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Cost Of Living

Bravo Mike

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On health insurance for the category you mention (aged 55 not requiring family cover) it's a dilemma if you live in Thailand.You are quite right that medical treatment is very affordable.The problem is the unexpected, involving expensive treatment and hospitalization for several months.This could be a real financial challenge if no cover.My suggestion for those that wish to minimise insurance costs is to seek cover so that medical bills up to a specified limit are excluded, ie cover only kicks in for the catastrophic.

Cassandra, that's a very interesting point and I have thought about it. So far, my assumption has tended to be that I would get myself back to the UK and be able to use the state NHS (free) healthcare scheme for anything that major (for sure - not that simple in the event of a sudden, urgent emergency). In any case, it's looking more and more like I may be excluded from the NHS system if I am not resident in the UK for x number of years.

I'm definitely interested to explore what health insurance would be available to me in Thailand along the lines you describe - i.e. excluding generally minor stuff that I would "cover" myself and therefore restricted to the major "catastrophic" (hopefully much less likely) stuff. Most of what I've seen when I researched the subject seemed to be structured around limiting the cover to minor treatments rather than excluding them. What you're describing (and interests me) is the opposite of that.

Is it just a matter of reducing the premium by accepting a very large excess - or do you know of specific schemes that can be tailor-made in this way and maybe which would exclude a pre-existing condition but, for example, still provide cover for treating severe injury?


Try www.axappphealthcare.com

You would need to enter a dialogue to tailor a package for you on the lines discussed.On a separate point I am dubious about many of the locally marketed health insurance schemes geared for expatriates.I prefer to pay rather more to a large well known international company in the knowledge there will be no argument if a claim was made.It gives me peace of mind which is a major factor when considering health insurance options.

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Generally happy - good docs and facilities and resonable price, but real serious stuff (brain/heart/cancer Etc.) I personally would prefer getting treated in Singapore having top standard, and I want a health insurance that accepts that. Cheers!

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I pay 750 baht a month for health insurance.

I am in the process of reviewing my current policy and want to look at all available options before the next annual renewal is due.

The amount you quote seems extremely low by comparison to what I currently pay; I therefore suspect that the associated cover would be likewise, but could of course be wrong.

Would you therefore please share the name of the company you use?

Details of the plan name, general level of cover etc, would also be useful.

Thanks :o

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If you're willing to adapt to the Thai style way of life, and without having any rent, living with approx. 30000 bht / month should be adequate. I know many farang who lives very comfortably with less than 30000. Just what you want to do with your money I guess.

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Me and my wife live here very well on 50,000 a month we own our 2b/2bathroom house and own our own car. I dont drink very much and still have change over :D

Scotsman, glad to hear that's doable in Pattaya. My wife has a life-long friend from her little village in Issan who lives near Pattaya. I've never been.....maybe a road trip soon :D

From reading various posts I thought Pattaya would be way more expensive than Udon Thani. Do you live outside Pattaya or ???

He,he - yeah some of us are cost-of-living-junkies! :D

You added 50k more to my statement earlier in the thread saying 25k-200k :D


I live just outside of pattaya about 4klm and it is more expensive than udon thani but if you are carefull with money it is very doable. I hope you have a good time in pattaya :D

Seeing many of the usual posters, I haven't bothered to check whether both of the usual limits have been mentioned in this particular thread - so, sorry if i repeat something, but here the usual limits come:

Some live a happy life here for about 25,000 b/m, some finds it impossible to live a happy life here for less than 250.000 b/m

Hey Firefan add me to the list....cost-of-living-junkie! :D

I even have a basket by the back door....fill it with my diet coke cans, etc. Give it to the father-in-law when it's full he sells the cans somewhere for 1 baht each..... :D

sorry that post did not work :o I live about 4klm outside of pattaya and pattaya is more expensive than undon thani but if you are clever with your money it is very doable. :D I hope you have a good trip to pattaya :burp:

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This thread scares me.

Currently I make above 100K in the USA. I average anywhere from 120-160K (USD) anually. I live a frugal life, and I do not even consider myself wealthy. Now, I will say I do not worry about money, and don't worry about month to month expenses, and there always seems to be enough money in my pocket for lunch.

But I do not have:

New Car, Home theatre, huge home, maids etc.

Now, I have secured a job in thailand earning 220K TB a month, and my other investments bring in around 80K TB a month.... I was thinking that once I get to Thailand, (in two months) I could finally "live it up." Now it seems as though it will be the same o'l thing. I'll just be living a middle class life again.

