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Good Article On Downtown Deaths


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Bad shit happens everywhere.

No apologies, just my observation.

Patagonia is always an option.


I agree. It is less safe in my home town of Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, depending on where you go. There are drug deals going on nightly in some of the local bars. And, the local police have a heavy handed bully boy attitude and treat everyone like they are a criminal.

Beautiful scenic lovely Kelowna is also not a nice place to be after dark.

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You are completely clueless the article was written to put Thailand down using heart breaking stories that every country in the world could tell

As for try to put yourself in their place do you have any idea of what it is like to lose a son. Mine was 18 when he drowned and I went through agony and it hurt for years after. Yes I know what it is like to lose my own but I cannot imagine what it would be like for another parent. One friend of mine had a successful construction company he lost because he could not work for a year. I strongly suspect that the person who wrote the article is doing it for one of two reasons.

1 they got ripped off by a Scam in Thailand or

2 It is the only way they know how to deal with there grief.

That point I understand very well. I do not condone the article but if point number 2 is true I fully understand.

7 years after my son's death I found my self with tears in my eyes recalling a very rewarding experience my boy and I had had shortly before his death.

Stick to your doom an gloom attitude and don't even try to imagine about the feelings of others.

As for having a doom and gloom attitude, there is nothing wrong with my comments, only being sympathetic towards the families of the deceased. You’re the one who sounds angry and bitter in your posts.

Back in 1974 my first wife and I lost our three months old son, Jeremy, death caused by a birth heart defeat that the Doctors failed to diagnose. He was born on November 21, 1974 at the Oldfield hospital in Essex and a couple of days ago he would have been 38, if he had survived. Every year on Jeremy’s birthday I light a white candle for him and on that one day each year I reserve for him, stay at home and try to recall the vague memories I have of him. Strange really, because for most of the year I never mention Jeremy, but he’s always there in my mind. I am extremely sorry about your son, just simply not fair. So now you’ve made me really doom and gloomy and rollox to this, I’m going to have a beer.

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Like it or not, accept it or reject but you can't refute that it is a damning catologue of criminality focussed upon a very small area, particular group of people and nothing ever seems to be done to catch those responsible.

It remains totally unacceptable and clearly frustrating just how apathetic the police remain.

That is what damns Thailand.

Sure bad things can happen everywhere.

But an institutionally bad police force?

Mexico has its terrible drug wars and kidnappings but it also has a high profile highly militarised police force [and army] touring the streets in an attempt to prevent crime.

What impression do the Thai Police make anywhere in this country? As they are totally feckless whereever and whenever you come across them.

I have no respect for the police at all as I have no evience of them ever having earned that respect. The same can be said for their politicians and political system. That is two of societies major institutions dealt with. Their education system doesn't work. There is no social welfare. The justice system is deleivered when bought and paid for only and fails the poor on every occasion.

Thailand is an awful place.

When it goes wrong and there is no chance of justice it is a hell hole waiting to swallow you up. That is the reality that happens to the unfortunate few. But it is an accident waiting to happen. Those who refuse to see this truth deny that bad people are free to do bad things to decent holiday makers.

There is no hope for this country as no matter how bad the shame there is no one in Thai society - absolutely no one - who speaks out against it.

The problem is bad that decent people are cowed into total silence for fear of their own lives should they speak out.

Enjoy your holiday.

Enjoy reading about the next innocent young women soon to be beaten to death by the sea. Another one raped, beaten and left for dead. And of course another Thai politician saying how she was a woman and so she deserved it.

That's the logic.

Thailand has a civilisation over 4 thousand years old and they left the trees this morning.

These are mysterious cases, also inconclusive to the western forensic sleuths that have investigated. I am not defending the local "law enforcers" just being realistic as to the level of training and resources available to them.

I hope you are not living here as this is the most anti-Thailand post I have ever read, funny you would contrast the Mexico police with the Thai, they are more corrupt than Thai police and much more violent.... they do make a big show of military force, I agree with you there.

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Today i went past the site where the Hotel used to be.

Galvanised fence around the block.

I mesh gate at the rear.

The block has been levelled.

You could see that they had planted a few tree on the site.

Will be interesting to what happens next??

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