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Warfarin & Antibiotics,


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for 2 years now ive had some serious health problems, and they usally start in the hot season and now when its hot and dry, stuff like shortness of breath,water rentive legs ect, 1 doctor [after a week in hospital started me off on 4mg warfarin 6 days a week, after a few days of this i couldnt drive, lost appetite,dizzy spells, had to stop this, and find an alternative,

This year while exercising, i overdone it, streched some muscles in my chest and developed a rather large abcess on my right lung, that was really painfull, the hospital sent a nurse to my home and gave me an injection to numb pain so i could go for an x-ray, ended up in the city hospital, the good doc inserted a catherta tube into the abcess, after 2 days, 150cc of poisin came out in 2 days, he then sent me back to my home town hospital for 2 weeks of IV fluids, I had to go see him again for x-rays ect, he said all good, and took out the catherta, and put me on a course of Amoxacillin 2000mg a day for a month, about 10 days into the course, my legs filled with water, i had bad dirrhea, stomach cramps,tooth ache,headaches,double vision,very lethargic,my scrotum went bright red and itched like mad,

I cut down the tablet to 1000mg a day, and then finished before what the doc said, I also bought a BPM, so i can keep an eye on my blood pressure, this was high when on all these tablets,

I also bought a nebulizer, with this, i use a saline solution, it clears my airways quickly and helps cough up phlemg in the dry season,

My only medication now is eat 2 raw garlic cloves a day, 1 81mg asperin and 3 cod liver oil tablets, my blood pressure right now is 132/88, pulse 90, im 60 years old and a smoker for 45 years, so i dont think too bad!!

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I wrote this post to say how wafarin and antibiotics knocks your body about, and there are more natural ways without strong drugs to maintain your heart and other organs,

I agree antibiotics are great, they will clear the problem, but too much can near destroy your imune system, it seems to me that thai docs over prescribe them, thats what made me look for alternatives,

The only tablet i have now is the 81mg asperin, to help thin blood, my BP is good for my age and history,

What im saying is, once you are over the illness and strong tablets, get yourself back into good shape with natural things, it works for me, but it might not work for others who are reliant on tablets, i weaned myself of all those crazy tablets and now i feel more vibrant than i have for a long time,

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I have been on Warfarin or Coumadin, for over 40 years, and the use of this medication requires monitoring of your Pro time on an ongoing basis. I would be very cautious taking the recommendations you provide since Warfarin is medication to thin the blood and reduce the blood clot risk. If you are on a doctors prescription for Warfarin follow that path and do not consider unsupervised use of this medication.

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I really dont think that what i do I recommened to anyone, as i said, what i do for a better life may not suit others who have a reliance on tablets,

Yes, it seems i have an allergy to warfarin, and huge doses of antibiotics, my daughter is a pharmacy boss, and the maximum dose per day is 1500mg, and only for 5 days, that is UK, not 1 month as suggested by the Thai doctor,

Futhermore, i stopped warfarin October last year, i had a CBT complete blood test in Febuary, all good, i will go for another blood test in the new year, and post the results here.

If i can live another 10 syptom free years without warfarin, rather than 12 years with, im happy with that,

Its just "My Story" none of what i do i have recommended to others, Thankyou..

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