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After Opening Your Eyes It's Hard To Shut Them, Advice On Relocating Family To Thailand...

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Agree Malaysia is far more accommodating of foreigners, and th eperfect English everywhere is great. I think the MMSH visa is at 250,000 USD in a CD under age 50. it is good for up to 10 years OR until end of validity of passport There is a good forum for more info .

google it However working onMMSH is not allowed asde from some specialist jobs at part time 20 hours a week - no small business. As far as I know foreigners need to spend big money onbig companies tohav etheir own business. Also some pesky business rules that mean Malays getting to be partners. T Land has this too but men get married to Thai woman use it which leaves foreign women out of the picture.

However I've been here for years, was happy enough until I opened the small business Thai minimum worker requirements will drive you crazy. Set up so you have to employ more than you need, so you have to pay less than you would, and get lazy workers who bear constant watching.

I'm over it and want to go back. I see now what a privilege it is to live in the US

Yes great place to visit, many like it for sex, of course but no- not for a family on limited income.


You could always look to Malaysia, they're much more accommodating and English is the strong second language. If you're going to open a business then that is the place to start, the people are generally honest and don't think it's a national pastime to rip off farang! the schools are pretty good and your kids could enrol in a state school without suffering too much, on top of that Bahasa Malay is a much, much easier language to learn...I'd check out Malaysia first and then maybe Vietnam. My advice is don't bring your family to the LOS. sad.pngthumbsup.gif

I absolutely agree on the Malaysia advice, check out the MM2H program (http://www.mm2h.com/) I joined two years back, it is excellent and has helped facilitate the assets I have in Malaysia. For a relatively small buy-in you get a great package including 10 Year visa, including your family, education incentives, business incentives and so on. Thailand is NOT friendly to foreigners opening businesses here. I have owned a business here since the early 1990's and received my Thai citizenship almost 10 years ago, and I still do not consider it a good place for me to do business. My Thai company serves as less than 10% of my corporate portfolio, I do 90% of my business outside of Thailand. Having my companies registered in countries that are not pineapple republics and have sound policies for corporate registration; ie Hong Kong and Singapore . If it were not for my financial position allowing me to circumvent a lot of the issues here in the Kingdom and vey close relations to a large Thai corporation I would never consider staying in Thailand or subjecting my family to this place.

It sounds like you are doing this with limited funds, I highly suggest you consider Malaysia or elsewhere in the region to truly realize your dream. Without connections and a large financial portfolio it will be crap-shoot for you to succeed; odds would be better in the casino!

Edited by MacChine
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Just had a look at some of the MM2H details. Like the extended 10 year visas compared to a year at a time in Thailand or should I say "1 month then then going back again for the other 11 months" each year.

The financial requirements are higher than Thailand though.


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I understand your desire to leave....It is not the America we were born to. The Malaysian option is a good one. The International School in Kuala Lumpur is excellent. I gave a lecture there and the kids are smart and bright.

You could look into American companies there. Caterpiller is doing well and maybe could use what ever talent you have. There are many more. Also the state department and military civillian contractors.

Maybe you can find a way to use your talent in the "New America" in Thailand since the guvmint is taking a new interest in Asia. There are possible new opportunities in Burma now too. Then grow new roots.

Yes, go to Thailand 3-4 times if possible and make it for 3-4 weeks each time. There are a lot of wonderful people in Thailand but they have more than their share of bad ones.

I know of some Americans in Laos but I don't know the specifics.Their Embassy can give you more to go on. I would also check the Burma and Malaysia Embassies.

So that gives you a list to check out.

1. American also other countries doing business in Thailand.

2. Guvmint jobs even though you don't agree with them take advantage of it.

3. Embassies.

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You could always look to Malaysia, they're much more accommodating and English is the strong second language. If you're going to open a business then that is the place to start, the people are generally honest and don't think it's a national pastime to rip off farang! the schools are pretty good and your kids could enrol in a state school without suffering too much, on top of that Bahasa Malay is a much, much easier language to learn...I'd check out Malaysia first and then maybe Vietnam. My advice is don't bring your family to the LOS. sad.pngthumbsup.gif

Malaysia, utterly agreed. We have lived in Thailand for nearly 6 years now and have made a good life for ourselves from nothing, but if you have some money behind you already then you will do far better in Malaysia to start with. For all the reasons above.

