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There surely must be some very clever software people on this forum (I'm not) but don't think you will find your solutions here, but I might be wrong.

Thaivisa collects the best minds alive on this earth because Los gains their expectations to the highest level.I couldn't suppose to reach this knowledge without seeing Thailand with its flowers and without thaivisa posts (thanks Rainman, thanks Olredeyes, thanks Billyparadise, thanks P.), and this forum is absolutely my favourite one. :o

:D See bold above...

Now, I have seen a lot of statements in my life but this is one to think about :D but at the same time it gives me a feeling, hard to describe :D ...

It's a kind of feeling dozens of millions of people got last week when your PM Mr. Sylvio Berlusconi -Italia, compared himself with Napoleon....Winston Churchill......AND Jezus Christ :D

And, of course Thaivisa is your favourite website like it is for me and many more thousands of (mostly) Farangs and yes, you should be grateful to the specialist-ones here, helping you with your search for your Goldpot.

But...I am politely warning you for the day-to-day 'dangers' that lie ahead if you're thinking of setting up such a venture in LOS; it could be many...too many to even mention here.

I think that there are hundreds of experienced businessmen on this forum who have experience doing business in/with Thailand. I'm one of them.

Doing business in the Western hemisphere is heaven compared to doing business in LOS; you will face nightmares you never-ever dreamed about.

Your software problems maybe solved; your daily operation in LOS is another thing...apart from your try-to-avoid-taxes-issue.....your (future) enemy never sleeps!


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Doing business in the Western hemisphere is heaven compared to doing business in LOS; you will face nightmares you never-ever dreamed about.

Your software problems maybe solved; your daily operation in LOS is another thing...apart from your try-to-avoid-taxes-issue.....your (future) enemy never sleeps!

I really appreciate your post, and i'd like to understand better the bold to avoid these nightmares in advance, can you make same example (if your country permits you that of course :o ). I can agree with you if you talk about China.

I 've always thougth that Los is happy if people go there to spend money (not the matter where&how they earned them, of course not earned from thai people, this is obvious), recently the King gave the visa-free to russians, so i don't know if you know the offshore style of Russian Federation (the reign estimate 100.000 visitors this year, and russians with money usually are not "clear" but opaque mirrors.

So if money is the Los main expectation what kind of problems could i find?

I have lived in Russia for years and i have never had any problem, of course i care of my business and i don't talk too much and i don't show gold and expensive dresses around, i don't care too much of these things, my passions are females (over 18), sand beaches and good friends. And i hate drugs.

Do you mean that "Brokedown Palace" movie can be read in a different way, where instead of drugs is possible to go in jail for anything not relevant because police is corrupted, envious and evil?

I have friends that live in Los from years and they have never had problems (nature and ills apart). So? :D

Who is this enemy?


first.. try NEOTRACE PRO

I've discovered where the sad scam of paypal fishing come from, and that my coder doesn't live where he says to live (i'm waiting his answer).

This is my coder answer :

No, we are not *****ans. You are wrong.

We live in *****.

Your NeoTrace has quite old database.

It`s not in our interests hide from anyone.

Don`t trust internet info, just try to trust real people :D

Internet info lies sometimes. :D

So? :o


appologies if im repeating a previous post - but im just adding a note - so havent read all the replies...

when you use something like visualroute - you're only using a glossy version with a pretty gui of the command "tracert"

for those that dont know - "tracert" uses the ICMP protocol to trace through to an end point and returns the number of hops (routers it passes through before continuing).... similar to "pathping" command

these routers can be configured to "discard" or "drop" ICMP packets, and only route legitimate traffic.. this is because ICMP packets are used for "denial of service" "ping of death" attacks on routers... and is a favoured method of attack on a companys website

therefore - if you are unable to ping or traceroute to an IP end point - this does not always mean that the host is unavailable, its more likely that a router along the way is discarding your ping requests....

additionaly - IP Routing tables of the worlds Routers are constantly changing, if a prefered "known route" becomes congested or un-available the "open shortest path first" protocol is employed, and another "path" is created and saved into the routing tables - for this reason it is not "always" possible to accurately gauge an endpoint location without involving some nifty software....

additionaly - IP Routing tables of the worlds Routers are constantly changing, if a prefered "known route" becomes congested or un-available the "open shortest path first" protocol is employed, and another "path" is created and saved into the routing tables - for this reason it is not "always" possible to accurately gauge an endpoint location without involving some nifty software....