According to my wife (a biased source of information) we will have a grotesque amount of money....

I guess not.

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QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2006-02-15 12:06:40) *

I pay 750 baht a month for health insurance.

I am in the process of reviewing my current policy and want to look at all available options before the next annual renewal is due.

The amount you quote seems extremely low by comparison to what I currently pay; I therefore suspect that the associated cover would be likewise, but could of course be wrong.

Would you therefore please share the name of the company you use?

Details of the plan name, general level of cover etc, would also be useful.

Thanks smile.gif

I use BUPA, have done for the past 20 years, and like Neeranarn I too pay about 750 baht per month. Bupa have four levels of cover, 750 baht per month is the cheapest rising to about 3000 baht per month. Based on my general level of health and location, Surin, I consider that 750 baht per month will give me more than adequate health care for emergencies in Isaan. If you need to cover the cost of hospitals in Bangkok then you may well need one of their more expensive plans. Pre-existing conditions are excluded under the plan. I am covering my major costs should I ever be hospitalised in Isaan. I am not covering the higher cost of treatment in Bangkok International Hospitals. You pays your money and you take your choice. :o

"This thread scares me.

Currently I make above 100K in the USA. I average anywhere from 120-160K (USD) anually. I live a frugal life, and I do not even consider myself wealthy. Now, I will say I do not worry about money, and don't worry about month to month expenses, and there always seems to be enough money in my pocket for lunch.

But I do not have:

New Car, Home theatre, huge home, maids etc.

Now, I have secured a job in thailand earning 220K TB a month, and my other investments bring in around 80K TB a month.... I was thinking that once I get to Thailand, (in two months) I could finally "live it up." Now it seems as though it will be the same o'l thing. I'll just be living a middle class life again.

According to my wife (a biased source of information) we will have a grotesque amount of money....

I guess not."

Dakhar, 300,000 Thai baht a month is an obscene amout. Remember, most Thais living in the country are living on only 3,000 baht per month! I would hazzard a guess that most expats are living on less than 100,000 baht per month, many on less than 50,000 per month. Blimey! 300,000 baht per month and you are superstar status! :D

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This thread scares me.

Currently I make above 100K in the USA. I average anywhere from 120-160K (USD) anually. I live a frugal life, and I do not even consider myself wealthy. Now, I will say I do not worry about money, and don't worry about month to month expenses, and there always seems to be enough money in my pocket for lunch.

But I do not have:

New Car, Home theatre, huge home, maids etc.

Now, I have secured a job in thailand earning 220K TB a month, and my other investments bring in around 80K TB a month.... I was thinking that once I get to Thailand, (in two months) I could finally "live it up." Now it seems as though it will be the same o'l thing. I'll just be living a middle class life again.

According to my wife (a biased source of information) we will have a grotesque amount of money....

I guess not.

Shall I pull out my violin and play sad music for you? Go #### yourself. :o

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Now, I have secured a job in thailand earning 220K TB a month, and my other investments bring in around 80K TB a month.... I was thinking that once I get to Thailand, (in two months) I could finally "live it up." Now it seems as though it will be the same o'l thing. I'll just be living a middle class life again.

According to my wife (a biased source of information) we will have a grotesque amount of money....

I guess not.

You have to be a troll right? :o

Either that or you need a slap mate if its true and you are moaning :D

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Dakhar, 300,000 Thai baht a month is an obscene amout.

It is actually about the going rate for an expat working with a multinational.

It is quite a bit less than what they pay the same expats should they, for example take an assignment in Europe.

Which is precisely why I left Thailand and came to Rome.

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Now, I have secured a job in thailand earning 220K TB a month, and my other investments bring in around 80K TB a month.... I was thinking that once I get to Thailand, (in two months) I could finally "live it up." Now it seems as though it will be the same o'l thing. I'll just be living a middle class life again.

According to my wife (a biased source of information) we will have a grotesque amount of money....

I guess not.

You have to be a troll right? :o

Either that or you need a slap mate if its true and you are moaning :D

No, just wondering what the truth is. Some folks here think 150K is enough to scratch by on. When I was offered the position in Thailand, I just based my decission on the fact that most Thais earn around 7.5 - 10K Baht a month. I figured the sum that Thailand offered, although lower than what I ear in the states, would bring me to a higher standard of living. At least that was the theory....

But as I said before, this thread makes me wonder if I made the correct decission.

A little late now, I have already given notice, and sold the town house.... I am pretty much on my way as I type.

