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Trolls - Trolls Everywhere!


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Loafs of trolls lately, no idea if it is the same guy, but possible. Up to you to research.

These posts all come from op with less than fifty posts. Usually bs "I agree" comments are made to bump the number upward before the member goes full troll. They may add a few one liners to keep the thread primed and their numbers and cred moving upward, but often abandon the thread and watch the fun.

The threads characteristically start with a topic that really gets the bored among us clicking as well as the new Mr Thailand's.

Usually a vague topic that pulls the nitwits in

What shall I do now?

Can I be happy in Thailand on my pension?

Can I retire in paradise?

Moving to Thailand

Moving to Thailand to marry my gf

Want to buy a business and retire

Generally, assinine, open ended genral questions that can be found via searching this forum,others and esp Google

Also why does "Joey" in the thread he started have 23 posts - all thru the thread?

I know they are trolls because I can instinctivly click on a topic knowing the op has less than 25-50 posts. I do not think it is coincidence. I tbink it is one or a few persons.


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I agree with the OP,there is a lot Trolls about. I don't think the Trolls understand that it's all been done before,and easily spotted by long term members. They usually get outed pretty quickly, probably thinking they are too smart for the TV members. There's been a couple recently that got outed by the second reply.

Who are they?my bet would be banned members,coming back with new user names to cause mischief,and those with an axe to grind,such as the young flaming the Old Guys,with the company of lovely young women,which seems to pop up regular as clockwork.

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