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Translation Of English Affirmation Of Freedom To Marry


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We have been quoted 3000 baht for the translation and official Ministry stamp on a single page Affirmation. The document is the standard one issued by the British Consulate. The translators must have done it a few hundred times before and it is therefore sitting on their computer - all they have to do is change names, dates etc. Is this a normal fee or just another "let's rip off a farang" scenario.

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We did ours at language corner soi13,nimmanhaemin,well under b1000- and good service

Mine was done there, but when we went to get married the government worker noticed it was wrong and we had to start all over and could not get married on the day we wanted to.

They were very casual about the whole thing. Did mean much more to my wife and I

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If they will get it certified by the ministrey department in Bangkok for that price . seems ok My wife had to take ours down to Bangkok ......

I have no clue , we did it shortly after coming here if there is a Minisrty office here that does it we were not aware of it .. Oh well

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If they will get it certified by the ministrey department in Bangkok for that price . seems ok My wife had to take ours down to Bangkok ......

I have no clue , we did it shortly after coming here if there is a Minisrty office here that does it we were not aware of it .. Oh well

Yes, there is a MOFA office in Chiang Mai. Has been here for somewhat over a year. Never mind Bangkok!!! The office is located in the administrative center north of town reached via the Mae Rim Road (just off the road to the west) at the first MAJOR intersection and bypass; or reachable from the "Irrigation Canal" road with signs pointing east to "City Hall." The office is easy to find on the ground-floor level of the large building on the southern end of the center. Walk into the inner courtyard to find it. Very efficient.

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