I don't entirely agree with saying don't bring your family to LOS, but just be aware of how much of a problem that will be. We are an English-English couple with a 1 year old girl, she stands out and gets a lot of attention, well meant attention, but it does make her a bit of an attention seeker and we are always treated as different. Being treated as different often has very positive side-effects, but it isn't so natural as a way of life and does start to be a little boring after many years (just to make it clear to the naysayers, we don't need to leave Thailand as we do cope with it, OK?).

Edited by draftvader
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Thailand is probably not the place for you. Back home in the States can be wonderful. Just pick the place you live as carefully as you are considering this move. Your kids will thank you for keeping them home when they grow up.

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I don't post often but I have to reply to this. I've been teaching in Thailand for over two years. I'm a single 20 something, and the only way I would consider having a family and educating them here would be if I moved several rungs up the education ladder and was able to receive a tuition waiver for them working at a very high tier school. And that's the exception, not the rule. Are either you or your wife educators?

I wouldn't send my kids to the schools I've worked at, and I would honestly fear for their safety, physically and mentally. Sure, some parts paranoid American but other parts I wouldn't put my kids through the mai pen rai attitude I see here to the point of compromising their actual, physical safety. Lack of fire safety standards, to begin with, nevermind academic rigor for the price you'll pay just for low level International education.

US schools are hurting - but having seen Thai schools there is just no comparison if you're not in the upper echelons here; US schools are still beating Thailand by leaps and bounds when considered as a whole country entity.

Maybe you could consider South America? I've been told that's something to consider. Moreover, you should consider FATCA. And I haven't read the full thread but you're probably not prepared for Thai Immigration. I wasn't, and I'm a single young adult - having done it I would never put a family through it unless I was being sponsored by a school or company I actually trusted to do it properly - or closer to than my first experiences with schools forgetting papers.

Not only that - but I find much of the 'American Dream' consumerist way of life here as well - sure you say you'll avoid Bangkok, but that doesn't completely get you away from it; and likely takes you away from the best education. I would advise you to keep the education of your family first. That doesn't mean you can't start finding ways to cut back and opt out of the 'American Dream' while living in America; and that doesn't mean you couldn't retire abroad once they finish school, or choose a different country to relocate to. My time abroad has led me to realize things I can do without 'back home' in the states at such a time I choose to pursue further studies.

It would be one thing to move here for a company, or as educators, but if you have children you want to have a first rate education doing the expat entrepreneur thing is unlikely to give you the standards you expect.

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who in their right mind would want to raise 2 non thai daughters in thailand.

its downright criminal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now if you were offered toyota gm job or something......i can see it!

Me, kids born in OZ wife Thai, live in a village ,kids play in the street with cousins watched over by extended family. No locks on doors. Kids can walk to the shop owned by the wife's Uncle, take what they want, goes on the bill.

We go swimming in small rivers never seen by tourist, picnicking in the jungle, for a kid it is magic compared to a back yard or a park..

As for school, that's when they get older, but at 3 and 5 they can speak Thai, Lao and English and can use and I pad and computer fine, What are they missing in the west. Jim

right now you are happily right to be missing nothing it is true except not learning self discipline will make the difference between them to be raised like pets or after 2 years old like quality kids.....as they should be taught right, wrong and NO, otherwise they will remain pets........play....play....play....eat....eat....play....play.....how useful is Lao ? English and Thai prime....good connections will be important and all is happening in Bangkok to grow up.....Think to learn or learn to think will be missing if they play, play....I have stopped the excessive play play, play influence of the Thai family....I have stopped international school building up their ego and on sand back to basic papa mammy one in Thai and one in english with discipline, order and play under control...no time wasted on computers only for useful learning otherwise cartoons cartoons, games and cartoons...Good luck to your family...I am struggling to impose reading books, my own will, in laws are out of the way, bouncing back. but not traveling overseas as much as before....my wife understands but has to be reminded my intentions......I am not ATM and every one contributes.....they all of them tried to eat me up with smiles trying to steal our kids etc....Thai style.....ten years later we are together, our kids learn the No and can say it themselves from 1 year old, all of us looking forward in Bangkok to the future no sabai, sabai in Eastern North country....

Tragically accurate. Admirably succinct. Entirely realistic.
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who in their right mind would want to raise 2 non thai daughters in thailand.

its downright criminal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now if you were offered toyota gm job or something......i can see it!

Me, kids born in OZ wife Thai, live in a village ,kids play in the street with cousins watched over by extended family. No locks on doors. Kids can walk to the shop owned by the wife's Uncle, take what they want, goes on the bill.

We go swimming in small rivers never seen by tourist, picnicking in the jungle, for a kid it is magic compared to a back yard or a park..

