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External Antenna To A Mobile Phone - Any One Using This Type Of Connection

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As I live in a poor mobile phone signal reception area , over the years Ive looked at many options to increase my mobile phone reception signal . In the past ive seen comments about some mobile phones having a small ''gold'' service connection socket at the rear of the phone , like this one -


Ive just come across this web site offering custom patch leads and modified phone case backs , with a hole allowing an antenna patch lead to be used in conjunction with an external antenna .



Samsung Galaxy Note




I know many people may not need this extra external antenna connection option , but I think there may be some others like my self , where a mobile phone external antenna connection would be useful .

I was wondering if any one here was using this type of external antenna connection smile.png


I had very poor reception at my farm up in the mountains near Chiangmai and used an external antenna which I placed on a long bamboo pole. It gave perfect reception,


I seem to remember that when cell phones/mobile phones/ pocket phones first appeared on the market they all had outside antennae

and even now you can see, mainly in American movies, that some people still use phones with an exterior antenna.

Personally I think they look kinda.....'kewl'.


A word of advice - DO NOT be tempted to stick any old plug in that socket even if it looks like it fits - make sure you get one specifically designed for your phone. The SGS2 for example has such a socket and many people have been caught out sticking something in there which permanently disables (without a very fiddly repair job) the internal antenna.

You'd be far better off setting yourself up a sort of 'mini cell' using a repeater (repeaters have been covered several times here on tv). Cover the whole house & probably a good chunk of the garden, if you're lucky you might even get 3G but the main advantage is mobility - no need to modify your phone(s).

I should put my money where my mouth is and invest in one myself - I get between zero and 2 bars here from most providers and have only a few specific places in the house where I can use my phone(s) & mifi - just haven't got round to it yet because the problem's only mildly irritating.

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