best to find something negative in the story that they can whine and moan about. It's either Obama or Yingluck or Taksin or taxi drivers or the weather or the food or the bar girls or the traffic or the thai people in general or you name it. It must be a very sad life to live NEVER being able to find something positive to say about anyone or the country you have chosen to live in and the world that we all share. Obviously the "power of positive thinking" is something that has completely eluded many of these "nattering nabobs of negativity".

You just don't understand because you haven't been here long enough.

Where? Walmart?

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Wow! That IS a short visit.

'Saw yer lights on, thought I'd drop in ... thanks for dinner'

A subtle hint to yea...! we were in the area and just thought it would be good etiquette to drop by ... Didn't need a long stay cause in any case cannot understand what you say and can only smile which gets really tiring after so many hours

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Let loose of your Obama worship for an instant and I will respond. It has nothing to do with who the president is. It could be buggs bunny and my comment would not change.

What exactly is your problem with President Obama. Or is it simply that your choice lost. Please enlighten.

I'll answer that one.

Obama is a habitual liar. He has not accomplished anything but Obamacare which will sink the country. He is transforming the USA into a socialist economy where the a free market has put the USA as number 1 on the planet. He has done nothing for the unemployment because he wants people subsidized by the government so he can maintain their vote. Same as Yingluck by the way. But one correction, has accomplished being elected multiple times. That's just for starters at the moment.

Grumble all you like about economics, but history will judge WMD as one of the most spectacular political lies.

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Let loose of your Obama worship for an instant and I will respond. It has nothing to do with who the president is. It could be buggs bunny and my comment would not change.

What exactly is your problem with President Obama. Or is it simply that your choice lost. Please enlighten.

Of course my choice lost but that is not my issue with president Obama. He may be a fine family man and probably is. I would enjoy sitting down with him and having a Leo and discussing our different points of view. I was willing to give him the benifit of the doubt in the first election as I thought maybe he would surround himself with advisors that could bring the American economy back up to par. I was mistaken. My problem with him is that he had absolutely no managerial background or experience. He never had any business experience even a paper route or ice cream stand, nada. He was a community organizer and that was it. Had he engaged competent people in his administration and put the economy back on its feet, lowered unemployment and fixed the housing crisis I would still support him. Instead he did the opposite. He promised no new taxes on the middle class. Well he did the opposite. Most everything he promised in his campaign he either did not do or did the opposite. He also said during his campaign all bills would be on the internet for so many days for every American to see exactly what they contained. It was a lie. Not one was put on the Internet. So without writing a book here (which I could do) I'll let it go at that as why I do not support him now. But there are many other reasons.

Why do so many fools in the world believe that Prime Ministers, anywhere in the world can control their countries wether economically, criminally or any other way ... ?? They cannot !! THEY ARE ALL PUPPETS OF THE MONEY CONTROLLERS ... so why do all of you continue bashing either of them wether it be Yingyuky or Obama or whoever ...!! They ALL HAVE NO SAY/// The big corporations / banks and whatever who have the mullah $$$$ are the ones controlling ... THEY ARE ALL JUST PUPPETS and yet you guys go on and on as to how innefficient they are ... Of course they are !! They are not the ones in control ... JEEZZ Why is this so hard for 21st century humans to understand this... Ouf!!!

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Obama hasn't even arrived yet and I can't wait for him to leave!

You want he should stay in a flophouse in Khao San Road, is that it? coffee1.gif

That would inspire a lot of respect.

Actually it would make perfect sense for Obama to stay on Khaosarn road. That is where he would find the most adoring fans in Thailand.

Those dirty backpackers LOVE Barack Obama.

Surprised that he is staying at a Canadian owned hotel and not an American owned hotel. He's taking money overseas and staying at a hotel owned by rich people that aren't paying their fair-share! annoyed.gif

What a stupid comment .. ! Really !

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Let loose of your Obama worship for an instant and I will respond. It has nothing to do with who the president is. It could be buggs bunny and my comment would not change.

What exactly is your problem with President Obama. Or is it simply that your choice lost. Please enlighten.