As for school, that's when they get older, but at 3 and 5 they can speak Thai, Lao and English and can use and I pad and computer fine, What are they missing in the west. Jim

right now you are happily right to be missing nothing it is true except not learning self discipline will make the difference between them to be raised like pets or after 2 years old like quality kids.....as they should be taught right, wrong and NO, otherwise they will remain pets........play....play....play....eat....eat....play....play.....how useful is Lao ? English and Thai prime....good connections will be important and all is happening in Bangkok to grow up.....Think to learn or learn to think will be missing if they play, play....I have stopped the excessive play play, play influence of the Thai family....I have stopped international school building up their ego and on sand back to basic papa mammy one in Thai and one in english with discipline, order and play under control...no time wasted on computers only for useful learning otherwise cartoons cartoons, games and cartoons...Good luck to your family...I am struggling to impose reading books, my own will, in laws are out of the way, bouncing back. but not traveling overseas as much as before....my wife understands but has to be reminded my intentions......I am not ATM and every one contributes.....they all of them tried to eat me up with smiles trying to steal our kids etc....Thai style.....ten years later we are together, our kids learn the No and can say it themselves from 1 year old, all of us looking forward in Bangkok to the future no sabai, sabai in Eastern North country....

Tragically accurate. Admirably succinct. Entirely realistic.

You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!
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What brd said is unfortunately true. Only that it is not isolated to Thailand. Even in western countries it is the same problem.

I am of the mind that children should be taught by their parents in their younger years and not be subjected to to many of their peers. They will learn to behave, respect understand the meaning of no and yes etc.

In a kindergarten this will not happen. They will only play and fight for their place. Just like young wolves.

I kept my children out of the schooling system until they were 7. At that age they are much more capable to understand things and know the difference between right and wrong.

I am having some trouble will the long hours children go to school here. I my opinion it is way to long. It should be that children spend more time at home then at school and i am starting to find a more definite solution for this.

Working. In Thailand it is in my opinion easier to start something as the capital layout is so much less. But if you not have an entrepreneurial mind then it is difficult (in any country). If that is so then a need for a good job is high.

VIsa. If no Thai spouse this is actually the first real obstacle. If under 50 and with children i don't know of a visa type that will grant you long enough stay in Thailand. This should be investigated first.

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who in their right mind would want to raise 2 non thai daughters in thailand.

its downright criminal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now if you were offered toyota gm job or something......i can see it!

Me, kids born in OZ wife Thai, live in a village ,kids play in the street with cousins watched over by extended family. No locks on doors. Kids can walk to the shop owned by the wife's Uncle, take what they want, goes on the bill.

We go swimming in small rivers never seen by tourist, picnicking in the jungle, for a kid it is magic compared to a back yard or a park..

As for school, that's when they get older, but at 3 and 5 they can speak Thai, Lao and English and can use and I pad and computer fine, What are they missing in the west. Jim

right now you are happily right to be missing nothing it is true except not learning self discipline will make the difference between them to be raised like pets or after 2 years old like quality kids.....as they should be taught right, wrong and NO, otherwise they will remain pets........play....play....play....eat....eat....play....play.....how useful is Lao ? English and Thai prime....good connections will be important and all is happening in Bangkok to grow up.....Think to learn or learn to think will be missing if they play, play....I have stopped the excessive play play, play influence of the Thai family....I have stopped international school building up their ego and on sand back to basic papa mammy one in Thai and one in english with discipline, order and play under control...no time wasted on computers only for useful learning otherwise cartoons cartoons, games and cartoons...Good luck to your family...I am struggling to impose reading books, my own will, in laws are out of the way, bouncing back. but not traveling overseas as much as before....my wife understands but has to be reminded my intentions......I am not ATM and every one contributes.....they all of them tried to eat me up with smiles trying to steal our kids etc....Thai style.....ten years later we are together, our kids learn the No and can say it themselves from 1 year old, all of us looking forward in Bangkok to the future no sabai, sabai in Eastern North country....

Tragically accurate. Admirably succinct. Entirely realistic.

I have heard this, if you live in the boonies your kids will never get a chance stuff before. Wife comes from this village went to Uni near BKK did her teaching degree, went to Uni in OZ to study English. Her brother did political science and government at a different Uni.

The kids attend an invite only Government pre school here, that school makes most Aussie ones look second rate for facilities.

They play in the street with other kids having fun, like I did when young, they will grow up well adjusted adults, unlike many western kids who are pushed from day one and they will have a village to call home for the rest of their lives, unlike many here who call where they are at any given time home.

