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Teachers Terrified As Another Shot In The Back In Narathiwat


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Send down some of the 50,000 police - the ones in blue beret's with coloured scarves - and set about house by house searches, establish and record ID's and registration details of all vehicles and match both up. This continued killing of teachers (and monks) by mindless imbeciles is tantamount to condoning the act by doing bugger all and following the continued 'path to reconcilliation' which is getting more people and property destroyed. These 'separatists' (a.k.a. insurgents) are the scum of the earth and need to be taken out with extreme prejudice ASAP. By removing teachers and schools - removing education - clearly shows the path of control they wish to impose on the community.

It's radical reactions like this that make it easy for the US to come in and help duke it out in the War on Terror. And then the US has created Democracy once again by whiping out those who don't agree with the idea of Democracy!

I think what happened/is happening is extremely tragic, but some separation has to be done. Not all separatists are teacher-killers, just as not all red shirts want to overthrow the monarchy.

One again I don't really disagree with you, except for taken care of "with extreme prejudice". That is just scary.

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Send down some of the 50,000 police - the ones in blue beret's with coloured scarves - and set about house by house searches, establish and record ID's and registration details of all vehicles and match both up. This continued killing of teachers (and monks) by mindless imbeciles is tantamount to condoning the act by doing bugger all and following the continued 'path to reconcilliation' which is getting more people and property destroyed. These 'separatists' (a.k.a. insurgents) are the scum of the earth and need to be taken out with extreme prejudice ASAP. By removing teachers and schools - removing education - clearly shows the path of control they wish to impose on the community.

It's radical reactions like this that make it easy for the US to come in and help duke it out in the War on Terror. And then the US has created Democracy once again by whiping out those who don't agree with the idea of Democracy!

I think what happened/is happening is extremely tragic, but some separation has to be done. Not all separatists are teacher-killers, just as not all red shirts want to overthrow the monarchy.

One again I don't really disagree with you, except for taken care of "with extreme prejudice". That is just scary.

You raise some good points.

Indeed the vast majority of separists are not teacher killers, or even support this.

Something has to be done however.

The point of sending Special Forces should be to arrest where possible the perpetrators.

Note "where possible" a soldiers first duty is to protect himself and his colleagues so if it comes to a shootout the soldiers will act first and rightly so.

I agree nobody would want the US involved (don't think this has been proposed), that would only inflame the muslims more.

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I asked this in a previous thread already but never got an answer.

For which reason do these people target teachers?

I believe thay are targetting teachers in Government schools, emphasis on the Government.

I may be wrong but thats what I was led to understand.

To add to the post the Thai government has only provided a few teachers who can communicate in the local language & this lack of action is perceived to be a deliberately endeavor by central government in Bangkok to undermine the traditional culture and language. Because of this, allegedly, teachers are viewed as being representatives of central government policy and are targeted. No knowledge if those teachers being murdered of injured cannot/will not communicate in the local language at the schools.

The local lanuage in Thailand is Thai isn't it.

Or do you mean that this is another case of muslim terrorists who claim, as they do in many parts of the planet earth, that a particulat part of a country where they live now has to be different from the rest of that country, only to satisfy their own believes.

I am not trying to defend the killings by the insurgents/terrorists just posting my understanding of some of the contributing factors to the killings.

On your other point, the Malay peoples of the Deep South certainly did not have any say on the transfer of territory to Thai sovereignty. Guess it's easy to say get over it ,but that's not going to resolve the current situation.

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I've read on other blogs that there are vested finanial interests that like to see the situation continue as is, if so obviously it goes very high. That aside whether true or not, seems the Thais can either ramp it up with some expert help and start depleting the amount of murderers or just get out altogether. Who would be a teacher there?

I do understand that events can ignite civil unrest, but for the homicide apologists out there why don't you move down there and lets see how long you and your self perceived good intentions last.

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come on Thailand do not go the way of the west, Tough penalties are needed even the death penalty as a harsh reminder to those who may be considering it.

Teachers are the ones who help shape future for your children. You still have children going to school in uniform & not Nike, & reebok, & as you like. Police presence is the best solution for now hunt own those responsible nothing more than animals .

Here here !!!

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Why don't the Gov just shoot the Murders down there?

Amongst other things Thaksin tried a heavy handed approach down south that may TV posters complained about - now the tide has turned and some TV posters are suggesting just that approach, what short memories

Then he did NOT try too HARD.

Did he.


Maybe not enough money in it for him.........

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I asked this in a previous thread already but never got an answer.

For which reason do these people target teachers?

Disruption to society and to undermine a fundamental aspect of a successful society. Shutting down schools and impairing children's ability to obtain an education strikes at the heart of having an organized, successful and developing society. What better way to cause a long term impact and long term damage?

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I can't believe the simplistic and crude approach that a lot of people have to this problem. The gov't already has broad powers to tackle the problem, but even with these powers it's hard to know who the enemy is. House to house searches? What do you expect to find? I am sure that the majority of the people in the area are armed, if not because of the imminent danger of the insurgency, then the occasional man eating tiger would be an incentive to have a gun. You can bet many of the illegal weapons have been bought, sold and traded so finding an illegal weapon would hardly be grounds to lynch the owner.

The issue of language is emotional. It goes to the identity of the people. The same issue is found in other parts of the world, for example, with the Kurds in Turkey, where the Kurdish language was outlawed. It's one thing to expect everyone to learn the national language, in this case Thai, but it is another one to expect children to learn in an unfamiliar language and with teachers who do not understand their language at all.

Dealing with insurgents with extreme prejudice is one thing, but make sure the people you are dealing with are in fact insurgents and not innocent residents caught in the middle of an untenable situation.

PS: Teachers are government employees and as such are considered fair game by the insurgents, the same as police, military and other government officials. I am not even sure I'd want to be a post man in this area.

Edited by Scott
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I believe thay are targetting teachers in Government schools, emphasis on the Government.

I may be wrong but thats what I was led to understand.

To add to the post the Thai government has only provided a few teachers who can communicate in the local language & this lack of action is perceived to be a deliberately endeavor by central government in Bangkok to undermine the traditional culture and language. Because of this, allegedly, teachers are viewed as being representatives of central government policy and are targeted. No knowledge if those teachers being murdered of injured cannot/will not communicate in the local language at the schools.

The local lanuage in Thailand is Thai isn't it.

Or do you mean that this is another case of muslim terrorists who claim, as they do in many parts of the planet earth, that a particulat part of a country where they live now has to be different from the rest of that country, only to satisfy their own believes.

I am not trying to defend the killings by the insurgents/terrorists just posting my understanding of some of the contributing factors to the killings.

On your other point, the Malay peoples of the Deep South certainly did not have any say on the transfer of territory to Thai sovereignty. Guess it's easy to say get over it ,but that's not going to resolve the current situation.

The Mexican drug cartels, those that flew the planes in 911, those that blew up Pan Am 101, and those committing senseless, random and indiscriminate acts of violence and killing around the world could perhaps all articulate a rationale basis for their acts of terror. So what? Understanding or listening does nothing to stop it. Never has and never will. Not sure how or why you want to rationalize or defend that which should not be acceptable on any level of a civilized culture.

Edited by F430murci
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Step back and realize the persons behind this are the leaders that benefit from it, not the dumbasses they get to carry out the acts.

the leaders sit back and dupe their stooges by way of religious "logic" to do their bidding.

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