Some nifty software? like? :o

therefore - if you are unable to ping or traceroute to an IP end point - this does not always mean that the host is unavailable, its more likely that a router along the way is discarding your ping requests....

Is this tracerouting detected from the last node server?

Can they trace the 1st node (mine) of my tracerouting?

As a router i use a Zyxel Prestige 600, it is not relevant if i add this "ping-discarding" feature because the ISP could share my information with anyone if he wants? Am i right? Not a matter if i use ghost p..x.es to surf the web? Right?

So a de-ionised room with a public WLAN (together with a laptop+aircard) is the best choice to become untraceble. :o

Today i have experienced Google Earth. Simply wonderful and amazing!

Try looking your favourite beach or your living place (with the sun and without clouds of course), you can see the tuk-tuk and the waves... i was quite crying today sitting in my office with the satellite camera in my hands.

Well if this feature is available for free i cannot imagine if i pay what can be done today. :D

Yes WLAN will add extra security, and this is why:

As the IP address is transmitted through the air, it mixes with the gases producing an IP, Oxygen and Nitrogen molecule, or ION. You may have heard of these. These can leave tell-tale traces, giving you away to "the Man".

In most hardware stores you will be able to buy a de-ioniser. Once purchased this device will need to be activated simaltaneousley with any wireless transmission. This will remove the stray IONs from the air so that none will be left floating around to be detected later by the authorities, or their pigeon agents (darn them).

For further information about this please contact me to join my training program and become a Trained Windows Application Technician - although you may very well already be one.

I hope this has been of some use-

Professor Ace - Trained Internet Technology Specialist

Is it a real thing? :o

It seems absurd, please tell us more, i was thinking to be paranoid but this post goes over any fantasy... traces left on the air... but a WLAN transmit waves, they don't remain in the air, they go in the space (like FM radio or mobile phones waves) until they found an obstacle or until they end their power... or not?

when you use something like visualroute - you're only using a glossy version with a pretty gui of the command "tracert"

What does it mean the following answer of Neotrace (the same of Visualroute)?

Name: Unknown

IP Address: +++++++++

Location: Unknown

Network: IANA-CBLK1

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) has reserved this IP address

for private Internets.

Who are private Internets? someone like you and me? and why my name and my location (even if p..x.) are not unknown? :o


Bolognare, from reading this thread and others that you have posted, I have decided (no offence intended), that you are absolutely paranoid!! :o

Furthermore, whilst you are trying to figure out how to 100% 'hide' your new online business, there will be many others who have considered the risks, dismissed them as negligible, launched their business and stolen your intended customers!

Sometimes it is better to act, not just to talk....


Bolognare, from reading this thread and others that you have posted, I have decided (no offence intended), that you are absolutely paranoid!! :o

Furthermore, whilst you are trying to figure out how to 100% 'hide' your new online business, there will be many others who have considered the risks, dismissed them as negligible, launched their business and stolen your intended customers!

Sometimes it is better to act, not just to talk....


Point 1

Agreed I think the OP is overly paranoid.... as much as people have commented on net anonymity - it seems "a fairly pointless topic on a public forum".

Point 2

Unless of course the OP is involved in some extremely covert operations - but then again refer to point 1.

Agreed I think the OP is overly paranoid.... as much as people have commented on net anonymity - it seems "a fairly pointless topic on a public forum".

