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How Much Is The Minimum Price For The Breed Dogs?


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How much is the minimum price for the Breed Dogs?

I would like to know how much is. So that i will not get trick by their prices of their dogs here in CM.


Ho much is there prices there for dogs?

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Your first stop after buying a pup or a cat from a pet shop should be at a veterinarian. Immediately! Plan it! Don't take anything cuddly home first. (Come to think of it, this advice might apply to bar girls!) Anyway, while there are some reputable pet shops, there are some questionable places. I do know that one (a few years back) on the ground floor parking area of Airport Plaza was positively scandalous! Because I went straight to the vet. Cost more than the pet, but worth every sataeng!

I won't get into vet wars here, but I will recommend Dr. Nok and Chotana. You'll find them via TV Chiang Mai search.

Otherwise, there are very serious breeders in Thailand, not just "puppy farms." You'll have to search for them. Working by breed can work as would some references by vets.

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We purchased our French Bulldog puppy from the owners of the wine gallery shop. Their French bulldog had whelped a few weeks prior to me coming into their shop for wine, and I got talking to them about her. They then showed me the pups and offered one to sell me one when they were old enough to be parted from their mother. I think I paid 14,000 baht for her.

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Quite apart from the absurdity of paying good money for a pure-bred dog..... many breeds have congenital health problems. Cross-bred dogs tend to be tougher, and more able to resist disease.

As mentioned, CareforDogs (which has regular Adoption Fairs if you don't want to go out to Hang Dong) has large numbers of dogs available free to good homes; their dogs are all fully checked out by their vets, and vaccinated.

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Most breeds were bred for a purpose: guard dogs, hunting dogs, fighting dogs, sled dogs, rodent killers (terriers), and just plain old pet type breeds. Breeders have spent years developing a strain of dog that that suits their purpose. Unfortunately, that has led to inbreeding along with some un wanted inherited problems. We now have big dogs with back problems and hip dysplasia, but they "look" pretty. We also have small dogs that look pretty but have a nasty temperment. Women seem to like the little dogs with fluffy coats, but those are just are not suitable for the Thai climate. There is a reason the typical Asian street dog is smallish, and with a thin coat of hair. As others have already said, a person who just wants a pet should go to an animal protection center and choose a young dog from there. All most dogs want is a home with a friendly master.

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Hi OP, I guess, I'm a savage considering I got dogs of the breed I desired. I paid 4k baht for one at a dog market, and 2k baht for one from a more private breeder. Both have had awesome health, and I've never regretted the decision. (They are both retrievers.) As others have stated, you should include the breed type to get better feedback.

Why is everyone so fearful of getting ripped off around here?

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There really is no clear answer to OPO's question except to note that Care for Dogs doesn't care a hoot for pedigrees! In Thailand, as noted,there are some very good breeders for several breeds. ANd there are private owners whose bitches have made --- well --- mistakes. Talk turkey when you've found the turkey you like; uh, pup, that is! Otherwise, isn't it reasonable to encourage breeding dogs suitable for the climate? This is the Tropics, after all ! Some breeds are absolutely not suited here!

Edited by Mapguy
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