One other thing they will have unlike most of the western world, they will own land, not just a house.

Think their future is brighter here than if we stayed in Australia, full time parents, happy home life.

Like everyone you make your own life when you get older, is it better to be a cocaine taking, stressed out, on your 3 marriage high flier, or have a happy content life doing what you want. Jim

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About time for the OP to give us an update on his current thoughts and plans dont you think?

It should be obvious by now the OP was a troll.

or he isn't a troll and has just had a busy week-end with his family?

The weekend is over now if it were that big a thing in my life, I would be back with more questions or some sort of a plan.
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1. You can't work. The only work is as an English teacher which really does not pay well.

2. it is very difficult to own a business here. Plan to pay bribes to everyone on a regular basis, especially if you own a bar.

3. It is polluted here and getting worse.

4. The education system is atrocious. Unless you can afford to send your kids to an international school plan to home school them.

5. Thailand is a very expensive place to live.

6. Thailand is heading for collapse, soon. Over building everywhere, my area has about 10 new developments underway, it is not possible the population is increasing enough to occupy all of these units. Expect a glut in the market. Expect everything to become more run down than it already is.

7. Expect the Thai's to make anything look like s**t in a short period of time. My new community is starting to look very ghetto as every Thai builds some f***ed up looking attachment to their house.

8. In one of the hottest countries in the world, they haven't figured out how to build a house so it is insulated, no double pained windows, no insulated roofs, thin walls made to transfer heat not block it, I could go on.

9. You could show a Thai irrefutable proof there is a better way to do something and they will just look at you like your crazy.

10. Expect anything you want to get done to require at least 4 Thai's to do it. In the States one person would do it, have it done in an hour and be gone. Here many people show up, spend about 2 hours discussing what will be done, then do it with their hands and tools from the stone age. It will take them a few days to complete the work and it will be substandard work. Watched a worker the other day mix concrete on the asphalt, no bucket, just poured the sand, water and cement in a pile and started mixing with a hoe.

It's a good place to come for a man's vacation, then leave.

Doesn't do much for one's credibility when the very first entry on a list is completely and indisputably false...

Yes the first item is perhaps an over generalization, but is the rule. Jobs for foreigners are not plentiful. Check out the job board on TV, most require you to be Thai. Same on other job boards. If you happen to be young you might land a job with a multinational but again not a huge market.

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1. You can't work. The only work is as an English teacher which really does not pay well.

2. it is very difficult to own a business here. Plan to pay bribes to everyone on a regular basis, especially if you own a bar.

3. It is polluted here and getting worse.

4. The education system is atrocious. Unless you can afford to send your kids to an international school plan to home school them.

5. Thailand is a very expensive place to live.

6. Thailand is heading for collapse, soon. Over building everywhere, my area has about 10 new developments underway, it is not possible the population is increasing enough to occupy all of these units. Expect a glut in the market. Expect everything to become more run down than it already is.

7. Expect the Thai's to make anything look like s**t in a short period of time. My new community is starting to look very ghetto as every Thai builds some f***ed up looking attachment to their house.

8. In one of the hottest countries in the world, they haven't figured out how to build a house so it is insulated, no double pained windows, no insulated roofs, thin walls made to transfer heat not block it, I could go on.

9. You could show a Thai irrefutable proof there is a better way to do something and they will just look at you like your crazy.

10. Expect anything you want to get done to require at least 4 Thai's to do it. In the States one person would do it, have it done in an hour and be gone. Here many people show up, spend about 2 hours discussing what will be done, then do it with their hands and tools from the stone age. It will take them a few days to complete the work and it will be substandard work. Watched a worker the other day mix concrete on the asphalt, no bucket, just poured the sand, water and cement in a pile and started mixing with a hoe.

It's a good place to come for a man's vacation, then leave.

Doesn't do much for one's credibility when the very first entry on a list is completely and indisputably false...

Yes the first item is perhaps an over generalization, but is the rule. Jobs for foreigners are not plentiful. Check out the job board on TV, most require you to be Thai. Same on other job boards. If you happen to be young you might land a job with a multinational but again not a huge market.

It's not "the rule". I've been I here for decades so I don't need to check out the job board - just recall how very few of the dozens of foreigners I've known here were teachers or al the jobs I've had.

Can you get any job you want? No. Is it much more limited than your own country and many others? Yes. But that's quite different from, "You can't work. The only job you can do is teach English".

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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