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After 250+ posts you are still wondering ? :o

You need to look at yourself and take a reality check dude. how can you not consider x 30 average earnings as enough ?

If your wife is coming with you ( ie no girls etc) then I really can't see how you cannot afford to do anything you wish.

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Dakhar, 300,000 Thai baht a month is an obscene amout.

It is actually about the going rate for an expat working with a multinational.

It is quite a bit less than what they pay the same expats should they, for example take an assignment in Europe.

Which is precisely why I left Thailand and came to Rome.

Thank you, Guest House

Really folks, the pay is not totally from Thailand. I will recieve pay from a Thai company and a Danish company. So, I would geuss it would fall into more of an "expat" situation. There are no perks such as housing, car, retirement, etc. (But they do take care of travel expenses) It is just straight pay, I have to take care of the rest, so as an expat deal it is probably a pretty poor one.

But the wife wants to go, and I figured it was a good time to go, and my son would have a chance to grow up among family.


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After 250+ posts you are still wondering ? :o

You need to look at yourself and take a reality check dude. how can you not consider x 30 average earnings as enough ?

If your wife is coming with you ( ie no girls etc) then I really can't see how you cannot afford to do anything you wish.


You need to look at yourself and take a reality check dude. how can you not consider x 30 average earnings as enough ?

Thats just it, some other posters on this thread mentioned a tremendous amount of expenses that Thai nationals do not have due to the fact they are natives in Thailand..... So the fact that a person may make 30X the national average.... that may not mean much in the long run.

I did not take all that into consideration when I made the decission to come to Thailand.

Sorry Eng.Oak if I seemed to be boasting.

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While it is true that it makes no sense to compare with local salaries for the reasons mentioned previously (basically that we as foreigners can/will not - in most cases - live a "local" life style), your income compared to previous posts on spending here by foreigners cover all but the most extreme spenders (that I know of/have read).

Use the search function for more posts on cost of living.


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Apology accepted Dakharbut as firefan says you are way at the top limit posted around here.

As I said before you CAN afford pretty much anything you want on the figure quoted. Don't worry about it.

After all you'll be working so it's not like you have all day to spend spend.

If I was you i'd forget the doubts and relax, it'll be just fine. :o

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Thanks EnglishOak.

I kid you not, I have lost a lot of sleep over this. Not to mention, upset some employers too. But I have done my best not to burn bridges. I will actaully still be working for them while I am in Thailand via the net.

I guess when a person hits unchartered waters, they want to hit those waters fully prepared, or over prepared even. So is the same with me, I am nervous about this endeavor, and everyone here says... "I hope it works out for you..." As if I am digging for oil in back yard, and the odds of failure are huge.

So yep, I am a nervous fellow right now.

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Consider something. Everyone judges others on their own standards. I'ts VERY possible there are some pretty envious people just dying to see you fall. Human nature for everyone else to know better. :o

You however have the opportunity to experience something they will never have the b**s to do. That kind of upsets the status quo. Can it be possible there are other things in life other than their own little world?

It's not like you are on your own + your wife's Thai right? A sure advantage here.

Lifes short and we get one chance to live it. If it dos'nt work hey so what? you will still have the experience and memories. In your position I would only be losing sleep out of excitement not fear.

Chok Dee :D

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Dakhar, 300,000 Thai baht a month is an obscene amout. Remember, most Thais living in the country are living on only 3,000 baht per month! I would hazzard a guess that most expats are living on less than 100,000 baht per month, many on less than 50,000 per month. Blimey! 300,000 baht per month and you are superstar status! :o

Obscene money it's "70 billions THB" for Shin.

300 000 THB for an executive working for a multinational, where is the problem ?

If this amount in THB appears shocking, convert it in euro = 6300 euros.



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Yeah - it is about an average executive expat salary (posted here from home country base) - and often they even get housing/home leaves/clubs Etc. on top of that so nothing abnormal when it comes to the salary.

Most (resonable! :o ) expats I know however save about 50% of their salary as they often have to arrange for own pension plans/investments as being out of their homelands systems - so income and costs (especially if house+car is paid for the expat!) are 2 very different nos for most expats.


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Whenever any expat comes here and contributes to these 'cost of living' threads, he or she is always accused of boasting.

That's unfair. The expats have a right to put their perspective on this, as much as anyone else.

I'm on an expat package and have some insights into this for the poster who's worried he'll be poor, but don't feel i can post them in case I'm being accused of boasting.

I'll PM him seperately.

Ya bunch of miserable buggers .. . :o

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