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Why Do Men Expect Bar Girls To Love Them?


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First off,this is not having a go at bar girls or the few men who have found true love in the bar, although i always found that having lots of money makes you far more interesting and handsome(just look at Bernie Ecclestone,where would he have found a 6 ft model at his age if he was a roadsweeper)

Anyway i constantly read about guys who kill themselves because some bar girl or as they are called in other countrys ,hookers kill themselves when she desertes them .What did they expect ,its their job ,they are wrking ,and nobody works for free ,so when he cannot afford to pay her any longer ,she is off ,just like the gardener or the plumber if you couldnt pay for their services .

To anyone who has found true love in the bar ,this is not aimed at you ,best of luck .

do you lot agree?

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I don't think many customers of the sex industry "expect" the workers to truly love them.

I think it's much more amazing when real love does emerge from such beginnings.

Yes, some men are just plain gullible, but I have to admit that's easy to understand when a clever beautiful ambitious sexy young thing is bringing everything to bear on making you happy and trying to get you to fall in love with her.

And if/when it all falls apart, most guys are probably not really that surprised, ah well was nice while it lasted, at least have some nice memories to help keep you warm those cold lonely winters starting over all over again back home.

Some people live their whole lives never taking any risks and die without ever having that kind of fun.

In any case such misfortune is IMO worthy of pity and compassion rather than disdain, even if it seems largely self-inflicted.

I like that very much, I never thought of it in those terms.

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"Jeez, this is great; I don't have to talk to her too much, she plays a mean game of pool, she cheers on my team in the footie, she shags well and whenever I want it and, to boot, she says she 'loves me'".

Life doesn't get much better than that!

"How can she flirt with other men so easily? Why is she still getting text messages from that fat German? Why does her phone go on the blink so often and why does that Phichai moto-taxi guy have so much to say to her?"

Time share, great idea, a woman I don't have to pay for 24/7, just the couple of nights a week I need her. Where can I find one of these?

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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having lots of money makes you far more interesting and handsome(just look at Bernie Ecclestone,where would he have found a 6 ft model at his age if he was a roadsweeper)

I beg to differ. If Bernie Eccleston was a roadsweeper, I highly doubt he would have lots of money. Or the 6 foot model that you suggests goes along with said money. wink.png Perhaps he has other talents? Or maybe he would have been a very successful roadsweeper..

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If a good looking sexy woman treats you like a King, while you really are the Jester.

I can perfectly understand why many do fall in love.

Not always losers.

Naive maybe.


OP writes that he constantly reads about guys who kill themselves because some bar girl.


Where do you read this?

There are people all over the world who sometimes choose that way out, if their heart is broken.

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Simple: Misunderstanding the situation!

Thai Ladies love it to be save!

Money from a customer creates safety! For some days, maybe even a week or two!

They can transfer the love for being safe, to the dick, eh, owner of the valet, where the 'safety' is located.

Western man only know hookers, who they have to pay first, who don't kiss, don't sleep in the bed overnight.

So they not understand any of these as part of the business, and feel a love, that is connected to the valet, But don't see, it could be the valet of the big fat old fart on the other side of the bar, too.

Maybe the sex is 'great'(ok) and the body is 'perfect' (point of view).

Also they do not know about that part of the Thai culture, that is strongly connected to any kind of a lie.

Even only for the 'advantage', not to tell you the truth, so that you stop talking, is a very reasonable reason, to do so.

And, in case you are nice to them, they are nice to you.

Nevertheless, the customer doesn't see a saleswoman, selling her product, to make money, for herself, maybe the kid. But for the family, for sure.

Amazingly, sometimes it works out. Not very often, but...!

Mostly not, in case the hubby brings her to his home country, but has to work his ass off, to generate the money for the normal living. And starts complaining about the telephone bill, because the wife is calling friends and family in Thailand.

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Why do men expect Thai girls (much younger than them) to love them?

Is a much more interesting question.


Why do foreigners expect Thais to love them?

I'm sure bar girls are as capable of love as any other girls.

I am sure they are ,in fact i know a not very well off guy who has been married about 25 years to an ex bar girl ,when i first came here i was lucky an old hand told me ,"believe nothing the girls tell you ,they only want your money ,its just a job to them and no your not a sexy man" (actually i thought i wassmile.png ) but especially as many off you know when you have lived here a long time you see the same girls over and over with a different guy in tow and he has his arm around her ,looking about proudly as if to say "look at my girlfriend " as she chatters away on the phone in Thai to her Thai boyfriend . i sometimes feel sorry for the guys especially if he has fallen for her .

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If a good looking sexy woman treats you like a King, while you really are the Jester.

I can perfectly understand why many do fall in love.

Not always losers.

Naive maybe.


OP writes that he constantly reads about guys who kill themselves because some bar girl.


Where do you read this?

There are people all over the world who sometimes choose that way out, if their heart is broken.



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If a good looking sexy woman treats you like a King, while you really are the Jester.

I can perfectly understand why many do fall in love.

Not always losers.

Naive maybe.


OP writes that he constantly reads about guys who kill themselves because some bar girl.


Where do you read this?

There are people all over the world who sometimes choose that way out, if their heart is broken.



I guess the word constantly must be defined.

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