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Pattaya Bay Mega Garbage Along Shore Line


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Gross, Gross, Gross....as I was walking this evening along the Beach Road Promenade, I was amazed to see tons of litter- mostly garbage which included new..not old plastic and foam containers. This was certainly beyond the "norm" of pollution that one normal observes along this beach. Does the city take the garbage out to sea to dump it? Of all the developing countries I have visited, I have never encountered such a mess. Instead of the city spending thousands of dollars for their fire work displays or international music festivals, why don't they hire some regular city beach cleaners to pick up this mess. There are plenty of people out there that would be glad to do this job (instead of looking in garbage bins for plastic bottles and such).

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This planet is nearly dead - its been nearly dead for years now and its is down to "out of site out of mind". If no one sees me dumpng crap all over the place then it does not matter.

The storm drains in and around the Chonburi area are clogged to hell and gone. Get some torrential rain and it pushes all the crap out to sea. Combined with everything that is dumped by the squid fishermen at night in the Bay of Siam, all the Bangkok weekenders ditching their plastic bags, poly foam plates and the rubber bands at their arse. You get the result we have now.

Shorelines ( the word beaches makes it sound like a nice place) strewn with the junk.

Go further south to the beaches on the Rayong coastline and you think you are on a landfill site next to the sea.

We ( the genreal public) also get hood winked by "climate change crap" as well. Hundreds of overpaid brain dead idiots fly to Doha, Qatar from over 200 countries to "talk about" "climate change". Right under their very noses and feet is the big problem.

All tha garbage and crap every single person generates.

Power stations can be built to produce nearly no dangerous emmissions and could easily run a town like Pattaya on the garbage it produces on its own. But, hey it is cheaper and easier to dump it all around the place and ignore it.

Stick with the old oil, coal or gas power plants. Why change?

The U.K. and Europe has blundered down the road of putting up thousands of wind turbines. I wont see it but my prediction is in 50 years time they will be abandonded or recycled for scrap. Because some other mad money making scheme will come along to give us "cheap power". My late mother died before she ever saw the "FREE Electricity" the British government promised with Nuclear energy in the 50's.

As more and more rubbish is dumped around Thailand's beaches the less and less the tourists will come. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

Amazing assets. Amazing scenery. Amazing beaches. Amazing mess. Amazing attitude. Amazing Thailand.

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There was a small clean-up crew working earlier this evening when I walked down there. Huge amount of garbage but they were clearing by hand and using a couple of golf carts to bring the stuff up to a garbage truck on the road.

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your observations & comments may be correct but have you never noticed that tides change and so does the associated garbage - both in and out?

Why then is it that I dont see tons of garbage at other beach shores along the Coast? ie Lam Chabang, Sattahip, Bang Phra, Sean Suk.

Pattaya is just where the garbage is thrown overboard from barges from the Islands etc and barges paid to dump out in Deep sea!

Edited by Pdavies99
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The garbage in Pattaya-Jomtien is a serious problem. But I wish writers/commentators would stop trying to portray it as "normal." I remember, not long ago, a writer in the Bangkok Post who said it was part of a "normal process related to currents." That type of thinking is stupid beyond imagination. It is not normal; it is the product of stupid human behavior! I never enter the water (but did so when it was cleaner in the past). It is "truly amazing" that the City refuses to do anything about the problem. To fix the problem you have to get at its source. But this is the same City Hall that cuts down the old growth trees to get rid of that horrible thing called "shade." And it is the same City Hall that removes benches along the walkways so that people can no longer sit down........idiots on parade in my view. I think the Russians must be blind to the garbage. Five-star my arsssssssssssssss.

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I took a stroll at the beach and really don't see what this thread is all about. People were happily sunbathing and enjoying the amazing family resort beach whistling.gif



When and, more importantly, where was that taken Yoslim? I am heading down to Jomtien for Christmas with family and I am really hoping the beach is not in that state when we get there. Or am I going to be out of luck!? sad.png

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I took a stroll at the beach and really don't see what this thread is all about. People were happily sunbathing and enjoying the amazing family resort beach whistling.gif



When and, more importantly, where was that taken Yoslim? I am heading down to Jomtien for Christmas with family and I am really hoping the beach is not in that state when we get there. Or am I going to be out of luck!? sad.png

Picture was taken yesterday afternoon, Pattaya beach road. I actually saw a guy swim in the water sick.gif

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I realize my thinking is a bit different than "those in charge", but if I was mayor or a city representative, I would be totally embarassed and would not want my picture taken as the one in charge until the beaches were cleaned up. All tourists and people who live here pay taxes when they purchase an item or go out to eat. Pattaya rakes in the revenue from this, there are NO excuses for the beaches to look like a garbage dump. Blame the water currents or barges passing by, it needs to be cleaned up.

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I realize my thinking is a bit different than "those in charge", but if I was mayor or a city representative, I would be totally embarassed and would not want my picture taken as the one in charge until the beaches were cleaned up. All tourists and people who live here pay taxes when they purchase an item or go out to eat. Pattaya rakes in the revenue from this, there are NO excuses for the beaches to look like a garbage dump. Blame the water currents or barges passing by, it needs to be cleaned up.

I was at a beach a few weeks ago when there was a 'clean up squad' of around 100 Thais resplendent in matching shirts and advertising banners and reporters and photogrpahers who were completedly ignoring the large amount of rubbish along the shoreline and drifting in from the sea.

From the water I saw half a dozen of them vainly attempting to drag a coconut from the water with no success. There was actually only 1 guy that was dilligently picking up every bit of rubbish he saw along the shoreline and putting it into a bag, the others headed into the shade of the trees and umbrellas. After about 10 minutes they all returned to their original starting point and posed for the "Beach Clean Up" photos and had kin kao.

They actually had very little effect. I can only assume that the hundreds of other similar events I've seen publicised in Pattaya Mail over the years had a similar (non) effect.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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I have seen a few farangs and even some Thai's picking up the garbage, but it is way too little. Why should a farang go to another country and pick up garbage? Its good that they want to do it, but it will never fix the problem, and if the idea is to humiliate Thai's into cleaning their own garbage, it just doesnt work. Of course, the floods can be blamed, but the reality is, the garbage is thrown every where along the roads, then when it floods, its washed to the sea. Pattaya will learn someday, when the high season never returns again.

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