I'm really happy for your safe approach to asian countries, you should read some blogs written from not-paranoids that discovered too late their unused caution. :o


Doing business in the Western hemisphere is heaven compared to doing business in LOS; you will face nightmares you never-ever dreamed about.

Your software problems maybe solved; your daily operation in LOS is another thing...apart from your try-to-avoid-taxes-issue.....your (future) enemy never sleeps!

I really appreciate your post, and i'd like to understand better the bold to avoid these nightmares in advance, can you make same example (if your country permits you that of course :D ). I can agree with you if you talk about China.

I 've always thougth that Los is happy if people go there to spend money (not the matter where&how they earned them, of course not earned from thai people, this is obvious), recently the King gave the visa-free to russians, so i don't know if you know the offshore style of Russian Federation (the reign estimate 100.000 visitors this year, and russians with money usually are not "clear" but opaque mirrors.

So if money is the Los main expectation what kind of problems could i find?

I have lived in Russia for years and i have never had any problem, of course i care of my business and i don't talk too much and i don't show gold and expensive dresses around, i don't care too much of these things, my passions are females (over 18), sand beaches and good friends. And i hate drugs.

Do you mean that "Brokedown Palace" movie can be read in a different way, where instead of drugs is possible to go in jail for anything not relevant because police is corrupted, envious and evil?I have friends that live in Los from years and they have never had problems (nature and ills apart). So? :D

Who is this enemy?

You created your own answers. (Official) gambling is forbidden in LOS as far as I know; directly or indirectly. Sooner or later 'someone' will find out, no matter how hard you try to hide your operation.

IF you're are at a point to (have) make/made substantial money there is ALWAYS a trail and they will come after you.

You'd better NOT be in LOS than :o

Maybe you have a good idea...but....stop acting alone and seek some REAL advise and talk to international lawyers' companies, accountants and people in the IT/software field, instead figuring it out yourself...

But I've seen your answers and you really are a 'wiseguy', aren't you?


You created your own answers. (Official) gambling is forbidden in LOS as far as I know; directly or indirectly. Sooner or later 'someone' will find out, no matter how hard you try to hide your operation.

IF you're are at a point to (have) make/made substantial money there is ALWAYS a trail and they will come after you.

You'd better NOT be in LOS than :o

Maybe you have a good idea...but....stop acting alone and seek some REAL advise and talk to international lawyers' companies, accountants and people in the IT/software field, instead figuring it out yourself...

But I've seen your answers and you really are a 'wiseguy', aren't you?

I hope to be wise enough to avoid problems.

My businesses cannot appear to be acted from Los because i will avoid to involve Los IPs on my websites, and all measures adopted will be enough to sleep well quite everywhere.

It's not a million dollar business but 5 online businesses from 500$/month each so not too much to give noise to anyone.

I was evaluating to sell these automatic money-making machines to avoid everything at all, but only if i can realize 20.000$ for each website. The total could be 100.000$, enough to leave my job and spend my next years writing books and articles as a freelancer, and looking the sorts of the world from my lovely Phuket island.

Am i a paranoid dreamer?

Maybe yes, thanks Laopo, your words have taken a good place in my endless minds. :D

Am i a paranoid dreamer?

Maybe yes, thanks Laopo, your words have taken a good place in my endless minds. :o

Yes, you're paranoid. Online privacy - the realistic kind - 97%, not 100%, is easy.

1. establish a VPN to your server. HAVE YOUR OWN SERVER, or at least a VPS.

2. run whatever you want from there.

Imagine yourself as less important to the powers that be than you currently do. You're but a mosquito - especially if you're talking about making a few grand a month.

Now, the money trail, I've mentioned before - do it all through an offshore corporation. Spend the $1000 or $2000 and do it right. Then, you're covered. All payments go to the company, not to you.

Hire yourself as a consultant to said company. Done.

You're making this all too complicated.


PS: DONT TELL ME YOU DONT NEED A CORPORATION. Trust me. For what you're trying to do, you need one. You're concerned about the wrong parts of your business plan.

