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Can Our Children Be The Pm One Day?


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im sorry guys, obama is doing an amazing job, the us economy is booming now, share the wealth.

you make more money, so i will take from you and give to someone who has less, even though he is lazy i will take from you and give to him.

those who have and are getting their hard earned dollars taken begin to tire of working and having the money taken,causing them to work less.

he wants everyone the same and you know it, that is communism and you know it.

dont even start on obama care, who's goona pay for it all, I got an idea, just keep printing money until it becames totally worthless.

ever looked at chicago,more corrupt then Bangkok politics.

correct me if im wrom but wasnt he a member of the junior communist party, sure their views rubbed off a little.

don't forget - he was born in Kenya too.

And they faked the moon landings.

Thank you,

Mods please remove payak's troll azz comments about President Obama. I'm talking about our kids here locally in Thailand running for Thai politics and related issues. If he wants to QQ, big ol' confederate crocodile, tears over he US election, I'm sure there's a forum were he can do so with other disgruntled losers.

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A good baby step would be making sure they get their inheritance first. (that means you or your spouse don't blow it all before you die)


I'm not worried about blowing it, I'm more worried about spending $20K+ a year for like 16 years on a decent school LoL! I bet by the time my toddler goes to high school, decent ones will seriously be in the 800K Baht and up range. The first step should be a party sponsored international school. So 20+ of us families oughta get together and start up a international school for our kids.

Actually, that's not a half bad idea. Consider this for example;

1) 1 million Baht each kid - What you would pay for just 2.5 years of education at a decent international school.

2) 20 kids, that's 20 million baht, more than enough for start up, teachers, lease (possibly purchase), build out, equipment, and advertising.

3) Lets say lease was 300,000 a month. 10 teachers at 60K, 1 super intendent at 100K, 10 support staff (local) between 10-15K ... I bet monthly your looking at a bill of around 1.1-1.2Mil with bills and other items. You could save allot of money by buying the property or with less staff to start.

4) So you figure a yearly bill of around 9-14mil depending on weather you lease or own and you would just need 30 other students paying just 300K a year to break even.

Lots of other variables sure, but I bet there's some feasibility there biggrin.png

You'd need a big iron to straighten out the creases in this plan, I would need more detailed information before i could reach a decision on my investment in our childrens future and potential plan for Thai political supremacy.

Oh I should hope so, a big iron and several good consultants. However not too bad for a joke idea off the fly. But...need it be a Joke? Look at some advertising of international schools now. Take Berkeley for example I saw a add awhile back where they said in a huge bill board depicting a couple lil blond haired kids playing with a Thai boy, "Over 50% of our students are from Europe or America" or something similar to that. Not our TEACHERS are from this place or that place, or our curriculum is this or that. No, "We gots white kids!" whistling.gif Was what the message that they were trying to sell. And apparently its a big thing. Thais pay bigger bucks than westerners do to get their kids in school because they wanna keep a decent ratio of farang:Thai students. And how many times have you seen farangs come on here and QQ about their children's school not having enough kids that looked like them? Check out some threads on the education forum and you'll see what I'm talking about.

So is a Expat community founded school really that odd of an idea? Think of it as a Education Union (Think Credit Union, kinda like a bank but it's member owned).

Just 20 Members at a million a pop would get the first one off the ground. I bet there's probably 3 times that just on this board alone. Not only would it drop your education bill for your kids down to pennies on the dollar, but it would eventually turn a decent profit as well.

Step one to local domination, earn while they learn muahaha! biggrin.png

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A good baby step would be making sure they get their inheritance first. (that means you or your spouse don't blow it all before you die)


There is, as you know, a huge difference between European/Thai and Chinese/Thai like yourself.

But to come onto a forum which has 99% foreign members and suggest/criticize that foreigners like to blow all their money, or in fact don't have any, is rather inappropriate, IMHO.

A good baby step would be making sure they get their inheritance first. (that means you or your spouse don't blow it all before you die)


There is, as you know, a huge difference between European/Thai and Chinese/Thai like yourself.

But to come onto a forum which has 99% foreign members and suggest/criticize that foreigners like to blow all their money, or in fact don't have any, is rather inappropriate, IMHO.

One need only browse the complaints section (basically any section that isn't the classifieds) to see that there are bridge building issues for many folks here. Keepin' it real with practical advice.


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im sorry guys, obama is doing an amazing job, the us economy is booming now, share the wealth.

you make more money, so i will take from you and give to someone who has less, even though he is lazy i will take from you and give to him.

those who have and are getting their hard earned dollars taken begin to tire of working and having the money taken,causing them to work less.

he wants everyone the same and you know it, that is communism and you know it.

dont even start on obama care, who's goona pay for it all, I got an idea, just keep printing money until it becames totally worthless.

ever looked at chicago,more corrupt then Bangkok politics.

correct me if im wrom but wasnt he a member of the junior communist party, sure their views rubbed off a little.

But the alternative was Mitt Romney. cheesy.gif

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