Of course my choice lost but that is not my issue with president Obama. He may be a fine family man and probably is. I would enjoy sitting down with him and having a Leo and discussing our different points of view. I was willing to give him the benifit of the doubt in the first election as I thought maybe he would surround himself with advisors that could bring the American economy back up to par. I was mistaken. My problem with him is that he had absolutely no managerial background or experience. He never had any business experience even a paper route or ice cream stand, nada. He was a community organizer and that was it. Had he engaged competent people in his administration and put the economy back on its feet, lowered unemployment and fixed the housing crisis I would still support him. Instead he did the opposite. He promised no new taxes on the middle class. Well he did the opposite. Most everything he promised in his campaign he either did not do or did the opposite. He also said during his campaign all bills would be on the internet for so many days for every American to see exactly what they contained. It was a lie. Not one was put on the Internet. So without writing a book here (which I could do) I'll let it go at that as why I do not support him now. But there are many other reasons.

Why do so many fools in the world believe that Prime Ministers, anywhere in the world can control their countries wether economically, criminally or any other way ... ?? They cannot !! THEY ARE ALL PUPPETS OF THE MONEY CONTROLLERS ... so why do all of you continue bashing either of them wether it be Yingyuky or Obama or whoever ...!! They ALL HAVE NO SAY/// The big corporations / banks and whatever who have the mullah $$$$ are the ones controlling ... THEY ARE ALL JUST PUPPETS and yet you guys go on and on as to how innefficient they are ... Of course they are !! They are not the ones in control ... JEEZZ Why is this so hard for 21st century humans to understand this... Ouf!!!

Utter bs......

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Laughing at all these people commenting that have absolutely no concept of foreign relations.

Wahhh, he doesn't come to our country.

Wahh he's coming to our country.

Wahh he didn't stay long enough.

Waste of tax money?

He brought his own security.

How is reminding Americans that Thailand exists a bad thing?

How is showing Thais that American respects them a bad thing?

Can't believe some of you came all this way just to be the same ignorant trolls you were back home.

Thank you Hillary for the lesson in foreign relations to all the ignorant country bumpkins who happen to believe that over one million dollars of US tax payers money could have been better spent elsewhere. Please enlighten us more with your wisdom.

Did you use this same analysis in examining every President's foreign trips, or just this President?

Right on!!!

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Utter bs......

Ok and now tell me why this is Utter Bullshit Mr. Wizard ??? And prove it too !!

There are 1000 policies, tax rates, benefits, that any president or pm can change to achieve what he wants. Close a loophole here or there.

You think the insurance companies wanted obama care, or us companies are enjoying getting grilled in the UK why they pay no tax.

The banks have power, but even they couldn't put romney in. Has it ever been seen that the us economy was on paper so bad, and they elected a left wing president. "we rich folk have to accept we pay a bit more". Which big money playbook is that one from?

please tell me which big business group will win out obama win? which big business group is gaining out of cameron being in?

Yes they have pull, but sometimes, people realise that times are tough. What i find hard to reconcile, is that we have a supposedly right wing pm in the uk, and a left wing pres in the usa, but their politics are essentially similar.

Just give it a few months, and obama and cameron will be there together declaring war on corruption in the financial sector.

Who'd have thought.

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Wanna see his digs?

Located on the ninth floor, the Rajadamri Suite is the Hotel's premier accommodation, eminently suitable for those requiring the highest degree of comfort and luxury.

Go ahead Obama haters, tell us how he should be staying at the IBIS economy hotel or better yet should have stayed home... tongue.png

Could have stayed at the US Embassy for free.

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Wanna see his digs?

Located on the ninth floor, the Rajadamri Suite is the Hotel's premier accommodation, eminently suitable for those requiring the highest degree of comfort and luxury.

Go ahead Obama haters, tell us how he should be staying at the IBIS economy hotel or better yet should have stayed home... tongue.png

Could have stayed at the US Embassy for free.

Should have.

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Laughing at all these people commenting that have absolutely no concept of foreign relations.

Wahhh, he doesn't come to our country.

Wahh he's coming to our country.

Wahh he didn't stay long enough.

Waste of tax money?

He brought his own security.

How is reminding Americans that Thailand exists a bad thing?

How is showing Thais that American respects them a bad thing?