Online privacy - the realistic kind - 97%, not 100%, is easy.

1. establish a VPN to your server. HAVE YOUR OWN SERVER, or at least a VPS.

2. run whatever you want from there.

Imagine yourself as less important to the powers that be than you currently do. You're but a mosquito - especially if you're talking about making a few grand a month.

Now, the money trail, I've mentioned before - do it all through an offshore corporation. Spend the $1000 or $2000 and do it right. Then, you're covered. All payments go to the company, not to you.

Hire yourself as a consultant to said company. Done.

You're making this all too complicated.


PS: DONT TELL ME YOU DONT NEED A CORPORATION. Trust me. For what you're trying to do, you need one. You're concerned about the wrong parts of your business plan.

Well Billy without offending you but your plan is not sure at all! It's a fast key to your Los jail.

I have the 100% even if it's not easy. The 3% is enough to go to hel_l. Listen LaoPo!

I'm starting thinking that you are thai (or you have lived too much in Los).

Well i could be a foolish if i have my own server (VPN or VPS you are traceable easily) when i can choose for less than 300$/year the best offshore hosting solution (covered from several offshore corporations with the highest security walls that you couldn't imagine), may be you have always talked with the wrong people to choose at the end this easy solution. Pidgeons are around you and you haven't still heard their wings (Ace post apart).

A few grand a month are enough for the beginning. :D

Payments trails? do you still use currencies? Surf more Billy, surf more the web!

Offshore corporation to protect myself as a ghost consultant of myself?

Not now, i won't need it to hidden my id, but i will need it later to be enough respectable to sign good merchant agreements.

Have you ever heard the word "Alias", Billy?

Surf more Billy, your plan is old as the earth (and your childish business plan too).

Laws, licenses and offshore banks and countries (a lot of them) are the keys, not virtual enemies hidden behind false blind posts.

Nothing against you of course! :o



I run public networks for a living, and in the parlance of my industry, "have a clue". I also do work in the fields of privacy and offshore business. I live in one of the world's premiere Tax Havens. Believe me, I'm not trying to steer you wrong.

Your ideas - not you personally - make me cringe. It literally hurts me to read some of your ideas. You have the top level concepts mostly right, but the details are so far out in left field that i just have to shake my head.

I've come to the conclusion I won't ever convince you, so I'm going to make a resolution to stop now, before I give myself a heart attack. I think you should listen to ACE - his advice seems more palatable to you. IONs and the like. That's really what's going to get you in the end!

Best of luck. :o


BTW Ace: excellent post. Very userfriendly.org :D

appologies if im repeating a previous post - but im just adding a note - so havent read all the replies...

when you use something like visualroute - you're only using a glossy version with a pretty gui of the command "tracert"

for those that dont know - "tracert" uses the ICMP protocol to trace through to an end point and returns the number of hops (routers it passes through before continuing).... similar to "pathping" command

these routers can be configured to "discard" or "drop" ICMP packets, and only route legitimate traffic.. this is because ICMP packets are used for "denial of service" "ping of death" attacks on routers... and is a favoured method of attack on a companys website

therefore - if you are unable to ping or traceroute to an IP end point - this does not always mean that the host is unavailable, its more likely that a router along the way is discarding your ping requests....

additionaly - IP Routing tables of the worlds Routers are constantly changing, if a prefered "known route" becomes congested or un-available the "open shortest path first" protocol is employed, and another "path" is created and saved into the routing tables - for this reason it is not "always" possible to accurately gauge an endpoint location without involving some nifty software....

RIO, a few clarification points for those who care...

tracert is a microsoft bastardization of traceroute - a unix utility. Commands over 8 letters long used to casue M$ grief. Thus the short form. This is similar to windows-based web servers using .htm as a file suffix instead of .html - M$ standardized on 3 letter suffixes, while the rest of the world went another way.

OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) is NOT what protocol is used in the external internet.

