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Frog/toad Mystery

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Has anyone noticed that there seems to be a lack of Amphibs here?

It's just that up to a couple of years ago once the rains got going there were frogs/toads everywhere, and lots

of locals going out at night with lights on their head collecting them in sacks. I don't see this anymore.

Perhaps it's me but up in the Plai Lam area I don't recall seeing them at all in the road. I was constantly having to brake to avoid them. My garden

which previously had plenty of big toads and frogs is also bereft of them.

I'm just hoping that it's me just not being very observant and not an indication of a serious decline on the island which will ultimately affect other species.sad.png

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It's certainly quieter around my place this year... I have a pond out side front door which usually attracts them, but been very quiet....

The bull frogs up the road usually make a load noise, but they are much quieter this year .... can only hear them when out side...

...... Yeah to add to Rooo's comment, there is a huge camp near where the bull frogs are!!!.... hmmmm!? what's on the menu? bah.gif sick.gif

Some other neighbours did start a "frog farm" but soon gave up, because of the noise every night!!!!.... rolleyes.gif

Edited by samuijimmy
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Found heaps of them in the frozen meat section at Makro today.

Ouch! I was at Makro today too.

And I had The Financial Times in my pocket too... (or it was The Times?)

Shhhhhhhhhh I was wearing the panama hat, trying to be inconspicuous..
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Found heaps of them in the frozen meat section at Makro today.

Ouch! I was at Makro today too.

And I had The Financial Times in my pocket too... (or it was The Times?)

Shhhhhhhhhh I was wearing the panama hat, trying to be inconspicuous..

How suspicious can you get?

Two mods fighting over a broadsheet....even the ladyboy checkout girls must have been shaking their heads. :D

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