Can't believe some of you came all this way just to be the same ignorant trolls you were back home.

It seems that there is an entire "colony" of Thai Visa users whose very existence revolves around reading every story and trying their very best to find something negative in the story that they can whine and moan about. It's either Obama or Yingluck or Taksin or taxi drivers or the weather or the food or the bar girls or the traffic or the thai people in general or you name it. It must be a very sad life to live NEVER being able to find something positive to say about anyone or the country you have chosen to live in and the world that we all share. Obviously the "power of positive thinking" is something that has completely eluded many of these "nattering nabobs of negativity".

while your post is not technically about the obama visit, it is the most honest post on the thread. it's dead-on on my opinion.

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Let loose of your Obama worship for an instant and I will respond. It has nothing to do with who the president is. It could be buggs bunny and my comment would not change.

What exactly is your problem with President Obama. Or is it simply that your choice lost. Please enlighten.

I'll answer that one.

Obama is a habitual liar. He has not accomplished anything but Obamacare which will sink the country. He is transforming the USA into a socialist economy where the a free market has put the USA as number 1 on the planet. He has done nothing for the unemployment because he wants people subsidized by the government so he can maintain their vote. Same as Yingluck by the way. But one correction, has accomplished being elected multiple times. That's just for starters at the moment.

OMG, the member above me is still whining about the election. Go back to your TV and watch Fox News, please. ;((

The accurate answer is: I am whining about the last four years and the next four years.

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Laughing at all these people commenting that have absolutely no concept of foreign relations.

Wahhh, he doesn't come to our country.

Wahh he's coming to our country.

Wahh he didn't stay long enough.

Waste of tax money?

He brought his own security.

How is reminding Americans that Thailand exists a bad thing?

How is showing Thais that American respects them a bad thing?

Can't believe some of you came all this way just to be the same ignorant trolls you were back home.

It seems that there is an entire "colony" of Thai Visa users whose very existence revolves around reading every story and trying their very best to find something negative in the story that they can whine and moan about. It's either Obama or Yingluck or Taksin or taxi drivers or the weather or the food or the bar girls or the traffic or the thai people in general or you name it. It must be a very sad life to live NEVER being able to find something positive to say about anyone or the country you have chosen to live in and the world that we all share. Obviously the "power of positive thinking" is something that has completely eluded many of these "nattering nabobs of negativity".

You just don't understand because you haven't been here long enough.

Where? Walmart?

Since you came up with the Walmart response I can only assume that your mentally has a commonality with Walmart.

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Let loose of your Obama worship for an instant and I will respond. It has nothing to do with who the president is. It could be buggs bunny and my comment would not change.

What exactly is your problem with President Obama. Or is it simply that your choice lost. Please enlighten.

I'll answer that one.

Obama is a habitual liar. He has not accomplished anything but Obamacare which will sink the country. He is transforming the USA into a socialist economy where the a free market has put the USA as number 1 on the planet. He has done nothing for the unemployment because he wants people subsidized by the government so he can maintain their vote. Same as Yingluck by the way. But one correction, has accomplished being elected multiple times. That's just for starters at the moment.

Grumble all you like about economics, but history will judge WMD as one of the most spectacular political lies.

You are beyond pathetic. The looney left cannot get past blaming Bush for all problems. Get over it! It's Obama's problems now. Take ownership and show some leadership!

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A new poll today released by Suan Dusit Poll found that 45% of Thais were excited and honored by the President's visit. 26% believed it would further strengthen ties, and 15% thought it would help strengthen the economy. 48% thought it would boost foreign direct investment and tourism.

So, as much as American detractors of the President insist his trip is a waste, it appears Thais are looking forward to seeing him. wink.png

* By forum rules not allowed to quote source.

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A new poll today released by Suan Dusit Poll found that 45% of Thais were excited and honored by the President's visit. 26% believed it would further strengthen ties, and 15% thought it would help strengthen the economy. 48% thought it would boost foreign direct investment and tourism.

So, as much as American detractors of the President insist his trip is a waste, it appears Thais are looking forward to seeing him. wink.png

* By forum rules not allowed to quote source.

Yes I am sure many Thais are excited about the visit.