OSPF is an IGP, like RIP, ISIS and EIGRP. The Internet uses an EGP - BGP.

See http://www.ceenet.org/workshops99/Iskra_Dj...out/tsld012.htm for a basic primer

And ping floods are soo 2001. DOS attacks are significantly more sophisticated these days. Bot armies from infected PCs around the world are what bring servers and networks down these days.


(and now back to your regularly scheduled bolognamares)

Your ideas - not you personally - make me cringe. It literally hurts me to read some of your ideas. You have the top level concepts mostly right, but the details are so far out in left field that i just have to shake my head.

Happy for your self-satisfaction, i know a lot of "technicians" like you full of themselves even if they often cannot see over their nose at the end of counts.

Iung solved my 1st node problem (it was so simple :o ).

Thanks Iung, i wait u in SSL for other exchangings.

I have all my project figured out, of course i cannot reveal each step, Billy, and Ace is not my favourite poster (not the same for you seems, may be the sun rays of Panama blind your eyes in front of newbies like me; strange, i could become one of your best customers in the near future... but your presentation doesn't appear the best offer in the offshore market, may be the last one).

I've found the best answers and the best people until now that i couldn't never imagine for my little online business.

Your suggestions sound like envy (the same of my firm technician, even if he has been more helpful than you, Billy!).

Yes WLAN will add extra security, and this is why:

As the IP address is transmitted through the air, it mixes with the gases producing an IP, Oxygen and Nitrogen molecule, or ION. You may have heard of these. These can leave tell-tale traces, giving you away to "the Man".

In most hardware stores you will be able to buy a de-ioniser. Once purchased this device will need to be activated simaltaneousley with any wireless transmission. This will remove the stray IONs from the air so that none will be left floating around to be detected later by the authorities, or their pigeon agents (darn them).

For further information about this please contact me to join my training program and become a Trained Windows Application Technician - although you may very well already be one.

I hope this has been of some use-

Professor Ace - Trained Internet Technology Specialist

I asked to an electronic phisician your theory, he laughed!

He told that even if it could be possible, it could be like broke a lot of piece of papers in little piece and then again to become atom molecules, then try to link them to find something, he said me that you are selling the air. :D

You could write nice SF novels instead (have u read P.K. Dick and R. Bradbury? you should continue their beautiful stories from Los and become the new "million-dollar" writer... or write the screenplay for the 4th episode of Matrix), a way to survive in Los anyway.

Agent Smith are you really dead? :o

Doing business in the Western hemisphere is heaven compared to doing business in LOS; you will face nightmares you never-ever dreamed about.

Your software problems maybe solved; your daily operation in LOS is another thing...apart from your try-to-avoid-taxes-issue.....your (future) enemy never sleeps!

LaoPo, your post gave me a lot of worries, and i linked your words with other minds and facts.

One of my passions after Los are movies, i have seen thousands of them, and i have seen a lot of thai movies too. Movies (like books) paint a quite clear picture of a country.

Looking thai movies (not only movies about los) i have noticed two things that i haven't seen during my vacations.

Thai men (not ladies) in the movies are often wicked and weird, in the beginning i thought that the reason was the little experience in movie-making and screenplays techniques, but i'm starting thinking that there is something not seen, not told that belongs to this country.

I mean something like the hong kong triads.

Have you ever seen the hong kong movie "Infernal affairs 2", there is an interesting painting of thai triads (more weird and dangerous than the Hong Kong ones).

I know a lot of italians that work in Los from a long time and they own a lot of businesses, confidentially they say me that no kind of mafia asked them money to operate. Do they lie?

Few thai ladies told me that "to operate" as bar girls or freelancers they need to pay a percentage to local triad.

The american movie "The Beach" in the beginning shows the narcotraffic hidden on islands.

Gambling and betting is done regularly everywhere in Los even if illegal (with the help of farangs too).

Some posts talk of masonery and secret lodges, necessary to operate under the los sun without problems.

