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The other English language newspaper today wrote that Truevisions may have lost out in it's bid to broadcast English Premier League for the next three seasons.

CTH (Cable Thai Holding) made an "incredibly high" bid which may well give them the right to broadcast EPL.

Interesting to see what happens. How will this company set up the infrastructure so fast? Maybe they'll sell the broadcasts on to Truevisions.

Either way, if they win the bid it will hit Truevisions quite hard.

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Well, it seems confirmed that Truevisions have lost.

I doubt very much though that they will go bankrupt. I can't see the new company being able to reach all the necessary households within the next year unless of course they send via satellite (but they are a cable company).

I have a feeling that True will still be sending EPL matches but maybe not live. Let's see what happens.


TRUE went into partnership with CTH in August. This gave over 300 local cable operators access to 9 True channels. This was at the same time GMM failed with a bid to take a 20% stake in the company. Even though TRUE may not have exclusivity, I suspect they will still show many matches next season. Especially as none of the other broadcaster can provide HD coverage.

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According to the paper today CTH will use fibre optic cables and their own box.

All should be ready by February next year and will cost 3 - 400 Baht per month. They plan to have seven dedicated football channels.

If this is true (forgive the pun) and they can do the work within the timeframe then True will have serious problems.


In response? True have already started large advertisements for discounted installation of there highest priced packages. Only about 2k per month and .5k per extra connection (discounted to half price for awhile).


please keep the information updates gents,love the epl when i am thailand,fil and i only share the cost of true,for the football.

cable thai holdings, pardon my ignorance,they sell their product to local cable eg provincial companies?

so in my suburb/village i would be able to contact the local cable company?

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So is this about regular soccer or one of the other football offshoots - futsal?

Simple enough question I would think?

Did a bit of googling on this and didn't find a clear statement, is it the case that the term "football" in British English is exclusively used for the one sport, all the different leagues have the same rules etc?


CTH's major partner is ThaiRath.

Does it mention that Taksin's lawyer is the main man involved - is Taksin taking my football!!


Cable Thai Holding is set to became the country's largest subscription-based TV operator with 7 million subscribers by 2015 after having acquired the broadcasting rights for the English Premier League soccer matches for the next three seasons.

Yesterday, CTH announced that it had won the tender for broadcasting rights to the EPL in Thailand, Cambodia and Laos for three seasons starting from season 2013-14 to 2015-16. The company beat current rights holder TrueVisions and other rivals GMM Grammy, RS and Malaysia-based Cubic Associated.

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please keep the information updates gents,love the epl when i am thailand,fil and i only share the cost of true,for the football.

cable thai holdings, pardon my ignorance,they sell their product to local cable eg provincial companies?

so in my suburb/village i would be able to contact the local cable company?

From what I gather CTH has a lot of partnerships or cooperation with small cable companies upcountry so they would be able to reach villages quite quickly.

I also saw the large ad. that True had today. "Hey let's get as many contracts as we can before CTH start advertising".

We, the consumers, may actually benefit from a price war.


So is this about regular soccer or one of the other football offshoots - futsal?

Simple enough question I would think?

Did a bit of googling on this and didn't find a clear statement, is it the case that the term "football" in British English is exclusively used for the one sport, all the different leagues have the same rules etc?

Bearing in mind the article is about the English Premier League you can assume we are talking Association Football..


CTH's major partner is ThaiRath.

Does it mention that Taksin's lawyer is the main man involved - is Taksin taking my football!!


Cable Thai Holding is set to became the country's largest subscription-based TV operator with 7 million subscribers by 2015 after having acquired the broadcasting rights for the English Premier League soccer matches for the next three seasons.

Yesterday, CTH announced that it had won the tender for broadcasting rights to the EPL in Thailand, Cambodia and Laos for three seasons starting from season 2013-14 to 2015-16. The company beat current rights holder TrueVisions and other rivals GMM Grammy, RS and Malaysia-based Cubic Associated.

Yeah, someone told me that Thaksin is backing this plan financially. Seems a bit strange though because Intouch were also one of the bidders and as from what I gather that belongs to the Shinowatra family.


Bearing in mind the article is about the English Premier League you can assume we are talking Association Football..

Which term also means nothing to me.

My question is, do all the different "leagues" or "associations" of the sport called football in the UK all use the same rules, size of pitch and ball etc, or are they actually different variations of the sport called "soccer" in America and I seem to recall also used in Australia, presumably other countries that have different flavours of football?


English Premier League,is that where grown men kick a ball around a field? never actually watched it seems pointless ,whish you could get the channels without all that rubbish at a reduced rate.whistling.gif

Such a disdain for English Premier League football yet you feel you need to make a comment about it,how queer

I"me as straight as a die son ,nothing queer about me (sorry for not being pc)smile.png

  • Like 1

Bearing in mind the article is about the English Premier League you can assume we are talking Association Football..

Which term also means nothing to me.

My question is, do all the different "leagues" or "associations" of the sport called football in the UK all use the same rules, size of pitch and ball etc, or are they actually different variations of the sport called "soccer" in America and I seem to recall also used in Australia, presumably other countries that have different flavours of football?

What has the meaning of football, soccer , futsal and their rules and regualtions to do with this thread?

We are talking about English Premier League and if you don't know what that is never mind. Does it really matter to you if the clubs all have the same size pitch or whatever? (The answer is that they don't have the same sizes).

I like to watch a good game of football (without thinking "Is this soccer or is it association football. Is the pitch the right size?" and hopefully I can continue to enjoy EPL for many years to come be it with True or another provider.


Bearing in mind the article is about the English Premier League you can assume we are talking Association Football..

Which term also means nothing to me.

My question is, do all the different "leagues" or "associations" of the sport called football in the UK all use the same rules, size of pitch and ball etc, or are they actually different variations of the sport called "soccer" in America and I seem to recall also used in Australia, presumably other countries that have different flavours of football?

Here ya go - happy reading.


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English Premier League,is that where grown men kick a ball around a field? never actually watched it seems pointless ,whish you could get the channels without all that rubbish at a reduced rate.whistling.gif

I agree with you about wishing to get other channels at a reduced rate as well. I think that of the 180 or so channels that Truevisions have, apart from the sports, I only watch 3 or 4 of them.

  • Like 1

Bearing in mind the article is about the English Premier League you can assume we are talking Association Football..

Which term also means nothing to me.

My question is, do all the different "leagues" or "associations" of the sport called football in the UK all use the same rules, size of pitch and ball etc, or are they actually different variations of the sport called "soccer" in America and I seem to recall also used in Australia, presumably other countries that have different flavours of football?

In the UK yes,in fact in any country they have there own associations for any sport even rounders and Michelin man rugby ......rules are the same world wide for all football associations that is why we have the World Cup every four years and not the world series every year wink.png ....if you want to know more go to the community forum and post in the football section ,i am sure you will be made welcome! wai2.gif


Here ya go - happy reading.

Thanks but still didn't answer the question, maybe these are just FIFA rules?

rules are the same world wide for all football associations that is why we have the World Cup every four years and not the world series every year

Thank you! sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread just curious.

And can't believe people pay that much money for the boob tube, definitely an eye-opener. I just get the basic Thai channels for the girls, I think B125 a month or something on top of the DSL service.


English Premier League,is that where grown men kick a ball around a field?

Yes, as opposed to the American or Australian way to do it. Place the "deformed ball" on the ground and then pile upp the players on top of the "ball".

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