Anecdotally a report literally from the Thai man on the street, I bought some fruit from a pushcart vendor last night. He was into guessing people's nationalities. On the fifth try, he guessed American and then totally unsolicited said Obama good, Romney bad! (I had to agree.) I found that funny as easily half the Americans he might say that to would be displeased. He was surprised that I knew about the President's visit maybe thinking foreigners in Thailand don't get any local news! He seemed confused about why America has a president and Thailand and the UK have prime ministers, but then when I mentioned Yingluck by name he got all ... quiet. (The fruit, some farang, was very tasty.)

Edited by Jingthing
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Laughing at all these people commenting that have absolutely no concept of foreign relations.

Wahhh, he doesn't come to our country.

Wahh he's coming to our country.

Wahh he didn't stay long enough.

Waste of tax money?

He brought his own security.

How is reminding Americans that Thailand exists a bad thing?

How is showing Thais that American respects them a bad thing?

Can't believe some of you came all this way just to be the same ignorant trolls you were back home.

It seems that there is an entire "colony" of Thai Visa users whose very existence revolves around reading every story and trying their very best to find something negative in the story that they can whine and moan about. It's either Obama or Yingluck or Taksin or taxi drivers or the weather or the food or the bar girls or the traffic or the thai people in general or you name it. It must be a very sad life to live NEVER being able to find something positive to say about anyone or the country you have chosen to live in and the world that we all share. Obviously the "power of positive thinking" is something that has completely eluded many of these "nattering nabobs of negativity".

They like to use 'length of stay' as justification for their vitriolic spew. I think it's more physical. crazy.gif

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A new poll today released by Suan Dusit Poll found that 45% of Thais were excited and honored by the President's visit. 26% believed it would further strengthen ties, and 15% thought it would help strengthen the economy. 48% thought it would boost foreign direct investment and tourism.

So, as much as American detractors of the President insist his trip is a waste, it appears Thais are looking forward to seeing him. wink.png

* By forum rules not allowed to quote source.

Thanks for the info - not really a surprise is it?

no time to look into it, and in any case I am guessing that it will bubble up in the (real) news when he makes the trip, but I am curious about what is behind coming to SE Asia for the first trip after the election, if anything.

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A new poll today released by Suan Dusit Poll found that 45% of Thais were excited and honored by the President's visit. 26% believed it would further strengthen ties, and 15% thought it would help strengthen the economy. 48% thought it would boost foreign direct investment and tourism.

So, as much as American detractors of the President insist his trip is a waste, it appears Thais are looking forward to seeing him. wink.png

* By forum rules not allowed to quote source.

Thanks for the info - not really a surprise is it?

no time to look into it, and in any case I am guessing that it will bubble up in the (real) news when he makes the trip, but I am curious about what is behind coming to SE Asia for the first trip after the election, if anything.

Nothing special, and a waste of taxpayers money, as thoughtful Obama haters have said on this forum...just an historical change in foreign relations and focus of America's global influence abroad.

But throughout his whirlwind, four-day tour, another Asian country will loom large. For the trip appears set to reinforce the U.S. "pivot" toward Asia, a strategic shift since 2011 that communist China views as being aimed squarely at countering its influence and containing its growth.

All three countries have close China ties, although Burma, amid dramatic reform away from military dictatorship, has indicated it wants to reduce its dependence on Beijing.


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Wanna see his digs?

Located on the ninth floor, the Rajadamri Suite is the Hotel's premier accommodation, eminently suitable for those requiring the highest degree of comfort and luxury.

Go ahead Obama haters, tell us how he should be staying at the IBIS economy hotel or better yet should have stayed home... tongue.png

I am not an Obama hater but I agree he should have stayed at home for all the good it will do America for him to meet with this clone PM and her inept, totally corrupt lap dogs.

If you can tolerate Obama you should be able to tolerate Yingluck.

......................Intelligence is measured by one's ability to adapt".clap2.gifcheesy.gif
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You want he should stay in a flophouse in Khao San Road, is that it? coffee1.gif

That would inspire a lot of respect.

Didn't Thailand honor another US president? Too bad "Clinton Plaza" no longer exists. Barack could always stay at the Nana Hotel

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