Everyone seems to know everything of you when you arrive in Los, it seems that secret agents live behind any corner to trace any step.

Is it the other face of the Los medal? :o


I've just asked to my firm coder (and to a second coder, they were in the same 2-square-meters CED-room, they cannot escape :D ) if it's possible to use another IP to go online, if i can use my website IP address (that is located abroad). They say no!

But a poster told me that is possible. :o

For example i'm sure that is possible to use the same IP to manage more webites (or mirrors) hosted in different servers with different hosting providers (located in different countries too), so if it's possible this feature, why not the IP changing with a more-safe offshore one?

What do you think?

Payments trails? do you still use currencies? Surf more Billy, surf more the web!

Offshore corporation to protect myself as a ghost consultant of myself?

Not now, i won't need it to hidden my id, but i will need it later to be enough respectable to sign good merchant agreements.

Have you ever heard the word "Alias", Billy?

I really would not recommend messing around with false identities for the sums you have mentioned. If you're serious about avoiding a paper trail (ie. doing it with any degree of credulity) you will almost certainly have to a number of things that are i) very definitely illegal and ii) probably far more serious than minor tax evasion. If you don't do it seriously, then it will probably *increase* the risk of you getting busted.


Doing business in the Western hemisphere is heaven compared to doing business in LOS; you will face nightmares you never-ever dreamed about.

Your software problems maybe solved; your daily operation in LOS is another thing...apart from your try-to-avoid-taxes-issue.....your (future) enemy never sleeps!

LaoPo, your post gave me a lot of worries, and i linked your words with other minds and facts.

One of my passions after Los are movies, i have seen thousands of them, and i have seen a lot of thai movies too. Movies (like books) paint a quite clear picture of a country.

Looking thai movies (not only movies about los) i have noticed two things that i haven't seen during my vacations.

Thai men (not ladies) in the movies are often wicked and weird, in the beginning i thought that the reason was the little experience in movie-making and screenplays techniques, but i'm starting thinking that there is something not seen, not told that belongs to this country.

I mean something like the hong kong triads.

Have you ever seen the hong kong movie "Infernal affairs 2", there is an interesting painting of thai triads (more weird and dangerous than the Hong Kong ones).

I know a lot of italians that work in Los from a long time and they own a lot of businesses, confidentially they say me that no kind of mafia asked them money to operate. Do they lie?

Few thai ladies told me that "to operate" as bar girls or freelancers they need to pay a percentage to local triad.

The american movie "The Beach" in the beginning shows the narcotraffic hidden on islands.

Gambling and betting is done regularly everywhere in Los even if illegal (with the help of farangs too).

Some posts talk of masonery and secret lodges, necessary to operate under the los sun without problems.

Everyone seems to know everything of you when you arrive in Los, it seems that secret agents live behind any corner to trace any step.

Is it the other face of the Los medal? :o

...well...I think you look too much movies...

...well...I think you look too much movies...

I think the same, very glad to read it! really! :D

Crushdepth, few grounds are not enough to enjoy an entire world, i think big and i'm starting from little, and i'm not a scammer, i simply want to own my time, i need money to realize that, it's not easy i know, but cobras wait in the jungle, i can listen their ringing tails.

100% wireless and firewalled minds are my receipt. One step behind is my position now, soon i will make the 2-steps in advance, and you will never listen me again, be sure of that.

Boring you with riddles is not my main desire, i need it to realize myself.

Beaches, massages, females, friends, beers, clubs, nightlife and asian food, together with the most lovable smiles available in Los are my goals... :o


About the main matter, IP, i have discovered (from my firm coder and from other forums) that is possible to change the IP of a website with a DYNAMIC DNS.

It's very useful if you want that your (hosted abroad) website appears with a different IP to visitors (like mirror websites under the same IP, every mirror can change the IP even if the domain name doesn't change).

Can you explain me with simple words how to realize this IP-changing using the DYNAMIC-DNS feature? :o

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