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They Call This Kingdom The Land Of Smiles Is It Really?


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It depends on how you see things. I look at it as a great place but have never referred to it as anything over than Thailand. If all you notice are frowns and scams that is what you will continue to notice. If you can, try travelling around a bit to see what his country has to offer.

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It depends on how you see things. I look at it as a great place but have never referred to it as anything over than Thailand. If all you notice are frowns and scams that is what you will continue to notice. If you can, try travelling around a bit to see what his country has to offer.

have travel from north to south and east to west , i love traveling around ,

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^^^ *claps* Well put!!

Not to say that Thailand isn't changing of course. IMO mostly for the better, other than the fact that the cost of acquiring and maintaining the hotties has been rising so spectacularly. But that's a positive from the Kingdom's POV innit.

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Depends wher you are of course, I had a guy doing some work here that snarled every day, dicovered he was a raging red shirt leader. You should have seen his face light up when we wore our red coloured shirts, life is a two way street. Smile at anyone and you usually get one back.

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I think "it was so great when I first arrived but now X years later it's changed so much" actually comes from the changes in the knowledge and attitude of the speaker more than of the country over that time.

Thailand's culture is very much oriented around keeping everything at the top level, outside surfaces pleasant and calm and beautiful and polite and friendly, no matter how tawdry and corrupt under the surface.

As you live here longer, the surface appearances become more transparent and unreal, to the point where you don't even see them anymore, you're looking at the underlying reality directly and of course that reality's always unpleasant for those who prefer the illusions.

However IMO it's negatively oriented people see mostly negative in the reality, would feel the same way back home. Positively oriented people see the good there as well as the bad, but focus on the good and therefore aren't as dependent on illusion to prop up their good feelings about the world.

Indeed; Negativity is a bad motivator.

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By tradition the Thais have thirteen different ways to smile and fewer than half of them denote happiness. The Thai smile has been a default expression used in times of stress, anguish, anger, anxiety, conflict, pain. So quite often a face without a smile is a sign of an honest Thai evolving into a multi-cultural society. The lack of smiles (and the foreigners' misunderstanding of it) is progress in a country that is moving forward quite well in this modern age.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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I think that the falang change a lot faster than Thailand itself , people come here with rose coloured glasses and when living here gets a bit tough it is always the same boring answer , hence.......... blame it on the country . or thailand has changed .

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factory girls giggling and laughing as they file out of work,having toiled hard all day for a pittance,the motorcyle shop boys having a smoke and laugh after work,people just being people.

sometimes,i look at those people and forget the corruption,dishonesty,disparity in wealth and just enjoy thailand.

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factory girls giggling and laughing as they file out of work,having toiled hard all day for a pittance,the motorcyle shop boys having a smoke and laugh after work,people just being people.

sometimes,i look at those people and forget the corruption,dishonesty,disparity in wealth and just enjoy thailand.

A lady who lived on the third floor of a bar. Her mattress caught on fire. All the women rushed out of the building in sleeping attire and laughing at the women with the mattress on fire asking her how it catch fire.smile.pngsmile.png

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